Growing Pains

By HighlandKat

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▪︎COMPLETED ▪︎ Growing up is hard but falling in love with your neighbour is harder. *** If this story seems... More



3.8K 252 17
By HighlandKat

Jungkook stood in the pharmacy aisle staring at the selections on the shelf.

There were so many and it made him dizzy.

Jungkook knew what he needed.

He just didn't realise there were so many to choose from.

What if he chose wrong?

What if his choice was the deal-breaker?

Jungkook didn't want to make a mistake.

He didn't want to spoil the whole thing.

He wanted everything to be perfect.

Perfect for his Jinnie.

His phone rang.

He pulled it out of the inside pocket of his jacket and looked at the caller ID.

♡My Love♡ was calling.

His heart swelled, and he smiled as he swiped his screen to answer.

"Hi hyung," he answered softly.

"Where are you?"

"In the city. With Taehyung. He wanted to go to the arcade for his birthday."

Today was Taehyung's birthday.

Jin had woken up early in the morning to go grocery shopping for the feast he intended to prepare for the birthday boy.

Jungkook had wanted to go with him but Jin said he needed to talk to Frankenstein so he was going to take him instead.

It had upset Jungkook because he wanted to spend every waking minute with his Jin-hyung before he had to go back to their hometown, but the older explained that he'd noticed his friend seemed to be having a personal crisis and he wanted to help, so Jungkook had backed off.

The trouble with loving a wonderful man like Jin was the fact that he was a wonderful man.

Jin cared about the people around him, be it his own family, his friends, and his classmates.

Jungkook didn't mind because it was part and parcel of the wonderful person that Jin was, but he didn't like that other people always discovered how wonderful his beloved was, and inevitably wanted him as well.

People like Smeagol.

On Christmas Day, when Frankenstein told Jin that Smeagol had been trying to call him, Jungkook had thought it was all over for him and Jin.

He had seen the look on Jin's face, and he knew the older felt guilty about the kiss they had shared.

Jin had tried to call Smeagol back that day, several times, but he had been unable to reach him.

And it made Jungkook happy.

He knew that God had given him another chance.

A reprieve, in the form of precious time to convince Jin to leave Smeagol for him.

And he had made good use of that time by getting closer to his Jin-hyung.

They did all the things that they used to do together when they were younger.

They went to the arcade, sometimes with Taehyung, but mostly just the two of them.

They went to the cinema, and then to a bingsoo shop afterwards to share a large bowl of Jin's favourite dessert.

They visited BBQ places in the city because both were determined to find the best one, but ultimately they realised the best one was in their hometown.

During this wonderful time, Jungkook discovered Jin had deleted his number, and all of his and their pictures together from his phone.

Though he was initially upset, he understood after Jin explained why.

So he had put his number back on Jin's phone, along with many selcas of them that he took on their outings.

Jungkook wanted to make sure that he remained in Jin's heart and mind when he went home.

And if Smeagol happened to notice the hundreds of pictures of them on Jin's phone, including several of them shirtless in bed which he'd taken when Jin was asleep, then that would be the icing on the cake.

Night time with Jin-hyung was the best, in Jungkook's opinion.

Because at night, when both he and Jin were in bed, they talked.

Like, really talked.

On the first night after they confessed their feelings to each other, they talked about their estrangement.

Jin admitted that he had been talking about Jungkook the day he revealed Smeagol was his boyfriend.

Jungkook admitted that he had always been in love with Jin but didn't think much of it until his eleventh birthday when he had steadily got angry as his female classmates kissed Jin over and over again.

On that day, Jungkook had written his feelings off as being selfish about the hyung who watched over him and protected him more than his own real hyung.

It wasn't until Frankenstein came into the picture that the jealousy, that had lain dormant within Jungkook, reared its ugly head and turned Jungkook into a possessive brat who did everything wrong in trying to win his Jin-hyung's love.

The following night, they talked about the past year and how it affected both of them.

Jungkook cried in Jin's arms as he confessed how hurt he was by Jin's leaving, and the devastation he had felt when Jin told him about Smeagol.

And Jin cried as he confessed that though he liked Smeagol, he didn't love him the way he deserved, and that Jin was only with him because he never dreamed that Jungkook would ever reciprocate his feelings.

The next night, Jungkook declared his intentions to Jin.

He wanted to court Jin, and he wanted to marry him.

Jin had tried to dissuade him by saying that Jungkook was still young and had his whole life ahead of him to meet other people and decide properly whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Jin's words had angered Jungkook because it felt like his hyung was mocking him, and reminding him of the age gap between them.

They had gone to bed with tension between them – Jungkook simmering in frustration, Jin swimming in want and guilt.

But in the early hours of the morning, Jungkook had covered Jin's body with his, and kissed the older awake.

Jin had immediately responded to Jungkook's initial sweet and tender kisses but as the younger's emotions rose, so did both of their arousals, and before long they had stripped down to their boxers as they panted in Jin's sexually charged bedroom.

Even so, as Jungkook was about to take the next step and slip his hand under the waistband of his hyung's boxers to grip his erection, Jin had held his wrist and whispered for him to stop.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, but I can't."

"Why, hyung? I love you. And I know you love me."

Tears had pooled in his beloved's beautiful brown eyes before he said one word.

One word and it was enough.


It had troubled Jungkook to see the immense guilt on Jin's face so he had stopped though his throbbing cock was begging for relief.

Begging to bury itself in his hyung's heavenly body.

To finally become one with his soulmate.

Later that night, Jungkook had made Jin sit on the side of the bed as he knelt between his legs.

He had taken Jin's hands in his, looked into his soft brown eyes with its amazing golden flecks, and asked him to leave Smeagol.

The request had made Jin cry because earlier in the day, Jin had already made the decision to break things off with Smeagol.

The guilt eating away at him as he fell deeper and deeper in love with Jungkook was too much to bear, and Jin knew he could no longer let Smeagol think there was any future in their relationship.

He had tried to call Smeagol to tell him he needed to see him as soon as he returned to Seoul, but once again he was not able to connect with him.

It had frustrated Jin a little that he has not once been able to talk to his boyfriend since the day Smeagol left to go back to his hometown.

Even his text messages were going unanswered, and it made Jin wonder if Smeagol had found something or met someone more stimulating than him.

Surprisingly, the thought of Smeagol meeting someone new did not hurt Jin as much as he expected.

Perhaps this was why he was not troubled by his decision to part ways with his boyfriend.

Even so, Jin still felt sorry towards Smeagol.

It was not Smeagol's fault that Jin didn't love Smeagol the way he loved Jin.

It was nobody's fault because the heart wants what it wants.

So after Jin assured Jungkook that his tears were not caused by his dongsaeng's request for Jin to break up with Smeagol, Jin confessed that he was crying because he had already made up his mind to break up with him.

And Jungkook had been overjoyed.

He had held Jin tightly, their chests flush against each other, their hearts beating wildly with euphoria.

And when they kissed, all of their feelings and emotions came rushing through.

They knew then that this was it.

They were finally going to be a couple, and they will soon come together physically.

Which was why Jungkook was in a pharmacy in the city.

Making his choice, and taking his purchase to the cashier at the front.

Then walking over to the arcade to fetch Taehyung, his heart pounding with excitement, and his lower body excited at what was to come.

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