The Matrix

By AssassinNovice72

7K 149 22

A special thanks to @LayceJ25 for being an inspiration to me, had it not been for them I would not have writt... More

Card 1: Jack of Diamond
Card 2: Jack of Spades
Card 3: King of Diamond
Card 4: Queen of Spades
Card 5: Queen of Hearts
Card 6: Joker

Card 7: Ace of Spades

639 21 2
By AssassinNovice72

Card 7: Ace of Spades

The Agents walk out onto the roof of the MMI building as they found no trace of Morpheus, Trinity, Neo or Zelda. All that was left was the safety rope.

Smith kneels down grips the hardness in his hands, "Damn it." he mutters to himself. "The trace was completed," Jones states as Brown walks up next to him. "We have their position." he agrees, "The Sentients are standing by," Jones informs him. Then they both looked at Smith "Order the strike." Brown informs him and they both walked away. Then Smith looks out at the city, "They're not out yet."


The four hurried down the steps of the empty subway as the telephone booth was ringing. A homeless man notices them. As they hurried towards the booth and Neo opens the door "You first, Morpheus." Neo tells him, gripping his shoulders. Morpheus smiles, nodding then he steps into the booth and picks up the phone.

Then he looks at them as he pressed the phone to his ear and he was pulled out of the Matrix, Neo grabs the phone and places it back on the hook. The homeless man was shocked, blinks a few times and rubs his eyes, making sure he wasn't going crazy. Then the phone rings again. "You next, Trinity." Zelda tells her, Trinity nods at the both of them, steps into the booth and picks up the phone, "See you two back on the ship." she tells them.

Then she presses the phone to her ear, then she was pulled out of the Matrix as well, the homeless man was shocked, someone disappeared right before his very eyes, though a telephone. Neo then places the phone back on the hook as they then waited. "Neo." Zelda said, making him look at her, "There's something I want to say, but was always afraid to say it and what would happen if I did and after today. I'm not afraid anymore." she states. He just looks at her, she felt herself closing up, but she stays resolved. "I--" she starts, but then the phone then rings and they both looked at the phone, but Zelda couldn't stop now. "Everything the oracle has told me, every word she said to me, it came true, but it was always true. I guess I was too scared to tell you," she states. He just looks at her, confused. "Tell me what?" he asks her, then the subway train drove past them, sending the window flying and dulls out the sound of the homeless man being overwritten.

Zelda just looks up at him, still too afraid to say those words to him, she exhales lowering her head and they both looked at the phone. She then steps in and took the call. But then her eyes widen as she saw Agent Smith step out of the shadows and aim his gun at her. Zelda pressed her hand to the glass and the phone to her ear. "No!" she shouts as Smith fires, but then misses as she was already pulled out of the Matrix.


Morpheus pulls the jack of Zelda's plug and she shot forward with a gasp and fear in her eyes, "Neo." she mutters as Trinity grips her shoulder. "What the hell just happened?" Tank questions.

And Zelda looks at him. "It's Smith, he's with Neo. Tank send me back in." Zelda informs him. "I can't." Tank informs her as he types on his keyboard.

Zelda shot up on her feet, then scrambles next to Tank's side and looks out at the Matrix encoded world. "Run, Neo. Please, run," she begs him. Then Trinity looks up at Morpheus "What is he doing?" she asks him as Morpheus slowly smiles "He's beginning to believe." he answers her as Zelda held her hands together under her chin in worry.


Neo looks at the broken phone and glares at Smith. "Mr. Anderson," Smith calls out. Then Neo looks out at the stairs. But Neo turns back and faces Smith.

The two have stared down, Agent Smith clutches his fist as Neo was calm and relaxed, but he had a score to settle with Agent Smith. Then they both pulled out their guns and opened fire onto one another, running right towards each other.

Then they jumped off the pillar, flying towards each other, they gripped one another hands that were holding the guns, but they still kept firing as they spun in the air, then they slam into the ground, on their sides as their guns were pressed at one another temples. "You're empty." Smith informs him, "So are you." Neo informs him, Smith was shocked that Neo even knew that, but as he then makes a move.

Neo spins in the air and lands back on his feet as Smith pulls himself back up onto his feet, he looks at his gun and tosses it to the side, then Neo tosses his gun to the side and Smith straightens out his coat, cracking his neck. Then Neo charges at him as Smith blocks his attacks, then kicks him back against the pillar. Smith goes to punch him, but Neo dodges both times and Smith only broke the concrete pillar.

Then Neo kicks him back, pulling himself off the pillar. Then spins kicks him in the face, Smith smacks against it as he glares at Neo, his shades broken from the kick and Neo just glares at the man. "As much as I will enjoying killing Ms. Blue..." Smith states, making Neo stiffen at Zelda's last name. "I'm gonna enjoy watching you die... Mr. Anderson," he states, tossing his shades to side and lunges at him. Neo blocks his attack.

Then he threw his attack at him, Smith blocks them, then swipes Neo off his feet and slams his hits into Neo's chest and he went flying into the wall, indenting it, then he drops to the ground and glares up at Smith. Then Neo leans back onto his hand, kicking at Smith's chest, knocking him back then Neo pulls himself up, and threw a punch at him, but Smith stops it, then Neo knocks his hand free, slamming his fist into Smith's chest and left hooks him across the face.

Then Neo went to swing at him again, but Smith grips his arm and locks it under. Then he did the same to Neo's other arm that came swing. He locks Neo's arms in then headbutts him in the face, but then Neo stops the third one from come, and Smith shoves him away, then slams his fist into his chest, making him stumble back. Then Smith swung at him again and Neo dodges his swing at him. Then Neo went to swing at him, but Smith grips his arm and slams his fist into Neo's side, making him cry out in pain. Then he brought his foot up from behind and smacks it into Neo's face.

Smith lets go as Neo stumbles back, then he blocks Smith's punch, swinging his foot up into Smith's face, hits his arm into Smith's chest. He stumbles back, then Neo kicks him back more, then Smith blocks his punches then went to punch Neo square in the chest, but Neo stops his attack, but he pulls out and threw his other fist into Neo's chest and he went flying out and smacks against the ground. Neo was curled in close to himself, but then he jerks out as he coughs up blood.


On the ship, Neo coughs up blood, Zelda gasps as she hurries and grips some of her sleeves. "He's killing him, Christ," she whispers and rips her sleeve into a cloth.

Then she wipes away Neo's blood from his mouth and watches the monitors that were keeping check over his health. Fear rolls through Zelda as she looks down at Neo. Fear grips at her heart "You can't lose. Please don't lose."


Neo glares at Smith, who was smirking, but Neo forces himself back up onto his feet and wipes his mouth of his blood. The smirk falls from Smith's face as Neo jerks the dust off himself, then he took his stance, exhaling calmly as he then waves for Smith to come at him.

Smith charges at Neo, who blocks his attack and dodges, then he slams his fist into Smith's face, then locks in his other arm in and headbutts him then he slams his fist under Smith's chin, making Smith stumble back, then Neo steps, jumps up, slamming his feet into Smith's chest, making him stumble back even more. Neo then lands on his feet then reels his hand back, but Smith catches his wrist and Neo slams his fingers into his throat, making him gag.

Then Neo hits the side of his head, making him stumble back and Neo slams his foot into Smith's chest, then went to do it again, but Smith catches his foot and Neo slams his fist into Smith's face repeatedly, but then Smith knocks it away and lift Neo off the ground and threw him into the wall, making a dent in it. Neo smacks onto his feet, stumbling back against the wall, panting as Smith walks in front of Neo, using his inhuman speed and strength and repeatedly punches Neo in the chest.


Neo shook in the chair as his body wasn't talking all that well, Zelda looks up at the monitor, the fear grips at her tighter.

Then she looks down at Neo and grips his head in hers, "Neo..." she whimpers, Trinity looks away from her and back at the monitor web screens.


Then Smith stops as he grips Neo's shirt, pulling him away then slams his fist into Neo and sent him flying backward and crashed into the forgotten booth. Smith stood up and looks out as he heard the sound of an approaching train.

Smith looks back at Neo, then grips his ankle, dragging him out from the booth, Neo fought a little, but Smith stops at the edge of the train, then turns, gripping Neo's shirt and threw him at the wall, he crashes against it and falls onto the train tracks, Agent Smith walks to the edge of the platform and looks out at Neo as he was struggling to move a little, then Smith looks in the direction of where the train was coming from. Then Smith jumps down onto the tracks, hen pulls Neo up in a headlock.

Neo gasps as he tries to break free, "You hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability." Smith states as he grips tighter. Neo growls as he struggles against him and he looks at the incoming train. "It is the sound of your death. Good-bye, Mr. Anderson." Smith said as he looks down at him.

Neo was so tired of hearing that name, it was the name of a nobody, an underground hacker, with a horrible job and boss. That was Thomas Anderson's life. "My name..." Neo states, gripping his arm tightly with both of his hands, Thomas Anderson died when he left the Matrix, who he was now. It was who he chose to become. " Neo." he corrects him, then with a strong push of his legs, Neo forces them up into the air, slams Smith against the stone ceiling then they both fell back onto the tracks. Neo lands on his feet, free of Smith's grip.

Then he looks up at the train and flips out and back on to the platform, Smith reaches out for him, but Neo lands right on the edge of the platform as Smith was hit with the train, Neo kept himself from falling onto the train, but Neo pulls himself back and watches as the train was going to leave, he makes his way to the steps, but then heard the train then come to a complete stop, he stops and looks back at the train doors open and out walks Agent Smith. Good and new, then Neo took off running up the steps.


Tank types away on the keyboard as Morpheus joins Trinity and Zelda ran up to him, "What happened? Where is he, where's Neo?" she asks him, looking around on the screens "I don't know. I lost 'em." he answers her.

But the alarms went off and they all knew what that alarm meant, "Oh shit!" Tank mutters then Morpheus and Trinity took off running and they climb the ladder, Morpheus quickly pulls himself up and he hurried into the cockpit.

Followed by Trinity, then they sat on their chairs and Trinity pulls up the holo scan and saw five Sentinels heading towards them. "Sentinels. How long?" Trinity asks him. "5, maybe 6 minutes," he answers her, she exhales with worry as Morpheus then pulls out the walkie. "Tank, change the E.M.P," Morpheus orders him and Trinity looks at him. "We can't use that until he's out." she reminds him.

He nods at her, "I know, Trinity. Don't worry." he states and looks right at her as he was worried too. "He's gonna make it."


Neo ran down the street as he found a man on his cell, "Flat or pump. No, just--" the man states. But then Neo took his phone from his hand then took off running. "Shit! That's my phone!" the man calls out.

Then he looks around at the other people that were walking by "That guy took my phone!" the man calls out, pointing at Neo as he quickly punches in the numbers for the ship as the man was shouting, stops as the man was turned into Agent Smith.


Then Tank got a call coming in, "Got him." he states, making the three straight up with anxiously. "Where is he?" Zelda quickly asks him "He's on the run." he answers and took the call "Mr. Wizard. Get me the hell out of here." Neo tells him.

Tank looks through the schematics of the city, then got one. "Got a patch on an old exit. Wabash and Lake." Tank informs him as Zelda grips Trinity's hand tightly.


Neo makes it to the market places, but then he stops as he saw Agents Brown and Jones as they were trying to corner him. "Oh, shit." Neo mutters then he quickly steps back and took off running.

Brown shoves people out of the way, even sent a man flying as he pulled out his gun. Neo ran as fast as he could. Then Smith overwrites a woman, dropping the bag and pulls out his gun, firing at Neo, who dodges and kept running.

Then Neo stops again as he saw Agent Jones at the end of the market, then he makes a right turn, running into the alley, but then was at a dead end. "Uh, help. Need a little help." Neo asks as he turns back and saw the agents running towards him. "Door." Tank informs him, then Neo turns and looks at the door that was on the side of the building, he ran towards it, kicks it in as the agents fired onto him.

Then he ran inside and up the stairs, running as fast as his legs would let him. Then he makes it into the hall, runs down it, makes a left turn then a right and ran straight. "The door on your left." Tank informs him as Smith appears at the end of the hall, aiming his gun at Neo. Then Neo slams into a locked door. "No, your other left." Tank informs him as he dodges the bullets and he slams into the door, breaking through.

He ran past an old lady on the couch and then another one in the kitchen. "The back door." Tank informs him as the knife was then thrown at him, Neo looks at it and saw that it was Agent Smith, but he hurried to the back door, opening it, then scrambles down the stairs.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, Neo jumps over the ledge and lands in the trash, then he hurries out of it, Agent Smith lands on his feet in the trash been and hurried after Neo.


The alarms went off again, Tank trying to help Neo escape, Morpheus and Trinity watching as Zelda was standing next to Neo as she was waiting. Then everyone stops what they were doing and looked at one other.

Then at the alarms, "Oh no." Morpheus mutters and they looked at him as he looks up at the ceiling. "Here they come," he states.

The Sentinels flew through the sewage pipes, they make a turn and flew straight down as the found Morpheus ship, the had their tentacles at the ready and land on the Nebuchadezzar and started to drill away. But then another Sentinel flew through the tunnels, but instead of red eyes, they were green. It looks at Sentinels attacking the ship. It then fires it's laser at them, killing off one of the Sentinels.

They pulled their attention away from the ship and looked at the rogue Sentinel as it was taunting them, they pulled away and charged at the rogue Sentinel.

They heard the commotion outside, but then Morpheus flips the safety box and armed the E.M.P. Zelda notices and she shot a glares him and, but he looks calmly at her, "He's going to make it."


Neo ran down the enemy and abandon the street as he was still on the phone "The fire escape at the end of the alley. Room 303." Tank informs him, then Neo ran faster, Agents Brown and Jones ran after him as he jumps up into the fire escape and parkour up.

Then Browns hurried after him as Jones stops and fires his gun at him, he misses as Neo continues to climb up the fire escape, Agent Brown fires at him from the fire escape, but he misses too.

Then Neo stops at a door and slams his shoulder into it, breaking the door down and he ran down the hall, Agent Brown climbs up and hurries after him.


Then the two Sentinels rip open the ship and slithers inside, the rogue Sentinel tears out the energy core from the Sentinel and looks up onto the ship as they were slithering inside.

Tank looks up at the ship, as did Morpheus and Trinity as the computer warns them of a hull breach. "They're inside," he warns.

Zelda looks up as she could hear them, crawling through the ship, then she looks back down at Neo. "Hurry, please. Please, hurry," she begs him, gripping his hand in hers.


Neo makes a right turn through the hall as he could hear the telephone ringing, he looks through rooms for the number 303.

He looks from left and right, but none of them were the right numbers. He had to hurry or else they were going to capture and kill him, but he can't die, not yet. Not until he tells Zelda the truth.

Neo then found the room he was looking for, room 303. he grips the nob in his hand, turns the handle and stumbles into the room. But then he slams on the brakes as Agent was in front of him with his gun aimed right at him.

Smith didn't hesitate and he pulled that trigger, Neo stood there, in shock as he didn't feel any pain. The shell hits the ground and Neo took a few steps back, staring at Smith with a blank look.

He then looks down at his hand on his chest, pulls it away, finding a gunshot in his chest and blood on his fingertips. The phone kept ringing for Neo to pick up, then he looks back at Smith as he pulled the trigger again. Then Neo stumbles and smacks against the wall. He pants, hunched over, but then glares at Smith as the agent steps out into the hall and opens fire into Neo.


Neo jerks and arches in the chair, crying out in pain, lights were flaring out as Zelda grips Neo's arm.

Trinity covers her mouth in horror as she then looks away from the sight of Neo being gun down. Neo then gasps as he lets out his last breath and the monitor showed Neo's heart stop beating.

Morpheus was horrified, Trinity was heartbroken that she lost a friend, Tank was devastated as he lost a brother. "It can't be," Morpheus mutters to himself. But Zelda just looks at the monitor as she felt... hope.


Agent Smith ceases fire and lowers his gun, Neo slides down the wall, leaving a blood trail on the wall and lays in his side dead. Agent Smith looks down at Neo as Agents Jones and Brown arrives in the hall and found Smith standing over a dead Neo.

They walked in closer towards him, the phone in the room was still ringing, they joined him as Smith looks over at Jones "Check him." Smith orders him and Jones kneels down and presses his fingers at Neo's neck.

Then he looks up at him, "He's gone." he answers him and stood up, then he and Browns walked away from the body as the phone was still ringing "Well... Good-bye, Mr. Anderson." Smith said down to him and he took walks off, joining his fellow hunters after a hard hunt.


Morpheus and Tank were too horrified to care about the machines tearing up their ship and the rogue Sentinel, trying to stop them. Trinity looks up at them, thinking this was it.

But everything was quiet as Zelda leans in close to Neo. She mesmerizes his face, cheekbones, his brow and how his hair once looked. How it always fell into place and how his eyes always made her weak at the knees. "Neo. I know you can hear me, and I want to say. I'm not afraid anymore." she whispers at him.

Then she licks her lips and exhales no more running. "The Oracle once told me that I would fall in love and the man I loved would be the one," she whispers to him and smiles a little as tears form in her eyes. "But I told her there was already a man I loved and I would trade no other for him. She just laughs and said to me, The man that is the one and the man I loved would be the same person," she whispers to him.

Then strokes his cheek, "Which is why I don't believe you're dead. I hopelessly love you too much to believe it." she confessed to him as her tears stream down her face. "Ever since that day in middle school, when you stood up for me. I fell for you and I was so happy to walk by your side, you helped me in more ways then one and so I'll say it again if you didn't hear me the first time. I love you." she said to him, then gently presses her lips to his in a sweet and loving kiss.

Then she pulls back and pressed her forehead to his as her tears plop down onto his cheeks. "So please don't leave me, I couldn't bear it," she begs him. The sparks fly widely. Then Neo inhales deeply, Zelda pulls back in shock as she looks up at the monitor and saw that his heart was beating. Zelda sniffles as she looks down at him, "Now stops screwing around and get up." she orders him.

Morpheus, Tank and Trinity notice that Neo was getting back on his feet so effortlessly.


Neo opens eyes and blinks them a few times. Then he pulls his arm up and easily stood up on his feet. Smith and the other agents stop and turn. Seeing Neo was alive and well.

Then they raised their guns at him, "No." he orders then looks at them as they fired their guns at him, but he just held up his hand and the bullets slowed down and came to a stop in front of him.

Neo picks one out of the bunch and looks at it, but then he drops it down onto the ground, then with a head tilt, the others dropped as well.


The three were in shock as they were amazed Neo was alive, "How?" Tank questions. Morpheus already knew the answer to his question and smiles "He's the one." he states.

Trinity laughs a little as she covers her mouth with just her fingers as her friend was not dead and still had a chance to survive.


Neo raised his head as she looks out at the world in front of him, he could see the Matrix for what it really way. A mathematical schismatic. The words, numbers, letters were all over the walls and inside the three Agents.

It was in different languages and Neo could see them all, he gazed around the hall as it was a sight be amazed by. But Smith growls and charges at him, Neo just looked at him, then the agents block all his attacks, it was effortlessly, it was with no need to draw a breath.

Neo even turned to his side, a hand behind his back and still block Agent Smith's attacks effortlessly, even moved after than he did, grips his arm, twisted it, making him groan in pain, then Neo looks at him, slams his foot into Smith's chest and sent him flying, he smacks against the ground, his shades fly off and he props himself up and looks at Neo, who turns his leg in the air and places it back down on the ground.

Then Smith pulls himself back up onto his feet, then Neo steps forward as he then charges at Smith. Smith swung at him, but Neo jumps right into him. Smith gasp in shock as he turns to Jones and Browns. Who took a few steps back. Smith gasps and grunts as she struggles with Neo slithering inside him. He looks down at his hands and saw something bubbling under his skin, crawling up to his body and gathers at his forehead. Then his skin tears open and bright lights shine through the cracks in his body.

Then as they completely consume his body, Agent Smith bellows out as he shatters to pieces, Jones and Browns turns away from the blast as Smith was destroyed, the light fades and they both looked back and found Neo was left standing. He flexes as the walls were pushed out, then he relaxes, the walls rippled as he inhales, lowering his head, then shot his eyes open, glaring at the two agents. They slowly looked at one another and took odd running down the hall.


Tank, Trinity and Morpheus flinched as the laser was getting closer towards them from behind. It cuts up at catwalks above and it slams down onto the ground.

Zelda looks down at Neo as she grips his plug, the Rogue Sentinel pops out and looks out at the humans aboard. "NEO!"


Neo turns back to the hall, ran back down the hall, makes a sharp turn into room 303.

He then looks down at the ringing phone that was sitting on the table, he grabs the phone and answers the all.


The two Sentinels pulled themselves into the main deck, one looks over at Zelda as the other moves in front of the three and stood right over them, then the Sentinel moves in close and looks down at Neo "NO!" Zelda screams.

Then the Rogue Sentinel flew in, shielding the three from the Sentinel and Morpheus turns the switch, activating the E.M.P and a powerful pulse shot out, it killed the two Sentinels, Zelda shields Neo from the Sentinel as it feel down dead and as did the other one.

The Blast rings out as it pulse through the range of the sewers, killing every and any Sentinel within range of the ship.

Then, it was quiet, completely silent, the ship hand no power except for the backup generator. Zelda exhales as she opens her eyes, seeing looks around, seeing no Sentinel and sight.

Then the rogue Sentinel moves out and in front of her, Zelda looks up at the Sentinel in shock and it brushed back her back, making her, smile at it a little. It nods at her and quietly moves away from her, but then, she felt a warm breath hitting her neck, she slowly moves back and found Neo staring up at her.

She smiles a little and strokes his cheek. "Hi," she whispers as he hand trails up her arm. "Hi," he said back. "You enjoy giving me a heart attack, don't you?" she jokes making him smile a little as he grips the back of her neck, he pulls her down and she pressed her lips to his, in a sweet, loving and long overdue kiss.


I know you're out there. I can feel you now.

I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us.

You're afraid of change. I don't know the future.

I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin.

I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see.

I'm going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries.

A world where anything is possible.

Where we go from here is a choice I leave to you.

Neo hung up the phone, steps out of the booth and walks out into a crowd of people that were going about their lives. He just looks at them, momentarily then places on his shades.

He inhales and then looks up at the sky, then with a charged knee, Neo flew up into the air and left the people shocked that a person was actually. Zelda sat on the ledge of a building, watching Neo fly off into the sky, she smirks and looks down at the people below her.

Then she stood up, looking down at the people below, then steps off the ledge and falls down 80 stories downward. Everyone looked at her in shock as she was flying, but she slams onto the ground. Landing on her feet as she makes an indent into the ground, the people pulled back and looked at her in shock as she straightens out and walks away with a smirk on her face, leaving the people shocked.

This was just the beginning and the humans were not going to back down, not without a fight. 

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