The Disowened and the Billio...

By wheezerobertson

27.7K 1.3K 138

Andy is a abandoned and unstable but cute 17 year old who has just been throw out and Rye is a successful 25... More

~Not yet
~Business Trip~
~Come back~
~Your Ready~
~why didn't you tell me?~
~Trouble and lies~
~gone ~
~Only time will tell~
-Too good for me-
-the call-
-unexpected visitor-
-the note-
-final goodbye-


450 29 0
By wheezerobertson

S pov:
I finally had him I let him go once but not again never he's mine. I will convince him to stay with me I just need rye to fuck off. But they are madly in love he stole my baby for me he stole him and he's gonna pay.....
Ryes pov,
It had only been 2 days but I already felt like I had searched the whole world for him,why didn't I let him come with me? It was my fault he was now going to be put through hell allover again. I had 5 hours until I had to go meet them and i still had no idea what to do,I couldn't let him die but if I died he wouldn't be able to live. How was I going to do this. I could risk Andy getting hurt by bringing my men along. I had to try and figure out a plan.
Andys pov:*4 hours later*
We were in his car driving somewhere,probably to one of his dirty men's house. Over the past 3 days I'd been raped and beaten 3 times I looked a state but I had to stay strong for Rye,i didn't know when I was next going to see him but when I did I knew I wanted to be in his arms where I felt the most safe. We were heading towards a forest. Where was he taking me?
Ryes pov:(sorry for the pov changes😂)
I had turned up 30 minutes early not wanting to risk being late in case he did something to Andy. I checked my watch frantically waiting until I saw two figures out of the corner of my eye,it was them Andy was there he looked o broken so scared and fragile.
Andys pov:
I looked forwards at him not believing it at first but when I looked closer I realised it was him he was there he was real.
A-"RYE" I shouted tears running down my face I tried running but got held back by the monster who had took me away from my world.
R-"ANDY DONT MOVE PLEASE DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU" I looked at him and the tears in his eyes nodding.
S-"ahHh so you did turn up? Well I mean of course you did but the question is have you made your choice?"
R-"Yes..I have"

Hello again loves :)
This chapter took way too much effort to write and no not cause it's complicated but because wattpad kept deleting it🥱😴But anyway enjoy another cliff hanger.
-bai sugars❤️

-Jess x

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