Chapter 3 (Malfoy, popular no more)

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Draco's POV

It is lunch now only a day after the whole boggart incident happened and man news spreads like wildfire around here everyone knows from first years right up through to the eighth year students and now I only have pansy and blaise and I also have to deal with these looks from potter. Apart from that I am continually Being bullied and hexed by all the other students, I could just fight back but I don't, why because I deserve this punishment, I spent this day being harassed and mocked and then I went to bed but I couldn't sleep I just couldn't get my mind off today it was so annoying but eventually I started sleeping only to wake up half an hour late with tears running down my face, a nightmare, a nightmare about my bloody father!

Harry's POV 

Today has been pretty boring, every one is bullying Malfoy because his father hit him I thought it was disgusting and to my unpleasant surprise Ron and hermione have been bullying him too, I now lay here trying to sleep but I just can't and I know if I do I will just get horrible flash back nightmares of the war.

4:00am the next day- Harry's POV

I awoke startled and tired but instead of trying to go back to sleep I got up pulled on my robes and shoes then went for a walk, I decided I was going to go down to the forbidden forest because I knew a nice sitting spot that was not out of bounds, when I got there I heard sobbing like full on sobbing it was malfoy, the blonde boy was sitting on the log I was going to sit on, I cleared my throat and said "malfoy" in a soft comforting type voice, malfoy jumped tears streaming down his face when he said through his tears "leave me alone please" I was shocked he was begging me to leave but instead I walked closer and sat on the log next to the boy and put one arm around him in an attempt to comfort him, malfoy looked half comforted and a little disgusted as he tried to restrain himself from hugging me and telling me everything, I pulled him in the tiniest bit closer and told him, "shhhh, everything will be ok" he looked at me surprised at what I was doing before saying "potter you would not understand" "actually I understand more than you no."

Draco's POV 

No, there is no way that the boy who saved the entire wizards game world has an abusive home life, "what do you mean by that potter?" "Have you not heard about my aunt cousin and uncle?" "No actually I have not." "Well you see my aunt has made me clean and cook since I was four my cousin gets me in trouble makes sure I have no friends and uses me as a punching bag at every chance he gets and then their is my uncle, forcing me to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs punishing me for so much as the smallest accident it could be because Dudley says I used the m word, I am not allowed to say magic, and the punishments are from cutting to beating burning starvation or verbal abuse." "... I-I I had no idea ha-hmm potter I guess we do have the same sort of home life" that was the last thing he said before moving in closer so that our sides were touching and then we just sat there, it was really nice. 

'Breakfast time'

It has been an hour since my moment with malfoy, we keep exchanging glances and smiles. Ron then cleared his throat and said "what are ya lookin at Harry?" "Huh?" "I said what are you looking at Harry!?" Shit "n-nothing" "mhm" Ron said, we ate breakfast and headed to transfiguration, we had it with sytheren I know that malfoy sits in the chair up the back and no one wants to sit next to him, so I sat next to him. "Hey malfoy" "hey pottter, I was wondering if we could put this rivalry behind us you know the- war... is done now so we have no actual reason to hate each other" sure malf-draco" 

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