Draikan: The World of Dragons

By sweet_Buttercup17

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"Women are sacred. And because they are so, men fight over them. Only the strongest are worthy to mate with."... More

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8.3K 382 62
By sweet_Buttercup17

~ Chapter Twenty Eight ~

I continued to flip through more pages of the book I had in my hand. But it was becoming difficult to focus. My mind kept replaying the entire conversation I had with Zander and Ruby.

I felt sorry for these dragons. They seemed like lost puppies who were raised in the streets. They know nothing of how much further they can go in their society with their skills and abilities. They can live a whole new, prosperous, life. If only someone would lead them to that path.

The current leader of these beasts is intimidating and doesn't say much. To me at least. Xenon is a complex person who sticks to tradition as if his life depended on it. He even has this library reorganized in order to fit in more old books.

Then that's when an idea popped into my head. Ruby mentioned more books, very old books, stored in a storage room. What if I find a hint there?

As I went to stand up I heard the door open. Followed by a pair of footsteps. I headed to the door and saw that it was Xenon and Kaene. When they saw me they said nothing. I cowardly ran out fast and gave them some privacy.

But before I completely shut the door, I stopped it swiftly. Only a small crack was left opened.

I forgot that I left a mess on the floor where I was reading. Xenon and Kaene will see the spread out books everywhere. They're going to be upset with me. And I honestly don't want to feel as if I'm in trouble with the teacher.

However, I stood still by the hallway. I only peeked through the opening. I didn't want to go in and get reprimanded for my mess. So I'll just see in what kind of mood they are in. Especially Kaene's.

Kaene looked around, then turned towards the door. Our eyes met briefly as he caught me spying. His eyes looked annoyed. Yet he said nothing as he calmly returned his attention to his dad.

My heart began to beat a bit faster as my stomach knotted up in fear.

"Let's go a bit further in, behind the shelves. We're going to need privacy in case someone walks in." Said Kaene.

They both disappeared from my sight but I can still distinctly hear their conversation.

"What is it?" It was Xenon's voice. "Why did you need to speak with me in here when I have my own chambers?"

"I wanted to know why you're filling this room with false books."

I bit my own lip to hold in a gasp. Have Zander, Ruby, and I been wasting our time reading these books?

"Surely you must know, son."

"Because of Kaida.."

Xenon coughed a few times before continuing. "That's right. That human is more curious than your mother ever was. We can't have her looking into anything she can use to go home."

There was a pause.

And in this pause I held my breath. The words that came out of Xenon insinuated that he knew something.

Luckily Kaene is asking all the right questions.

"Is there a way for her to go home?"

Xenon chuckled. "No. But if she knows we hold a strong magical artifact. She may think it can be used for her benefit."

"What magical artifact are you talking about?"

"A magic ring... That ring had been used by our ancestors to build this mountain with the caves inside. It brought life inside this place."

"If it's magical and powerful. Why does no one know of this?"

I heard a loud sigh. Must've come from Xenon.

"The ring is deadly. Whoever wields it. Dies. Their life is sucked right into the ring. No one must know of this. Especially that human. She may want to use it. But her life would be taken before anything could happen."

"Don't worry dad. I won't allow her to find out or go near this ring."

Xenon laughed. "No one would be able to get near the ring. Our ancestors had buried it under this very mountain."

"Then you've got nothing to worry about."

They both started chuckling. I took this time to run away from the door. I was quiet until I turned the hallway. It was then my steps became louder and more frantic as I searched a way out of here.

My mind was swirling with everything I had just heard. The ring. The magic ring. It has to be the ring the mermaid is looking for. Right? What other artifact could the dragons have taken from them? From their leader.

But more importantly. Kaene knew I was listening in. His senses are better than that old man's. He could sense me. Hear my breathing and the pounding of my heart.

I slowly came to a stop in the middle of an empty hallway as I realized something.

How in the world does Kaene know that I'm looking for a magic ring? I never said anything to him. And I doubt Ruby did either because she was always too busy avoiding me and acting busy.

Did Zander betray me and told him everything?


After walking for what felt like forever, Ruby found me wandering the hallways.

"There you are! I've been looking for you. Dinner is just about ready. And let me tell you, some of the women are unhappy that you missed out on hel-"

"Ruby. I know where it is." I said it quietly as I interrupted her.

"You found it?"

Ruby sounded heartbroken. I think she had expectations. High ones about me never finding the ring and never returning home.

I felt bad for nodding my head and confirming her fears. "But you won't believe how."

*** *** *** *** *** ***


Posted: 1/26/20

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