Chapter 20 Preperation

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Jake, Cody, Alyssa, Augustus, and James walked in to the Unicorn kingdom. Right away the army unicorn saw Jake and told the king.
The king scowled darkly, "kill him."
The Army unicorn came out and begin coming towards the five friends. Emily joined Alyssa's side and told the army that Jake was not the enemy. They did not listen though and the six had no choice but to run, staying to fight would not be wise. Augustus led the six of them to the ancient castle. The army stopped superstitions and fantasy stories about the ancient place prevented them from following them inside.
"if we go in there we will die." Says one Soldier in a shaky voice.
" they are already dead probably." Answers another.
The captain shook his head and sighed. " ok we will camp here for a while and see if they decide to come out."
Alyssa shuddered all in her life she would have never expected all this to happen and it seemed so fast, but as she pondered it had been four years since the avalanche and her departure from the human world. She was nineteen she could hardly believe it.
She stopped at a mirror and gasped she didn't see the girl she uses to be. She had grown tall and strong her curves were more prominent, her hair was long to her waist and her eyes shown with courage still the deep green. Memories of the past threatened to make rears so she pushed them back and turned to the others.
"We need a plan."
The dragons now loose gathered around, turning into human firm and stood in a circle with candles alight pointing to the sky. A huge dragon flew by coming down, it was a grayish color, the eyes were completely white, it's claws and teeth were razor sharp. He was the leader he was the most powerful dragon and the biggest. He landed in the middle of the circle turning into human form.
He had dark brown hair and looked to be in his twenties his eyes remained pure white his muscles were well defined and his body showed that he was a born warrior and leader.

"Where is he at?" He asked his voice unually soft bit it was also demanding.

"He is on his way your majesty." His Captain Grendel answered.

The unicorn King came as human and bowed before him.


He arose and handed him a black staff with a red jewel on top.

"Here you go your majesty." He says.

"Thank you my most trusted captain, now let's talk about this coming war." The king of dragons says caressing the staff with a smile.

"Jake has entered the unicorn kingdom with the savior and four others, the army unicorns chased them, but they stopped when the six entered the ancient castle." The Unicorn King explains.

"Hmm...let me plan then for the war, it seems I have more time than I expected. Oh...wait a minute I have to go to the ancient castle...I have to make the staff as powerful as possible, don't I?"

"Yes your majesty." Says the unicorn King.

The leader smiled "I will see you later I have a date to attend haha." He laughed evilly and flew off.
Alyssa created a small map and the six of them were crowded around it trying to find a good route of attack.

"How about Jakes unicorns stay in the trees on both sides of the kingdom and as the dragons attack and the unicorns begin to fight we will come on both sides and attack them." James suggests his plan.

"They would be expecting that though...why don't we do a surprise attack on the dragons before they even get to the kingdom?" Emily asks approval of her idea.

"Ok, let's send a surprise attack group and then since we know they will come here either way when they come we attack them from behind when they are not expecting it." Cody says putting the two ideas together and everyone agrees.
Jake suddenly jumps up. He hears footsteps and soon so did the others. Alyssa told them to hide and she decided to stay in the open. The footsteps became louder and she saw two white eyes shining through the dark.

AN: Hey everyone I have told you I back and my updates will be faster now! Yay ok so I have decided to try and add pictures to some or the chapters so in the next chapter I will tell you which ones have pictures if I can get them to show. If you liked this chapter please vote or if u didn't please comment thank you :)

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