Fur and Claws (Werewolf!Jimin...

By WinklePerriUWU

40.8K 1.1K 425

I never would have thought my life could change so much in a matter of a few minutes. But here I was, with Fu... More

The Wolfies ❤️ (Reference page) pt 1.
The Wolfies ❤️ (Reference page) pt 2.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8 (LEMON)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

2.4K 83 42
By WinklePerriUWU

I cannot express how exhilarating it is to finally be able to go on a run with Jimin. Sure, I might not be able to run as fast as him with my small, skinnier legs, but I was able to dodge trees with ease. Easier than he could, anyway.

"Try to catch me!" Jimin said, communicating through our wolves.

I let out a playful growl, and tried to run faster after him, trying to take little shortcuts. However, Jimin knew the forest better than I did, which was really down on my side. Jimin looked behind him and barked at me teasingly. I growled slightly, before an idea came into my head. I veered off into the shrubbery and hid, letting Jimin run off, unaware that I was gone. I sat still, looking through the leaves of the bush I was hiding in. Like expected, Jimin came and turned back around to come look for me when he noticed I was gone. He was sniffing the ground before lifting his head up and looking around, whimpering slightly. He let out a bark, trying to call for me, but I stay inside the bush. I was waiting for the right time to arise. He went back to sniffing around, before he caught my trail and started coming towards me. I wiggled slightly, getting ready to pounce. Soon, Jimin was close enough, so I leapt from the bush and tackled him, Jimin yelping in surprise. We rolled around before we stopped, with me on top.

"Gotcha!" I said triumphantly, Jimin looking surprised before smiling and panting.

With a quick roll of his body, Jimin turned and pinned me down.

"Nooo, I got you!" Jimin said, smirking down at me.

I laid there on my back and just pouted, looking away from Jimin. He whimpered before bending his head down to lick me on the cheek. He lifted his head back up, and I licked him in return. He then got off me, and laid down beside me, and I rolled over to lay beside him.

"You weren't supposed to do that." I said, as I nuzzled my muzzle into his soft and fluffy fur. I was slightly jealous of him since I had shorter fur. It was still soft though, just not as much as his.

"You still love me though, right?" Jimin said, rubbing the side of his face against mine.

"Yeahhh, I guess I do... stranger." I said

"Heyy! I said for you to stop calling me that. We aren't strangers anymore!" Jimin said in a cute, slightly whiny tone.

"Okkk, okkk, I'm sorry Jiminie." I apologized, although, I didn't really mean it.

We sat there cuddling, panting and trying to catch our breaths, before Jimin's head suddenly snapped up.

"What is it?" I asked, a little alert.

"I smell... I smell someone." He said.

"From our pack?" I tried to sniff what he was smelling as well, but my nose wasn't as well trained as his.

"No, a stranger." Jimin stood up, turning to some trees and growling lowly. His neck was hunched over and his head was lowered. He bared his teeth aggressively, not afraid to fight if he had to. I stood up too, making sure to stay behind Jimin, since I was much smaller than him and probably couldn't take a fight.

I tried looking in the direction he was, staring into the shadows, before I finally saw a deep, dark brown wolf walk forth. He had a clipped ear, and a scar over his nose. I tried to get a good sniff of him, getting a whiff of the dirty, almost swampy smell of his fur. Just from that, I could assume that the intruder was most likely a rogue. A lone wolf.

He lowered his head, not wanting to fight, I assumed. Jimin still stood aggressively, not trusting the stranger. His ear flicked in annoyance. The were probably talking between themselves with their wolves, I supposed. Suddenly, Jimin let out a loud bark, startling me, since I had no idea what was going on. The loner lowered himself even lower, just trying to prove that he wasn't a threat. He looked down to the ground, and suddenly Jimin seemed to become less tense. He was still wary, but I think that he was coming to see the loner as less of a threat.

"Jimin... Jimin what's going on?" I asked Jimin.

"I'll explain when we get to the pack house..." He answered, and I nodded slightly.

Jimin nodded his head to the direction behind him, motioning the rogue to follow him. He turned around and started walking, and the loner and I both followed.

It was a bit nerve wracking by the time we got back, other werewolves in their human forms were staring at the loner and us. Soon we got to the entrance of the house, and Jimin turned around, and spoke to the rogue. The loner then transformed, turning into a roughed up human version of himself.

Even though a bit dirty and injured, the werewolf was actually pretty handsome. He wasn't korean looking like most of the wolves here, which actually had me wondering why exactly they were all korean here. I wondered if I should maybe ask Jimin about it sometime. The rogue had long dark brown hair and yellow eyes he had a pretty muscular frame, but he kept his head lowered to still try to not be a threat. The only clothes he had on when he transformed was a thin t-shirt, and some roughed up jeans. I was just glad he had any clothes at all.

Jimin and I transformed after him, and Jimin led us to the alpha's office. I had met the Alpha once before, just for when I first joined the pack, so I was a bit nervous. Jimin knocked on his door, and soon, the tall, golden haired alpha opened the door. He took a look at the stranger and his eyes widened slightly.

"Come in." He said, opening the door all the way.

I knew Jimin and Namjoon were pretty close friends, along with a few of the other wolves here. They kinda formed a mini pack of some sort. Just seven dudes that like to hang out and go on runs all the time. I've met most of them already, and they are all really nice, including Namjoon. The look that he gave the stranger as we sat down though showed me just how powerful and authoritative he could be. He sat up tall, a face of seriousness pasted onto his usually smiley face. He wanted to assert his dominance, show who was in charge here, I assumed.

"I presume you are Namjoon? The alpha of the Bangtan pack?" The stranger said. It was the first time I had actually heard him speak, and I was surprised. He had a bit of a low raspy voice. Not like Taehyung's voice at all, don't get me wrong. Tae had a smooth deep voice that flowed through your ears like butter. This stranger, however, his voice had imperfections, sounding just as roughed up as he looked.

"Yes, that is correct, but I must ask you. What are you doing here on our territory?"

"Well you see... I used to live on this territory. In this pack..." he said, looking down.


"I just wanna return. I wanna return to where I belong. I also have some information that you might want to hear." He said, " Please, you must understand. I mean no harm... I just want to come home."

"... I have no recollection of you whatsoever. How am I supposed to know that you're telling the truth?" Namjoon said, raising his brow.

"My mother ran away with me when I was young. I don't exactly know how to prove it to you. I can't even remember my mother's name. Surely you can remember a runaway mother from your pack, right?"

"...Yes. Yes, in fact I do... She ran away with her son and a baby daughter. I wasn't Alpha then, but of course I know." Namjoon verified, "But how did you find your way back here?"

"I asked around and followed the instructions of other packs. They were kind and were able to help me find you." He said.

"... and what about the piece of... information you have for me?" Namjoon asked.

"The humans know. They know about us. Not all of them, but where I've spent most of my life until I escaped was at a secret arena where humans captured werewolves and had them battle... They made them fight each other. To the death. For their entertainment." The stranger said, visible wincing as he recalled where he came from.

I gasped slightly. That's... that's horrible. And the fact that some humans even knew about werewolves was scary. I knew very well that humans have a tendency to try to take control of things. Humans like power. Namjoon scowled even further.

"You do know that if what you are saying is true... it could endanger all werewolves around the globe?" Namjoon said

"Yes... I do realize that." The loner said.

Namjoon sighed, resting himself on his elbows at his desk with his fists together and to his head.

"I still don't know if I can trust you... but however... I'm going to give you a chance to prove yourself. You can stay here in the pack so long as you help out with all the things that need to be done. If I find you doing something that I do not approve of... then you won't like the consequences."

I looked to the stranger just in time to see him nod in understanding.

"One last thing before I have Jimin here lead you to where you will be staying. What is your name?" Namjoon asked

"David, sir." The finally named loner said.

"Alright, David. You may leave, but I want you to come back here tomorrow, at dawn. I feel like there is more that we need to talk about." Namjoon said, "Jimin, bring him to one of our small vacant rooms, please?"

Jimin nodded, then we stood and exited the alpha's office. We walked a little ways before we stopped and Jimin turned around to me.

"Hey, babe? Can you maybe just go to our room?" He asked


"... I don't feel too comfortable about you being anywhere around him." Jimin nodded back to David.

I hesitated, then nodded.

"Thank you, I love you." Jimin said

"I love you too." I said, and then Jimin walked off with David. I watched them walk off, but then I saw David turned his head to look at me slightly. He had some look in his eye that I couldn't really understand, but it sent shivers down my spine, nonetheless.

I made my way to mine and Jimin's room, and shut the door behind me once I entered.

"... Holy SHIT. Aaahhhh" I exclaimed, flopping onto my bed, "Ah, I've had enough action for today."

I went into the bathroom to wash myself off a bit, since I had a bit of dust in my face from when Jimin and I were having our run. I finished and then looked at myself in the mirror.

"Welp, I kinda look like shit." I said to myself, "But then, I say this to myself everyday. How is this any different?"

I laughed to myself, before going silent.

"Hey reflection... can I tell you something?" I swear I was going insane or something, "Hmm... Well, this new guy. He seems familiar to me. Crazy, right? He doesn't LOOK familiar at all, but it's just the way he acts and everything."


"Hmm, I see you agree. Well, thanks for this conversation, reflection." I turned around, before flipping back around and give myself finger guns, "Eyyyyy." I let my arms drop and then I facepalmed myself.

"If this seriously what you do when you're alone and without me, I should set up a camera and leave you alone more often."

I yelped, turning around to see Jimin smirking at me.

"AH gOd. You scared me!" I squatted down dramatically just to show him how hard his scare hit me. Wow, I was in a mood today.

"Hahaha! Sorry about that. I really just wanted to get our little friend to his room as quick as I could and then get back to you as soon as I could." Jimin giggled.

"WEll then. If you were so eager to get back to me like that, then maaaaaaybeee you should consider NOT leaving a camera around just to see what I do alone?" I stood up putting my hand on my hip and holding my head in my hand with my elbow on the counter.

"God, I love you." Jimin said, closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly.

I blushed, and smiled. Jimin made his way over to me, and kissed me on the lips, which I gladly accepted. Jimin grabbed my waist and kissed me passionately, which I returned equally, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you so much." Jimin said between kisses, "You're so beautiful." Kiss "Funny" Kiss "Sexy" Jimin began to feel me up, squeezing my thighs, and rubbing them with his gorgeously soft hands. I knew where this was leading, but I weirdly didn't do anything to stop it, as the furious emotions blinded me. I moaned into the kiss as Jimin felt me up, massaging my legs. He moves his hands up and then squeezed my ass, which I weirdly really liked. I gasped as Jimin lifted me up, holding me to his hips by my thighs as he carried me to the bed. He dropped me with my back down on the bed, with him between my legs and hovering over me. He kissed me again, moving from my lips to my jaws and then my neck. I gasped as Jimin started to nip at my neck. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away slightly.

"W-wait, what are you doing?" I said, suddenly aware of what really was going on.

He stared down at me and I blushed furiously as he looked at me with those sexy eyes. There was no innocence in those pupils anymore, only lust and love as he looked into my eyes. Jimin moved my hands from his chest and leaned down to beside my ear, his breath against my ear making me shudder.

"I want to make sure everybody knows you're mine, baby." Jimin growled, and I shivered.

... h-his?

This chapter and the next are gonna be pretty short, I'm sorry, but the one afterwards is really long!!! So yey :3

And also, if you can't tell, the next chapter is gonna be a lemon, so be looking forward to that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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