Heart Eyes *Completed*

By tampamanatee

6.3K 397 47

Note: Two books come before this one. You do not need to read Cat Eyes to understand it, but you need to read... More

One: Jake
Two: Owen/ Jake
Three: Owen
Five: Jake
Six: Owen/ Jake
Seven: Jake/ Owen
Eight: Jake
Nine: Owen/ Jake
Ten: Owen
Eleven: Jake
Epilogue: Jake

Four: Jake/ Owen

502 32 5
By tampamanatee


My body felt heavy and everything just seemed... numb. At least I could feel my limbs so I knew they were still there, but they felt like lead. Why did my entire body feel like this? My eyes weren't even open yet and I was already tired. Man, what even happened last night? I tried to think back but the only thing I remembered was being in my room, saying something to Matt. Why couldn't I remember anything after that? Everything just felt so off, like I was in someone else's body. It made me really worried to open my eyes.

When they finally opened, I first noticed a large fuzzy blanket was around my entire body. My head was resting on an extremely comfortable pillow, or maybe that was just because I felt so tired. Even though my eyes felt heavy I forced them to look up and immediately felt better when I realized I was in Owen's room. He was on Pat's bed, sitting against the wall fast asleep. Pat was sleeping next to him on the bed, making me slowly realize I was in Owen's bed. How did I end up in his room? The last I knew he was shacking up with some girl. Everything after that was pretty fuzzy.

I heavily yawned before running a hand over my face, slowly stretching my tired limbs on the bed. However when I looked down I realized I was in Owen's clothes and I had no recollection of changing into them. Seeing my phone next to me, I went to grab it before stopping and looking down at my hand. There was a giant X on the back of my hand in what looked like permanent marker. Wonder where that came from.

After unlocking my phone I saw my parents had texted and called me multiple times, mainly saying they hoped I was okay. What the fuck? My eyebrows scrunched together as I looked back over at the sleeping guys while feeling my heart beat faster.

"Owen?" I croaked, cringing when I heard my own voice. It sounded like someone punched me in the throat then ran me over with their car.

When he didn't stir I was afraid he couldn't hear me, until his eyes suddenly popped open. He instantly looked at me before coming over and kneeling next to the bed. "Hey," he whispered while looking down at me.

"What happened, why am I here?" I knew something was wrong when he hesitated before diving into the story from last night. I did remember wanting to just think about something else, because I had been so sad seeing Owen with a girl. It just bothered me I couldn't remember anything else. When he finished telling me what had happened I frowned while pulling the blanket a little closer. "Did... did someone do something to me?"

"No, thank god. But someone either targeted you, or you ended up with a drink that was meant for someone else." He ran a hand over his face while frowning. "I was so worried when I found you and you could barely keep your eyes open. And Matt might be an ass, but he really saved you. He was able to remember where you went."

The way he was looking at me was making my cheeks feel oddly hot, unless the blanket was making me warm. "Yeah," I quietly said while feeling my head sink further into the pillow. "I'll have to thank him."

"I informed him what happened when we came back from the hospital. Your doctor did say you needed to rest and he also gave me a doctor's note. I can talk to coach tomorrow at practice and if there's anything you need I'm here." I felt my cheeks get hot again as his fingers gently touched my cheek. "And Jake, I'm extremely sorry for sleeping with Sadie. I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

I swallowed loudly as my fingers slowly wrapped around his, his dark eyes making me feel very comfortable. Before I could say anything Pat was suddenly waking up, Owen's fingers tightening on mine. He was then leaning down and ever so softly kissing my fingers before whispering, "We'll talk later."

My heart was beating so loud in my ears it felt like I could pass out. My whole body was feeling tingly as he pulled away from me and Pat's face was coming into view.

"Hey Jake," he softly said. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay," I shakily said as Owen sat on the side of the bed, his thighs close to my legs. Right as I said that a pretty violent yawn overtook me. "It's crazy how tired I feel, but I'm sure I must've slept for a while."

They both nodded but Owen was the one who said, "You're going to be tired for a little bit. You've gone through some pretty drastic things. But you can't push yourself Jake. You need to rest and let your body heal up."

He gave me a look that made me roll my eyes but smile as well. "He's right man," Pat said. "Take some time to just chill and relax your bones." I gave him a smile before he started to grab random shower items and his towel before he left the room.

When it was just Owen and I, my palms got sweaty when he sat down onto the side of the bed. One of his arms was resting on the other side of my body as his brown eyes were looking down at me. I nervously swallowed while trying to calm my breathing. "I'll probably have to go home this week. It seems like my Mom wants me to."

"I know they'll like that," he said as he nodded. "Just to make sure you're okay."

"It's so crazy that I can't remember yesterday. The only thing I remember was being so mad about-" I quickly stopped and looked down at the blanket.

One of Owen's larger hands was suddenly covering mine before he gave it a soft squeeze. "It's okay."

After taking a shaky breath I said, "I was mad about seeing you with Sadie." I knew my face had to be covered in a stupid blush so I didn't want to make eye contact. "And I don't even know why Owen. I just always feel different around you than anyone else. It doesn't make sense because I was in love with Elise for so long. I figured the next time I'd feel this way would be with another girl." My eyes closed as I whispered, "Not a guy. And it scared and confused me."

When fingers were suddenly on my chin I looked up into his brown eyes. "I understand Jake, because I've felt the exact same way. Ever since we first met I knew there was something special about you. When I was so worried that something had happened to you, I realized just how much you mean to me. And I want you to know that."

My fingers wrapped around his as butterflies were erupting into my stomach. "It doesn't... gross you out?"

He made a face before shaking his head. "No way. I might be a little confused, but not grossed out. Are you?"

The super nervous expression suddenly crossing his face was making me softly smile at him. "No way."

I watched as he suddenly licked his dry lips, his fingers tightening on mine. "If it doesn't gross you out too much... could I try something?"

I had a feeling I knew what he was asking and it immediately made me excited. "Something like Origami?"

Owen loudly laughed before his forehead rested against mine. "You know I don't have the patience for that."

"You'll have patience for me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I've only... tried origami with one person."

"Just to be clear, we are talking about kissing right?"

I couldn't help but laugh as his fingers moved off my cheek and landed onto my thigh. "Yes."

"Okay, good. For a second there I thought I lost my mind. But Jake, it doesn't matter if you've only kissed one person. You're the first guy I would ever kiss."

"Do you think we're just weirdly confused? What if it isn't good or-"

I was instantly cut off when he leaned forward and kissed me. My body froze for a second before my arms slowly wrapped around his neck. The stubble on his face was giving me goosebumps as it moved against my skin. My mouth hesitantly opened against his lips, his tongue slowly inching into my mouth. My fingers gripped his hair tighter as I pulled him closer to me, his strong and sturdy body falling against mine. I lost track of time before his lips were slowly moving off mine, before giving my forehead a kiss.

"I'm not confused," he whispered as I buried my face into the crook of his neck.

"Man, you guys make a nice couple." My eyes flew open when I heard Pat's voice suddenly fill the room. He was standing on the other side of the closed door, his hair still wet.

"Pat! Sorry, I didn't know you were... I didn't hear..."

He ran a towel through his hair while saying, "I only just came in man. Sorry for not knocking but you shouldn't be sorry for anything dude. There are so many different kinds of love in this world, they should all be celebrated. I'm going to go to the art department and make you guys something to celebrate this love."

I watched him gather up his things before leaving, my eyes slowly looking up at Owen's laughing face. "Would it be lame if I just said ditto to what he said?"

I laughed as he got into the bed with me, pulling my blanket up more around me. "Well you're pretty lame to begin with so..."

He smirked before tickling my sides, my laugh filling the room. This seemed so natural and it felt like we've done this so many times before. I think being best friends first was making me feel so comfortable right now. My body relaxed into his side as his arm wrapped around my body. His fingers were then slowly running up and down my arm as my eyes closed.

"Thank you for everything," I whispered into his chest.

My body instantly shivered when his lips kissed my shoulder. "Thank you for being okay Jake, I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you. Do you need anything right now?"

"Your body heat."

He laughed again before pulling me closer. "You got it."

With that I drifted off into a deep sleep, never feeling this level of contentment before. In this moment everything seemed perfect and not confusing at all. I knew not all moments could be this perfect but for now, I gladly took it. 


My fingers ran through my hair as I rinsed all the shampoo out. Once my body was dry I grabbed a towel and toweled off before getting out. After throwing some clothes on, I walked back over to Pika and Quinn who were almost ready to go. Just as I walked closer to them I heard my name being called.

Turning around, I saw our coach walking over to me. His large hand was resting on my shoulder as he looked down into my eyes. "Make sure Jake doesn't overdo it okay? I want him completely healthy the next time he comes here."

He was pretty shocked when I told him what happened, and was very concerned. This team was a family and you never wanted to see a member of your family get hurt. Coach knew Jake and I were best friends and seemed happy that he had been staying with me while he recovers. It had been a few days and every day it seemed that Jake was getting his strength back. Some days he was still a little tired and was getting tired of being waited on. I enjoyed waiting on him and just making sure he was okay. And also stealing the occasional kiss was something I enjoyed too. That was something no one else besides Pat, Quinn and Pika knew. I wasn't going to say anything and make him uncomfortable.

"I will Coach, don't worry."

He gave me a nod before giving my shoulder a friendly pat. When he was being called away I walked over to Quinn and Pika before grabbing my bag. "You guys want to grab some food?" Pika asked while running a hand through his hair. "I'm meeting up with Olive when she gets out of play practice."

"Let me guess," Quinn said as his curly hair started bouncing as he walked. "You guys are just going to do homework."

Pika simply shrugged while smiling. "Calculus."

"Nerd," Quinn said as Pika shoved him and laughed. "But yeah, food sounds good. Want to bring some back to Jake?"

"Sounds good to me," I said.

Once we got our food and wandered back towards my room, I opened the door and immediately smiled. I was getting really used to coming back and seeing Jake on my bed either doing homework or napping. I loved cuddling with him at night and waking up to him. I might be getting a little addicted to him. But hey, I could be addicted to drugs. Even though Jake is like a drug to me.

When the door opened more he looked up and instantly smiled. His face was a lot brighter and healthier looking than even a few days ago. His strength was pretty much all the way back, something that made me happy. I didn't know how to explain the feeling whenever I saw him. No other guy had ever made me feel this way before. I knew no other guy ever would, it'd only be Jake.

"Is that food I smell?" He asked while sitting up onto his knees and pulling the bag I was holding closer to him. "Did you get chicken wings?"

I couldn't help but run my fingers through his hair as he smiled up at me. "Sure is. Honey barbeque is the one you like right?"

He started bouncing on the bed as he looked into the bag. "Hell yeah it is. Yum!" His smiling face was looking back up at me as he said, "Thank you. Can you hand me my wallet so I can pay you back?"

"Nope. I won't accept your money but I will accept kisses."

Jake smiled before he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me down to his level. When his lips landed onto mine my body relaxed, making sure to pull back before I needed to go take a cold shower. He was then diving into the bag as I started taking my shoes and coat off.

"Hey guys," Jake said to Quinn and Pika who were sitting on Pat's bed. "How was practice?"

"It was alright," Quinn said as he popped a boneless wing into his mouth. "I'm super sore though."

Pika rolled his eyes and basically threw a napkin on Quinn's face as he said, "Coach made us run a lot today, he found out some of the guys were drinking."

Jake's face scrunched up as he grabbed a napkin off my lap. "That's something I'm not looking forward to when I go back." Grabbing the remote on the bed, I started flipping through random channels as Jake turned towards me. "I'm going to go home tomorrow just so you know. My mom has been insisting I come."

"No problem. Just be careful and let me know when you get there safely." When he looked down at the bed and smiled I asked, "What?"

"You're just really sweet."

I smiled while kissing his soft blonde hair. "Are you talking about me or the wings?"

He laughed while picking up a wing and wagging it in front of my face. With that he started digging into his wings again, getting sauce all over his face. I simply laughed as Pika and Quinn started to laugh at a random show on TV. I kept an arm around him throughout the rest of the night, not wanting to lose this happiness. 

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