Trapped. (Lazarbeam x Reader)

By YeetusLys

40K 698 862

*Completed* As you continue living and having a blast at the click house. Your feelings develop for a fellow... More

The Cook Off
The Cook Off II
A Fight
Face off
Home and Away
Holidays With Bæ
Golden Sun
3's a party
The Adventures Of Clicksitting
Psycho II
Day 6
Making Memories
I Love You.
Darkest before the Dawn
Homes and Houses
Secrets & Lies
Screams & Dreams
Awaited & Loved
Anxiously Happy
A Wedding So Perfect
Simple Times
The Little Bean
You're The Only One
I'd Do This For

Fields of Lies

502 12 9
By YeetusLys

"You ready?" Lannan yelled from behind the camera.

"I guess so..." He pressed record and joined her on their couch. "G'day ya bloody legends and WELCOME BACK!" Y/n smirked,

"That's my line!"

"Haha not anymore!"

"Anyways what she said, but we have an announcement!" He laughed, "You guys know I'm not a romantic guy, but apparently it's enough to get this amazing women to be by my side." He plastered a huge grin onto his quirky face and looked at Y/n while wrapping his arm around her neck.

"Yep, I've somehow gotten myself engaged to this big doofus." She said smirking back, "The wedding won't be for a while because of our ridiculous lives."

"Trust me, she's already started planning. It's a nightmare. But we are happy to have this out in the open, and we are super lucky that all of our family and friends support us, we can only hope you guys do to!"

"We love all of you and can't wait to see what our futures hold."


"WASSUP FUCKERS!?" Tannar yelled booming into Lannan's office.

"You really outta stop doing that Tan," Y/n smirked, looking at her best friend.

"Whatcha doingggg?" She said looking over Y/n's shoulder. "Oooo dresses! I'll help you!" Tannar sat across from Y/n in the other bean bag while Lannan edited their newest video.

"Heads up, I hate long sleeves and mermaid dresses." Y/n laughed,

"Naw but babe you look so sexy in those skimpy body con or whatever dresses!" Lannan called out, Tannar bursted into tears hearing him.

"Not for a wedding dress!"

"Hmph fine." He went back to his computer monitor. The two girls spread out across the floor sharing ideas and dresses.

"Oh my gawdddd! Y/n look at this one!" This continued on for about an hour, they really laid there and searched around.

The doorbell rang and Lannan went to go check it out, returning he was trailed by Brodey.

"Suppp Bro!" Y/n laughed hopping up to give him a hug.

"Heyyy, I came to ask a favour?" He asked warily, leaning against the wall. This intrigued Lannan making him look up from his Reddit searches.

"When are you not looking for a favour?" Y/n chuckled, eyeing him.

"I want us to go on a road trip."

"Uh ok?"

"To Tamworth."

"Are we gonna see Mum?" She perked up.

"Not exactly... maybe the other side of us?"

"You really expect me to go see that bastard?" She asked angrily, shooting daggers at her brother.

"Hear me out, I know he's a dickhead. But please, I just need to meet him at least once. I'll buy you unlimited coffee."

"Can we still go see Mum?"

"Of course."

"Fine. I'll come, but you owe me." Brodey laughed,

"By now Bazz, I think you practically owe her all your money." Lannan laughed,

"I'll come by and pick you up tomorrow around lunch?"

"Sounds good, want to stay for dinner? We're making Parma"

"You know it." Brodey joined Lannan in his reddit searches while Y/n and Tannar looked around some more for dresses. Eventually giving up and heading to the kitchen for some wine and Parma prep.

"Oh my god, Tannar you know what we should do?"



"Oh fuck yes, wine and bogans. We love that! LANNAN!"





"SURE COME GET IT!" The pair of them finished their screaming match to a satisfactory end, Tannar ran to grab the laptop and camera while Y/n posted it all over their socials.


"Why do I smell burning?" Lannan asked popping into stream view with Brodey. Y/n and Tannar stared at each other. "Guys, you know your cheese is on fire right?"

"Ohhhh shit." They said in unison and scrambled to get them out of the oven.

"How much fucking wine did you two have?" Brodey asked laughing.

"A standard amount." Y/n giggled, holding her half full glass. Their bottle was almost done. They fixed up their dinner and the stream ended. "Hey, we can finally use our dining table."

"That cost us 150 for just the table." Lannan whined, setting down his plate. "Hey Brodey, want a beer?"

"Why not?"

"Good man." They both laughed as Lannan went back to the kitchen. All four of them ate their food without further question.



"Mm?" She answered from the lounge room.

"Come 'ereeee." He laughed,

"Yeahh okkkk" She walked into his office and saw him on his big bean bag. "Oo bean bag." She jumped on it causing Lannan to be pushed off.


"Mine now." She giggled, Lannan stood up and found a small section of the bean bag for which wasn't covered. "Naw."

"I did buy it."

"Argh. Fine." She scooted over and somehow ended up on top of him.

"Ok I'm not complaining now." She slapped his leg.

"You idiot."

"Anyways, I needed to talk to you."

"Mm, you gotta hurry. Brods is here in 15."

"Don't worry. I got this." They both laughed. "Anyways, it's about our little issue."

"You mean the fact we keep trying to you know and we never get to."


"It's so annoying I might just drown myself." She sighed.

"Don't worry. I have a solution. We kick Tannar out for a night when you get back and voila. Peace."

"What about Willeh?"

"Oh right, we kick him out as well."

"You are so stupid I love it."


"My suggestion, it happens when it happens."

"You are so wise. Stop it." They rolled around on the bean bag until Brodey came. They stood outside the house as they said goodbye. "You be safe. And don't do anything rational!"

"That's rich coming from you."
Y/n laughed, but she hugged him. "Don't worry, I can control myself. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"No it's all good, you two can take care of this by yourselves. I've got shit to take care of here, don't worry." He smiled warmly. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed her hair and made his way into the verandah. Waving the siblings off down the street. Immediately afterwards he got his phone out and dialed a familiar number.

"It's time."

2 Hours Later

"Hey Brodssss?"


"I feel like we need some lit ass music."

"Turn on the radio then. I'm pretty sure you know how that works."

"Well. Actually..."

"No. No theatre."

"I am the youngest. I get a say."

"I'm the oldest!"

"But. I'm the one getting married and this is sort of a bachelorette party."

"Honestly, this is a lame bachelorette party."


"Oh god. Fine."

"What's the one artist you actually don't mind. I'll be nice."

"The ones who made the Harry Potter musical."

"Aha, starkid. Nice." Plugging her phone into the radio. She swiped across her phone and found the ultimate album. "You gonna love this. Only came out a week ago."

"And you know all the words?"

"You bet your ass I do.

He's a wigglysnig
Anda sniggly wig
He's a fwendy-wend
That makes you giggly
He'san underwater creature from outta this world
A bestest fwendy-wend
To all the boys and girls"

"This is the weirdest song I've ever heard. And I'm a streamer."

"It's a sales pitch shut up." The pair of them continued on their 6 hour drive and eventually arrived at the farm. "Sold? What the fuck."

"I thought no one was buying this?"

"Yeah same here." Y/n slammed her door and stormed up the driveway.

"You do realised we could have drove?" Brodey called up.

"I angry walk fast bitch!" Brodey followed her in the car.

"Is 5ks really that fast?"

"Shut up."

"Someone would think you're preggos with this attitude." He teased.



"No Brodey."

"Oh look, we're here." Y/n stormed to the door and knocked loudly.

"Calm down dude."

"I'm trying." Brodey placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't yell."

"I'll try not to."

"I have Lannan on speed dial."

"Fine." The door opened he appeared.

"Ah, Y/n. Nice to see you sweetie."

"Don't give me that shit."

"Who's this fine gentleman?" He asked, Y/n scoffed.

"That's Brodey, sounds familiar doesn't it?"

"No, I don't believe so. Where you from Brodey?"

"Your balls." He said without breaking a laugh. But Y/n did.

"Yeah, we both did. Didn't we Dad?"

"Get inside." He moved to the side.

"We aren't staying long by the way." Y/n said, walking past him.

"What's that on your fing-"

"Honey? Who's at the door?" A lady came through the kitchen doorway.

"500IQ move Dad. Really love how you kick Mum out, redecorate the place and remove all traces of my childhood. Then you invite her here to sell my house."

"Y/n, it's not your house."

"So living here for 19 years, doesn't make it my house huh?"

"No. Now, what's on your finger?" The lady moved next to him. Y/n shoved her hand up.

"I'm getting married Dad. Yeah, you stand there glaring at me." She stepped closer to him. "And guess what?"


"You're not invited."

"You wipe that smug look off your face young man!" He whipped his head to Brodey.

"And who are you to tell me?"

"I'm your father!"

"Right so, 23 years ago. You're telling me, you shipped me off to some couple because you loved me?"

"No. We were forced to!"

"But would you have kept me?"

"No. We were 18."

"Exactly. That's where you fault. You had a choice. But you did the chicken thing. So don't you dare and try to tell me shit I don't have to follow. You were and will never be my father."

"Let's go Brods." Before Y/n stepped out the door she turned back. "How dare you sell this house." They got in the car and just drove off. "Can we just go home?"

"Of course. Hey, it's ok. He's just a fuckwit."

"I know. Hey I'm just going to crash."

"Don't worry, you go ahead."

"Thanks Brods." Y/n looked out her window and fell asleep.

Her surroundings were dark, but someone turned on the light. Ahead of Y/n she could see a suitcase. She stepped closer to have a look at the face of it.


"Lannan?" She called out. But no response, she recognised the place now, it was home. She checked his study but he wasn't there. Abruptly he appeared behind her.

"Here." He handed her something. Taking it into her hands, Y/n recognised it as a wedding band.


"This was all a mistake."

Gasping for air, Y/n woke up.

"Hey hey hey. You ok?"

"I... need... Lan..." she panted. Y/n didn't care that it was midnight. She just wanted his voice.

"Yeah uh, just talk to her Lannan. I think she had a nightmare." He handed his phone to his sister.

'What happened Baby?'

"Lannan." She sighed a sigh of relief. She got out the car and held the phone close to her ear.

'What happened in the dream Bub?"

"You were leaving, but before you left... you gave me a wedding ring and said it was a mistake."

'You know I would never to that Bub, ok?'

"I know, but it was just so scary Lan, I just couldn't take it and after today."

'You'll be home soon Bub, it's ok. Brodey filled me in earlier. You were snoring you know?' He laughed.

"I was not!"

'You were! Just ask him. But, guess what?'


'I edited the video for you.'

"I told you I was going to do it!"

'I got bored. Tannar went to Grace's.'

"I have to go, but I'll see you soon."

'Love you.'

"Love you too Lan." The line went dead and Y/n got back in the car.

"All good?"

"Yeah I'm ok."

"1 hour to go anyway." Y/n smiled at her brother.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you."

"I love you Brods."

"Naw, Love you too Y/n."



This was lowkey kinda fun to write. I love yelling.

Be a Bean
Only a Bean
But also a Creme Egg
Lys xx

Word Count: 2055 Words

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