The grass and fire bender

By The_shy_wolf_writer

1.1K 43 18

Two girls named Terra and Phoenix flair had a big secret that only they knew, they were independent and didn'... More

First day of year 11- brand new students
Samir Storm-Does he fancy me?! Charlotte-Want's revenge?
Samir Storm=airbender Who's Dan Droplet?!
The video
Phoenix flair meets Samir Storm
Terra's Diary
Phoenix flair's diary
Phoenix flair gets angry again
Samir's diary
Dan's diary
Love talk
Why so cruel?
The hospital
The confrontaion
The gift
The kiss
The fun day off part 1
A fun day off part 2
My back story on my school life in year 8 & Our first date part one
Our first date part two
Our first date part three
Unexpected visitor
The tragic night
Samir in hospital
Telling the truth
The start of the 72 hours
Samir finds out
Kimroch-The non-understanding jerk
The fiddle off
The text
The graduation
First day on the job
The big surprise
Announcement and confusion time
Calling all angels
Talent central
The dream
All out war
War ends
Feelings effect all
Christmas time
Wedding planning
Final chapter

Rock destroy's all

14 3 2
By The_shy_wolf_writer

Kimroch's mansion

"Sir, you need to check out Samir and Terra's youtube channels."
"Why Tony! Why! You know Terra hates me even though I have strong feelings for her. I mean she chose Samir over me! I mean come on!"
"But you need to check their channels out. I think you need to know this information that's on there. Check Samir's first."
"Fine. Pass me my laptop," Tony took a sliver laptop with pictures of (mostly) Terra and treble clefts. Tony stared at the pictures of Terra as he carried the laptop over to me,
"Don't you think you're a little obsessive of this girl?! And where did you get the pictures from?!"
"First question, no. Second question, youtube and google images. Right let's get this over and done with." I typed in: the air bender, into search youtube and clicked the icon. I clicked on the second latest video and watched. Tony saw my eyes widen the more I watched. Once it finished I convinced myself that it was fake, so I then went to Terra's channel, the shy wolf, and clicked a video called: announcement. What announcement?! 'Hey fellow wolf pack, I hope you're having a lovely morning, I had a wonderful night and can you guess what happened?! Samir proposed to me! That's right I'm now engaged to the air bender. I'm so happy........Samir!'
"Hey fellow wolf pack and element benders. What you doing?"
"Telling about our engagement."
"Well it's true, we are now engaged. Don't believe us well, go over to my channel and you'll find out."
"(Together) Bye everyone!"' I slammed the laptop screen down, angry, distraught, heart broken tears streamed down my face, my own Terra betrayed me. Yes I know, she liked Samir, but I didn't think she would say yes to a proposal done by him!
"Boss, are you ok?"
"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OK! NO, I'M NOT OK! MY TERRA BETRAYED ME! I.....I want her to be all mine." Tony bent and whispered something in my ear, the more he whispered the bigger and more menacing my grin became. Sometimes, Tony can be really useful...

*Time skip*

Back at the lover's household

"Night Samir!"
"Night Wolfie!" I settled down in bed and searched through my worries,'Am I making the right decision? Does Kimroch know? If so, is he going to stop us getting married? And if he does, what will he do to me?' Tears started to form from my eyes,'Why me? Why is it me going through these troubles? Why can't it be someone else? WHY DOES IT HAVE IT BE ME!?' I rolled over and cried into my pillow, then my room was filled with white light coming from the open window, then I could hear a helicopter sound from outside. I got out of bed and went to the window,"CAN YOU SHUT UP SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO CRY HERE!" I shouted, my wet face grew cold from the air, my vision became weak. A figure from the open door of the helicopter had something in his hand, he was swirling it round his head and then directed it towards me. As it came closer I realised it was a lasso, I jumped out of the way,"DARN IT! ALMOST GOT YOU MY LOVE!" I frowned, my love?
"TRY AGAIN SIR!" The lasso got pulled back up and the figures waited, I jumped out of the window as fast as I could a hid behind a tree,
"COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE!" I cleared my mind as fast as I could and powered up, I watched my pj's change to robes, my plaited brown hair changed to my highlighted blonde hair, my blue angel wings grew from my back and my sleepy body changed to an adeline filled machine,
"RIGHT!' I flew upwards and the two figures turned to me,"WHO ARE YOU?! IF YOU DON'T SAY I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR TRYING TO KIDNAP ME! AND TRUST ME, IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME!" They were silent,"TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!"
"KIMROCH AND TONY!" My anger switched off, my stomach turned and knotted inside me,
"Kimroch..." My voice slightly croaked as I spoke, a light turned on inside the helicopter reviling the face of Kimroch in the doorway with Tony at his side. My tear dunks turned back on and tears rolled down my face,
"Surprised to see me I assume?" My face didn't show that,
"You're trying to kidnap me again, but why. We've gone through this." I spoke tearfully,
"I don't want you to marry Samir that's all."
"You want to stop me from a happy life....I will NEVER BE YOUR'S!" Kimroch stepped back in the helicopter, I then conjured up a electric guitar? Wait...when was I able to do that? Anyway, I needed to get rid of Kimroch. I put guitar round me and played. I started the music off a little calm and slow, then built up to a massive electrifying guitar riff. Sending bolts of blue electricity and power towards the helicopter,"How are you doing that!" I ignored him,
"You were the one who made me an angel of nature, creativity and music...:" I once again did another guitar riff but this was even more powerful.
"What is this music?!"
"The ultimate power of ROCK!" Bolts of electricity and things I couldn't even describe filled the air and shot straight towards Kimroch, Tony and the helicopter. It came crashing down onto the ground, I slowed my guitar playing down to what I started playing.

I heard Samir opened his window and poke his head out,"Terra, what's going....." He saw Kimroch climb out of the flaming vehicle with Tony and the pilot. "Kimroch! What are you doing here?! Oh awesome guitar riffs Wolfie." I blushed whilst still playing,
"I came for my bride."
"(Me and Samir) Bride?!" We saw another electric guitar drop down to Kimroch. Where did that come from? He caught it and put the guitar on,
"You want rock, then, I give you rock..." The sound of a midi-high pitched guitar solo filled the air, we watched Kimroch become natural and grow his black feathered wings from his back. He flew up to the same height I was at. Samir ran back in his room, grabbed a chair and sat down in front of the window, waiting for the show to start. I was a little confused but then I noticed a camera with a small red flashing light, then I knew. But enough of that, I have some business to take care of.
"Ok then, guitar battle it is. But I'll warn you, I'm a true rock chic." He rolled his eyes,"Don't say I didn't warn you." I joined into his playing but more powerfully. Adding extra notes here and there, making it a song of rock heaven. My robes for some reason started to change, I was rather surprised. So was Kimroch and Samir. This time my clothes changed to a white sleeveless top, with a studded, black, leather jacket going down to my elbows, I had a pair of dark blue jeans with knee high black boots, I wore a two thick brown belts one slanted high the other low. My hair was wavy, cyan colour with three highlights. One ice blue, second one a darker cyan and the third a darker version of the second high light and on my head I wore a woven head band. With this new look I felt even more rock chic. I gave a wide smile,"Don't think that just because you've turned a bit more rockish doesn't mean that you're going to beat me."
"Oh yeh!? Let's see." I flew into a massive electrifying guitar riff once again, my fingers danced across the neck of my guitar, making Kimroch stare in amazement. I then flung the power of rock across the strings and towards Kimroch, sending him straight back,"This is the most fun I've had in ages, do you know why?"
"Why?!" Kimroch asked as he flew back carrying on his riff with more power,
"Because I get to beat you at YOUR OWN TALENT!" Kimroch was soon sent to the floor stunned by the power of rock.

I guided myself down to the floor next to him and his broken guitar,"I will never EVER be yours and don't EVER try and beat me at rock." I turned to retreat back to mine and Samir's house, but Kimroch grabbed my ankle,
"Say goodbye to your fiancé Samir!"
"What! TERRA!" I tried to kick Kimroch off but it was too late I was teleported out of my garden and gone before Samir's very eyes. "I HATE YOU KIMROCH!"

Yes, before you say anything. I am a rock chic in real life, but I don't have those clothes though :( anyway. I do play a bit of guitar and own my own guitar, but I never use it. I play more of the violin than the guitar. I still take violin lessons now, I've been playing since I was 4 and I'm almost 13 so that', almost 9 years. That's a long time. Anyway, I am a rock chic in real life, I play a bit of guitar but prefer the violin. Ironic. Classical vs Rock. Hmmmm who will triumph?

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