The truth revealed

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Alyssa hit the ground hard her body ached and she was surprised to find herself not in a worse condition. Her head was pounding from the mind battle as she tried to heal herself from the injuries of the fall she just had. Her mind though was far more than she could heal.

Her friends rushed by her side and picked her up placing her on a rock ledge resembling a table, with weird ancient looking designs.


The king stood in his unicorn form on top of his castle looking below at all those he had tricked into following him. He felt no regret or guilt but pride. One of the five masters appeared before him.

"You will no longer be able to hold your true self in now that the war is starting to begin." one stated coldly glaring with anger.

The king simply ignored them. Then the sky grew darker and unicorns in human form or in unicorn form stopped and looked in wonder at their king atop the castle. The king flew up and all the unicorns with wings also and one by one they transformed into the unicorns greatest enemy... Dragons.

Needless to say everyone was shocked but being trained from their elements from a young age most unicorns were not afraid of the few dragons within them. As soon as all the children were safely carried to a dragon proof shelter they started to prepare themselves for war.

Meanwhile Alyssa was laying on the rock slab. The carved in designs glowed a light pink and blue traveling around her. Her eyes were closed in focus as she said an incantation she never knew she could.

"Onward is the fight of days one will only remain through the laughter and the tears let's heal the masters mind here. Heal the heart and give me hope. Heal me all before I go or let me fail and die right here. "

She was enveloped in the light she felt the burning sensation crawl in her skin like fire eating her alive but she couldn't move. Her friends tried to get her out but we're knocked back by an invisible force that left their hands scorched and in pain.

The light after around five minutes later dispersed in rays of purple and blue.

The dragons were destroying everything they could and as the unicorns fought and had a great hope they would win. More dragons started to fly above the trees hundreds of them. The unicorns suddenly felt a deep despair they were our numbered and had nowhere to go. The dragons had surrounded the kingdom. The unicorns formed a battle circle hoping they could survive. But the dragons stopped and waited and the unicorns could only wonder why as they tried to use the time to prepare.

Alyssa jumped up from the rock after seeing a vision and began to run outside back to the unicorn kingdom. Her friends followed oblivious to the vision and quite astonished at her quick dash to the kingdom. As they approached they could smell and feel the magical auras of destruction. Alyssa could sense the fear and doubt in each unicorns and reached out to them with her mind giving them comfort. They entered the kingdom without any dragons trying to kill them surprisingly.

They ran to the circle of unicorns and stood with them silently, the unicorns now headed with confidence as they felt their Saviors presence. The leader of the dragons roared mightily. He had black armor, his eyes shown a deep red as he narrowed in on Alyssa and dived forward.

Sorry another short one but then again they all seem to be short huh. Anyways I hope everyone likes it I'm sorry for not updating sooner. Also it's nearing the end :)

The Savior Of The UnicornsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin