The Savior Of The Unicorns

By warrior12345

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Alyssa is being haunted by a evil unicorn. As life goes on she goes to the moutains for christmas break...she... More

The Savior Of The Unicorns
Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
The four masters
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Completed Training?!?
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: prophesy, planning, and Surprise
Authors note
Chapter 16: Patience, Love and Secrets
Chapter 18: Dragons Let Loose
Chapter 19 A Daring Escape
Chapter 20 Preperation
Chapter 21 Battle of Hearts and Minds
The truth revealed
The portal of memories

Chapter 17 An evil victory

43 3 0
By warrior12345

Alyssa was rushed back to the dungeons by two guards. They went a differeny way though she noticed. It became darker than night as they continued and through the soft glow of the torch she could feel the thorns and roots trying to trip them. The two guards stopped and threw her in forward. She began to fall, she fell in murky water that was about a foot deep. She looked up to see the guards cover the top with something and her new dungeon became dark.

Deathbringer smirked at Emily and her army of elite unicorns. "What a surprise do come in." He said with false kindness.

"I will and I will search this place until I find her." Emily declared.

"Go ahead have fun haha." Deathbringer laughed evilly.

Emily and her warriors began to search for Alyssa. Emily went down to the dungeons and saw prisoners cell by cell lift their heads with hope which would fade when she would keep walking. She came to the cell where Alyssa was held before the attack. The walls were broken and the chains lay on the ground.

Emily sighed and one of her elite unicorns came to her, he was a dark blue with white mane abd tail his light blue eyes portrayed he had found nothing good.

Emily was determined not to give up and went to Deathbringer anger rising in her heart. She grabbed him firmly and held him against the wall glaring maliciously at him.

"Where is she?" Emily said through gritted teeth.

"She is not here, she escaped, even though she is badly injured..." He answered his expression and voice serious.

"What way did she go?" Emily demanded.

"I think she headed towards dragon mountain."


Alyssa felt something wrap around her waist, she tryed to movr away and it tightened around her. She felt it and it felt like a thorny plant.

Alyssa heard a quiet voice "What is this? I actually get some company down here?" It said and the vines began to pull her towards the voice. She tried to resist but the thorns drained her energy as the peirced her.

The voice chuckled softly as she cryed out when they dug into her skin.

"A girl? I cant hardly believe it Jake must be crazy letting a girl down here with me." He stated.

He held her in the light and looked at her. She was tired looking but strong her waist was bleeding from the thorns. Her eyes showed no fear.

He pulled her against him and made the thorny vines go away. She nearly fell over but he caught her. She looked up at him with eyes that asked unanswered questions.

"Well my name is Cody and i am the torture dungeon keeper." He said watching her expression. She showed realization as it dawned on her that she would be tortured.

"Anyway we will get to the fun part later...whats your name?" Cody asked.

"Alyssa..." Alyssa answered.

Cody smiled this was going to be fun. He gently touched Alyssa's right cheek stroking it in a "loving" manner and it scares her.

Cody drew very close inches apart and said "by the time i am done with you, you will be pleading for death."


Deathbringer smiled satisfied that Emily believed his story. He watched them began to fly to dragon mountain. He had put Alyssa with his friend Cody, she needs to learn that there are things worse than death and he will teach her that.


Augustus was walking aimlessly he was lost in the forest and didnt know what to do so he just kept walking. He soon came tovthe old unicorn castle it was half crumblex and ready to collapse now since the dragon war 100 years ago. He walked through the doorway and gasped at what he saw...

AN: so i have noticed that my reads and votes have dwindled...if u liked it please vote if u didnt please comment how i could make it better...thank you:)

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