The Matrix

Af AssassinNovice72

7K 149 22

A special thanks to @LayceJ25 for being an inspiration to me, had it not been for them I would not have writt... Mere

Card 1: Jack of Diamond
Card 2: Jack of Spades
Card 3: King of Diamond
Card 4: Queen of Spades
Card 5: Queen of Hearts
Card 7: Ace of Spades

Card 6: Joker

618 16 8
Af AssassinNovice72

Card 6: Joker

The Agents scan through the whole building but found no traces of the people they were inside, just the body of Mouse they shot and killed then and they straighten out their coats they left behind.

Agent Smith stumbles upon Zelda coat and he picks it up and looks at her, then inhales the scent that was left behind on it, he pulls away and smirks at it "You won't escape me this time." he tells her and then tosses the coat to the side. Then he makes it to the Eight floors but only found their coats were left behind. Then Agent Jones looks at Agent Smith, "Where are they?"

Inside of the walls, the crew hides to remind quiet as Morpheus signals them to move down and they shimmies down inside the wet walls. They were all cramped in, in a crocheted line as they mind their footing to keep themselves balanced and remained quiet as a mouse. (No pun intended).

A Swat officer walks through a hall as he passes the bathroom, as Neo took a step down onto a pipe, he accidentally knocks off some dust and dirt and it stumbles down, some of the crew quickly closes their eyes, turning their heads away. But most of it had landed on Cypher and he coughs out the dust, making the Swat officer inside the bathroom turn his attention onto the wall.

He slowly walks closer towards the wall, Cypher covers his mouth, trying to hold in in as the Officer then leans in and listen. Cypher lets out a sneezes, making the officer more alerted. "They're in the wall." he calls out as he steps back. "They're in the wall!" the officer calls out and fires off his gun, But Zelda held her hand up next to her and clutches it, creating a thick coating of wood between them and the bullets that were being fired at them. Then Neo pulls out his gun and fires back.

The Officer then pulls out and hid behind the wall, but then his code was being overwritten by Agent Smith as he took over him. Zelda looks at her arm as it glows in a warning. "He's here," she whispers, then pulls out her gun and was ready. Neo waited and looks to see if the officer was back, but hands smash threw the wall and grip Neo's throat. Morpheus looks down at him in shock "It's an Agent!" Cypher calls out, "Neo!" Zelda calls out as she aims her gun at Agent Smith's arm. "Get off him!" she calls out and fires her gun at Smith's arms. He growls, then pulls one of his arm back, pulls out his gun and fires at her, Zelda growls as she dodges the first two bullets.

Then Morpheus bellows as he smashes through the wall and tumbles on top of Agent Smith. "Morpheus!" Trinity and Zelda call out to him. "Trinity, Zelda! You must get Neo out! He's all that matters!" he calls out to them, Zelda looks down at Trinity as they both didn't want to follow that order. Then Neo looks out at him, "No! No, Morpheus, Don't!" Neo calls out to him. "Zelda, go!" he orders her. She growls and places her gun away. "Let's move! Go, go, go!" she shouts and one by one they slide down the wet walls, making down and collapsed onto the floor below them.

Neo looks down at Zelda, "We can't leave him." he tells her, she knew this but he didn't want Neo to get captured again. "We have to!" she shouts at him, then shot up, gripping his leg tightly in her hand, then she drags him down as they both fell down the wet walls, leaving a trail of destruction of the wall behind them and they crashed down with the others on the floor.

The officer then makes it to them at the bottom of the hotel and open fire on the crew, Apoc rolls out as Switch steps out and they opened fire on the Swat team as well. Then canisters of gas were rolled out, filling the room with smoke as Trinity ran over and opens up a vent for them to escape into. "Go, Neo!" Zelda tells him as pulls him to the vent. Then Apoc jumps down, followed by Switch then Zelda. "Cypher. Come on!" Trinity calls out, he jumps for it, but stumbles as the swat team closes in on them, Trinity growls to herself and jumps down.


Trinity removes the sewer lid and pulls herself out, then she offers her hand to Zelda, who took it and Trinity helps her out of the sewer, then they help the others out of the sewer they fast walk down the street. "This is bad." Zelda states. "I know." Trinity agrees with her as she pulls out her phone and makes the call. "Operator." Tank answers her. "Tank, it's me," Trinity informs him. "Is Morpheus alive?" Neo asks her. She shot a look over at him, "Is Morpheus alive, Tank?" she asks him, "Yes. They're moving him. I don't know where to yet." he informs her, making her look at Neo. "He's alive," she informs Neo. "They won't kill him, not yet," Zelda assures him, he shot a look over at her. "We need an Exit," Trinity informs him.

As Apoc and Switch were keeping watch behind them. "You're not far from Cypher." Tank informs them and Trinity looks at Zelda. "Cypher?" she asks as they make a turn into an alley. "I know. I sent him to Franklin and Erie," he informs her. "Got it," she answers and hung up. "We need to hurry," Zelda states as she walks faster. "Why?" Trinity asks her, "I don't know, but something is telling me we need to get there before Cypher is out." she informs them and the others hurried after her.


They quickly ran into the building, they heard that the phone was ringing, Zelda stops inside the room, seeing the wired phone on the table and she lunges for it, grabbing the phone, the others make it into the room. "Tank?" she calls out and heard nothing on the other end.

Trinity steps next to her as Zelda pulls the phone away, "What's wrong?" she asks, "There's no one there." she answers, Trinity took the phone and holds it to her ear. She heard nothing and then Zelda's phone began to ring, she picks it up and answers it. "Hello, Zelda," Cypher states, making her freeze. "Cypher. Where's Tank?" she questions him as the others look at her, but then she felt faint brushes of air glide over the skin of her collarbone and neck. "You know... for a long time. I thought I was in love with you." Cypher admits to her, Zelda froze as she raises her hand to her neck. "I use to dream about you. You're a beautiful and fierce woman, Zelda," he tells her as she felt pressure sliding down her hair. "Too bad things had to turn out this way," he tells her and she clutched her fist. "You killed Tank, Bozer, and Mouse," she growls and the others looked at her in shock. "What?" Apoc questions taking off his shades. "Oh, God." Switch mutters as she lowers her gun.

Then Zelda felt a breath blown against her lips. "I'm tired, Zelda. I'm tired of this war. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of this ship. Being cold, of eating the same goddamn goop every day." he tells her as she paces slowly as she controlling her anger. "But most of all... I'm tired of that Jagoff and all his bullshit," he states then Zelda exhales with relief as she could feel that twisted warmth near her. "Surprise, asshole!" he exclaims with excitement. "I bet you never saw this coming... did ya." he states as Zelda felt her marking flicker weakly. "God, I wish I could be there... when they break ya. I wish I could walk in just when it happens... so right then... You'd know it was me." he said on the phone, but mostly to Morpheus' unconscious body. "You gave them Morpheus. Right from the start when we were tracking Neo, you've been feeding them information." Zelda states.

Trinity grits her teeth as she looks away, "He lied to us, Zelda. He tricked us. If you would've told us the truth, we would have told you to shove that red pill right up your ass!" Cypher shouts over the phone. "Cut the bullshit Cypher. Morpheus set you free from a lie. I learn the truth on my own, don't mix me in with your twisted logic." she snaps at him as they watched her pace faster. "Free... you call this free? All I do is what he tells me to do. If I had to choose between that and the Matrix... I'd choose the Matrix." he tells her.

Zelda rolls her eyes at him, "The Matrix is a lie, Cypher. A dreamworld to keep the cattle satisfied until slaughter." she snaps at him. "I disagree, Zelda. I think the Matrix can be more real than this world. All I do this pull the plug here. But there... you have to watch Apoc die." he states, Zelda gasp in horror as she quickly turns and looks at him. "Apoc..." she whimpers at him, seeing the fear in his eyes "Zelda..." he calls out, but then drops dead on the ground. "No!" Switch calls out as Zelda covers her mouth in shock as Switch ran over, slides onto her knees and grips Apoc's back as Trinity leans down next to her, looking down at Apoc "Welcome to the real world, huh, baby?" Cypher laughs and Zelda rips her hand away from her mouth "You are not God, Cypher!" Zelda snaps at him as her finger twitches on its own. "You were taken out of the Matrix, there's no going back in," she growls at him. "Oh, no, that's what you think. They're going to reinsert my body. I got back to sleep and when I wake up, I won't remember a goddamn thing." he informs her. "They're manipulating you into doing their dirty work, you dumbass," she shouts.

Two fingers were twitching harder. "By the way..." Cypher states as he ignores her warning "If you have anything terribly important to say to Switch, I suggest you say it now." he advises her, then she looks down at Switch. "No, no. Not Switch. Please." she begs him. "Not like this." Switch mutters and looks at up Zelda, tears in her eyes. "Switch," Zelda mutters as tears were streaming down hers. "Not like this." she said to her, then she felt over, dead. But Trinity catches her in her arms as she gasps in horror. "Too late." Cypher states and Zelda grits her teeth. "You fucking ungrateful ignorant, backstabbing traitor, Cypher!" she shouts as shook her head, then exhales. "Don't hate me, Zelda. I'm just the messenger... and right now I'm gonna prove it to you. If Morpheus was right... then there's no way I can pull this plug." he tells her.

Then Zelda was horrified as she knew who he was talking about. "I mean, if Neo's The One...." he states and she looks right at him, Trinity lays Switch down and stood up as she could see the fear in Zelda's eyes for the first time. "Then there'd have to be some kind of a miracle to stop me... right? I mean, now can he be the one... if he's dead." he states and Zelda turns away. "You keep your filthy hands off him," she growls as the flickering glow travels up her arm. "You never did answer me before... if you bought into Morpheus' bullshit. Come on, all I want is a little yes or no." he tells her.


Cypher stood under Neo, completely unaware of two sharp and broken pipes hovering ever so slowly and quietly towards him.

As they were glowing that faint green and flickering light as they slowly move in closer towards Cypher.


Zelda exhales as her fingers were twitching "Look into his eyes... those big, pretty eyes." Cypher tells her and Zelda slowly turns her head and looks into Neo's brown eyes that she had loved so deeply for her time in the Matrix and her time out of it. Neo could see the rage and fear battling in her green eyes "And tell me, yes or no." he orders her.

Zelda exhales as she kept her eyes on Neo, but Trinity notices the etching glow in her marking. "Can I tell you something before I answer, Cypher?" she asks him, he sighs on the line. "What?" he questions her. Zelda was quiet for a moment. "Say hi to the devil for me when you arrive in hell," she said to him. Cypher was confused at first, but then he gasps and gurgles on the other end of the line, then he gasps again and went silent. Zelda pulls her phone away as she bellows and threw her phone to the side, it clatters onto the ground as she grips her hair and exhales heavily. Tears were streaming down her face as she was so angry.

Neo looks over at her as he steps closer and pulls her into his arms, she whimpers and cries in his shoulder, gripping the back of his coat. "It's ok. It's ok," he whispers to her. Then Trinity walks over and grips Zelda's hand and her glowing fades. Zelda then hiccups as she began to calm herself down.

She pulls away from Neo and wipes her tears away, then exhales calmly. "I can't believe they're gone," she mutters. Walking past the two and looks down at Apoc and Switch. Trinity walks over towards her and places her hand on her shoulder. "This wasn't you're fault," she tells her as Neo walks up towards them. "It doesn't feel that way," she mutters at her, then the wired phone rings, grabbing their attention.

The three were tense at the moment, then Trinity reaches out and picks up the phone, she places it on her ear and then gasps as she pulled out of the Matrix. Zelda catches the phone and places it back on the hook as the two stood there and looked at one another. "You okay?" Zelda asks him, Neo looks at her, "Not sure yet. You?" he asks. She shook her head, "Not sure yet." she answers him. Then the phone rings and both of them looked down at it, it rings as Zelda was hesitated to take it. But then Neo grabs the phone and she looks at him, seeing him offer it to her. "You first."


Zelda gasps awake as she pulled out of the Matrix, the plug removed from her head jack, her chair was suspended up as she slowly sat up and looks, seeing Trinity standing next to him. "Welcome back," she whispers, Zelda nods at her as she looks over and saw Apoc, Switch, and Mouse were laying dead in their chairs. She exhales and looks away, but then was shocked as she saw that Cypher was impaled with two metal pole from behind. "Did I do that?" she asks, "You tell me." Trinity states as Zelda looks at her.

She thinks back to when she told Cypher to go fuck himself and looks at her, "I think I do." she mutters then looks over at Tank, "You're okay." she states, he nods at her. She smiles but then looks at the burned flesh on his side, "Oh no, Tank..." she mutters, but he shook his head at her, "I'll be alright." he assures her. She exhales and looks away. "I'm so sorry Tank, Dozer..." she states, he nods and lowers his eyes. Then she pulls him into her arms and held him tightly, letting him cry his tears.


Back in the Matrix, in a fortified building a chopper lands on the roof of the building, the soldiers moved out as Agent Brown steps out onto the roof.

On one of the floors on the top of the building, Agent Smith stood in front of the window, looking out at the city before him. "Have you ever stood and stared at it... marveled at its beauty... it's genius?" Smith asks aloud, then looks down at the people going about their lives. "Billions of people just living out their lives... oblivious," he states then turns to Morpheus, who was cuffed to a chair with tools of torture next to him. "Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered, where everyone would be happy?" Smith asks him as Morpheus struggles in his cuffs.

Then Smith over to the torture tools. "It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world, but I believed that as a species, human beings defined their reality through misery and suffering." Smith informs him as Jones uses a syringe and take liquefied silver from the bottle. Then he pierces Morpheus' neck and injects the liquid into his system. Morpheus groans as he fights against it. "So the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was designed to this... the peak of your civilization." Smith informs him.

As Morpheus glares over at Jones, "I say your civilization... because as soon as we started thinking for you, it really became our civilization, which is, of course, what this is all about." Smith informs him as he steps closer in front of Morpheus "Evolution, Morpheus. Evolution. Like the dinosaur. Look out that window." he tells Morpheus, bending out next to him from behind and Morpheus looks out the window "You had your time. The future id your world, Morpheus. The Future is our time." he tells him and stood up.

Then the door open and the two looked over at Browns. "There could be a problem," he informs them. And both exchanged looks.


Tank, Neo and Zelda look down at Morpheus as he was sweating "What are they doing to him?" Neo asks Tank looks at him, "They're breaking into his mind. It's like hacking a computer. All it takes it time" he answers him. "How much time?" Neo asks him and looks at Morpheus. "Depends on the mind, but eventually, it'll crack, and his alpha patterns will change from this." Tank states, looking over at the monitor scanner, "To this." he states and shows Neo the reverse pattern.

Neo exhales as Zelda rubs her arm, "When it does, Morpheus will tell them anything they want to know." Tank informs him, "What do they want?" Neo asks. "Enforce the law, end the resistance." Zelda answers and Neo looks at her, "They want the access codes to Zion." she states and Tank looks back at Neo. "The Leaders are given codes to Zion's Mainframe computer. If an agent got the codes and got into Zion's mainframe, they could destroy us. We can't let that happen." Tank states and he looks at the two women. "Trinity, Zelda." Tank calls out and the two women looked at him "Zion's more important than me... or you, or even Morpheus." he informs them and looks down at Morpheus.

Then Neo looks at all three of them and back at Tank. "Well, there has to be something that we can do." he suggest. Tank looks at him, "There is. We pull the plug." Tank states and the two women looked at him in shock. "You're going to kill him? Kill Morpheus?" Trinity questions him. Tank looks at her, "We don't have any other choice." he informs her. "But this is Morpheus we're talking about here." Zelda informs them and the two looked at her, "The man that took us in, made us his crew, made us into a family. Helped us try and understand the Matrix, taught use everything we know about working together." she reminds them.

Then Tank places his hand on her shoulder, "Which is why we have to pull the plug." he tells her, she looks at him, shaking her head and lowers her eyes to the ground. Then they gathered around him, Tank removes his glove and strokes Morpheus' head. "Morpheus, you were more than a leader to us. You were... a father. We'll miss you always." Tank whispers to him, Trinity exhales as she stiffens and Zelda closes her eyes, lowering her head. Then Tank moves his hand down to the plug, gripping it tightly in his hand. "Stop." Neo calls out, then they froze and looked at him. "I don't believe this is happening." he states and Tank exhales. "Neo, this has to be done." he informs him, but Neo shook his head. "Does it? I don't know. I-- this can't be just a coincidence. It can't be." Neo states, Zelda and Trinity exchanged confused looks. "What are you talking about?" Tank asks him as the two girls looked back at Neo. "The Oracle. She told me this would happen. She told me... that I would have to make a choice." he informs them.

Zelda was just confused "What choice?" she asks him, he looks at her for a moment, then immediately walks away, "What-- what are you doing?" Zelda calls out as they hurried after him. "I'm going in." he answers her. Zelda's heart then stops at his words "No, you're not." she informs him as he stops in front of the computers then he looks at her "I have to." he informs her as Trinity stood next to Zelda. "Neo, Morpheus sacrificed himself so that we could get you out. There is no way that you're going back in." she reminds him. Then Neo turns to the two of them. "Morpheus did what he did because he believed that I'm something I'm not." he answers her.

Then both she and Tank were confused by his words. "What?" Zelda asks him. He looks at Zelda. "I'm not the one, Zelda. The Oracle hit me with that, too." he informs her but she shook her head. "No. No... you have to be." she states. "I'm sorry, I'm not. I'm just another guy." he informs her, Trinity looks at Zelda as the said woman shook her head. "No. That's not true. I don't believe it to be true." she states and Neo just looks in her eyes. "Why?" he questions her. She just looks at him, her mouth open and closes as she still couldn't bring herself to say those words to him.

Then he steps away and walks over to one of the chairs. "Neo, this is loco. They've got Morpheus in a military-controlled building." Tank informs him as he walks up to Neo, who turns and looks at him "Even if you somehow got inside, those are agents holding him. Three of them." Tank adds in, Trinity shot a look over at him as Zelda hung her head. "I want Morpheus back, too, but what you're talking about is suicide." Tank informs him, but Neo shook his head. "I know that's what it looks like, but it's not. I can't explain to you why it's not." Neo states as Trinity looks at him "Morpheus believes something and he was ready to give his life for what he believed. I understand that now. That's why I have to go." Neo informs them, "Why?" Tank questions him.

Neo looks at him, "Because I believe in something." he states, "And what is that?" Zelda questions him and he looks at her as she was looking over at the side. "I believe I can bring him back." he states, the two just looked at him as he said nothing and walks off. Zelda raised her head, looking at Neo as he was getting ready, then she looks at Trinity and Tank and they both recognized the look in her eyes, she then turns from them, marches over and stood in front of one of the chair and be started to type on the screen. Trinity smirks as Tank crosses his arms.

Then Neo notices Zelda as she was getting ready to load herself in, "What are you doing?" he asks her, "What do you think? I'm coming with you." she answers him. "No, you're not." he informs her, she stops and turns her head to turns him, "No? Really?" she questions him, making him stop. "If you're so hellbent on what you believe, I'll just be as hellbent on what I believe. And I believe Morpheus means more to me than he does to you." she informs him as she steps in front of him. "And you're really talking about saving Morpheus on this crazy suicide mission, you're going to need all the help you can get and if you don't like it. Well, then you can kiss my ass." she informs him.

Trinity walks up and stood by Zelda's side, "And since Trinity is the ranking officer on this ship, she has say in the matter. Trinity." she states and she looks at her. "We're going in, You can't take the Military base all on your own and if you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell, because you aren't going anywhere else." she informs him, Neo sighs in defeat as he couldn't change their minds. "Tank, load us in." Zelda calls out as she turns away from Neo and sat in the chair.


The three were wearing their black attires as Trinity walks over to the two as they were in the white loading program room. Zelda had her hands on her hips as she looks at the both of them. "If we're going to get Morpheus back. We need to hit them hard." she informs the two.

Trinity nods at her, "Start below and work are way up." she states, Neo nods at the both of them. "We have to move fast if we want to make to Morpheus in time." Neo informs them and they both nodded at him. Then Neo makes the call to Tank. "Okay. What do you need, besides a Miracle." Tank asks him. "Guns. Lots of guns." Neo answers him.

Then hundreds of rows of gun came in like trains then came to an immediate stop, Trinity looks at Zelda, who nods at her and Trinity walks off as Zelda looks at her old friend. "Neo." she calls out, making him look at her, "What we're going, it's down right impossible. No one has ever done something like this before." she informs him. Neo looks down at the gun in his hand and back at her "That's why it's going to work." he informs her then cocks his gun.


Neo walks through the spinning door, then he steps through the security scanner and places his bag inside the load out. The alarms went off as there was metal detected on him.

Then an officer stood up and stands on front of Neo with the metal scanner. "Would you please remove any metallic items you're carrying." the officer informs him as Neo was counting the guards around him; high count: 6. Then he looks back at the officer in front of him. "Key, loose change..." the officer lists off, but Neo opens his coat to a full arsenal of guns. "Holy shit!" the officer exclaims then Neo slams his fist into the officer's chest and send him flying as the others were on high alert. Then Neo pulls out his guns and fires at the other five officers, killing them right in their spot.

But one dodges the bullets as Neo was hiding behind the pillar. "Back. Send backup!" the officer said over the phone. Then the metal alarms buzzed again in both of them, the officer looks over at Zelda and Trinity as they step through them, aim their guns and fired onto the officer. He drops dead on the ground, then Zelda lowers her gun, tossing it to the side as Neo steps out from behind the pillar and Trinity up next to him as Zelda grabs the bad of guns and stood between Neo and Trinity as they tossed their guns to the side and Neo pulls out two more guns.

The three then stop as they heard footstep running down the halls, "How many?" Trinity asks as Zelda listens to the footsteps. "Less than 10." she answers, then the Swat officer appeared in front of the three, their guns aimed and cocked. "Freeze!" one calls out.

The three of them exchanged quick looks, then the Swat officers open fire. Neo ran to the right, firing back at them, Trinity ran to the left, taking cover behind a pillar, as Zelda drops the bag, pulls out her hand machines guns and opens fire onto the Swat men. Some Zelda fell dead and she ran forward, firing at them. Neo fires at the three Swat officer then dives behind the pillar as they fired onto them.

Trinity ran towards the wall, as they fired onto her, but she ran up the wall, then side flips off it as she hide behind the pillar, they fired onto her, but then one stops to reload. She took her chance and pulls out, then kicks the gun out of his hands, then in the stomach then under the chin. She then moves back behind a pillar and avoids the incoming bullets.

Zelda ran forward, firing into the two men with the rifles, she then shot down, sliding in between them, she then turns and fired at the both of them, hitting them in the heads and they drop dead. Then she spins her legs and pulls herself back onto her feet, then she looks at the officer in front of her, she went to fire, but saw that she was out. "Damn." she mutters then turns and hides behind the pillar. She then tosses her guns to the side, kneels down and picks up the rifle and look at the empty clip. She exhales then grips the empty clip, her markings glowed and the clip was refilled, she then places it in and locks it.

Neo tosses the gun to the sides and pulls out another set, he waited until they were out of bullets. They were out after reducing the pillar to barely anything, then Neo pulls out, ran forward and fires onto the two, he nails one as the shells were falling from his guns, then he turns over to the other two.

One on the other side of the room, was firing at Neo, Trinity moves out as she kicks the gun out of his hand, it flips over him, landing in her hands and she fired at him in his back, she then fired at the other two and falls back into covers.

Zelda moves out and she marches forward firing at the one behind the pillar as Neo moves out from his firing at the Swat men. He took out two then he looks at the other, but he just stood there and drops as Zelda was right behind him. She exhales as she looks at him, he nods at her as she nods back, she then drops the gun and walks towards the elevator.

Trinity walks back towards the bag, picks it up and drops the shot gun, then Neo and Trinity joined Zelda as she waited for the elevator. Then the doors open and the three step inside. Zelda looks out at the damage they left. "You think we overdid it?" she asks them and the two looked out at the damage. "No." they answers and Neo presses the button. "Good." she states as the doors then closes, but as they left, the face of a pillar broke off and slams onto the ground.


They waited in the Elevator, then Zelda removes her coat and kneels down next to the bag, she then unzips it to reveal a white brief case. Trinity removes her as well and joins her as Zelda pulls it out of the bag, placing it onto the side and they unbuckle the latches.

Open it to reveal a bomb inside of it, Trinity and Zelda both began to arm it as Neo pressed the emergency stop button on level 41. then the charge began to move into position as Trinity sets the timer and Zelda sets the charge voltage. Neo opens the hatch and pulls himself out. Then Zelda jumps out of the elevator and helps Trinity out as well as Neo hooks himself onto the cable. Then he pulls out his gun and fired into the latch that attached the elevator to the cable. It jerks a little as Trinity moves next to Zelda, wrapping her arm around her shoulder, Zelda grips onto the cable, holding onto Neo as he wraps his arms around her waist and he looks up. "There is no spoon." Neo mutters to himself then fires onto the latch again.

Then the elevator breaks free, free falling down as they were shooting up and the weight flew right past them. The explosion went off at the bottom floor, sending the elevator door flying outward and thanks to the fire the emergency sparklers were activated.


On the roof of the building, the chopper pilot looks out at the fight that was happening. "I repeat, we are under attack!" he calls out as Neo disarms two men, Trinity slams her elbow onto a swat officer's neck and Zelda fired at the man that was far back, nailing him and makes him smack against the ground.

Neo took one of the men's gun as Trinity, disarms one of the men and Zelda swipes a man off his feet and she flips onto her and fires at him. But then the pilot was being overwritten by Agent Brown. Neo fires at the Swat man and he smacks against the ground. Two got up and aim their guns at Neo, but Trinity threw a knife at one as Zelda threw her dagger and they nail them, making them fall dead. Neo watches the two men drop dead and he looks at them.

They nodded at him, but then Zelda snaps her eyes over as she saw Agent Brown. "Trinity." she warns and Trinity looks over as well. Neo knew what got their attention, so he turns, pulling out his guns and fires onto the agent, but Brown was moving at a remarkable, inhuman speed. And when Neo was out of bullets, Agent Brown stops as he glares at Neo. "Zelda! Trinity!" Neo calls out as Agent Brown pulls out his gun and Neo tossed his away. "Help!" Neo calls out and Agent Brown fires his gun.

Everything was moving so slowly as Neo reels back, dodging the incoming bullets, seeing the wind path they left behind, Neo went low, trying to keep up, but two bullets hit him in the leg and arm and he falls back onto the ground, it wasn't fatal, but it still hurts. Neo pants as he looks at Agent Brown as he stood over Neo and aims his gun at him. "Only human." he states.

But then a gun was pressed at his temple and he look out to see Zelda aiming the gun at him. "Dodge this, fucker." she said and pulled the trigger, Brown went flying out from the impact, then they shield their eyes from the electricity as Brown reverted back into the chopper pilot. Neo exhales as he looks up at her, then he removes his glasses as she held a hand out to him, he grips her arm and she pulls him back to his feet. Trinity jogs over to them. "Where did you learn to do that?" she asks him. "Do what?" he asks her, taking off his coat "You dodged those bullets like they do. I've never seen a human move as fast as you did." she answers him.

He sighs and looks down at his arm, "It wasn't fast enough." he informs her and Trinity looks at him, "Can you fly that thing?" Neo asks and they looked out at the chopper. Zelda smirks as she and Trinity remove their glasses and looks back at him, "Not yet." she answers and pulls out her phone. "Operator." Tank answers. "Tank, I'm going to need you to install the Pilot program for a B-212 helicopter for me and Trinity. And make it fast, Morpheus won't last forever." she warns him. Then ends the calls.

Then they both exhale and close their eyes for the moment as their eye lids were fluttering, the information of piloting a chopper was being downloaded into their brains as fast as light speed. Then their eyes shot open and they looked at him "Let's go." Zelda tells Neo and they began to walk towards the chopper, Neo reload his last gun as they all hopped inside.


Agent Brown returned back to Jones and Smith, but then they looked out of the room and saw the Chopper lowering down into view. Zelda turns the chopper over to reveal it's side and there sat Neo on the machine gun.

Agent Smith looks over at Zelda as she was smirking at him, "Are you gloating?" Trinity asks her, "Little bit." Zelda answers, making her grin. "No." Smith mutters as Neo then pulls the trigger and fires the gun. The bullets break through the glass, water splashing at the impact of the bullets being fired, the agents pull out their guns, to fire back onto the chopper, Agent Brown was hit, but Agent Jones and Smith move out of the way as they fired their gun.

Neo kept on firing at the agents as he destroys the entire glass mainframe, Jones tries to pull out of the was, but was hit in the process. Bullets were raining down like hail fire as Neo then turns the Machine gun onto Smith.

Smith fires at the chopper as he went to a knee to avoided the incoming bullets, but he too was hit and taken down. Neo lets go of the trigger as it was only a matter of time before the agent overwrite new bodies and the three look out at Morpheus who wasn't touched by a single bullet. "Morpheus, get up. Get up, get up." Neo whispers to himself as Zelda looks out the window. "Come on, Morpheus. Come on." she mutters to her.

Then Morpheus raises his head, fighting the program inside his head, pulling on the cuffs, but thanks to the wet and cooling water raining down onto him, he then began to pull himself out of the mind tearing torture and looks at the chopper in front of him. Then he exhales and pulls harder, bellows as he rips the cuffs apart, freeing his hands. He exhales and rips the white electric pads off his chest and temples and stood up.

But then the door was then opened, pushing the water back as the Agents stepped back into part of the room. Smith saw that Morpheus was free and he pulls out his gun. This makes Morpheus sprint towards the chopper. Smith opens fire onto the wall, in sync where Morpheus was running and a bullet ran through his calf, making him stumble. Neo notices this and was afraid. "He's not gonna to make it." he states, moving out from behind the turret and they both jump toward one another. They impact each other and were spiraling down, but thankfully Neo was attached to the chopper by a safety rope. It locks in tight and stop Neo from falling.

And Neo grabs Morpheus by his wrist, "Gotcha." he mutters to him and Morpheus looks down at the 100 feet fall. Then Neo looks up, at the pilots, Zelda smiles down at them. "We got him, bring him home." Zelda states, Trinity smiles at her and they both pulled the chopper from the building. But Agent Smith walks out to the ledge, Zelda notices him and she tries to pulls away faster, but he aims his gun and hits the gas tank of the chopper.

This makes the alarms go off, "Fuck. Fucking hate agents." Zelda swore as she and Trinity kept the chopper steady. They flew the chopper away from the building, but Zelda saw they were loosing altitude, "We have to find somewhere for them to land, this thing can't anymore!" Zelda shouts over the alarms and Trinity looks around, "There." she calls out and Zelda looks over at the MMI building. "Alright, when I say go, you jump out with Morpheus." Zelda informs her and Trinity looks at her in shock. "What, no." she argues. Zelda smirks at her, "Now's not the time to argue, Trin. Someone needs to fly this down bird and you need to make sure Morpheus is alright." she informs her "I am not leaving my best friend behind." she informs her and Zelda chuckles. "Come on, T. I don't plan on die today, not will I have some many things left unsaid." she informs her. Trinity just looks at her, grunts as she lets go of the steering stick and unbuckles herself. "Alright, wait... wait..." Zelda states as they flew closer toward the roof of the MMI building.

Then they circle around the roof of the building and she looks over the side, seeing Neo then drops Morpheus, "Now!" Zelda shouts as Trinity ran out and jumps out of the chopper. Neo watches as Trinity falls and lands on the roof, running away from Morpheus. But she got up and ran towards him. Zelda growls weakly as she pulls harder on the stick, Neo kicks his legs as he was lowering onto the roof, then rolls onto his feet and stood up, Zelda looks out the window, seeing that he was okay.

Neo watches as the chopper than began to go down over him, "Zelda!" he whispers as he realizes that she was still on board. Then he looks down at the safety rope in his hands, twirls it over his arm and held on tight. Trinity and Morpheus watches as Neo was then jerk off his feet and was sliding towards the edge. "Fuck." Zelda mutters as she unbuckles herself, runs to the back where the safety rope was latched onto the hook, then she grips it, pulls out her gun, firing as she frees the rope from the latch. Then she swings out of the chopper as it was going down.

Neo then stops himself on the rigged ledge, shooting up onto his feet in surprise as he watches Zelda swing away from the chopper as it was going down then it crashes into the other building and like a pebble thrown into a pond, the windows ripples from the impact of the chopper. The glass then burst from the amount of pressure was applied into the impact and the chopper then explodes from ignition of the pouring gas.

Zelda braces herself as she turns to her side and smacks into the glass window, indenting the glass, Neo turns his head away from the blast as glass shard burst out like a cloud of death. He then exhales as he looks back and saw the explosion was over and looks down at Zelda, she pressed her feet against the glass and looks up at Neo, then he started pull her up in long strides. Then he took her hand, pulling her up onto the ledge and in his arms as they stepped down and looked at one another. "You alright?" he asks her, she pants and looks at him "A bit beat up, but I can manage with a few scraps." she answers him. He chuckles and brushed her hair from her face. She smiles up at him as she wasn't afraid anymore.

Then Morpheus walks up to them "Do you believe it now, Zelda?" he tells her as they both turned and looked at him, pulling away from one another and Trinity, who ran up and hugs Zelda. "Morpheus..." Neo starts and Morpheus walks up in front of him. "The Oracle... she told me--" Neo starts. "She told you exactly what you needed to hear. That's all. Neo, sooner or later, you're going to realize just I did, there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path." Morpheus informs him.

Neo just looks at him as Trinity and Zelda held each others waist. "Well, can we go home now, please?" Zelda jokes and they all smiled at her. Then Trinity offered her phone to Morpheus and he makes the call. "Operator." Tank answers as he was anxious "Tank." Morpheus answers. "God damn, it's good to hear your voice, sir." Tank said with excitement. "We need an exit." Morpheus informs him, "Got one ready. Subway station, State and Balaoa."

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