Loving You / Paul Lahote - [...

By apollosmeatballs

216K 4.9K 468

*COMPLETED*Ashley Cullen was just a baby when she and her birth parents were in a horrible car accident. Rosa... More

Prologue - [EDITED]
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Epilogue - [EDITED]

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3.9K 103 13
By apollosmeatballs

About half an hour later Ashley pulled out in front of the Lahote household. Paul was waiting on the porch of their small house to greet her. He took her bag and they walked in.

"Sorry the place's a mess, didn't have much time to tidy it up," he mumbled. 

Ashley shrugged. "It's okay, I'm the one who called at the last minute, I'm grateful you took me in,"

"Of course babe, what else could I have done?" he said as he kissed her cheek. 

Ashley sighed, "You know, we can always clean it up, together, I'm sure Jay wouldn't mind it," she said. 

Paul looked at her in disbelief. "Are you kidding? He'd have a heart attack if he sees it someone else than him cleaning up,"

So they spent the next half hour cleaning up the house. It wasn't that messy. There were some dishes to be cleaned, some leftover packages and clothes laying. 

"Okay while I collect all the garbage get all the clothes and bring them to the bathroom, I'll take care of them once I'm done with this, then we can wash the dishes," Ashley ordered.

Paul smiled. "I love it when you get all bossy," he smirked. 

Ashley rolled her eyes as she lightly hit him. "Get to work mister," she said. 

While Paul started doing what she said Ashley started taking all the packages. Afterward, she went to the bathroom and put all of the clothes in the laundry machine then the couple moved on to the kitchen. "I'll wash them and you'll dry it, we'll be done in no time," she said.

When all of it was done they sat on the couch while he grabbed his computer. "What do you want to watch?" 

Ashley shrugged, "Are you even asking me that?" she replied. 

Paul chuckled. "Yeah, sorry, my bad. Supernatural it is," 

In the third episode, they were watching Paul sighed. "I don't get it, these guys, they are just human, how can they keep winning?" he asked. 

Ashley furrowed her brows, "They're the Winchesters, they always pull through," 

"Even death?" he asked again. 

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Duh, dummie, they even killed the Death, they're the guys who save the world," she said. "Plus, they have an angel on their side, he's got powers," 

Paul breathed out. "Fine, fine, I'll just never understand why you love the show so much," he commented. 

Ashley gasped. "How dare you?" she asked. 

Paul was watching her amused. She grabbed the laptop and hugged it, with the Winchesters frozen on the screen. "Don't come between me and my boys,"

"Your boys, huh?" Paul asked smirking. He sat up on the couch facing Ashley. 

"Yup, but don't worry, you're probably in the top ten," she replied. 

"Top ten? Probably?" he asked again surprised.

Ashley shook her head playfully. "Easily," she murmured. 

Paul got closer to her. "Easily?" he whispered. 

Ashley nodded and Paul grabbed the computer, putting it away. "We'll see about that," he continued and kissed Ashley.

She was giggling through the kiss and she could feel Paul smiling. "Am I getting higher on the list?" he asked between the kisses. 

"Certainly," she murmured connecting their lips again.

After a few minutes, Paul leaned back. "Now that's sorted out we can continue watching," he said with a smirk. 

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Fine, but no more interrupting," 

The next morning they decided to go to Emily's. Paul had to go there anyway, Sam wanted them to be ready when the fight would go down the very next day. That way Ashley wouldn't be alone.

"I heard Kim's coming too," Paul said. 

"Oh, really? I haven't seen her so long, it'd be nice to see her again," Ashley said. She couldn't remember the last time they'd been together, probably the prom they went together. She was a bit shy but once you got close she was the sweetest person ever.

Once they got there almost everyone was there. Only the Clearwater siblings and Quil were missing. The rest of the pack was scattered in front of the house, waiting and chatting.

"Ashley?" Sam called out. She'd been talking to Jared and Kim with Paul. 

All four teenagers turned to him. "Yeah?" she replied. 

"I was wondering if you could give us any more information, on these newborns, something your family might have forgotten to mention?" he asked.

She thought for a while. "No, I think my uncle pretty much covered it all on their abilities. However, they're newborns, which means they still haven't learned how to control their thirst, it's what drives them. If something happens during the fight and there's blood, I think it's safe to say that it'd be hard to stop a hungry newborn," 

Sam nodded. "Good, no spilling then," he said. Then he shouted at the pack. "Let's go," and started running toward the woods. 

Ashley turns to Kim as she links their arms. "It's been a while since it's been just us, we've got a lot to catch up for," she giggled as she pulled the girl toward the house.

They gossipped about their boyfriends, what had happened in their lives since the last time they saw each other and what would happen tomorrow, their worries for the pack.

"Yeah, Jared told me about what happened, I can't imagine how much it must've hurt," Kim said. Ashley nodded. 

"It was pretty bad, it made me question everything, we had already been through so much,  and I know tomorrow is going to turn out just fine and I'm glad we'll finally have a clean slate to have some fun," she replied.

"That's the spirit girls!" Emily chimed in after she was done. "Before we know it this nightmare will finally be over,"

" I'm just worried for them, I know they have Ashley's family with them but, after everything I've heard, I don't know, I just can't help but worry," Kim mumbled.

Ashley hugged her. "Me too, but everyone single one of them had done this before so I believe in them," she said and Emily watched the teenagers with a smile on her lips. 

"Anyway, we should stop at this sad stuff and talk about something positive," Emily blurted out.

The girls giggled. "Yeah, like what?" Ashley asked. Emily shrugged. 

"I know! Ashley can tell us all about how Paul made up to her," Kim exclaimed. 

"Yes!" Emily said as she jumped on the sofa next to the girls.

Ashley smiled. "Okay, okay, I suppose I can give you guys some details," she said then proceeded to tell them the entire story. How Leah came over, her talk with Edward then Bella driving her to his house and the talk with him.

As she was telling the story Ashley could spot the glance in Emily's eyes as she mentioned Leah and she decided it was a good time for her to talk to her about it.

"Emily, can I ask you something, if it won't come off as too personal?" she asked the older woman. 

She smiled in response. "Do you still love Leah?" she asked again and Emily bitterly smiled.

"Of course I do! We were practically sisters until the thing happened. And I felt so bad about it, I still do, I love Sam and the pack but it always feels like something's missing, you know? Still, whenever something happens she's the person I want to go to, talk to, have around me. Sometimes, out of habit, I find myself about to text or call her, I miss my best friend,"

Ashley nodded. "When she talked to me, she practically said the same thing, that you two were like sisters. She's got a lot on her pile and I'm sure you feel it better than me considering your relation to her. I'm confident she still cares for you the same way and maybe if you reach out, this time, you two can fix it," 

Emily now had tears on her face. " You really think so?" she asked. 

Ashley gave a warm smile as she nodded. " I know so, Em, I think she wants it too but it's hard for her, maybe if you make it easier, I feel like she needs her sister back with everything that has happened to her in the last year,"

After the talk, the three girls proceeded to prepare dinner, given there was a pack of wolves who'd come back very hungry and tired and they needed their full strength for tomorrow.

It took them about two hours of cooking. Whilst doing that they also teased each other and laughed as if nothing was wrong. Emily also filled in Ashley about a major event that occurred while she wasn't here.

Quil imprinting on Emily's little cousin, Claire Young.

Ashley was surprised and a bit mad at Paul for not filling her in but mostly surprised at how it can happen. "Trust me, I still ask myself the same thing," Emily mumbled. 

As Kim told her about what happened and described the way Emily became and was almost about to kill Quil, Ashley couldn't help but smile a bit. "I could never picture you scary Emily, you're adorable,"

It felt good, to not worry, even for a few hours.

Seeing them the way they were made Ashley worry even more. Because for them only their family would fight but for Ashley, both of her families would fight. The thought of anything happening to any member of her families, it was unbearable.

It made her understand the possibilities even better. How easy it would be to lose someone. Her family was full of vampires so she never had to worry about that, whether something would happen to them because she knew it, no humane thing could hurt them.

But, tomorrow? It could hurt everyone.

A little before the girls were done the boys came back, exhausted. "Em, please feed us whatever you have, I AM starving!" Embry yelled as he sat down to the nearest chair. The rest of the wolves groaned as they sat next to Embry.

Sam, Paul, and Jared instead made their way toward their imprints and gave them a kiss.

Then Ashley noticed that all the seats were taken at the table. "Emily, are there any extras?" she asked and the older girl immediately understood what she asked. 

"Boys, first plate to whoever brings the chairs first!" she exclaimed and caused Embry, Seth, and Jacob to run outside.

After the dinner, Ashley, Paul, Jared, and Kim were sitting together. Both boys were hugging their girlfriends and holding them close. "So, what have you guys been up to today?" Jared asked. 

Ashley smiled sinisterly as she shared a look with Kim. "Ah, you know, classic stuff, juicy gossip about you guys," Kim snickered and Ashley nodded as the guys rolled their eyes. 

"Great, we're screwed!" Paul exclaimed and they burst into laughter.

"Seriously though Jared, I can't believe you used to go by J-Man and tried to impress girls by doing Michael Jackson impersonations!" Ashley said, laughing. 

"I know, what terrible times we survived!" Paul added.

Jared rolled his eyes. "Hey, Hey! In my defense, I'm pretty sure it worked," he smirked and placed a kiss on Kim's cheek. Kim immediately blushed and Ashley and Paul smiled at them. 

Then Ashley turned to Paul. "I'm just quickly gonna go call my family, okay?" she said. Paul noded.

Ashley didn't talk to her folks since yesterday and she wanted to know they were alright. She got up and walked over toward the woods, where she was sure she was out of the wolves' earshot. Then she called Edward.  He was supposed to be with Bella which meant he was the most likely member of her family to pick up the phone.

"Trouble in paradise already?" Edward answered the phone, causing Ashley to laugh.  

"Ha, you wish Eddy boy," she replied. "How's everything over there? Everyone fine?" 

"It's fine. Everyone except me went hunting, to collect all of their power for tomorrow, Bella and I are at home, alone," 

Ashley smirked. "Ooh, home alone you say Eddy? You guys should behave yourselves," 

Ashley heard Bella's giggle. "Yeah, did I mention you're on speaker?" Edward asked, clearly annoyed at his niece. 

"Oh, cmon, get over yourself, we're all adults here," she said and could picture Edward rolling his eyes.

When the couple didn't answer Ashley furrowed her brows. "Hey, is everything okay? Did something bad happen?" she asked. Then she heard the muffled talking coming over the phone.

"Ooh, something definitely happened, but it's not bad, but I can't promise you won't freak out," Bella said finally. 

"Okay?" Ashley answered. 

"Bella said 'yes'," Edward spoke up.

"She did? To what?" Ashley asked, confused. 

Bella giggled. " Future Mrs. Cullen said 'yes' Ashley," she said and Ashley shouted. 

"Oh my god! What! Really?" she exclaimed happily.

"Yes, you're the first one to find out," Edward replied. 

"Oh my, I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations you two!" Ashley shrieked and earned giggles from the other side of the call.

"Uh, also, Ashley, is it, okay you keep it a secret for now? I need to find an appropriate way to tell everyone, especially to the wolves," she mumbled.

Ashley nodded even though she knew Bella couldn't see it. "Sure thing Bells,"

After the phone call, Ashley went back and saw Leah sitting by herself. She made her way over there. "Hey," she said with a smile. 

"Hi," Leah mumbled.

"I wanted to thank you, Leah, the talk we had, it really helped me and I feel like it made us closer," she said. 

Leah nodded. "Good," she said then sighed. "I mean, I'm glad, that's, uhm, good to hear that," 

Ashley took a deep breath. "I've been thinking ever since we had the talk, and I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries here, but I talked to Emily today, about you and the relationship you had. I just wanted to tell you she misses you very much and maybe now is a good time to heal old wounds," 

Leah glared at her, then to Emily, who was hugged by Sam and smiled at him, then back to Ashley through her speech. As she opened her mouth to say something Ashley spoke again.

"I can understand how much it must hurt, but I think you need a reminder that you're not alone, you've got a big family and even though most of them are dumbasses who don't show it, we all care about you, some more than others. You don't have to face anything alone and we're here for you if you let us,"

Leah had some tears on her eyes and some running down her cheeks. She couldn't speak. Ashley gave her a tight hug. 

"Thank you, I'll think about it," Leah mumbled.

After spending a bit more time with the pack Ashley and Paul returned home. Ashley could see how tired Paul was so they went straight to bed.

Paul hugged Ashley and fell asleep quickly. But Ashley couldn't sleep. With every negative thought running through her mind and her worry getting bigger she was shifting in the bed relentlessly.

She couldn't help but picture every possible worst-case scenario on her head and it scared her. The thought of someone she cared for getting hurt, this was the first time she was experiencing something like this and it terrified her.

She turned to face Paul. He seemed at peace. Ashley examined his face and it dawned on her, how much she loved him. And the fear of something, anything happening to him tomorrow.

Ashley knew that what her family was facing was dangerous but until that moment she couldn't grasp how serious the whole thing was. Her family filtered the information from her but when she thought about everything, it scared her.

If it wasn't much of a threat, why would her family decide to go to Seattle to sort out the situation? Why would the wolves align with them? Why take all the security precautions? It was much bigger and more dangerous than Ashley initially thought and finally getting the bigger picture she was terrified.

Terrified for her family, for the pack, for her friends, and for her boyfriend.

No one was invincible and realizing any of the people Ashley considered family might not make it out alive after tomorrow was too heart-shattering.

Long before she realized it, tears had started to run down her face slowly.

"Ashley?" Paul mumbled, feeling the distress from her girlfriend. "Is everything alright?" he asked as he opened his eyes and saw her. 

"No, Paul, I," Ashley started, "I thought I was okay with it, with all of you fighting, but I'm terrified, I don't want anyone getting hurt,"

"Baby," Paul whispered and hugged Ashley. "I promise, no one is going to get hurt, I'll make sure of it. I know it's dangerous, but hey, everyone who will be there tomorrow has faced many dangerous situations. Plus, I have a pretty good reason to come back unharmed," he said, smirking at the last part.

That last remark put a smile on Ashley's face. She looked up to his eyes and got fixed there. She loved him so much, so freaking much that it hurt. She knew that Paul was the one. Not because of the imprinting or him being a wolf, everything that he was, was the exact thing Ashley needed. They were the perfect match.

"I love you," Ashley said. 

Paul smiled. "I love you more," he replied and Ashley leaned up and started kissing him.

Paul easily gave into the kiss. But with each kiss that Ashley fired up, Paul was slowing down. "Baby, wait, what's going on?"

 Ashley shrugged. "I love you," she answered and kept on kissing him.

Paul kept stopping her and asking her what was going on but she kept giving the same answer. Then, finally, Paul moved to the side of the bed and asked her what was wrong. 

Ashley sighed. "You could die tomorrow," she simply said.

"And I know that you promised me you won't get hurt, but anything can happen, they're, they're," she started, "I've just got you back and if tomorrow's the end I want to be with you until the very end," 

She looked up to him to see him confused. "And I love you," she said one more time before kissing him and pulling him toward him. He was now on top of her and their eyes locked. 

"Baby?" he whispered.

Ashley looked up at him. "Are you sure?" he asked. 

Ashley nodded. "I remember our talk, we don't have to-" he started but Ashley cut him off with a kiss. 

"I love you," she whispered in response. 

Paul smirked. "I love you too," he replied and kissed her, fully giving himself.

He was already practically naked, only wearing his shorts. They rolled on the bed, making Ashley lay on the top. Paul's warm fingers went down from her face to the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up.

The temperature in the room was cold but as soon as Paul's hands touched her skin Ashley immediately melted into his touch. She was too busy kissing his neck when she felt his hands finding their way to her bra.

When Paul was done taking the bra off he gently turned, making Ashley at the bottom again. They shared a smile before connecting their lips again. Paul was trying to kiss every possible place on Ashley's body.

She was the single-handedly most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on.

Paul knew what he was doing, he had done all of this before, but now, with her, it felt like everyone before her, was meaningless and it felt right. With everything he did, Ashley couldn't help but moans escape her lips.

It was simply euphoric.

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