Chapter 6

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Draco's POV 

We went inside and ran straight upstairs, trying to avoid the looks we were getting, Harry and I were sharing a room, no beds but one long L shaped couch Harry took the shorter side and I being the taller one picked the longer side of the couch, I sat down thinking about before then came Harry's shy voice "sorry about before, outside" "it's fine." I gestured to him to come and sit with me, and he did so I told him that before was ok and that he had no need to apologise. "We are still friends?" "Friends."

It was getting late and I said I was going to sleep and Harry said that he was going to do the same.

Harry's POV 

I lied there thinking about earlier, I could not get to sleep then I heard draco whimper Then he started crying and speaking at first he was telling his dad to stop and that he was so sorry, then it sounded like the scene changed and he was saying why do you care pottah, leave me alone, those words hurt me then I went over to him, he jolted up then he hugged me and cried "shhhh draco it will be okay" "why do you care potter" "draco..." "when my father finds out he will hurt me more then ever" "he won't find out" I leaned back so draco could hug me properly then I put my arms around the wheezing boy, we sat there and talked, I started rubbing his back comforting him, once he had pulled himself together he started apologising, I replied with "for what? Draco just sat there then he yawned "I know this may sound pathetic but would mr. golden boy stay with me for a while?" "Sure malfoy" I said playfully, then curling up with him on the couch, he and I slept really well for the rest of the night, I woke up startled to find draco on me, I pushed him off and stood up, "w-what" draco replied sleepily "you slept on me last night" "Sorry potter" "back to last names malfoy" I didn't like saying malfoy, I wanted to call him draco and him call me Harry "I guess we are" "wait mal-draco please..." "ok Harry..." 

we walked down stairs in our pyjamas ready for breakfast, when we got their we were greeted by cold stairs from everyone except hermione and mrs weasley, "morning you two" molly said warmly, "have a spot of breakfast while it's warm"         "Ok" draco and I sat down draco was sitting on the end and I was sitting next to hermione, no one wanted draco near them even though things seemed to be going well with him and Ron. All of a sudden Ron stood up and screamed "I can't take it anymore, we are sitting with a bloody death eater, the little shit followed Voldemort, fought against us in the war he should be in aszcaban!! He should not be here sitting with us, to hell with him, it should have been him who died not Fred or tonks, Sirius, Remus and so many other good people" I looked at draco, he was shaking and crying but he seemed frozen, no one was disagreeing well it seemed that way only hermione and molly were yelling at Ron, "nothing else to say death eater scum!?!?" Then draco ran upstairs to his room molly told me to go to him so I went after him, when I got upstairs the door was locked, good thing for alohomora, when I got in the room draco was sitting in the corner of the room on the floor with his left sleeve rolled up on the floor crying his eyes out, then I saw it, the dark mark "I didn't have a choice, my father made me do it..." i moved his arm and hugged him tightly, "you d-don't hate me?" "Of corse not, there is nothing to hate you didn't have a choice and I understand now come sit on the couch with me and we can talk, tell me everything that you are comfortable telling me, and I won't hate you it is ok to let it out you know,"

He wiped his eyes and got of the floor and sat on the couch, I then joined him, "are y y you s sure?" "Positive" "ok, well ever since I was little my father hated me, he would beat me for the smallest things... my mother loved me, well she said she did but never did anything and I had to grow up with... with *lowers voice, him." He said that with tears streaming down his face "hey, that is in the past, I won't let them hurt you" "there's more" "you sure you want to tell me" "yes." "Ok then continue" "with all of that I was tasked to make friends with you, but then I failed and I had to bully you and like I was originally tasked, I also had to bully the rest of the school, I had to be powerful but I didn't want to I swear" "I believe you" "thanks, but on with my story, I was put in slytheren and kept bullying and when I went home I was beaten and screamed at, my dad would beat me for anything less then outstanding, if I touched stuff in a store and for any and every thing else, then I lost everything then I became friends with youI don't won't to keep going" he said now full on crying "shhhh I understand" "could you tell me something about me?" "Sure draco, my story is sad too actually." "Really?!" "Yeah, well my parents died when I was a child as you know, and from then on I was with my awful aunt uncle and cousin, my aunt was not that bad, she only made me cook and clean and only told me of If I said magic, then there is Dudley, who made sure that I had no friends and got me in trouble then he would use me as a punching bag when ever he could, then there is my uncle who is like your father, he has put my hand on the cooker when I burn the food, he has cut me, screamed at me and hit me, then I went to hogwarts and everything changed, it was rough at times and I had to fight the war but hey now I'm here, with you" "we are kind of similar" "you know I was almost put in slytheren" "really?!" "Yeah, you feeling any better now?" "Yeah, can we go down stairs?" "Once you finish crying, no affense" "it's fine let's go" "awesome" then we walked down stairs and molly and hermione hugged draco, then gave Ron an evil glare before he said "sorry" then rolled his eyes then everyone else was annoyed that draco came back down, we then spent the rest of the holidays with hermione and it went pretty smoothly but I keep thinking about that moment we had outside when we were so close to each other, but I ignored the feelings I was getting and we spent the rest of the holidays normally.

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