Spider man into the fandom ve...

By MarvelousPeterParker

6.3K 226 252

In hopes of saving his mentor, Tony Stark, Peter Parker decided to build a machine that could open up differe... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven (hehe eleven)
Chapter twelve

Chapter Four

664 17 24
By MarvelousPeterParker

Date: November 3rd 1985

Universe: Stranger Things

Place: Hawkins Indiana

Blackness. Everything was dark. But Peter was fully awake. This hadn't happened last time, but then again maybe it was different when traveling back to his universe. Or perhaps he had disrupted something. He remembered the flashed of images on the screen, and recalled seeing the Eiffel tower. Perhaps... but no.. Could he be visiting all of the places he'd seen on the screen. FRIDAY had to have fixed the problem, or gotten help. But deep in his gut he knew that he had spent very little time in that last universe, and it wasn't enough for her to solve the problem.

Streaks of glowing red strips titled past him in the dark void to nothingness. This was how he realized he wasn't moving at all, and was in fact stationary. he heard the sounds of the portal swirling shut in the vast distance, barely audible. He reached out a hand to the red ribbons next to him as if they would pull him to where he needed to go.

And it did.

Peter felt like he was going to throw up as his body was lurched forwards so uncomfortably sudden, as he had grabbed ahold of the ribbon. He tried to scream but didn't make a sound. Was he in space?! He felt like he was on a ski hill for beginners, holding a handle bar that would pull you up hill. Except the handle was going 100 mph and in every direction like a crazy roller coaster.

"Peter?" He heard a male voice behind him. He spun his head around, though everything was a blur of black and red. He saw no one other than Chat Noir holding the same red ribbon as he, being pulled into the unknown.

"What the heck I said stay behind?!" Peter shouted back at him.

"I had no choice! It pulled me in before it closed!" Chat said. Suddenly he was surrounded by green light, similar to the light around Peter when he had retransformed in their realm. He shrieked in panic. "Claws out Plagg! CLAWS OUT CLAWS OUT CLAWS OUT!" He said in his little ball of light. That must have been what he said to summon his magic, Peter thought.

In an instance, just as it had appeared, the light was gone. And Chat Noir was no longer the masked hero. His messy hair was now organized and neat, some how undisturbed by their violent path. His cat like eyes were replaced by gentle green ones, and perfect teeth. He looked like a model, Peter admitted to himself.

"Don't look at me!" He ordered.

"I already did and I have no idea who you are." Peter said flatly.

"But I know you. We go to the same class. You're the nerd, Peter Parker." He said, his tone softening.

"Not in my universe. And um... Thanks? You just look like Adrien Agreste, the super model in New York." Peter said lazily.

"No duh that's who I am!" Chat shrieked. "I am Adrien! Except I'm not from New York! I've only been there once!"

"Well um..." Peter looked back ahead of him. A sudden shrill of a girl screaming bloody murder was heard by both the boys as LadyBug fell into Adrien.


"Ah ah, Your universe doesn't cuss." Peter clucked his tongue. "And here we have the other moron who couldn't follow instructions."

"Hey I'm not a moron and... Adrien Agreste?!" Her eyes widened.

"Hello." Adrien said, his voice muffled by her hair from how she landed into him. She grabbed ahold of the red ribbon for dear life, letting go of Adrien. "Thank you."

"What are you doing here?!" She gasped.

"You didn't see Chat Noir go in?" Peter asked.

"I saw Chat, not Adrien!" LadyBug gaped.

"Wait, you guys haven't revealed your identities?" Peter asked.

"Wait..." LadyBug crossed what Peter just said. "Chat Noir!?" She almost fell off the ribbon.

"Until now she had no idea me was me and I was I." Adrien smirked. A pink light coated LadyBugs body. "Oh no not her too. I won't look M'lady!" Adrien closed his eyes as her light vanished.

Well unlike Adrien to Chat Noir, she looked exactly the same. Same eyes, pigtails, face, ya know. Peter was absolutely confused as to how they didn't know she was LadyBug.

"Ya'll can try and hide her identity but we might be stuck like this forever." Peter remarked. "It didn't take this long last time."

"Last time?!" The girl who was LadyBug almost screamed.

"Until she says it's fine, I won't open my eyes!" Adrien shouted over the blue haired girl's screaming. His loyalty was admirable.

"Well good news, I see the other side of the portal. Bad News, it doesn't look like where I come from."  Peter said. The Bluenette's eyes widened as the light of the exit grew nearer and nearer, till they were falling from the sky over a thick wooded area. It was like sky diving, except Peter had never done that before, unless free falling as Spider man counted.

Those are the simple sketches I made of what they look like. Adrien's is kinda cut off a bit, sorry.

The three hit the ground with a thud. That is, after falling through branch, after branch, after branch of pine trees. The ground was cushioned by a thick padding of leaves, so Peter guessed it was some time around fall. He got to his knees and looked at his two un invited guests. Adrien was looking at the girl with wide eyes. He must have broke his promise. And she was staring back at him in shock.

"M-marinette?" Adrien stammered. She slowly nodded. "Marinette!" He pulled her into a tight hug, both still sitting on the ground. She hugged him back, and Peter was sure many shippers were squealing at this moment.

"Yay, now I know both your names and you know each other! We have to get out of... wherever we are before-"

"We're in a place called Hawkins." Adrien said quietly, breaking the hug between him and the girl.

"How do you know?" Peter asked looked around as the other two stood up.

"Sign post. There's a road between the trees over there." Adrien pointed behind Peter. Peter spun on his heals, and sure enough there was a sign next to a road a good 6 meters away.


"Do you know Hawkins?" Marinette asked, standing up.

"Not the place exactly, but it says Indiana underneath so, yeah. I guess I do know where we are." Peter looked back at them. Waving his arms upward with exaggeration he continued to say, "Welcome to America!"

"America?! How?!" Marinette looked baffled, which she probably was. She put a hand on her chest where her heart would be, "I don't think I can handle this any more. PETER! EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" She was so loud the crows in the trees flew away in terror.

"Ok, please don't interrupt me. And you have to believe me!" Peter waved a finger in the air. "I... I am not from your universe. I am not the Peter Parker you both know ok? My universe is apparently called Marvel. Yours is Miraculous. I don't know if we are in marvel or not, but I'm pretty sure we aren't in Kansas anymore!"

"What?" Adrien raised a golden eyebrow.

"Whatever. You wouldn't understand. I'm my universe I am a super hero called spider man-"

"So you are from our universe." Marinette interrupted.

"No, I am not. And what did I say about interrupting?! Now shh!" Peter counted one his head to calm down, for he to was panicking. "I am from the year 2023, and we just went through a whole universal war you could say. Those stones me and squid ward were talking about? They are infinity stones. They are the six most powerful things in the universe, and squid ward, Thanos, and his army wanted to kill half of the whole world, universe, all of our reality with them. Our team of heroes aren't teens like you guys, in fact I'm probably the only one. I wasn't supposed to deal with it but some how, I was on another planet with a wizard and my mentor, and like... 5 other strangers!" Peter fought back tears. "It was five years ago in 2019."

"Wait so you were ten?" Marinette seeped forward with a sympathetic tone.

"Fifteen, actually. We all failed. Half the universe died, and I'm still not sure exactly what happened but my team, The Avengers fixed it. It only took em 5 years." Peter's vision began to blur. Marinette noticed.

"Hey are you alright?" She raised hand, but held it back hesitantly. Adrien looked at Peter sadly.

"Th-the reason I'm here..." Peter ignored her question, "Is because my idol, mentor... He was kinda my only fatherly figure in a way... died. I wanted to say goodbye because I never had the chance, so I opened the multiverse. It was only supposed to open other realities to my own but instead it reached out to other universes, and other realities of those universes. I messed up bad." 

"How many universes have been to?" Adrien asked.

"Just yours. And maybe this one, but it might be mine. Were just a dozen miles away from my home if that's the case. And-"

Mari! Adrien! Peter! Where were you guys?!" A sudden voice said from the thick of the woods. Four boys emerged from the pines and oaks, wearing baggy button up shirt and jeans hiked way to up. They were covered in mud and leaves, and had a gangly teenage look about them. Two of them wore bowl cuts that were way out of season, another with messy curly locks of brown covering his ears, and the third with a short cut hair and black skin unlike the other three. 

"Yeah seriously guys you can't just run off like that man." Said the dark skinned one, with some attitude in his voice and postured as they approached them. 

"Who... are you?" Marinette asked. The boy's mouths dropped.

"Dude I think that's the longest sentence she's said to us!" Said the curly haired one.

"Thats the only sentence she's said to us Dustin." Said the boy with a black haired bowl cut. 

"Mari I thought you were mute?" Said the smallest of the four.

"One, I don't like it when people call me Mari, it's Marinette." Marinette corrected them. "And two, I don't know you guys."

"Actually they do but they know a different version of us." Peter whispered to her. Her eyes widened. 

"Wait so now we're like you when you came to our universe?" She whispered back. 

"I think so, yes." Peter replied. He faced back towards the four boys. "Um yeah, we just need some time to ourselves right now."

"Dude what's your damage?" Said the dark one. Peter cringed at the forgotten slang. 

"We're not damaged." Adrien remarked. The boys looked at him with confusion. 

"This is gonna sound really weird but, what year is it?" Peter asked. The boys looked at each other like they were about to laugh.

"Dudes, if you really didn't want to prank Maxine and El, you didn't need to make an excuse." The boy called Dustin said. 

"Who-" Marinette began but Peter swatted at her, not physically touching her as a signal to say no. 

"Ok guys, we just need some space right now chill." Peter backed away from them. Suddenly his back was sprayed with a cold wet substance that was hopefully water. He spun around to see that the four boys were running at them in terror, squealing like pigs. Behind them, two girls stood over a small stream. One had a squirt gun in her hand, and the other was... holding up a hundred squirt guns in the air without touching them. The girls cackled like maniacs as they bombarded the party with water, impossible to escape. 

"Max why on earth did you give El like... a thousand squirt guns?!" The dark haired boy ran past Peter as he spoke. Every one was screaming either playfully or in fear. Take Adrien, Peter, and Marinette for example, they were scared of the girl who was levitating a hundred small squirt guns, with such speed and agility to refill them over and over and over again, endlessly. 

"Better question would be how did she get them?!" One of the boys with the bowl cut said. 

"Come one you guys fight back! We can't get beaten by two girls! They're the ones out numbers!" One of the boy's crashed next to them, falling in the mud. 

"Is this why you're so muddy?" Marinette asked. The squirts of water stopped. The girls on the hill were gaping at Marinette.

"Mari... can talk?" The girl levitating the squirt guns said slowly in amazement. 

"Maybe she just needed time, like you El." The black haired bowl cut boy said, looking up at the girl called El with loving eyes. 

"Mari your voice is totally tubular! But we were kinda hoping you'd fight back at us with your wicked powers." The red headed girl squirted Marinette with the last of her amp. 

"Oh come one guys it's cold." The bowl cut boy said with irritation.

"Don't be a wuss Will! Nerds, ugh, barf me out." The red headed girl rolled her eyes. 

"I'm not a wuss" They boy named Will got out from his hiding place. But it's the middle of November and it's kinda cold!"

"Yeah I can already feel my shirt freezing up!" The boy named Dustin exaggerated rubbing his arms as if it were truly freezing. Every one came out of there hiding spot. "Peter at least could have done something, or Adrien. Mari's the only one with an excuse here and can we please anlage the fact that MARI SAID HER FIRST WORDS!" He said with a lisp. Every one cheered and the girls jogged down the hill towards them. Marinette, Adrien, and Peter backed away from El in fear.

"Whats the matter guys?" The black haired boy asked, his tone made it sound like he finally noticed something was wrong. 

"It's nothing." Peter backed away from El even further. Teasingly she jumped right in front of them and yelled "B*tchen! BOOM!"

"It isn't nothing!" Marinette blurted out as Peter backed even further away. He then looked up at Marinette with eyes of warning. He mouthed "don't you dare" Knowing she completely understood. "We're from a different dimension! Well, another different dimension."

Peter face palmed. 

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