Heart Eyes *Completed*

By tampamanatee

6.3K 397 47

Note: Two books come before this one. You do not need to read Cat Eyes to understand it, but you need to read... More

One: Jake
Two: Owen/ Jake
Four: Jake/ Owen
Five: Jake
Six: Owen/ Jake
Seven: Jake/ Owen
Eight: Jake
Nine: Owen/ Jake
Ten: Owen
Eleven: Jake
Epilogue: Jake

Three: Owen

498 32 2
By tampamanatee

I yawned while the end credits started to roll on the movie we were watching, well everyone except Jake. He passed out pretty quick into the movie and had been out ever since. It didn't really surprise me; he was pretty bad at staying up to watch movies or do anything past nine really. I watched Pika and Quinn start to gather their things as I whispered, "Thanks for coming guys."

"Talk to you later," Pika whispered before Quinn gave me a wave and they both left the room.

When the room was quiet I looked down to see Jake still asleep, looking pretty comfortable. Grabbing my phone I started scrolling through random apps while sitting next to him. My hand ran through my short hair, wondering if I should grow it out a little. It wasn't like I had a shaved head but it was short. I had always liked Quinn and Jake's hair, making my eyes wander down to him. When I realized he was awake I put my phone down before smiling.

"Did I fall asleep?" he whispered while rubbing his eyes.

I softly laughed while moving my body so I was lying next to him. "Like always. Pika and Quinn just left."

"Sorry," he said while yawning.

"It's fine."

Since it was late and I knew he was probably tired, I started to get up but stopped when his hand grabbed my arm. My arm felt like it was on fire before he quickly took it off. "Where are you going?"

Why was he looking at me like that? Maybe he was just tired; surely he didn't want me to stay with him. Right? I've had sleep overs with friends before but none of my friends made me feel quite this way before. I mainly wanted to go to Pat's bed because the feelings I was having were making me feel not quite like myself.

"Pat's bed."

His face fell as he said, "Oh. Yeah." Did he want me to stay?

"Is that okay?"

"Maybe you can stay here? I just, I... I like being around people."

"Jake, I had no idea you liked people," I jokingly said while inside my heart started to flutter.

His cheeks suddenly lit up in a blush which oddly made my palms sweaty. He seemed to be blushing a lot recently but maybe he always did that and I was never observant before. But if that was the case, why was I so observant about him now?

His soft laugh was filling the room as I sat down next to him. "I get it if this is weird for you. Guys don't really sleep in the same bed as friends. I'm not trying to be weirdly clingy its just," I watched him look down at his hands as a frown formed onto his face. "I've felt so incredibly sad since I found out about Elise. I can't believe I was stupid enough to put all my love into one person."

That made me extremely sad before I lifted his chin up so I could look into his eyes. My hand rested onto his shoulder and I frowned when I felt him lightly trembling. "You are not stupid for loving someone. Okay? Those two are stupid and Elise did not deserve you. I'm so sorry Jake; I wish I could take this pain away from you." As I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer I whispered, "I'm so sorry."

The fact that he thought he was stupid for loving someone was ridiculous to me. The way he used to talk about Elise and the light in his eyes had always made me jealous. I had been searching for someone who would look at me like that, but settled for sex instead. I understood that I was young but other people were able to find their person so easily. I had never felt love like that before, and I guess I was getting used to just settling. But Jake had loved someone so strongly and she betrayed him. That was another reason to not even try anymore. What was the point if someone was just going to break your heart?

His body relaxed into mine as I carefully lowered him onto the bed. "I never had true friends growing up," he whispered into my shirt. "Brandon was my only guy friend."

I frowned while resting my head against his long hair. How did he not have friends? Jake was one of the nicest people I've ever met, and he'd drop everything to help anyone out. It blew my mind that that scumbag Brandon was the only friend he had.

I wanted him to know he was important to me, that I was glad he was in my life. "I'm here," I whispered while running a hand up and down his back. "This friend isn't going anywhere."

My heart was still feeling strange as he remained quiet for a few minutes. When his body relaxed and he drifted off to sleep, I sighed before running a hand over my face. It'd be nice to get my emotions under control for once in my life. If only.


When my eyes slowly opened the next morning, I stretched a little before realizing Jake's back was to me. His body seemed really close to me, making me realize I had an arm around him. It seemed like he was still asleep which made me yawn. As my body moved more I froze and looked down to see my morning wood hitting Jake in a very vulnerable place. My body broke out in a panic as I flew backwards and instantly hit the ground.

Jake's sleepy blue eyes were looking down at me, worry in his eyes. "Are you okay?" He sounded tired, like he had just woken up. Hopefully he didn't feel my little buddy trying to invade his space. "What happened?"

Yeah, what did happen? I had planned on moving over to Pat's bed but I guess I didn't wake back up before now. It was normal to wake up like that, but it was pretty annoying. However I had never been so hard before and feeling it press against his ass like that was making a sweat form onto my forehead. God, I hope he didn't feel anything and think I was trying something with him. I also didn't want to make things anymore awkward.

"Sorry," I nervously said. "Must've stretched off the bed or something." Since the situation in my pants wasn't getting any better I quickly grabbed a towel while standing up. I made sure to cover myself, still feeling very awkward. "I'm uhm going to go take a shower." I needed the cold water to wake me up out of this strange situation.


With that I quickly exited the room and all but bolted into the bathroom, quickly finding a free shower. Once I shut the curtain I quickly undressed before turning the water as cold as it could go. My hands rested onto the shower wall as the water fell over my head and body, instantly making me shiver. My breath was still coming out fast as my hands balled into fists. I realized I didn't even grab any shampoo or anything, since I ran out so quickly. That only made my hands ball tighter into fists while breathing heavily through my mouth.

As the cold water continued to run over my body I could feel myself relax, and my situation was slowly going down. I ran my hands over my face while looking up at the ceiling, hearing other guys come into the bathroom. God, what was wrong with me lately? I needed to get a grip on myself, and fast.

When I was sure I was boner free, I turned the water off and quickly toweled off my body. I then put my clothes back on before walking out of the bathroom and walked back towards my room. My body instantly stopped when I saw Jake seeming to have a hard time putting his shirt on. My eyes ran over his bare torso, which was starting to turn red. My mouth felt weirdly dry as I looked at his smooth and pale skin, a patch of blonde hair disappearing into his pants. When he noticed I was looking at him he untangled himself and held the shirt in front of his chest.

"Everything okay?" I asked while feeling my chest tighten.

"Yeah," he said before putting his shirt on and making that creamy skin disappear. "I'm going to meet up with Quinn for a little bit."

I nodded while internally sighing. I think some time apart would make my heart start to beat like normal again. "Okay, have fun. I'm probably going to go to the gym." Doing pushups and lifting weights was bound to make my body calm down.

He laughed while suddenly poking me in the shoulder. "You don't shower before you sweat you weirdo."

I couldn't help but smirk as I looked down into his eyes. But looking at his smiling face made my face soften as I looked into his blue eyes. How could he always make me feel so weirdly happy? "Thanks Sherlock."

He was then laughing again as he grabbed his keys and gave me a wave before leaving the room. Luckily he didn't seem to be acting any different; hopefully he didn't feel the awkward position this morning.

Deciding to actually go to the gym, I grabbed my keys before making my way over to the rec building. A body outside the door made me stop and instantly smile when I saw Sadie waving at me. She was a usual hookup, and her smile suddenly made me stop. I guess I had never noticed she had long blonde hair, hair that instantly made me think of Jake's. Her light eyes were slowly running up and down my body as she walked closer to me.

"Hi Owen," she purred as her fingers wrapped around my neck.

"Hey," I said as my voice cracked. She raised her eyebrows as she looked up at me, as I quickly cleared my throat.

My fingers ran through her long hair as I thought about Jake's. Maybe if I hooked up with Sadie it'd make my body go back to normal. "Going to the gym huh?" She whispered as her body got closer to mine. "I think I know another way to burn some calories."

I let her take my hand, her fingers lacing through mine as she started pulling me back towards my dorm. Taking my phone out of my pocket I sent a quick text to Jake before we silently walked across campus. Once back in my room Sadie quickly took my shirt off before she took hers off as well, including her bra. She then kissed me as I lifted her up and dropped down onto my bed. When she started kissing my neck I recognized the scent of Jake still on my bed. I forced myself to focus on Sadie, letting her slim body wrap around me.

The sex was typical and wasn't anything that surprised me. Even when she was wrapping her lips around my erection it made me feel a little hollow. I made sure to pleasure her but kept wrapping my fingers around her blonde hair. By the time we were done I simply stared up at the ceiling, feeling her fingers trace patterns on my chest. I thought that sleeping with her would make me feel normal, if I even knew what that was. But honestly it made me feel worse.

I wasn't sure how long we stayed in bed before we got up. I didn't bother to put a shirt or underwear on as I slipped my jeans on. She quickly got dressed again before kissing me again and started to open the door. For a second I let my hands roam over her body, allowing my mind to think it was someone else in my arms.

When I pulled back I realized the door opened more and I saw Jake and Quinn in the hallway. Jake's face dropped as Sadie left, his entire body seeming to freeze. It looked like I had just kicked his puppy right in front of him, god I screwed up.

"Fuck. Jake I-"

Before I could respond he fled down the hallway, Quinn instantly following him. I quickly looked down the hallway but frowned when I didn't see them. Once back in my room I slammed my door shut before hitting it. "Fuck," I yelled while running my hands over my face.

After sitting on the side of my bed I hung my head low and sighed. Seeing that look on Jake's face will haunt me for as long as I live. I was such an idiot. Obviously there was something going on between us, and I was too much of a coward to just talk to him about it. Instead I had to hurt him and feel like shit.

After throwing a shirt on I grabbed my keys and made the short trip to Pika's dorm. Luckily there was someone standing by the door so I got in, quickly running up to the second floor. I highly doubt they would be here but I needed to check. Once in front of his door I knocked until it opened.

Pika looked confused as he opened the door, making me realize his girlfriend Olive was on the floor with homework around her. "Hey Owen. Everything okay?"

"I'm just guessing Quinn and Jake aren't here?"

He raised his eyebrows before shaking his head. "I know they went out to eat earlier. Maybe they're still there?"

"No, they're not. I think I just screwed everything up."

"What do you mean?"

Shaking my head I looked down the empty hallway before looking back into his mismatched eyes. "I'm sure Quinn will tell you. Just please let me know if you see Jake okay?"

"Okay, I will."

"Sorry for bothering you. Sorry Olive."

With that I bolted down the hallway and ran back to my dorm. Quickly knocking on Jake's door, I watched it open and saw his annoying ass roommate instead.

"What?" Matt asked as he leaned against the door. I didn't know why he had to be such a dick all the time. No one really cared for him on the baseball team either but he always gave everyone attitude. He thought he was hot shit and it was annoying to play outfield with him.

"Is Jake here?"

His eyes looked at me with a bored expression as he said, "No."

He then shut the door in my face as I balled my hands into fists, wanting to hit his stupid face. With that I went back to my room and slumped down onto the bed. I buried my face into a pillow and screamed, hating myself even more.


Pika texted me later that night that Jake had returned with Quinn, but he told me to give him space. That night I actually went to the gym, working myself so hard I thought I was going to throw up. I went back to my room around midnight even though I wanted to go find Jake. By the time the morning finally came around, I started to make my way to Pika's dorm when he suddenly texted me. Apparently Jake and Quinn were at the baseball field; hopefully they wouldn't hit me over the head with a bat.

After throwing some sweats and a sweatshirt on, I made my way over to the field. I stopped by the fence and watched Jake jog around the field, Quinn walking over to me. "Hey," he quietly said while stopping close to me. "You look like shit."

I laughed humorlessly while shoving my hands into my pockets. "I'm the biggest piece of shit there is."

"I think you guys are just confused, and desperately need to talk to each other."

"If he'll ever talk to me again."

We both looked over at Jake, who was still slowly jogging. "He will, but don't wait too long."

He gave me a knowing look before I slowly nodded. I took off in a slow sprint before catching up with him, falling into step with him. I swallowed nervously before saying, "I'm sorry Jake. I don't know what came over me-"

"It's fine," he quietly said while cutting me off. "You can do what you want, and who you want."

As I stopped running I frowned, watching him run by. "Jake, stop."

He did, but didn't turn towards me. I walked closer to him and breathed heavy. "Owen, you don't need to explain anything." He took a shaky breath before turning around and looking up at me. "Sorry I didn't check my phone earlier. Could've saved me the embarrassment," he smiled a fake smile as the breeze blew his hair around.

"Jake," I reached out to touch his arm but he backed away with that fake smile still on his face.

"You going to be jogging today? Might want to do it early, I think it's going to rain later."

With that he gave me a wave before starting to jog off again. I frowned before walking over to where Quinn was still standing. "He hates me."

Quinn frowned as he looked up at me. "I know he doesn't, just give him time."

Without responding I nodded before walking back to my dorm. Once inside I fell onto my bed before burying my face into the pillow. If only this pillow would suck me into a black hole.


The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet, not hearing from Jake at all. I forced myself to work out until it felt like I couldn't move. By the time I got back to my room on Sunday Pat was back, sitting on his bed wearing a tie dyed cloak. He looked up when I walked in and he smiled. "Hey Owen."

"Hey Pat! How was your weekend?"

"Not bad man. Saw some amazing art this weekend and Lilah made me a bandana."

He was then showing me a bright red tie dyed bandana, a small heart on it. "Lilah made it huh? Is she a little sweet on you?"

He looked at the bandana and shook his head. "I don't believe so man. She's a wonderful soul that many people like."

"Including you?"

"She's nice, yes."


He finally smiled while holding the bandana close to his chest. "Really pretty. But I don't think she'd be into someone like me."

"Oh come on, you're selling yourself short! Did she make a heart bandana for anyone else?"

Pat strummed his fingers against his chin as he thought about it. "I don't think so. Do you think she could like me?"

Shrugging, I sat Indian style as he continued to look at the heart. "You could always start talking to her more. You're a smart guy; you can tell when she's flirting with you. She's sounds special, don't want someone that special to get away." My mind instantly wandered to Jake, and how much I missed him. "Be right back."

With that I pushed off my bed and ran towards Jake's room, knocking on the door. It opened and Matt's oh so friendly face was staring back at me. "God, what do you want Owen?"

"Don't get bitchy. Is Jake here?"

"You know, there's this great new thing called a cellphone. Just call him or text him. But he's not here."

"Did he say where he was?"

Matt just glared at me before grabbing his phone out of his pocket and shaking it at me. When I remained silent he sighed dramatically and said, "I think he mumbled something stupid when he left. Ebony maybe? I don't know. He mutters shit all the time."


With that I wandered back to my room, Pat now putting his clothes away. "Have you ever heard of anything called Ebony on campus?"

Pat instantly stopped and looked up with a strange expression. "You mean Ebony X?"

"I don't know, is that a thing? Jake's roommate said he might be there. Is that like a restaurant or something?"

Pat shook his head, his fingers tightening on his shirt. "You've never heard of it?" When I shook my head he lowered himself onto his bed. "It's a party that the frat guys throw. It gets nasty and I've always heard a rumor about date rape drugs." My body froze just thinking about Jake being there. Why would he be there? He doesn't party. "Of course it's just a rumor but I don't know man. I've also heard they do things like acid, hard stuff. If Jake is there, he needs to leave."

"Do you know where it is?"

"It's off campus, close to the fraternity's though."

My hands shook as I stood up. "Can you show me where it is?"

He nodded as we ran out of the room and towards his car. As he started to drive I called Jake and swore when it went straight to voicemail. When he didn't pick up I called Quinn, biting my lip so hard it drew blood.

"Hey Owen," his voice said in my ear.

"Quinn! Was Jake with you earlier?"

"Yeah, earlier. I met him for lunch after we worked out but he said he was going out."

I swore as Pat pulled out onto the street, my mind thinking the worst. "Since when does he go out?"

"I thought it was weird too. I told him he could stay here and watch a movie or something, but he just seemed out of it. I think he said he wanted to go to a restaurant or something."

"Matt said he might be going to Ebony X."

Quinn went silent before he asked, "What is that?"

"Not good. I'm going to go and try to find him."

"Is he in danger?"

I ran a hand through my hair before saying, "I don't know. I'll let you know."

When I ended the call Pat was quickly parking, before we got out and looked around the street. He pulled me towards an alley until we came across a door, loud music playing from inside. We gave each other a look before walking in and seeing people grinding all over each other.

My height came in handy as I looked around the crowded room, recognizing many of the frat guys. It was then that I noticed him in a corner, a girl grinding her ass over his crotch. "Jake!" He looked drunk out of his mind as he held onto a drink in his hand. I quickly made my way over to him, my hands balling into fists as the girl was still grinding against him. As I got closer his eyes looked up and I frowned when he looked so out of it.

"Jake?" I shoved the girl out of the way before putting my hands on either side of his face. "Are you okay?"

His glazed over eyes were seeming to have trouble focusing on my face. His eyes then closed before he seemed to relax into my hands. I frowned before looking down into his drink, taking it out of his hand and sniffing it. I about gagged when I smelled it, passing it over to Pat who also smelled it. He made a face as well before throwing it into the trash.

Jake's eyes were still closed, his body seeming to grow limp before I scooped him into my arms. His head basically fell onto my shoulder as I carried him outside, gratefully breathing in the fresh air.

"I think he needs to go to the hospital," Pat said as I looked down into Jake's glazed over expression.

"Let's go."

I sat in the back with him as we drove silently to the hospital. Once we got there we ran inside the emergency room. A nurse instantly ran over to me, probably because I was holding Jake bridal style in my arms.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I think my friend might have been drugged. He was at a party and now he's acting weird, he's barely responding to me."

She nodded while calling for another nurse to bring a stretcher over. "And what's his name?"

"Jake, Jake Barnes."

"Hi Jake," she warmly said while placing a hand onto his arm. His eyes looked up and seemed to have a hard time focusing on her. "My name's Stephanie."

Before she could finish talking he suddenly said, "Owen."

"Jake," I said while feeling my heart in my throat. "I'm here."

He looked over at me before finally finding my eyes. I firmly grabbed his smaller hand in mine before running a hand over his now sweaty face. His hand gripped mine tighter as the nurse started talking again. "Sir, we need to take him in the back for further examinations."

"Okay," I said while swallowing the lump in my throat. I then leaned down and kissed his forehead. "You come back to me okay? I'll be here for you." I nervously swallowed before whispering, "Always."

I gave his hand one final squeeze before pulling away, the nurse giving me a gentle smile. "He's in good hands."

I watched as they wheeled him away, Pat gently pulling me into a waiting room. As I slumped down onto a chair I heavily sighed while looking up at the ceiling. We waited in silence for a little bit before a doctor suddenly came out, a police officer following him. When they walked over to us I sprang up, the doctor putting his hands up.

"It's okay. Are you the two who came in with Jake Barnes?"

"Yes, is he okay?"

They motioned us to come into a secluded corner of the hallway, making me think the worst. "First off, he's fine. Thank you for bringing him in," the doctor said with a warm smile. "We ran some tests on him and he indeed had date rape drugs in his system. He's resting right now, and will be a little out of it for the rest of the night."

"Do you know what exactly happened?" The officer asked.

I briefed him in on finding out where he was because of Matt, before finding the place in an alley. The officer kept nodding as he wrote down some notes on a notepad. "We've gotten another tip about this Ebony X place. A woman was brought in here earlier in the same condition. She seemed to have been date raped as well. Do you mind telling me the location of this place?" When I gave him where we found it he nodded before standing up. "Thank you."

When he walked away I looked at the doctor before asking, "Can he come back to school tonight or does he need to stay here?"

"I want him to be around people he can trust. When we called his parents they said they were out of town, but wanted the same thing. You two are close?"

I quickly nodded while swallowing the lump in my throat. "He's my best friend."

The doctor nodded as he said, "He'll need to stay here for a little bit longer but his parents didn't want him to stay here tonight. Thank you for bringing him here, it's always nice when things like this end up in a good way." He gave us a smile before looking behind him for a second. "I'll let you know when he's ready."

With that he walked away, making me heavily sigh against the wall. Pat gave my arm as I stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't wait to get out of this hospital, feeling a lot better knowing he would be okay.

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