By Vmochiie

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[A FANFICTION] "Remember only the darkest ways leads to the brightest destination" Year is 2025. When BTS di... More

EP 1- New start
EP 2- Namjoon?
EP 3 -talk
EP 4 - Death wish
EP 5- Explanation
EP 6- Hope
EP 7- Tiny Soomin
EP 8 - Introduction to BTS.
EP 9- Memories
EP 10- Future and past
EP 11- Mr Choi
EP 12 - Mission save BTS
EP 16 - Mr Bang
EP 17- Meet the Bangtan
EP 13 - Money
EP 14 - 95 liners
EP 15- Old times
EP 18- Manager
EP 19- Pattern
EP 20- here we go again
EP 21- Hard times
EP 22- Nightmare
EP 23- Embarrassment
EP 25 - You never walk alone
EP 26- Black swan
EP 27- Fustration
EP 28- Tea with Taehyung
EP 29- Mystery- [part-1]
EP 29- Mystery [Part-2]
EP 30- Dreams
EP 31- The beginning
EP 32- Kim Namjoon
EP 33-October
EP 34 - Blue bird
EP 35- Surprise
EP 38- Accident
EP 36- Expectedly unexpected
EP 39- Last Bye
EP 37- Hello parents

EP 24- The truth untold

180 12 1
By Vmochiie

( This episode contains sensetive topics)


"Y-you called me y/n?" You asked him in shaking voice.

"Look Y/n, I don't know why you are doing this but I have figured out some things about you." Yoongi said in deep voice.

"Wh-what do you mean?" You gulped.

"First of all the first time I saw you, you looked young for your age, second you hesitated to drink and when you were drunk you said to jungkook that you aren't noona, meaning your younger, and third the texts you got from soomin." Yoongi said.

How could he figure out everything so easily?

He continues"I'm sorry I didn't meant to see your texts but I did, she said Y/n and not Lee, and you said your name is Lee, look I want to know what is going, this includes us too, I don't want something bad to happen.."

But the  mysterious voice said not to tell anyone about this or things can be different...

"I promise what I'm doing won't cause any problems to Bangtan." You said firmly.

"I know it won't.. I trust you." He said with hesitation.

Trust? He doesn't trust me at all, he probably feels like I'm a sketchy person, or a obsessive fan..

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone.." you said slowly.

I shouldn't tell him.. but if he doesn't trust me I won't be able to save him from any danger... In future..

I hope nothing goes wrong..

"You don't have to tell me Y/n.. it's just a bit sketchy.." he said.

" What I am about to say is something crazy and unbelievable but I'm not crazy person, what I'm saying is truth so please trust me now.." you say slowly.

He nods.

Even if he says it's alright I know it's not, he feels it's weird too.

Here goes nothing...

"I'm Y/n, and I have travelled back to this year.. for a purpose, and your right I'm 17, soon I'll be 18.." You say while hoping he doesn't think of you as crazy.

But he's listening attentively.

"Please go on." He requested.

"I'm from year 2025, in that year I died and than I found myself in a strange place.. there was a voice coming and the voice gave me two choices, either to go in past and save everyone or  live peacefully in heaven without anyone.." you continued in hesitation.

"I see you chose your past. Why did you do that?" He questioned.

"Because, I wanted to save BTS and my friend's Dad.." you finally said it.

"BTS!? What happened to us?" He immediately asked you.

"In future there is no Bangtan. You guys are separated apart." You felt tears around your eyes.

"Wh-what.." Yoongi stuttered

"But don't worry everything will be alright.." you said and tried giving him hope.

"At first I thought you were some skeptical person with serious brain issues but now I see what you are.. Your sick! You are saying we're separated!? Why? Why are you saying something like this! Stop this!" He yelled with tears around his eyes.

"I swear I'm telling the truth!!! I know it sounds crazy but it's truth!! I swear." You cried.

"Your crazy. I'm calling the company and I am telling them to handle you." He said and started dialing in some number.

"NO STOP! I SWEAR IT'S TRUE I HATE IT TOO BUT I'LL CHANGE IT!!!" You screamed with all your power.

"Hello Mister-" Yoongi contacted them.

You don't know what came to you but you said " I can save Minhyuk too!!"

He  got shocked by this.

"Hello Mister Yoongi?" You heard from his phone.

He hung up the phone

"How do you know about Minhyuk?" He said and came closer to you.

"I-I saw the glimpse of future.." you stuttered.

"Explain me. I give you ten minutes then I'll call the agency." He threatens you.

Without wasting any time you begin to tell him.

"That voice also gave me power to see the future and that I can go back in time.. I saw the glipmse of you talking about Minhyuk and that he left you.." you said in shaky voice.


"Why did you had such  glimpse?" He questioned while rubbing his forehead.

"I don't know I keep on having them, right now I saw jungkook falling down from rooftop and he said that I mudered you and-"

You recollect your words and the nightmare came back in your head.

I mudered Yoongi... I lied to Yoongi, I couldn't save jungkook..

I'm useless..

"Y/n?" He said slowly.

You felt yourself crying.

"This time when you saw jungkook you were saying "I couldn't save them".. so what your saying is true... I heard you yelling in sleep "No jungkook" was it all true?" He asked doubtfully.

"I'm wrong.. I'm sorry.." you started to cry.

Look how embarrassing crying in front of him again.

He took you in his warm embrace.

"I'm sorry for not believing you.." he said and holded you tightly.

"I'm here for you, cry all you want I'm here to comfort you."


"I c-ould-n't sav-e" you stuttered and cried.

"Shh" he patted you with affection.

Why is he comforting you all of sudden? Wasn't he suspicious of you?

"I'm sorry.. I tested you." He said and holded you tightly.

"Wh-at do you mea-n?" You asked him.

"I knew that you had something to do with time. I noticed that you suddenly had watch when we were talking, you weren't scared about what I'll say to Mr Bang and  because it felt like you already know what's gonna happen, the way you stopped talking suddenly and I also saw the texts of Soomin, Jin told me that you already said that you weren't hungry and won't join them for lunch, how could you know so much? And even the members don't know about Minhyuk.. How could you then?" Yoongi explained himself.

"And when you were drunk and asleep I asked you something.. and you just cried when I asked you." He explained.

"Then  why did you cal-led comp-any!?" You questioned.

If he knew it all along then why did he said that he'll contact company?

"I did that to test you.. I'm sorry for that, but now you aren't alone in this, I'm with you." He smiled and wiped one of your tears.

"Don't cry" he said.

"But-but you-" before you say anything further he holded your hand and smiled warmly at you.

His cute gummy smile.

"Now, can you tell me what happened to Minhyuk?" He said softly.

"I don't know either but I saw you crying and you said that he left you.. and you called me bloody liar.. and i-" you got haunted again by that Yoongi face.

That face with no emotions, that face which makes you feel so guilty.

"Is that why you avoided me?" He said still holding your hands.

"Yes..." You said slowly.

But who even is Minhyuk? Why doesn't anyone from BTS knows him? Who is he?

"You see y/n Minhyuk is my nephew, and he has cancer and his parents left him because they couldn't do anything with him.. he was all alone, last month we went to daegu and I went there but the house was empty, it was just Minhyuk crying and coughing."

His parents left him?

Minhyuk's story felt similar to yours.

"I asked him why didn't he told anyone about it and he said that it won't matter saving him since he'll die anyway.. I brought him to Seoul and I'm trying to treat him but doctor says it's hard.. he lived for 4 months alone without anyone.. that's why when you said Minhyuk left me I felt that his death is closer.."

"Sometimes parents don't take care of their kid they just think of it as mistake.." you said slowly.

You remember how things were with you too.

Your parents always said you were a stupid mistake they have to tolerate.

When you were bullied they didn't do anything to help you but instead they made it worse.

"Your parents did something similar?" He said while looking at you.

You smiled feebly.

"I got used to it." You said while you feel your voice cracking up.

"Y/n.. I'm sorry" he said.

"Sorry about what Mr Min? It's not your fault my parents left me, It's not your fault I got bullied and it's certainly not your fault that... This all is happening." You said and you felt the tears.

He just looked at you in a very sorry manner.

"You know I should actually thank you guys, I'm alive because if you guys, because of BTS." You said slowly.

"On August 28 I tried commiting suicide, that day is something I can't ever forget." You said and he put his hands on yours to give you comfort.

You closed your eyes for a moment and remembered everything.

"My parents and I had a fight on 27th about shifting back to US, I said I wanted to stay back because I finally had a good friend who i didn't wanted to lose, I remember crying the whole night and I didn't know when I fall asleep, next day my maid Jisoo woke me up and I went to school I didn't knew what was coming for me" you did and recollected your thoughts.

"I came a bit earlier than before that day I wanted to leave the house to avoid my parents and I saw sitting quietly at my seat waiting for Soomin to come and then a boy of my school came there and he called me up." You continued.

28 August 2018(y/n is 11 years old)

Not today.

"Hey fatso, give me the money I want to eat something since you're the only one here." Said the boy.

"No" you said Sternly.

"I'm sorry I didn't heard you. What did you just said?" He said in a heavy voice and clasped your right shoulder tightly.

"Let go" you said.

You felt his strong punch on your left cheek.

"I didn't heard you. You said let go?" He said and holded your cheeks tightly.

"Let go" you yelled.

He throws you down on floor.

"I didn't heard you. You said let go?" He said and stepped on your hand.

You felt so much of pain, you felt your lips bloody.

"W-why" You uttered feebly.

"Because that's what you deserve." He said and kicked you.

You felt your vision getting blurry because of tears, you were bullied but your were more hurt by the words, the words were like a sharp knife which scar your heart.

First Mom and Dad, now this?

Why can't anyone let me live in peace?

"St.. stop" you said while breathing heavily.

"Give me money! I'll go way and spare your arm." He commanded and pulled your left hand and twisted it.

You tried fighting back but you were too weak. You wanted to give up.. your done with this emotions..

"HEY STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" You heard scream from behind.

Your bulrry vision couldn't tell who it was.

And slowly your senses stopped working.

You woke up.

It's infirmary.


You didn't care what was happening and you decided to leave school.

You felt so frail and weak but you somehow managed to get home by walking.

Each step you took made you feel like your legs are getting heavier and heavier.

It was lonely, you felt alone. All you wanted now was a comfortable hug and a warm smile.

You wanted jisoo's smile to hide your pain.

The leaves on street made a crackling sound as you stepped on them, the dried poor leaves on which everyone was steeping not caring about how hurt they're getting.

Those Leaves were just like you. Broken, dried, and dead.

You came near your house your thoughts were controlling your mind and you open the door of the  mansion, and sighed as you throwed your backpack on the floor.

You called out but you heard no reply.

You didn't heard any voices or you didn't see anyone. Your eyes were scanning the room for atleats jisoo but she was nowhere to be found.

You felt exhausted but  you still managed to check  the rooms out, but all were filled emptyness.

Slowly slowly you walked on the stairs and got in your room and plopped on your bed and sighed and looked at Brusies.

Mom? Dad? Jisoo?

No one was there.

Jisoo use to take care of you when you came home hurted but today you were on your own.

You got the first aid-kit and opened it.

You sighed.

You remembered that they'll go to America but you still hoped for jisoo to be there.

Your eyes fell on your table which had a note on it, you stretched out your arm and grabbed it and begin reading it.

"Dear daughter,

We're going to U.S, if you like arguing so much than agrue with yourself now, jisoo will stay with us now. She had enough of you too.

We don't care anymore, you just always disappointed us.

Live in this stupid place if you want to.

We have added enough money in your account for 20 years.

We have done our responsibility and we are done with you.

-Jaewon Kim and Emilla Kim."

"They l-left m-me!?" You felt your world ending.

This was the last thing you wanted.

Even if they never loved you back, you did loved them.

Atleats you weren't alone with them but now you were alone, you knew they'll go but you thought it was just like everytime but this time they didn't left.. they abanded you. Maybe they did loved you once?

But whatever that love  was it was gone.

Jisoo was gone.

Your the worthless person aren't you?

You don't deserve to live don't you?

"Why did I tried living all this time?" You laughed at yourself.

Your eyes were teary, the amount of pain you are feeling is too much for you to take now.

"It's enough."

"I had enough"

Your eyes looked for something sharp in your room and you find just the thing.

A cutter that you used for crafting.


"Before I do this, I'll make sure no one gets blame for my doing.."

You wrote a suicide note and smiled at your pathetic condition.


This is  wrong to do!!!

Ending your life isn't the answer.

Love yourself.

Because your worth loving yourself.

Don't listen to others listen to yourself.

Love yourself.

This was the reason why y/n is so attached with BTS, at dark times they were her only hope.

Y/N is 11 right now.

This was her past.

She's 17 in the current date but it's past for her.

I hope I'm clearing things about the time travel and-


It took forever 😅 but I'll give you longer episodes.


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