Pink Skies (Dean and Sam Winc...

By OzzyBlack22

218K 6.1K 595

"Well Jack called for me, " Rania told them. "I did not, " Jack said looking at her with accusing eyes. "Ye... More

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Pink Skies 22

4.6K 130 22
By OzzyBlack22


Rania stretched as she woke,it has been a week and they already had a case. In New York City which excited her,she had never been but saw it in the movies. It looked lavish and so stylish so she bought new clothes and packed heavily.

A soft knock came to the door which startled her,despite her being with the Winchesters for four months she still felt uneasy about Jack. He was being more persistent with his interactions with her. After hearing another soft knock the door opened and he walked in. Rania pulled the covers close to her. Jack wore only pajama bottoms as he closed the door behind him softly.

"Hey buttercup," he said using the pet name Sam had recently gave her due to her new love for Reese's cups.

"Hello Jack," Rania said as he sat on the foot of her bed. Rania pulled her legs back as he reached for her.

"We're leaving today," he began," if we cant find a big enough hotel room,we can share a room so you won't be on the couch. " Jack told her as she forced a smile.

"I'm ok on the couch Jack,I prefer to sleep alone and-," she began yet stopped as she noticed his eyes flash gold.

"I'm just...trying to be nice...I won't hurt you," he told her as he smoothed her hair back she nodded her head yes.

"You should go,Sam and Dean are up," she told him as she smiled and stood leaving out just as quietly.


Jack was jealous of Sam and Dean,he thought for sure that Rania would turn on them after the Vampire incident. Yet she did not do so,they were better now. They were happier and closer to one another,even to where they would hangout together. Mary founded over Rania as did Bobby,and in return she showered them with love and attention; yet Jack was shoved to the side.

Rania did not give him anything, no tine,no care and not a drop of attention. He cared for her when no one else did,he wanted her to use her powers to begin with. Sadly she fawned over those who only wanted to harm her and suffocate her. Rania and him could be strong together, defeat whoever was against them including the Winchesters.

Jack entered his room and locked his door behind him as he went to the back of his closet. His altar had pictures of Rania,he was obsessed with her especially with the information he found out in books. Rania was a tri-goddess, she was of fertility, protection,and war the one think people craved. Persephone, Athena,and Artemis had combined their powers to create her as a gift for God. Yet his father was in heaven at this time, he fell for Rania. Yet with whatever happened next,he did not know the pages were ripped out. There was many stories of how strong she was; and with how his father wrote three books on her Jack decided it was time to finish what his dad started, they would rule.

Jack looked at the Amethyst that was in his hand as he wrapped her pink air around it. He placed it inside of a doll named Scrump from a movie she liked. Jack would give it her,it would take her energy and give it to him unknowingly. If he could drain her, she'd be useless to Sam and Dean. Like usual since she couldn't help them, they'd abandon her and she'd come to him,willingly.


Mary saw Rania come in,she looked exhausted,her eyes seemed cold and unemotional. They were usually full of light, she'd usually be up before Mary,meditating and waiting in the hall for her sons,yet she did neither. Mary knew she was up,heard her talking to Jack,yet she did not know what was said to have her feel so down.

"I'm making strawberry cat cakes," Mary told her showing the cat shaped pancake.

"Pussy," Rania said groggily as Sam stopped mid step and turned around to avoid hearing her say anything else. His attraction to her made everything seem as if she was flirting, yet she wasn't. He packed early yet knew they'd spend time waiting for Dean.

"No, it's called kitten," Mary corrected her trying not to laugh at her words. Rania sat down eating not knowing the troubles that'd be returning to her again.


Vote,comment,share happy reading.

Also check out my Star Wars book Following You,Ben Solo,Rey,and OC. It's a polym relationship like this book.

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