Chapter 10 ( term 4)

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Harry's POV 

We went back to school and had to study a lot more because of newts, and hermione was making sure that we studied so the start of the term was just studying and pre exams, we didn't have much free time but we were ok with it and hey this term determines our future's I have already completed all of my homework and soon is the potions newt witch I have to pass to become an auror and hermione is taking literally every newt because she wants to become the minister of magic, and Ron is taking a few newts  here and there and draco is also becoming an auror I think it's only because I am.

So the potions newt starts in 10 minutes and all four of us are taking it, it is a long newt and I have datda class newt after potions so it is going to be a busy few hours,

(After the newt exams)

Well that was terrifying but I passed with flying colours and so did hermione and draco, Ron passed at an above average for both of the classes, then we went to lunch and then more classes then dinner then studying then bed and that his how the first small part of the term went.

Near the middle of the term

"Ginny has been acting weird" "what do you mean Ron? Well I haven't talked to her all year" "she is up to something" "ok what makes you think that?" "Trust me, I know my sister" "I'll take you word for it."

Draco's POV 

Later that day, I was wondering the castle alone, Harry and the others were taking a different newt and I had a free period then I heard footprints behind me and before I new it I was on the ground, I had felt this pain before, some had used crucio on me, I was shaking and whimpering on the floor, it was Ginny "Harry is mine, not yours you freaky little gay death eater!! Now CRUCIO!" I was whimpering and in so much pain "sectumsempra!" "Aaaarrrrrrrrrrr" I was now cut and tortured and yelled at just like 'home' my father treated me the same way and just as those thoughts came in everything went black.

A few hours later I came too, I was in the hospital wing, in an all white bed with Harry,Hermione and Ron next to me, Harry was holding my hands and looked like he had only just stopped crying a few minutes ago, "h-hey h-Harry" "draco!" Harry then hugged me "o-ow careful Harry" "oh sorry draco" "what happens to Ginny?" "She is in the head mistresses office and is in a lot of trouble" "good, I hate that brat!" "Me too" "thanks for your input Ron" "heh no problem" "we will leave you too alone right Ronald" "right 'mione" 

"Well now you are ok right?" "Right Harry" I then ceased the moment and kissed Harry then he pulled away which my heart ache slightly "why did you pull away?" "Because for a change I want to be the one to be the one to kiss you, dray" then Harry kissed me and we hung out together all day and then he gave me this silver and gold ring "will you take this promise ring and promise to be my boyfriend?" "Yes of corse!" 

"Well now you are ok right?" "Right Harry" I then ceased the moment and kissed Harry then he pulled away which my heart ache slightly "why did you pull away?" "Because for a change I want to be the one to be the one to kiss you, dray" then Harry k...

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Then Harry closed the curtains lay on the bed next to me and kissed me I then pushed him off me "we are in the hospital wing but we can continue this at our favourite spot" "really?" I then winked at him and said "of corse my dear boyfriend, I love you" "love you too" and now we were officially together.

A few hours later at their favourite place, "well now Draco you promised that we would continue" "yes I did" then I put my hand on the back of his neck pulled him in and kissed him he pushed me over and climbed on to of me put one of his hands up my shirt and one hand through my hair and continued kissing me, I pulled him in really close to me and put one hand around his waist, I then kissed down his jaw line  and his neck and we continued snogging until we noticed it was dinner time and then we saw a particular red head and bushy brown haired pair walking down looking for us then they arrived "sorry for interrupting your fun guys" "h-heh it's o-ok, well this is awkward." "Come on boys dinners ready, you can do this another time, wait what is that on your finger?" "Oh it's a promise ring Harry gave it to me" "so you guys are offical now?" "Yeah!" "That's cool I guess... I just wish I wasn't the one to interrupt you guys..." "oh shut up Ronald!" 

At dinner, 

"I am starving!" "You are always hungry Ron!" "Yes you are" after I said rthat I said nothing, I just examined my ring, then Harry handed me a note

Hey babe

Listen, meet me at the common room and once I'm there use revelio on the ring, it will then reveal something and please say yes 

Love Harry❤️

Well that was interesting, I went up to the common room and waited for Harry, I took of my ring and examined it curious of what was going to happen then walked ion he looked really nervous "revelio" then the ring turned to a silver, emerald cut ingagement ring and words were written in the air

Dray, I know we have not been together for long but I love you so I am asking if you will marry me? So draco luscious malfoy, will you marry me?" "I-I yes Harry yes I will marry you!" I kissed him when he put the ring on my finger but there was still one problem, my father "hey Harry, can I become a potter? I want to be rid of the malfoy name?" "How about you become a malfoy, potter?" "Ok, love you Harry" "I love you too!" "So when can I tell 'mione that I am engaged to you Harry?" "Let's tell them now, but 'mione knows I was going to propose to you" "oh ok"

(This is the ring)

When they came to the dorm

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When they came to the dorm

"MIONE!!" "Yes draco?" "HARRY PROPOSED TO ME!" "What did you say" "yes obviously!" Then I showed them the ring "that's great draco" "thanks Ron!" So now I was engaged "how am I supposed to tell my father?" "Draco we didn't think of that" then I said jokingly "hey father, I'm a malfoy potter now, yeah Harry proposed to me and I said yes" "don't joke draco" "fine Harry, well I think my mother will be happy for me" "at least you have one decent parent" "heh yeah I guess, we have more exams tomorrow so let's go to sleep.

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