Chapter 8 (first kiss)

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Harry's POV 

So draco and I are so close now and I have to keep chasing off bullies but hey... it's for draco, I really like him, maybe more then friends but I doubt he feels the same way even though we keep having moments and I am heading to one of our meetings now, "well well if it isn't the boy who is gay for mr deatheater" "what Ron?!" "You" then he said "diffendo" "I was shaking on the ground with a cut across my chest, "Harry I" "shut up you basted" then draco came sprinting to my aid "you git weasel! Come on Harry I'll fix you up" a little minute later and we were at the lakeside lying in our favourite spot under the tree I sat up and so did draco then he moved in closer to me and we sat together noses touching looking into each other's eyes and we sat like that for what seemed like forever, his face was so red and then he kissed me it was deep but then he pulled away and frantically started apologising then I kissed him back and he kissed to and then he fell over and we were sharing a deep passionate kiss before we saw goyle and the slytherens "ohh don't ya want to puke, look at the new gay couple" " shove off!" "Calm down Harry" "let's leave these freaks" then draco pinned me and kissed me once more then said "so were together?" "I don't know?" "Well in that case Harry James potter will you be my boyfriend" "yes *kiss* I *kiss* will *kiss*" "When do you want to go on an official date?" "How about hogsmeade weekend we go to the three broomsticks?" "Sure" "how about 11?" Sure" 

Lunch came around, and I told hermione and this is how the conversation went.

"Hermione... can I talk to you? Alone?" "Sure Harry what's up?" "Err I am seeing someone" "who is she?" "He" "really?" "Yeah" "well who is it" "draco" "wow, I accept you Harry" "yeah I *blushes* I have a date with him and I was wondering if" "if I could keep Ron away?" "Sure Harry" "thanks 'mione" 

At the date

We sat at a booth together, we were sitting close together holding hands and talking over two butter beers then, we kissed and kind of made out but more civilly then, oh no Ginny she ran over and yelled "what are you doing shagging malfoy?!?!" "What just leave" "I hate you!!, you gay faggot!" "Bye Ginny, that girl honestly draco." "I love you" "love you too"

Draco's POV 

We spent two hours there and we were definitely  in love, I was happy with harry, after the three broomsticks we went for dinner were we saw hermione "hi guys how was the, oh right *whispers* date?" "it was really good" "I'm glad your happy" "how is Ron?" "Still a git" "seriously why is he such a prat" then I tuned out of the conversation because people were whispering and pointing at us and some people were laughing as well then Ginny came up and said "well well if it isn't the new gay couple!" Then everyone started laughing and people were wondering if it was true and all of the slytherens were gossiping, Harry stood up at an attempt to run away but I intervened I stood up grabbed his hand and yelled "yes it's true I love Harry Potter!" Then I kissed him and it felt right, there were a lot of eww's and some ooo's, then Harry hermione and I left and showed our spot to hermione, we sat and talked for quite a while and then I kissed a Harry half forgetting that hermione was there "ummm boys? Stop making out" "sorry hermione" "it's fine Harry anyway we be going to dinner soon" "has it really been that long?" "Yes draco you and Harry did a lot of snogging" "right.... do we have to go back" "yes boys" "fine" 

At dinner

A random slytheren "look it's the Pathetic gay couple" and then "Oi pottah! Why are you dating the stupid fucking deatheater!!" "Shut up, shut up!!!" "Hey draco it is ok let's go!" Harry got me out of the hall but we were followed by Ron and goyle "hey you to! Sharing a bed yet?!" They then snickered to each other, Ron new what hurt draco the most so he went there "hey death eater! You know Harry is using you who would actualy love you I mean after the war and your father! Oh and don't forget Voldemort!" I being so damn sensitive started crying, I ran into the dormitory and jumped onto my bed, Harry came in and pulled the curtains around us and hugged me and instead of talking he just lay with me and I liked it a lot actually, I cuddled into him and fell asleep.

In the morning

I woke up laying next to Harry, this is the second time we'll at least we are together this time, when I sat up and opened the curtains I noticed that everyone else was up and just sitting in the bedroom, Every one was shocked and/or disgusted that we slept together last night. I actually had a good sleep for the first time in a while, no nightmares and I was warm.

Then we went down for breakfast, today was Sunday so we had the day to ourselves, when we got to breakfast we were greeted by un friendly whispers glares, hermione ran up to us and hugged us, then we saw Ron "what do you want Ron!?" "Calm down Harry" "look guys... I was a complete jerk, I shouldn't have said those things to you or mal-draco, I'm really sorry" "I forgive you ron" "what draco!!??" "Come on Harry we don't need to be mad at him forever" "fine, your forgiven" then we ate and talked then Harry brought up our spot "ok but let's do more talking then kissing you two" "what!?" "Yeah last time they just started snogging" "shush 'mione, let's go any way" "sure."

At the special spot

"Wow this place is perfect, it is so pretty" "yeah we know" so that is how the day went we had a lot of fun and the end of term was rolling around and I was staying at the weasleys again because I didn't want to go home To my 'loving' parents, so we enjoyed the rest of the day and the term now that Ron wasn't picking on us, we hung out and went to classes together we got along really well.

red and green (drarry)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن