Chapter 3

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   They reached the cabin without to much trouble, the cabin is plain wood on the outside. It has a small driveway surrounded by small mountain bushes. The steps led to the small porch, which had a wooden swing.

   They went inside, it was nice and warmly furnished with animal furs. Alyssa's parents had built and furnished it for an emergency house just in case, but they use it mostly now for vacations and special occasions.

   They moved thier stuff in, the living room had a black bear carpet and the walls were decorated with paintings. The couch is a fine leather, there is no t.v or electronics besides the emergency phone. The kitchen is old fashioned has stone stoves and a small fridge. If they cooked meat they would do so over a fire, it made it fun to stay at the cabin.

   The stairs creaked as Alyssa walked up to her room, she decorated the room when she was younger. Her bed is in the far right corner of the room, it has a fur blanket and wool sheets. The mirror is in the middle of the room on the back wall, a small table stands under the window holding a intriquet vase with mysterious purple flowers that never seem to die.

   In the left corner of her room was her dresser it was nicely made and had all kinds of designs carved through it. A mirror was in the left side wall. It has a golden frame mixed with rubies which was simply beautiful when the sun rays fall on it. Another small table was by the mirror for her make-up and whatever else she wanted on it.

   She flopped in her bed, and startef unpacking. After she put everything away anf arranged how she wanted, she was hungry and tired. She went down and got a can of soup since the fire place was unlit she ate it out.of the can luke-warm. She finished and went to her room, she flopped on her bed and was soon asleep.

   As she fought pain a pure white unicorn with bright blue eyes appeared. The very presence of the magnificant creature made herself fight harder through the pain. The vines now grew thorns and begon to whip and tear her flesh. She ignored the pain and heard the most beautiful and majestic voice spoken by the pure white unicorn flow around.

   I have found you my Savior

   Save us you will

   Spilling your blood to pay the bill

   Always in debt we will be

   But if you die so do we.

   Alyssa didn't understand and as she tried to fight the pain everything slipped away into darkness.

   Alyssa once again sat up from the nightmare. Everything seemed so real it is hard to believe it was only a dream. She got up with her confused thoughts pushed away she went outside and walked down a trail that she never noticed. The trail was rough and she tripped many times, and with the snow dropping from the branches on her it was hard going.

   She heard a small rumble, but thought nothing of it since rocks fall alot causing rumbles. The ground shook alittle, Alyssa fell and twisted her ankle. The ground continued to shake violently and Alyssa crawled out with much difficulty to a clearing. Further up the path there was an avalanche a huge one, knockind down trees and burying anything that stood in it's path.  In the middle of the path where the avalanche had not yet destroyed was a girl.

   The girl looked about Alyssa's age, the girl was very pale and had long, curly brown hair. She stood there awaiting the avalanche. Something siezed Alyssa, and it was followed by an overpowering urge to save and protect the girl. Ignoring her injured ankle she ran towards the girl, and just as the avalanche was about to hit she pushed the girl and herself on a log. Alyssa braced herself for a very dangeroud sled ride.

   The girl had fainted, from shock Alyssa guessed. Steering the log proved very difficult. Alyssa was trying to be careful, but trees and rocks woulf pop out of no where. She some how managed to keep the girl on the log while she steered. As the began thier ride down hill it was thrilling and very much like a rollercoaster ride, she was having a blast till she saw the drop.

   Alyssa did not know what to do. She tryed frantically to figure out a way. She then spotted it, a sturdy oak that was out of the path of the avalanche. She picked up the girl bridal style and began jumping from log to rock. Soon she was almost there. She was also close to the drop. She had to jump to from where she was which was about 7-8ft.

   Alyssa took her chances and leaped. She barely reached the lower branches. She wasted not time and got the girl to a higher stronger branch. Alyssa's ankle could not tske the pressure and she barely had the girl to safety when Alyssa fell into the avalanche below.

   Alyssa felt herself falling off the edge she tryed grabbing roots but they would break. Halfway down she grabbed a branch that was sticking out it seemed strong and she hoped it was. She some how managed to hold on to the branch through the avalanche.

   Alyssa felt her arms slipping and struggled to heave herself up on the small cleft. As her hands gave out someone grabbed her hands and pulled her up.  Alyssa was surprised but grateful for the rescue.

  The girl could sinse something wrong with Alyssa. Soon she found the negative feeling in parts of Alyssa's ankle.  The girl pressed it a few times then in a twisting motion, that made Alyssa cry out in pain, the girl fixed it.

   " Who are you?" Alyssa asked surprised at the girl.

   " You may call me Jessa my savior." Jessa said.

  Before Alyssa could ask why she said savior, Jessa spun three times and jumped in the air and in a rain of sparkles Jessa turned into a unicorn. Jessa was not just any unicorn she was the pure white unicorn in her dream.

  Alyssa was taken aback, she was about to ask whats going on when Jessa and her beautiful voice said,

   " Now savior reveal identity for me, just copy what I did."

   Alyssa did what she said, green glitter mixed with gold rain fell around her instead of the sparkles, and when it was over she was ...a unicorn.

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