Danti One Shots

By groovycatmuffin

28.3K 885 364

Just some fluff (and a pinch of angst) between two emo boys, Antisepticeye, and Darkiplier. More

Quick Note
·A Present For My Darling·
·From Boy, To Griffin· (Pt. One)
·From Boy, To Griffin· (Pt. Two)
·They Call It Puppy Love·
·Unfrozen For Love·
·Singing a Song of Death·
·Blood trails· (Pt. One)
·Blood Trails· (Pt. Two)
·The Mute One·
·Retirement Day· (Pt. One)
·Carnival Kiss·
·The Unexpected Happens· (Pt. One)
·The Unexpected Happens· (Pt. Two)
·McDonald's Sparks Love·
·Colorless World·
·Christmas Chaos·
·Unknown Antidote·
·Blood of a Crime·
·Beasts Beauty· (Pt. One)
·Perfect Community·
·Drunk as all Hell·
·Small Town Business·
·Milkshake Blues·
·Beast's Beauty· (Pt. Two)
·Sweet Cherry Pie·
·Lazer Tag·
·Taking Time To Talk·
·Nail Painting·
·Will You?·
·In Need Of A Sugary Drink·
·Hope In A Barren Land·
·Left Behind· (Pt. One)
·Suh, Dude·
·Holy Moly·
·Left Behind· (Pt. Two)
•More Sims!•
•I've Lost All Control•
•They're Slowly Taking Over•
•Left Behind• (Pt. Three)
•Congrats! It's a girl!•
·One Bed·
·Cigarettes and Kissing·
•Finding A Way•
·Courage, Dear Heart·
·Cherished Memories· (Pt. One)
·Better Late Than Never·
·You Make Me Feel·
·You're Too Stubborn·
·Adding to the Comic·
·Sober Mans Thoughts·
·Mysterious· (Pt. One)
·Rainy Day·
·ahah, crab nuggets·
·Stranded· (Pt. One)
·The Little Drummer Boy· (Pt. One)
·Blood Trails· (Pt. Three)
·Late Night Antics·
·You're Lovely·
·The Little Drummer Boy· (Pt. Two)
·Brave or Stupid·
•In an Artists Eyes• (Pt. One)
•Cozy and Glum•
·Retirement Day· (Pt. Two)
·We Each Have a Sob Story·
checking in!!
·When You Feel Out Of Place·
·Not Exactly Ideal·
·The Little Drummer Boy· (pt. three)
•Just a Small Surprise•


267 3 1
By groovycatmuffin

Sorry, Authors note, but I think my lack of sleep is making me go delusional. 1k reads? What the heck? That's freaking mind blowing?? I might be losing it. But just in case I'm not, thank you so much, it really means a lot to me. I mean, you have the stomach to read through these shitty stories of mine, and it truly has me bamboozled. Just... Thank you :')

(I wish I could actually express my feelings properly. You guys are pretty damn cool <3)

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