Engaged to a Malfoy

By nicole_annieliese

2.7M 77.8K 55.2K

"I lost my Lily, so don't lose yours." Draco Malfoy and Y/N Rosecharm are best friends, but would one engagem... More

🔹Author's note🔹
The News
Transfigurations, Potions, Flying Lessons
Quidditch Match
Nicholas Flamel
Mirror of Erised and Detention
Devil's Snare
The End of First Year
Second Year
The Bloody Message
Home of a Monster
Great Danger
Harry's a Parselmouth?!
Polyjuice Potion
Don't Lose Your Lily
Good to be Back [End of Year Two]
Third Year
It Killed Me!
Page 394
Not Worth It
Time Traveling [ 1 ]
Time Traveling [ 2 ]
End of Third Year
Fourth Year and Deatheaters
Foreign Visitors Arrive
Meeting Cedric
Submitting the Names and Mad-Eye Moody's Lesson
The Champions
Ferret Draco
What The Bloody Hell Was That?
In His Arms
Draco Malfoy Asked Me to the Yule Ball
Yule Ball
What Happened To You?
The Second Task
It Can't Be True!
🦋 T A G G E D🦋
Last Task
Remembering Cedric (End of Fourth Year)
Fifth Year and Detention
You're Mental
Count Me In
Dumbledore's Army
Expecto Patronum
The Fall of Dolores Umbridge
Department of Mysteries
Avada Kedavra
Feeling Better
End of Fifth Year
Nice Face, Potter
Sixth Year and Potions Class
Slughorn's Dinner
It Feels Like This
Chosen For What?
Lavender vs Hermione
Blinded By Hatred
The Fall of Albus Dumbledore
Fight Back, You Coward!
Saying Goodbye
Rosecharm Secrets
Ron Returns
Dobby is Free
Checking The Wands
The Truth
Battle Begins
Where Do I Belong?
Engaged to a Malfoy
Marry Me
#Oneshot 1: Scorpius Time Traveled ( Part 1 )
#Oneshot 1: Scorpius Time Traveled ( Part 2 )
📀 Engaged to a Malfoy Playlist 📀

Hogwarts Again

20.1K 596 85
By nicole_annieliese

Chapter 80: Hogwarts Again


I jolted awake. "What are you doing here?"

"You can never fool me, Y/N. I'm a part of you remember?" He whispered.

I slightly shake as Voldemort's ghost walk around me. "Remember that you are a Riddle."

I growled. "I will never be a monster like YOU!"

I quickly brought my wand out then aimed it at him. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

He laughed evilly. "Such a silly girl."

Then his ghost disappeared. All that's left is a  fresh large hole in the tent.

Mom and dad entered. "What's going on?! We heard yelling!" Mom asked frantically.

I took deep breaths then glanced at my wand.

"He knows..." I mumbled.

"What?" Father asked.

Tears formed in my eyes. "He knows I'm alive! This- all of this is just so POINTLESS!" I yelled.

"Honey, calm down-"

"Please don't tell me to calm down, mom? How can I calm down when- when I lied to the Malfoys? When I lied to Draco? I broke my fiancé's heart with a stupid piece of parchment!"

"This isn't your fault, Y/N."

Then I thought of an idea.

I quickly grabbed an empty bag then shoved all my books and other belongings there.


"I have to go back to Hogwarts." I stated.

"No! It's dangerous. It isn't safe!"

"Nowhere is safe!" I snapped. "May I remind you that war is already starting. I'd rather fight then hide and fake my death here."

With one last glance at my parents, I smiled.

"I'll return."

Then I made my way to Hogwarts.

Hogwarts, here I come!

Hermione's POV

"Why didn't Y/N come with you?" Neville asked.

"We need to keep her safe, Neville. I think we discussed this already," Ron said. "She is dangerous anyway. Being the daughter of you-know-who and all-"

"Ronald," I scold. "I hope you remember that Y/N is still our friend!"

"She is still dangerous." He grumbled.

"But Harry is too." Luna said, looking at Harry.

"I wonder what she is doing now though..." Harry wondered.

"Talking about me, I see?" We heard a familiar voice.

We all turned then gasped. "Y/N?!"

"Speaking of the devil." Harry grinned.

I stood then pulled one of my "angry" faces.
"What did I tell you? I think I gave Fleur clear instructions to watch over you."

She looked at me with fear present in her eyes. "I-I'm sorry-"

I pulled her into a hug. "It's good to have you back with us, Y/N."

She smiled. "It's good to be back. Now, what did I miss?"

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