A Sky Full of Stars (Izuku Mi...

By hichi135

326K 11.3K 10.5K

(Y/n) is a foreigner and it's their first day at UA. They meet new people, including Midoriya Izuku, who will... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Izuku's Birthday (Filler Chapter)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Hey Guys
What if.......

Chapter 30

5K 189 130
By hichi135

(Y/N)'S POV:

You woke up to someone shouting your name in your ear.

"(Y/nnnn)! Don't start slouching on me now." You looked up to see Medic. She was smiling down at you. It took you a moment to remember exactly where you were and what you were doing.

'Right, internships.' You confirmed to yourself as you sat up, rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes.

"Hey. Get changed into your hero suit and meet me at the cafeteria. You remember where that is, right?" She asked and you simply nodded.

"Good. By the way, you got a bit of drool on your face." You turned red and rubbed around your mouth violently, embarrassed by the fact that a top hero just saw you in that state. She only laughed before walking out the door, closing it shut.

You sighed and got fully up, making your way to the case that carried your hero suit and opened it. You took out the contents and started removing the sleep wear you were currently in.

After you got the whole outfit on, you made your way down the halls of the agency. You made your way in the direction you thought the cafeteria was in. After a couple more minutes of walking, you finally found the large doors you were looking for.

You opened them and made your way in. The smell of bacon and miso soup filled your nostrils. You started to drool again before quickly rubbing it off.

You haven't had a good breakfast in awhile. Since you've been living alone and were a pretty lazy teenager, you wouldn't say that the breakfast you made was five stars. Your eyes met with blonde hair, knowing that it was Medic, you made your way over to her.

"Hey there!" She exclaimed. "Hurry up and get something to eat before we leave. Also, eat a lot since we might be having a late lunch." You nodded and made your way over to where they were serving the food. You grabbed an entire plateful of all you favorite breakfast foods and sat down. You immediately started to stuff your mouth.

You noticed that there were multiple staff members also eating around you and decided to tone down your pig like consuming.

You were able to quickly finish what you had and threw away the plate. You saw that Medic was talking to another person and just sat down and took out your phone till she was done.

You looked through multiple social media apps, but for some reason your hand directed you to go to Midoriya's contact. You wondered how he was doing in his internship. You started to type up a simple "How are you doing?", but you quickly erased it.

'What if he's busy? You don't want to interrupt his training.' You scolded yourself.

You stared down at the phone for a few more moments before a shadow loomed over you.

"Aww. Are you texting your boyfriend?" You looked up with a bright red face only to see Medic.

"W-we're just friends." You defended. She only laughed.

"Whatever you say. Just hurry up and message him. We're leaving in a few minutes, kid." She winked at me before walking towards the door.

You sighed and looked down again. It wouldn't hurt to message him. If he's busy he could always reply later. You started to type again.

You 8:32 AM

'Hey! Internships are going great. Hope your's is too^^'

You pushed send and shoved your phone in your pocket before running to join Medic.


After some time walking, you guys arrived at a large hospital with multiple buildings to it. Medic explained that this is the hospital that she works at when she not helping with villain attacks.

She showed you around like she did at the agency. You couldn't help but awe at the amazing building and how many different parts there was.

You guys were done with the tour and she took you to the part of the hospital she usually worked at. She introduced me to the nurses and other doctors.

After about an hour an half of this type of stuff, we finally got to worked. She took me into a patients room. She introduced herself and then asked if it was okay for me to watch their exam, explaining to the patient that I'm an intern. They agreed and she started to ask them general questions of their injuries.

They explained how they were in a minor car crash and that they think there shoulder was damaged since it was in constant pain. She asked more questions before using her quirk to examine the injured part. Medic concluded that their was minor bruising on the patients bones and prescribed some pain killers, telling them that it should heal within a week or two. They thanked her and left.

She turned to you. "Sorry you weren't able to help. I just wanted to show you how it's done, but you'll help with the next one." You nodded and she continued. " When we see a patient, we shouldn't use our quirk on them immediately. We need to find other solutions to heal them since we need to save our quirks for more severe and urgent injuries, sound good?"

"Yes." You confirmed.

After that, you guys worked on a few other people and ate lunch. It was a bit tiring, having to use your quirk to heal and numb certain people, but you wee learning so much, especially about your own potential and that you could help people in pain. It was so fulfilling and joyful that you couldn't help smiling throughout the whole day.

Though as always, nothing was ever that easy for you.

"T-there's an emergency!" You could hear the voice of a staff member as she ran up to you and Medic.

Medic gave a questioning look and the staff continued. "There have been attacks all over the city. Something about large, bird like creatures. None of them seem to be responding, but they still are doing a lot of damage. We should expect a large amount of people coming in soon, so we need all the help we can get."

As soon as you heard the descriptions of the creatures she told you about you could immediately recognize it as the Nomu from the USJ incident.

"Okay. Thank you." Medic dismissed the staff and turned to you. "Well Soma, guess we got some work to do. Since we have the most powerful healing quirks, we'll probably be in charge of healing authorities and pro-heroes." She addressed you by your hero name, meaning that what came next was probably going to be serious. You nodded towards her.

You guys quickly started, getting the names and injuries of all the patients from the receptionist and organizing them by priority.

Within the next thirty minuets, there was a flood of people in the waiting and hospital rooms. Like Medic said, you mostly dealt with police, healing their injuries so they can get back out on the field as soon as possible.

You weren't going to lie, it was extremely taxing on your energy. You were exhausted, but held yourself up anyway. This was a step to becoming a pro hero and if you can't even do this then what's the point of trying.

After about an hour of constant back and forth between patients, you had just finished up a minor pro hero who had a nasty cut on his forearm. You rushed out to the reception desk to get the next patients information. Luckily, everything seemed to slow down as the fights around the city had started to clam.

The lady at the desk handed you a clipboard. You didn't even bother to reading the names or information, just trying to get to the room as fast as you can.

As soon as you got to the room, you knocked on the door and opened it. You looked inside at the patients, they looked at you as well. You close the door once again and took a deep breath.

You had to be hallucinating, right? It was probably just a backfire from using your quirk because there was no way that you just saw who you thought you saw.

You took one more exhale before you opened he door again. Though, of course, there you saw three very familiar faces. One with green hair and freckles; one with duel hair and herterochromatic eyes; and one with blue hair and glasses. In other words, there stood before you Midoriya, Shoto, and Iida, all with some type of injury.

You gaped before yelling at them.

"What the hell are you guys doing here!?!"

(A/N): Hey guys. Wow! A lot more people are reading this then I thought they would. I'm so glad for all the comments and reads that I get from you guys. Never hesitate to leave any suggestions or constructive criticism here. And as always, thanks for reading!

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