TOUCH OF HOPE (MxM) (Complet...

By raquel98rm

684K 43.8K 16.9K

Haphephobia: the fear of being touched. Blake, a second-year Psychology student, hadn't ever heard of such a... More

Upload Schedule
1. The lost boy (revised)
2. Finding the boy (revised)
3. Right Wrong Answers (revised)
4. Two freaks (revised)
5. A new friend (part 1) (revised)
5. A new friend (part 2) (revised)
6. Let the games begin
7. The right direction
8. A normal afternoon
9. "Having lunch with your friends?"
10. Intern vs Supervisor
11. Episode
12. The courage to be weak
13. My brother's... friend
14. Afternoon Plans
15. Slowly opening up
16. Sleepy Brat
17. An exciting invite
18. Spending the night
19. Tingling
20. A Suiter for the Heir
21. Hands
22. Sweet Truces
23. Slowly but Surely
25. Lost and Found
26. Showtime
27. Aftermath
28. The strength's name
29. Not even that cute
30. Sleepless (part 1)
30. Sleepless (part 2)
31. Safe space
32. To each their own
33. Like in the movies
34. Gold star
35. Family Shackles
36. A rock and a hard place
37. Here for you
38. As the moon watches us
39. A little bit dramatic
40. No words
41. Reduce, Reuse, Relax
42. A son's lost. (part 1)
42. A son's lost. (part 2)
43. Guys and Dolls
44. Breaking the surface
45. The abnormality of normal
Christmas Special (chapter 30.5)
46. Pay off
47. A big deal
49. Little Steps
50. At last... (part 1)
50. At last... (part 2)
! Q&A + Announcement !
51. Something for you
52. The future in pages (part 1)
52. The future in pages (part 2)
53. A break
54. I'm so s'Oreo
55. Just better than you
56. Enough
57. To hear and be heard (part 1)
57. To hear and be heard (part 2)
58. When the Sun vanished
59. Epilogue
Touch Of Hope's SEQUEL
Once again, I need your opinion
Bonus Content (AI Characters)

48. Aunty knows best

6.9K 613 215
By raquel98rm

PLEASE VOTE: I know many people forget, but the votes are what boosts the story so more people can find it. 🖤🙏

Every chapter I will shout out someone, as a thank you for reading! If you want to be the next shout out, you just have to VOTE and leave a COMMENT (anything you want to).

This week's shout out: caelumcaerulean ! Thank you for such a sweet comment, and I hope this book keeps inspiring you as much as possible <3

- Quit touching stuff with gloves on. – Adam told him as soon as he entered the laboratory carrying a tray with material in it. – Are you seriously taking a selfie right now?

Collin ignored the incredulous tone, continuing to analyse his image on the screen, moving his head to various angles.

– Relax, I've already done everything you told me to and the glove's already torn anyway.

– Why do your gloves never last?

– Doesn't matter. – with a last glance at the screen, he locked it before turning on his heels. – Do you think I would look good blonde?

Adam didn't bother looking at him, taking the used material from the tray to the plastic tray reserved for it.

– It would suit your personality.

– Are you calling me dumb?

– That's just a fact, your hair has nothing to do with it.

Giving a use to the damaged glove, he took it off in one go and chucked it at Adam. The piece of latex hit the supervisor's arm, falling limp on the ground. Adam glanced down at it with a satisfied expression that quickly went neutral once his eyes returned to Collin.

- Why do you ask?

- I'm going to my aunt's salon today and I was considering changing it up a bit.

- Won't it be too drastic of a change?

- To me? Not even close. – Collin slid his phone in the lab coat's pocket, approaching Adam to pick up the glove. – I've done silver, pink, rose-gold, purple...

- How are you not bald?

- Good genes and hair products.

Resting his lower back against the balcony, he leaned to the side, obstructing Adam's view, which earned an eye-roll. He ignored it, showing a smile.

- So, do you think I should dye it?

- Why are you asking me? It's your hair.

Collin's grin turned into a frown. Armed with a pout, he extended a hand, holding onto Adam's sleeve before he could step away.

- Because I want to know your opinion. – he tugged at the fabric, giving a glance from beneath his lashes for added effect. – What if I do it and then I don't look good?

- Then nobody would notice.

- I'm serious. – he whined. – Do you think I would look good or not? From zero to ten.

Adam freed his arm, evading his grasp and in a second Collin found his nose gripped between Adam's knuckles, lightly shaking his head.

- You're so insistent.

- Cute or not? – he pressed with a nasal voice.

Letting his arm fall down with a mix between a sigh and a grunt, Adam grabbed the plastic tub.

- Either. – Adam said as he began to walk away.

- Huh?

- Blond or as it is.

A smile so big it hurt took Collin's lips. Skipping his way across the room, he swerved to Adam's path, making him halt mid-step. He stood there for a few seconds before talking, just because he liked to see the frustrated line form between Adam's eyebrows.

- So... - he dragged out the word, lacing his fingers behind his back while shifting his weight from one foot to another. – do you mean that I'm always cute?

It was reaching for a compliment, but Collin could admit he wasn't above it when it came to Adam. His supervisor rolled his eyes and scoffed, but it didn't go by unnoticed how he hadn't out-right denied it. Collin couldn't and wasn't interested in stifling his happiness.

- I'll take that as a yes.

Adam sighed in frustration but instead of attempting to deny anything, he walked past him. Collin turned on his heels but stayed put, just watching Adam.

As expected, neither of them had referenced what had happened a week before in the machine room, but that didn't mean it wasn't a constant presence, at least for him. He had frozen the moment Adam's lips touched his and he replayed it time after time in his mind. Every time he was with Adam all he wanted was to pull him in and kiss him senseless. Except when Adam was being a hard-ass, then Collin wanted to hit him. And then kiss him senseless.

The sound of the door opening, veered Collin's attention, watching with a smile as Jane entered the room. She looked between them as she took off her heavy jacket and hung it on the hanger.

- What's with the silent? – she asked. – I leave for a few of weeks and you two go mute?

- Adam's shy.

Adam's head turned to him, eyes narrowed to slits.

- No, I'm not. You were just being a brat.

- Jane, you'll never guess what happened while you were out. – Collin interjected with a few excited claps. He looked at Adam, gesturing with his head towards Jane. – You tell her.

- Should I be afraid? – Jane asked.

– No, no, it's a good thing. C'mon, tell her.

Adam tried to act as if it was a chore, but the pride in his face was apparent.

– Last week the results finally came outright. – he announced. – In the span of a week alone we were able to catch up a lot of work.

Collin grinned as he watched Jane's eyes round.

– Cool right? – he pressed his thumb against his chest. - And I helped.

She didn't respond right away, gaping at them. Collin didn't fault her, she had been almost as involved in Adam's work as them. After a few short seconds, she finally reacted with a baffled smile.

– I can't believe it, that's amazing. – her gaze fell on Adam, arching an eyebrow. – But I wished I had been here to celebrate with you guys. Hadn't we agreed that you would take a break until I returned?

– He lied.

– I didn't lie. – Adam cut in. – I just changed my mind.

– Did you use the material I had helped you prepare? – Jane asked.

– I was going to but someone – Adam pointed at Collin with his thumb - forgot to store it correctly so I had to start over.

Collin showed a bashful smile to the looks he received from his seniors. Jane shook his head at him and then returned her attention to Adam.

– What matters is that you did it. Do you have any idea what was wrong before?

– That's what's weird, I still don't know what I was doing wrong.

– Maybe the professor can help you if she has the time. – she suggested. - I've been trying to talk to her about when to give her my dissertation for review but I guess she has been busy.

– She hasn't given you a date already? – Adam looked at her with a frowned. – Mine's been set for like a month.

Watching the surprise in Jane's face, it was impossible not to feel bad for her. Collin wanted Adam to do as good as possible, but it wasn't fair for the professor to put aside Jane like that. And it always happened. Thinking about it, most of his classmates had periodic evaluations with the professors in charge, while Collin had barely set his eyes on his professor since the beginning of the first semester. If it weren't for Adam's supervision, he doubted he would have anything done at that point.

Jane signed, fixing the bag on her shoulder.

– I guess I'll see if she's in the office. – she tried to speak with levity, but she couldn't mask the strain in her voice. - Do you need any help before I go?

– No, thank you. – Adam put the empty tub in its spot under the sink. – I'm about to leave too, I need to do some grocery shopping before going home.

Hearing the alluring sound of finishing the day off, Collin's hands immediately rushed to the buttons of his lab coat. - I can leave too, right? – his eyes darted to Adam, the first two buttons already undone. – I have to go get a haircut.

Adam's nod had him smiling as he took off the lab coat and rushed to his bag by the door. As he adjusted the bag strap across his chest, Adam took his time taking off and hanging his own lab coat while talking with Jane about the keys to the laboratory. After waving at Jane, the two of them left the room together, following down the hall and down the stairs. They reached the first floor and Collin was about to greet Adam goodbye when he spoke first.

- You said you're going to your aunt's salon. – Adam's eyes flitted to Collin and then back ahead. – Do you want a ride there? You said it's close to my apartment.

Collin smiled in surprise, nodding fervently. – Yeah. Totally. One-hundred per cent. – Unable to resist, he nudged their shoulders. – Want to spend time with me?

- It's called charity, kid.

- Like when I work at the lab.

- That's an internship.

- It's slavery.

Adam side-eyed him, lips turning up at the edges. – If you were my slave you would be working way more, believe me.

Collin wouldn't take the opportunity, he couldn't. Not yet.

The drive to the salon wasn't long, but it was more than enough for Collin to change the university's name on the GPS to 'Hell On Earth' after Adam verbalized his strong disapproval of the acronym 'H.O.E.'.

When they reached the salon, Adam stopped the car by the establishment, turning on the hazard lights even with the empty street. Collin thanked him for the ride and grabbed his bag from the floor, ready to leave but before he could, Adam laid his hand over the bag, stopping him. Collin sat back down, glancing at him. Adam looked at him as he returned his hands to the wheel, drumming his thumbs on it.

- How are you going back to campus?

- Bus, probably. - Collin cocked his head, running his eyes through Adam's expression. – Why?

- I'm going to the supermarket. I could pass by and give you a ride to the bus stop.

- Yes, totally. – he replied with no hesitation hopping on the seat to face Adam. - I'm not dying my hair so it won't take long.

- You're not dying it after all?

- I don't feel like doing multiple visits to go lighter. - Collin grabbed his bag, hanging it across his chest. He exited the car, holding onto the handle as he leaned over to peek at Adam with a grin. - Maybe I'll dye it another time. After all, according to you, I look good either way.

- You can walk to the bus stop.

- I'm kidding, I'm kidding. – he wasn't. – So you'll pass by?

One of Adam's eyebrows perked up.

- Let's see if I still have the patience to deal with you then.

With an open smile, Collin closed the door and stepped back, waving at Adam. When the car drove away, Collin turned to the salon to see his aunt, peering through the wide window at him while gossiping something to the client that tried to take a peek at him without being too obvious. As soon as he passed the door, his aunt had already switched with another worker, signalling to Collin from behind one of the hair washing chairs. He took off his bag, taking the liberty to place it in the wardrobe normally reserved for the employee's things and made his way to her, not really tamping down a wide smile.

- Hi, aunty.

- Hi, honey. – with a smirk, she gestured to the street with her head while grabbing the protective towel. – Can I know who was that handsome young man that brought you?

- Oh, him? - Collin played up the casual act, taking a seat on the chair, extending his neck so she could drape the towel over his shoulders. - He's my supervisor for the internship.

Hands on his shoulders lead him to lean back, fitting his neck on the provided dip on the sink. Above him, a pair of stern eyes framed by painted eyebrows stared him down.

- Collin Kitson, - she said in a strict voice – are you involving yourself with a teacher?

He shook his head, ignoring the uncomfortable position. If there was something he didn't want was having someone that would be cutting his hair to be annoyed at him, not to mention the people around them that were, without a shadow of a doubt, listening to the conversation.

- He's not a teacher, I promise. – he assured, talking over the sudden sound of a blow-dryer - He's a doctorate student.

His aunt finally stopped the visual reprimand, opening the faucet for a flow of water to run, trying it on her hand for a few seconds before moving it to Collin's hair.

- He better not be. – she said. - I don't want my nephew to be expelled because of some scandal.

- I promise. – a cheeky smile appeared on his lips, leaning his head further back to be able to see her. – He's cute, isn't he?

- From what I saw, very much so. Kind of reminds me of your uncle around that age.

- Ew.

He laughed at the slight hit on his head between the soothing washing motions. – I'll let you know that your uncle was a true heart-throb.

- Still, I prefer not to think of uncle every time I look at him.

- That's fair. – the sound of water returned, followed by the feel of it washing away the shampoo. Once again, her face appeared in his frame of vision, with a playful smile on her scarlet lips. – Are you two dating?

- No, but working on it. – he smiled. – He lives nearby and offered to give me a ride to the bus stop.

- At what time is he coming by?

- When I'm done. He's grocery shopping so it mustn't take him long.

The hands on his head paused for a second before continuing with a new load of shampoo. Collin closed his eyes, feeling the sight drag of her long nails on his scalp along with the shampoo's fruity scent.

- Your hair could use a hair mask. – she stated. – We got a new one that will do wonders for your hair.

He tried to move his head to glimpse at her, but the attempt had a stray drop of water sliding down his neck.

- I don't know if I have the time for it.

- Shush and listen to aunty. You and your hair will thank me for this.

Collin wasn't convinced it was a good idea, but he also knew better than to displease his aunt, so he stayed quiet and went along with it. In the following minutes, his hair was lathered in a white cream with a strong his coconut scent and, as it simmered there, his aunt skipped to the next client.

At first, he didn't worry too much. He played on his phone and took a few silly selfies, sending them to the group chat with the others, but as the time kept ticking by, the pressure began to pile up. He had to flag his aunt down to remind her that the minimum ten minutes she had told him the mask needed were already far behind. After a thorough rinse off, he moved to one of the chairs in front of the mirrors where he was subjected to some more waiting as she took to the cash register and then proceeded to banter with the client for what felt like an eternity.

Collin repeatedly checked the time, imagining the multiple ways Adam would want to kill him if he made him wait. And that possibility neared reality with every passing second.

He didn't know why his aunt wouldn't simply ask one of the other employers to take care of him if gossiping about the wedding of the client's daughter was that important. It wouldn't be the first time she had been too busy and passed him to one of them. Nevertheless, Collin wasn't exactly in a position to complain since he got free appointments every time he wanted. Still, he wouldn't be able to keep going there if Adam murdered him and disposed of the body.

When she finally returned, Collin's hair had begun to dry so she had to use a water spray bottle on it before skipping to the scissors. Unlike he hoped, the pace didn't increase when it came to the cutting either.

When he felt his phone vibrate on his lap and saw Adam's message saying he would be there in a few minutes he had to accept the death sentence.

True to his word, it didn't take long for Adam's car to pull over in front of the salon. Collin moved his head slightly to the window, flashing an apologetic smile to what Adam responded with a not-so-pleased raise of eyebrows.

The silent conversation was cut short when his head was veered to face the mirror again.

– Stay still or you'll have to wear hats for two months.

- Sorry, he just arrived.

– I've noticed.

So, insinuations weren't her strong suit.

With no other option, he sat still as she took care of his hair. Every passing minute Collin felt the pressure grow and he was convinced he could physically feel Adam's gaze on him.

It took a while for the scissors to be exchanged for a blow-drier and even more for his aunt to stop fussing with his hair. Once she was finished and showed him the results he had barely any attention to give to it since he was too busy trying to come up with a way to escape the scolding that waited for him in the car. He stood up in a hurry as soon as the cloth around his shoulders disappeared but he didn't have a chance to escape.

– Come here before you leave. – she said, tugging at his wrist. – I'll give you a few samples.

Collin didn't have time to waste, but there was no way he would deny free samples. He glimpsed at the car where Adam was playing on this phone and followed his aunt to the register waiting for her to put some small recipients in a plastic bag.

– He won't go anywhere, don't worry. – she said, keeping her attention on what she was doing.

- I know, but I'm going to get an hear-full.

She smiled at his misery, extending the bag to him.

– Now, here's what you're going to do. – with a brazen look, she leaned over the balcony propping herself on her forearms. – You're going to get in that car and talk about how hungry you are and how there are barely any busses at this hour.

Collin's chin almost fell to the floor but as soon as the surprise washed off, a smile stretched across his lips.

– Aunty, you're a genius.

– How do you think I got your uncle? – she rounded the small balcony, laying a manicured hand on his shoulder, guiding him towards the door. – Now go and if that guy doesn't, at least, offer to take you home, I'll take you myself.

He passed the door and walked to the car from where Adam's followed his movements with a bored expression. Collin let his smile purposely fall as he opened the door. Before Adam could take a jab at him, he sighed, letting his body collapse on the seat, eyes closed to the ceiling.

– That took forever.

– I was going to say the same. I've been here for half an hour already.

– Sorry, but it wasn't my fault. – he opened one eye, just enough to peek at Adam. – What time is it?

Adam glanced at the car clock and then at him.

– Almost eight.

Collin let out a groan, opening both eyes to stare at the ceiling with a tortured frown.

– It's going to take me forever to get on a bus and I'm starving. – he sighed as he took his phone out of his pocket. – I guess I'll tell them it's not worth waiting for me for dinner. I'll just eat a sandwich or something in my room.

With one more subtle sigh he opened the group chat. He was about to press the first button when a large hand covered the screen. He lifted his gaze to Adam who retrieved his hand back to the wheel, looking ahead for a second.

– Since it's late... – he began, glancing at him – you could have dinner at my house. If you want. I can drive you back to the dorms later.

Collin's teeth showed through his lips in an open smile.

- Yes, totally. I'm in. – he shifted on the seat in excitement. – I can help you cook.

- You know how to cook?

He didn't appreciate the tone of suspicion in Adam's voice and made it clear with a weak slap in his arm.

- I bet I'm a better cook than you.

Adam's lips curled slightly at the corners as he huffed a laugh, restarting the car and checking the rear-view mirror.

- For now, just help me set the table.

- Deal.

Before the car could move, Collin looked out the window to see his aunt as well as two other employees not so inconspicuously looking at them. With a smile, Collin discreetly showed them a thumbs-up as they left the parking spot.

After one last wave at his aunt, he turned his attention to his phone, texting the group chat to inform them he wouldn't have dinner with them. May was the first to reply, asking if it was an official date. Collin paused and looked up at Adam, watching him bob his head to the song that played on the radio. Not able to hold a smile, he texted the group back.

"Not yet, but one day, I'm sure. I'm not letting this one go."

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I'm currently having writers' block, which is great 👌

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