The Matrix

By AssassinNovice72

7K 149 22

A special thanks to @LayceJ25 for being an inspiration to me, had it not been for them I would not have writt... More

Card 2: Jack of Spades
Card 3: King of Diamond
Card 4: Queen of Spades
Card 5: Queen of Hearts
Card 6: Joker
Card 7: Ace of Spades

Card 1: Jack of Diamond

2.4K 44 11
By AssassinNovice72

Card 1: Jack of Diamond

A woman sat on the top of a roof, the rain was pouring down onto her, soaking her. But she didn't care, her attention was on her small blade in her hands as she was repeatedly tapping it against her hand, she looks out across to the studio complex and saw someone getting ready for another hunt as he was brushing his teeth.

She exhales sadly to herself, watching him as he spits out the toothpaste and turns off his bathroom light and headed for his room, then he closes his blinds and sat in front of his computer. The Woman in black stood up, walking along the edge of the roof, then pulls out her cell and speed dials someone. She raised her phone to her ear and waited as it was ringing. She stops as she heard the line being picked up. "Yeah?" the man answers her, sighing as he was exhausted "Is it done?" she asks him. He didn't answer her.

She then turns and walks the other way, "I said, is it done?" she asks again. "You weren't supposed to relieve me." he reminds her, she smirks as she turns back and strides down the other way. "What can I say? I felt the need to get out, enjoy the cold fresh air," she answers him. "You like him, don't you. You like watching him?" he taunts her, but she remained neutral. "Say whatever helps you sleep at night," she answers as she turns and locks her eyes on the apartment. "We're going to kill him. do you understand that?" the man informs her.

But she shook her head with a smirk. "No, not him. Morpheus believes he's The One," she informs him. "Do you?" the man asks her. She looks away and strides. "What I believe doesn't matter," she answers him. "You don't, do you?" he questions her. She scoffs, "As I said, what I believe doesn't-- wait." she states as she heard clicking on the line. "What's the sound?" she questions. "What sound?" he asks her. Then she stiffens. "Are you sure no one is listening in?" she questions him. "Yeah, of course, I'm sure." he answers her, but she shook her head, "I have to go," she states, hanging up her phone and jumps onto the roof and ran to find her partner, knowing that trouble was coming.


Officers shine their light as they were at the hotel the head looks back at the others, then signals them, then the one in the back of the squad quickly steps up to the front, carefully walking down the hall as the others hurried after him, they pass the old wires hanging from the ceiling, faded lights were flicking through the roofs of the broken down doors, the wall were covered in rust and winter moss.

Then they came to a stop where their unnamed source told them where the terrorist would be, the formed a wall in front of the door 303, then as one stood in front of the door, the leader nods his head and the door was kicked in, they hurried in like ants as they shined their lights and there was a woman, dressed in black, her black hair slick back as she was completely and unsurprised from the sudden burst into the room.

The officer raised their guns and kept them aimed right at her, "Freeze! Police!" the man calls out as the woman was sitting calmly in her chair. "Hands-on your head! Do it! Do it now!" the other officer orders her. She exhales and slowly raised her hands up.


Outside of the Hotel officers were gathered at the front door, radios going off like crazy as a special agent from the government drove up to the hotel. Getting the officers' attention as the three agents step out and looked up at the hotel where the terrorist was said to be. "Lieutenant." Agent Smith said, straightening out his suit, turning his attention to the Lieutenant. "Oh, shit." the Lieutenant mutters to himself.

Then, agent Smith, his partners walk closer towards him, "Lieutenant, you were given specific orders." Smith reminds him, the Lieutenant raised his hand, "Hey, I'm just doing my job. You give me that Juris-my-dick-tion crap, you can cramp it up to your ass." the Lieutenant informs him. Agent Smith was not surprised at his attitude as he looks up at the hotel, momentarily. "The orders were for your protection." Agent Smith informs him, but the Lieutenant just laughs.

Making Smith look back at him, "I think we can handle one little girl." the Lieutenant informs him, but Smith looks at his partners and they both walk towards the hotel, the Lieutenant's eyes followed them, "I sent 2 units. They're bringing her down now." he calls out and Agent Smith stops, looking over his shoulder at him. "No, Lieutenant. Your men are already dead, for this little girl is not alone."


The woman was standing at her feet, her hands behind her head, one of the officers pulls out his cuffs, walking towards her, but unknown to them, in the shadows, another woman quickly drops down and carefully walks up behind one of the officers and stood up, then the woman known as Trinity swiftly turns with inhuman speed, gripping the man's arm, uppercuts his arm, breaking it and he cries out in pain.

Then the other woman, known as Zelda swiftly kicks in the other officer's knee shattering the bones inside the knee, making him cry out in shock as he fell to a knee, then she grips his neck and snaps it to the side. Then Trinity broke in his nose, making him reel back in pain, then she jumps into the air and with the might of a wrecking ball, she kicks him back, sending him flying into the other officer and they crashed into the wall.

Zelda, rolls over to the side, dodging the two as Trinity kicks the chair at the other, taking him by surprise and knocks him off his feet. The other was shocked then looked at Trinity as she looks at him, he aims his gun and went to fire, but Zelda grips his hand, twisting it, he grunts in pain, feeling his bones were cracking, then she took the gun, slamming the butt into the officer's throat, he gasps from the impact, as she then inhumanely spins them and they were back to back and her hand gripping his throat then she looks out at her partner. "Here!" she calls out, throwing the gun to her, the officer went to aim his gun at her, but Trinity rolls in closer towards the gun, then grab it, then aims and fire at the officer, killing him.

Zelda then slams down onto a knee, pulling the officer down, snapping his neck and kills the officer. Then she stood up ad they looked down at the dead officer on the ground. "Shit!" the said in unison. Then they walk back towards the laptop as Zelda pulls out her cell and makes an emergency call. "Operator." a man on the line answers. "Morpheus, The line was traced. They found us and now they're going to find him." Zelda informs him. "I know, they cut the hard-line," he informs her, Zelda looks down at the wired phone and picks it up.

There was no sound made, "Fuck." she grumbles and slams the phone back down, "There's no time. You're going to have to get to another exit." Morpheus informs her as she looks at Trinity. "Are there any agents?" Trinity asks, "Yes." Morpheus answers and Zelda nods at her, "God damn it." she exhales, closing her eyes and looks away, "How many?" Zelda asks him. "Three," Morpheus answers her. "Fuck." she exhales as she too exhales, closing her eyes and turns away. "You and Trinity have to focus, Zelda. There's a phone. Wells and Lake. You both can make it." he informs her, she nods at him. "Wells and Lake, roger," she mutters, then hung up and looks at Trinity. "Wells and Lake." Trinity states and Zelda nods at her. "Run," he states and they both took off out of the room.

But as the did the elevator door opens and out steps agent with officers, they both stop then turn and went the other way, the agent and officers chased after the two of them. The two women make sharp turns, left and then a right. Then they came to a door, Trinity pulls it open and they both came out onto the fire escape. Zelda looks down at the alley and saw the second agent as he was looking up at them. Zelda growls a little and they both hurried up the escape as Agent Brown and the officers hurried after them.

Zelda pulls herself up the ladder, making it too the roof, then she stops and waited for Trinity, who joined her seconds later, then they both took off running along the roof as Agent Brown pulls himself up the ladder and into the roof, chasing them. The officers piled onto the roof as Trinity and Zelda jump the small gap, Agent Brown jumps the small gap as well, then the other officers jumped the small gap too.

Zelda and Trinity held perfect balance as they ran along the rigged roof, Agent Brown kept his unnerving gaze as he too was of perfect balance, the officers stumbled and tripped along the roof as they kept in pursuit of the two women. Then they both step next roof, keeping their speed, then Agent Brown stop, pulling out his gun and opens fire onto the two, but his bullets missed them and they ran to the edge of the roof.

Trinity was perfectly calmed as she 40 feet gap, Zelda focuses on her breathing, keeping it calm and her body relaxed as she launched herself 40 feet gap and they both make it onto the next roof across the street. They hit the ground of the roof, rolling onto their feet and took off running. Agent Brown ran to the ledge the officers following after him as he launches himself of the roof, over the 40 feet distance and lands in a squat position.

The Lieutenant and the officer stop as Agent Brown was gone from their sights, "That's impossible." he mutters as no human could make the jump. Zelda peeks out as she kept her arm at Trinity's collarbone, her green eyes were watching Agent Brown stand, cocking his gun, Zelda pulls back, looking at Trinity. They both exhale, then looked around for a way out. But all they saw was a straight run, in view of the Agent's sight. Trinity looks at Zelda as she looks at her, nodding in agreement. 'On three.' she mouths and Zelda exhales. "Go," she states and they both make a break straight forward for the ledge.

Agent Brown notices the two of them as they kept running, then Trinity jumps first and flew through the small window, shattering the glass, Zelda was right behind her as they both rolled and tumbled down the steps, landing on their back, then Trinity pulls out two of her gun, Zelda pulls out a hand machine gun as they aim their gun at the window the crashed through. Both of them were shaking, but Zelda shook her head, placing her gun away, "Get up." she tells both of them. Trinity looks at her, "Get up on your feet and run." Zelda said then flips back onto her feet, then helps Trinity back onto hers.

They ran outside, onto the sidewalk, then looks around at the phone booth, as the phone was ringing "Go. I'll catch up." Zelda tells her, Trinity looks at her, then ran towards the booth, she then answers the phone and was gone. Zelda exhales as her friend was safe, then she took a step forward, but then stop as she saw a semi-truck drove down the road, she stiffens as the semi swerves, aimed in the direction of the phonebooth. Zelda looks at the driver inside and it was her arch Nemesis. Agent Smith. "You won't stop me," she warns him. Agent Smith smirks to himself. "Oh I can try," he states. But then the phone began to ring.

The Semi tires were reeving as Zelda's eyes and markings were glowing, he hits the gas, but Zelda glitched jumped into the phonebooth within seconds as she answers the phone, then she looks at the bright headlights, pressing her bloodied hand to the glass. Then the semi slams into the phonebooth, ramping it into the building behind the phonebooth. Then the semi reverse, pulling out from the damage that was caused. Then Agent Smith steps out of the semi and walks over to the damage he dealt, there was nobody, of Trinity or Zelda. They were gone.

He exhales as Agent Jones walks up next to him, looking down at the phonebooth. "They got out," he states, then Agent Brown walks up to them. "Doesn't matter," Smith answers him. "The Informant is real," Brown concludes. "Yes." Smith agrees with him. "We have the name of their next target. The name is Neo." Jones informs him and Smith hums at him "We need a search running." he informs him as he turns away, Jones just watches him leave. "It has already begun."


In the studio where the man, Zelda was watching. There were wires stretched out as far as the eye could see. A deck with keyboards and computer screens, snacks here and there, printers disks, a paper shredder, basically called a hacker's nest. The computer was on, searching for a missing someone as the very man himself searching for a 'missing person' case was fast asleep with his headphones on, lost in a dream.

He was laughing as he was tackled by a woman and the rolled onto the grass, they both were laughing as they were playing "I got you, Thomas!" the woman laughs as they were laying on the grass;

He sat in front of his computer as the woman was leaning over looking at his screen, "What did you find this time, Sherlock?" she joked, making him smile.

She took his headphone, this got his attention as he tried to take them back, "What are you listening to? Something dirty I imagine." she questions, placing them on her head and listens to the music.

They both were sitting on his bed, enjoying a snack as they were going over notes. "Code names? Really." the woman states, making Neo shrugs at her. "Wouldn't want people to know who I really am," he states and the woman smiles as she looks away. "Okay, Neo. How about... Zelda." she states and Neo just laughs. "Why that name?" he asked her. She shrugs at him. "Xena was already taken," she states and he just laughed.

Making the woman laugh as well. "We'll always be together, right?" Neo asked her and she tilts her head with a smile. "Always," she promised him. He just smiles at her. "Wake up, Neo," she whispers to him, just was confused at her words and closes his eyes.

Neo opens his eyes, fluttering them, finding himself back in his hacker's nest, he sighs as it was just a dream. but then he looks up and saw the exact same words his friend spoke. This gets his attention and he slowly sat up as the words change. "What..." he questions pulling his headphones.

The Matrix has you

He was confused about those words but heard it before. "What the hell?" he questions, then he presses CTRL+D, but the words change again.

Follow The White Rabbit.

He gasps as he remembers his friend saying something like that, then looks away at the picture of him and a woman with black hair, green eyes and a bright smile on her face. He was smiling too as he held her on his back and her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

"Really? We're going to play this game again?"

"But it's my favorite game, plus my favorite story, Alice followed the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole to Wonderland."

Neo looks back at the screen, "Follow the White Rabbit." he mutters then looks down at his keyboard and hits escape. But nothing happens.

Knock Knock, Neo

Then there was a knock his front door, startling him, making him look past his screen, "Who is it?" he calls out. "It's Choi." the man calls out. Then Neo looks back at his screen and saw that the words were gone. "Yeah. Yeah," he mutters as he got out of his chair.

Then walks over towards his door, unlocking it, but kept the bolt chain locked in, he peeks through the door and looks at the man behind the door, who had his girlfriend on his arm and his crew right behind him. "You're 2 hours late," Neo informs him. Choi nods at him. "I know, it's her fault," he informs him. "You got the money?" Neo asks him.

Choi sighs as he pulls the money out from his coat and held it up, "2 grand." he offers it to him, "Hold on." Neo tells him as he closes his door then walks over towards his shelve and picks up a book, then opens it to a compartment, he places the money down and looks through his collection and found the disk he needs, then closes his book.

Walking back to the door unlocks the door and handed the disk to Choi as he took it, "Hallelujah. You're my savior, man." Choi states with a smile as he looks back down at the disk. "My own personal Jesus Christ," he mutters and Neo points at the disk. "If you get caught using that..." he warns him, Choi just wraps his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. "I know. This never happened. You don't exist." he informs him, Neo just looks at him. "Right." he mutters and looks away, "Something wrong, man. You look a little whiter than usual." Choi asks him.

Neo just looks at him, as that feeling in the back of his head was rattling him "My computer, it..." he states, but then pauses, scoffs to himself and looks back at Choi, "Have you ever had that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?" Neo asks him. Choi nods at him "All the time. It's called mescaline. It's the only way to fly." Choi jokes, but Neo hung his head and sighs. "hey, it just sounds like you need to unplug, man. I know you're determined to find your little girlfriend wherever she went off to." Choi states. Neo was shocked at the words he just used. "Whoa, hang on... Riley isn't my girlfriend, she's my best friend." Neo corrects him.

Choi nods at him. "Right. You know, get some R and R." he states then turns to his girlfriend, "What do you think, Durjour? Should we take him with us?" he asks her as her eyes were glued on Neo. "Defiantly," she answers with a smile. But Neo looks away from them, "I can't, I have, um, work tomorrow." he informs them but Durjour leans against Choi, wrapping her arms around him. "Come on, it'll be fun. I promise," she informs him. Neo sighs, going to say no again, but then her tattoo got his attention, he looks at it and saw it was the White Rabbit. Then he remembers what he saw on his computer.

Follow the White Rabbit.

He stares at the tattoo and slowly nods his head. "Yeah." he mutters and looks at them, "Sure, I'll go."


Everyone gathers in the underground club, dancing to the music, some were sitting on the couch, smoking some cigarette. But Neo was in the leaning against the wall, a beer in his hand, he was completely out of place.

Wasn't his crowd of sorts, it was really just him and Riley, and she wasn't into any of this crowd either. But someone sent him that message on his computer. Someone wanted him here, but he couldn't figure out who. Then a smaller and warm body was pressed against his back, this getting his attention. "Sorry." he mutters as he looks away, "Hello, Neo." the woman said from behind and this makes him freeze then he looks over his shoulder. "How do you know that name?" he questions her.

This makes her smirk. "I know everything about you." she answers him, "Who are you?" he questions her. "I have a name, but you can call me Zelda," she answers, he froze again and went to turn, but a stops him most suddenly. "Don't turn. Act casual," he informs him, then he stops turning and looks away. "Zelda? Was it you who broke into the High-Security military base, that cracked the security code?" he asks and she just grins. "That was a long time ago," she informs him and he scoffs. "Jesus." he mutters, making her look over her shoulder at him, "What?" she questions.

He shook his head at her, "No, it's just that um... I never thought you were the type of person to do something like that." he states and she giggles. "Most people underestimate the underdog." she states and he looks over his shoulder at her, "That was you, on my computer. How did you do that?" he questions her. She bites her lip. "Listen to me, Neo. This place is safe, but I don't know for how long. You're in danger, I had to bring you here to warn you." she warns him. "Of what?" he asks her, "They're watching you now, Neo," he informs her.

Then she turns to him, looking at his back. "Listen, don't move and don't look," she tells him as she leans in close to his ear. "I know why you're here. I know what you've been doing and I know why you've hardly slept, why you haven't taken in a roommate and why night after night, you sit in front of that old dusty computer and I know why you've been looking for me," she informs him.

Neo shutters at the chilling touch of her breath against his ear, "You're looking for Morpheus. I know, I was trying to find him myself. And when I did find him, he said to me... I wasn't looking for him, but the answer to a question I have been asking myself for a long as I could remember." she states, Neo was struggling to not turn around and look at his lost friend's eyes. "It's that same questions you've been asking yourself as well. That very question that brought you here," she states as she tilts her head and looks at him. "What is the Matrix?" he asks.

Zelda smiles as she leans back at his ear, "The answer is out there, Neo. It will find you when you least expect it to, I found it, that's why you couldn't find me. And when it does, you might not like it." she informs him, he couldn't take it and turns to look at his friend as she was different, very different from before. 

She was were black leather jumpsuit, it was exposed at her hips and arms, as she wore gloves that barely covered her arms as well. her hair was shorter than before as there wear strange green markings etched into her skin and those marking matched her now bright green eyes "You looked." she mutters and he just looks at her, but she smiles, "You always did like breaking the rules," she states as she rubs his coat between her fingers.

 He raised his hand and gently grips her arm, making her look at him, he felt weak at the knee from her sight. "Riley..." he starts, but she pressed her finger to his mouth. Stopping him, then pulls her finger and strokes his nose, "Wake up, Neo." she whispers. He just looks at her as he could hear the buzzing of his alarm clock.

Neo shot awake in his bed of his apartment, he looks at the time as he stops the alarm. "Oh shit," he mutters, kicking off the covers. "Oh, shit, shit, shit." 

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