chapter 7

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Alyssa, was very worried, it had gotten the size of a watermelon and still kept growing. All of a sudden the masters came, not the trainers but the best of the best, for the kings prptection. Seeing what was happening they combined their powers they threw it at her power ball and it stopped growing, it was held in the middle for awhile Alyssa's power ball exploded.

   Everyone was surprised, only Alyssa was hurt though she went flying through at least three walls.


    Deathbringer was alittle disappointed when those stupid masters came in to save the day. His disapointment turned into glee as it exploded. He again was disapointed seeing everyone unharmed. Then he noticed the girl was gone, he spotted the holes in the walls and followed the trail until he found her.

    Amazingly she was still concious, but barely. She looked up and he shuddered it felt as though she could see him right to his very soul. He watched as she tryed to stand, only to fall again. He chuckled happily, this was going to be fun.

    " Barlon," Deathbringer called.

    " Yes sire?" Barlon asked coming immediatly.

    " Gather up fifty or so men and attack." Deathbringer ordered.

     "Oh, please try not to get all my soliders killed." he added.

    Barlon nodded, bowed then ran oit the door. He gathered fifty men and then they began their quiet march to the not so far away village.

   They snuck around then seperated into ten groups of five then a might roar rung out,

   " Deeeeeeeeaaaaaatttthhh is here!!!"  Then they charged, ready to complete their bloodthirsty mission.

    Villagers ran every which away some tryed to fight but was no match for deathbringer's men. Children cried, woman yelled for their children, the men ushered their families away and fought as hard as they could. The crys and screams of the unicorns reached Alyssa and she once again attempted to arise after several attempts she succeeded, grabbing a sword of a wall she stumbled outside.

   Outside was chaos people and unicorns ran around some fought, but everyone that was killed it felt as though someone had stabbed her. With an angry yell she joined the melee swinging the sword everywhich away. Furiously she attacked them, being unskilled with a sword and having little armor she was wounded more than once. The kings army finally was able to join, Deathbringers men ran away ten dead three wounded.

    Alyssa hurt all over she saw the king walk toward her, he was saying something but she couldnt hear him her vision started to falter and she collasped to tbe ground.

   "Get her to the healers, quickly." The king urged a couple of men.

   The king looked at the village blood stained the walkways and crys of pain and anger echoed throughout the village, how were they going to move on.


    "WHAT!!!"Deathbringer yelled furiously.

     " Sorry sire, we were doing fine until Alyssa came." Barlon whimpered, shaking slightly.

    Deathbringer's eyes turned a crimson red, he turned into his unicorn form his black body glistened and his black mane and tail blew slightly in the wind, his horns glowed an evil black.

    " It's time to visit her again, I suppose." Deathbringer stated softly.

  "Barlon you may leave."

   Barlon left af to get away from his angery master. He was unsure if his sire was scarrier in human or as a unicorn.


running again Alyssa could feel him gaining on her, she turned around, only to be met by the black unicorn with evil red eyes he seemed to be talking to her in a poem/rym form:

You will die

Yes by me

No lie I tell

do not fall

for I am here

ready to kill

you here.

   Alyssa felt like she being electricuted the pain was unbearable, she cried out in pain wishing she would die already. She saw another unicorn it was purple with flowing black hair, she looked sadly at Alyssa and said encouragment giving Alyssa more strength

giving up is no option

switching with another is not possible

only you can save

you my savior.

  Alyssa fought back harder then, there was no way she would die making all unicorns die with her, never will she risk that. Just as she finished her thoughts she was pushed against the ground the evil black horn pointed at her chest. She couldnt move..

    Right then she awoke. Her body was numb at first she acctually thought it was from her nightmare, but then the events of the day came back to her the crying, screaming, fighting, and of course the pain. She felt like she could not move flying through walls and fighting without knowing how was not how she thought the day would go.

   How did deathbringer know she was hurt in the first place, sending men at that time was no accident. He had to know and then since she was weak he took advantage and striked.


   Deathbringer saw the pain in Alyssa's eyes when she awoke. He would not attack again no reason too thats what they would suspect no matter he had to train so when the time comes he can get rid of this girl.

   AN: Thanks for being patient I hope u like it I will try to update and comment plz:-)

The Savior Of The UnicornsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora