Angel of Darkness (Young Just...

By angelofadarksoul3340

268K 8.7K 1.1K

Do you think you know everything about the Young Justice League? What about the story of Angel? Angel wasn't... More

Chapter One: How it Started
Chapter Two: New Test
Chapter Three: Telepathic
Chapter Four: Superboy
Chapter Five: Time to Escape
Chapter Six: Who is That?
Chapter Seven: Carol Johnson
Chapter Eight: Angel Of Darkness
Chapter Nine: The Joker and The Riddler
Chapter Ten: Stepping Out of The Shadows
Chapter Eleven: The Trap
Chapter Twelve: Remember
Chapter Thirteen: Robin
Chapter Fourteen: Fragile
Chapter Fifteen: Waking Up
Chapter Sixteen: Worst School Day Ever
Chapter Seventeen: Beginning of a Family
Chapter Eighteen: Interrupted
Chapter Nineteen: Family Fight
Chapter Twenty: Weakness
Chapter Twenty-one: Deep Inside
Chapter Twenty-Two: First Day
Chapter Twenty-Three: Mr. Sevens All Over Again
Chapter Twenty-Four: For Your Protection
Chapter Twenty-Five: Despise the Darkness Within
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Disappear
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Broken

Chapter Twenty-Six: Hello Father

4.2K 160 6
By angelofadarksoul3340

(Angel's P.O.V)

I watched as my world crumbled and I fell gasping as I held the wound in my side. Pain raked my body as I watched my father walk away laughing. "Hello sweet heart it's nice to see you," he said chuckling as he sat down. I glared at him with pure hatred gripping my heart. How could a father just stable his daughter and laugh about it? Course I was never his true daughter, just a puppet that wouldn't let the master pull its strings. "I have a simple question for you princess," he said leaning back in his chair, "Why would you betray us. Aren't you happy that we are alive?"

I glared and took a painful breath before answering. "You should of stayed dead," I said through clenched teeth, "You're no longer my father, no longer my family. You're just a monster that believes that you own me. News flash I'm no longer yours" He glared and strode over to me before slapping me. I didn't even filched.

"Watch your tongue, I raised you better than that," he growled. I rolled my eyes and spit on him.

"You didn't raise me," I said before spiting on him again. He brought his foot back then kicked me hard but I didn't give him the satisfaction of showing any pain. "Idiot," I grumbled before slamming my palm against his knee, shattering it. He howled in pain and I fled out the door. I raced away hoping the team was alright. Though the sounds of screams echoing in my ears told me different.


Why so short???? Well I am going to update later on today (so don't kill me) but my internet is down and I am using my phone. This is what I can do right now!

Anyways please take a look at Dragon by midlightofadarknight its just begining but its one of my friends so check it out and tell her what you think!

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