Chaos of Life

By CaptainBrieOnToast

601 21 0

Yoongi doesn't do things he doesn't like to do. He doesn't talk to people he doesn't like. He doesn't go to c... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 20

Chapter Nineteen

7 0 0
By CaptainBrieOnToast

When Jimin said that things fell back to normal as if nothing had ever happened, he truly meant it.

Like a dream, everyone found themselves able to just... Go back to the way they had always been.

Without so much as a passing word or a strange glance. Everyone just accepted the new information they had been provided about Yoongi and Namjoon and everything and went on with life. The only new addition to pop out of the entire debacle was the appearance of Moonbyul in Jimin's everyday life.

She didn't spend all of her time with you guys, which honestly nobody had expected from her, but she still spent more time than most people had thought she would.

Her reunion with the guys had been one of the more heartwarming things that Jimin had experienced since meeting Yoongi. He had hardly ever seen Yoongi smile so largely or get up so fast to greet anyone. He saw her before Namjoon did, and when Namjoon realized what was happening he smiled too, giving Moonbyul a hug.

It was so cute to watch the three go back and forth about things that they used to do together their first year. They'd all poke fun at one another for old habits (and habits that they still partook in), and they spent the longest time just catching up on all of their dreams and hopes for the future. It was so precious.

Jimin found it hard not to smile too goofily as he watched his boyfriend interact with his friends... People he had cared about so much he had risked his everything for. Jimin's hand grasped at Yoongi's and he rested his head on the older boys' shoulder. It made Yoongi look at him every time, no matter what he was doing.

"I love you so much," Jimin would murmur, even though he knew he didn't have to say anything for Yoongi to know that at this point. It still made Yoongi's smile grow just a bit warmer. Jimin knew that he liked to hear those words, that affirmation, and Jimin was more than happy enough to give him at least that.

"I love you too," he would murmur back, his voice just loud enough that Jimin could hear it.

Jimin loved these interactions just a little too much. Not only because of the way they made his heart skip a beat or because of the small little smile that Yoongi would hide with a cough and the back of his hand, but because when they had those moments, they were only for the two of them.

No one else ever noticed the small interactions and made fun of them or anything. They would instead just be little secrets for Jimin and Yoongi to share amongst themselves.

But, anyways, on days like these, when Yoongi was busy with homework, and Jimin had finished all of his he was extremely difficult to handle. Even he knew that was true.

In the past he had been described as clingy, and he knew that some people found it to be a little annoying. He used to try and keep the feelings to himself, but Yoongi always told him to be himself, so recently he had decided to lean right into it.

... Quite literally.

His body was splayed across Yoongi's lap, his arms crossed to prop his head up on the armrest. He was humming softly to himself, nothing important as he played distractedly with his fingers and Yoongi was using his back as a place to set his homework.

They were in Jimin's dorm, as per usual and pretty much everyone was around. Well, except for Moonbyul. She had been busy this week with other obligations and so she was there instead of here.

It felt kind of like it had when they had all first got back to school. Just a bunch of boys, doing homework, and having a good time. In-between more homework of course.

Jin got up from his desk and sighed a bit loudly. Jimin turned his attention to the taller boy and watched as he walked over to Yoongi, setting his hand on his head. Yoongi grunted at the action, his face drawing together tighter in frustration at having been bothered.

"What?" He mumbled. Jin's lips drew into a small pout.

"I'm hungry," he replied. Yoongi rolled his eyes, his gaze falling on Jimin's. Jimin smiled up at him and it made Yoongi smile a little too. He felt Yoongi's body relax and he closed the textbooks he had out, tapping Jimin's back, once, twice, and three times. Jimin was quick to sit up, letting Yoongi wrap his arms around his waist loosely while Jimin buried his face in his chest.

He wasn't sure if he was tired, or bored or all of the above, but he wanted nothing more then to be as close to Yoongi as possible. Yoongi could kind of just sense when Jimin was being clingy.

Of course, he shouldn't be surprised by that. Yoongi was always really good at being there for him, he always knew when something was up.

"You should go get something to eat then," Yoongi murmured, his voice unwavering. Jimin couldn't help but snort at the deadpan reaction, and he laughed even more when he felt Yoongi lurch a little- knowing that Jin had hit him lightly on the head.

Yoongi shushed Jimin's laugher by burying a hand in his hair.

It seemed like the two were going to go back and forth more- but before either could put in a word, there was another loud exhale from across the room. Jimin jolted at the noise, looking across the room at the source of the sudden sound.

He shouldn't have been surprised to find that it was from Taehyung. He raised a tentative eyebrow at him and watched as his friend threw his papers on the floor, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"I'm so done with this!" Taehyung exclaimed dramatically. "School is too much, if I have to look at one more math problem, I think I'm going to die."

No one responded. Not because they hadn't heard him or anything but just because they all knew he wasn't really done. They all knew he had more to declare, and they were just waiting for him to finish his statement.

He didn't until he had shifted his body a little bit, giving himself a much more dramatic pose.

"We have to do something to unwind. We should all go to the amusement park!" He exclaimed. They all stared at him.


Namjoon was the first to speak, looking up from the thesis that he was already starting to write. That was his mistake. Taehyung stood up and pointed at Namjoon.

"Amusement. Park. We are all going," he grunted. "School is too hard for us to not all let loose sometimes you know?"

Everyone continued their blank stare at Taehyung, which made Jimin feel the need to speak. He knew that Taehyung was frustrated because his parents had forced him to study all break, not allowing him a single chance to unwind, but that still didn't keep Jimin from feeling the need to poke a little fun at him.

"You do know that school just started right? We haven't even had midterms yet," he stated pointedly. Taehyung cut Jimin a glare.

"So, you're telling me you don't want to go to the amusement park?" He asked Jimin. Jimin's nose scrunched.

"Well, actually-"

Taehyung sighed.

"I hate you guys," he mumbled. "Jin. Funnel cakes, Jimin, date night opportunities, Namjoon, physics. Jungkook will have a blast on the roller coaster, Hoseok is creepy good at those fair games. It'll be fun."

Hoseok jolted at the mention of his name, and Jimin noticed him shrug offhandedly at that.

"It will be fun," he agreed. "What do we say we buy tickets to go this weekend?"

Namjoon's papers shifted as he dug around for his calendar. Jimin thought it was funny- how a guy that smart had to write down everything in his calendar or else he would forget to get certain things done. He was in most people's words a mess.

But Jimin kind of envied him anyways.

"I'm free."

"If Namjoon's free, everyone is," Jin commented softly. He patted Yoongi on the head again, making Jimin gaze up at his boyfriend curiously. He was surprised to find that Yoongi's eyes were on him, not on any of the other guys. Jimin's cheeks flushed red and he swung his legs off of Yoongi.

"Time to go home?" He asked him. Yoongi nodded.

"If we're going to be going to the amusement park, then I have a lot that I am going to need to get done between then and now," he mumbled. He got to his feet and wandered over to the door, beginning to slide his shoes on. Jimin got up too, brushing his jeans off. He smiled at Taehyung.

"We're in too," he murmured softly. He pulled a coat off of the back of his computer chair and kicked on a pair of his own shoes. "I'm going to walk with Yoongi okay?"

Yoongi smiled at Jimin's words, waiting until he was close enough to draw him in against him, draping his arm over his shoulders. He beamed at the rest of their friends.

"Don't wait up. I might keep him out all night."

Everyone rolled their eyes at that. As if Yoongi would let Jimin be out past ten on a school night. He wasn't himself if he wasn't insisting that Jimin take better care of himself. Jimin could almost swear that since he started dating Yoongi he hadn't been healthier in his life. Yoongi had him walking thirty minutes every night, going to sleep early, and eating breakfast every single day.

In the past he would have scoffed at the concept, but alas, it was now his reality.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.

"You sure you have time this weekend? Don't you have a test this Monday?" Jimin asked Yoongi softly. He just shrugged.

"I have all Sunday to study for that test. I think I can manage to spend a day out with you guys," he stated thoughtfully. Jimin hummed and glanced at Yoongi's things, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You've been carrying your backpack around all day," he murmured. "Let me carry it for a while."

He took the backpack off of Yoongi's back before he could protest it and stuck his tongue out at the older guy when he gave him a strained expression at the action.

"You're too much Park Jimin," Yoongi said with a thoughtful sigh. Jimin laughed at Yoongi's words.

"Yeah, but you know that you prefer it that way," he murmured back. He hooked his fingers on the straps of Yoongi's backpack and lofted it a bit higher on his shoulders. He winced at the weight of it all. "What do you carry in here? Bricks?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I have a lot of textbooks- you know that."

Jimin did know that. He honestly didn't really know how Yoongi was able to find so much time for him when he was taking 18 entire credits of classes. He never seemed stressed or worn out, even though he practically had a quiz a day, and ten pages of homework every night.

The only person that Jimin had seen to be busier was probably Namjoon, and that was just because Namjoon had decided to join every club ever along with his 16 credits of classes.

It kind of made him wonder... After all, Jimin knew how classes worked nowadays. They started off easy and as the classes went on Yoongi would get busy and need to study and go to office hours and Jimin knew- just knew that he wouldn't really get to see him in the later months.


"Don't worry too much," Yoongi mumbled, interrupting Jimin's rapid fire of thoughts before they could get too out of control. He placed his hand on Jimin's head and ruffled his hair. "I will always find time for you; I promise you that much."

Jimin tried not to smile at the sappy statement, and he considered denying that he had been thinking that exact thing, but he knew that there was no point in it, so he just fell silent, letting his fingers reach blindly beside them until the cool air was replaced by Yoongi's warm hand against his.

"Sometimes I feel like... I just don't deserve you," Jimin thought aloud. Yoongi glanced at him, but there wasn't a trace of surprise littered over his face.

"You're stuck with me either way," he replied confidently. Jimin smiled and squeezed Yoongi's hand.

"I know," he murmured. Yoongi squeezed Jimin's hand back and let their shoulders bump as they walked.

"Well, what do you want to do at the amusement park this weekend?"

Jimin couldn't help but smile at that. He knew that Yoongi really only brought it up as a way to distract Jimin from his own thoughts, but he appreciated it either way. He liked spending time with Yoongi. He liked talking with Yoongi, and he couldn't wait for the amusement park this weekend either way.

"I can't in words tell you how much fun it's going to be. First we have to..."

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm finally back- for good this time too!!! I have this whole story planned out- 26 chapters, we'll be done by March 11, and I promise I will not be missing any more weeks! Sorry for the crazy long hiatus! Thanks for sticking with me. These next six weeks are going to be great!!All of your support is crazy awesome, and so unreal and I appreciate every comment and message and "this story is one of my favorites ever" you guys are way too kind to me. Thanks!! I promise I'll try my best not to disappoint you guys again!

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