The Princess and the Spider-M...

By STUD247

106K 1.9K 118

Peter Parker is a 23 year old man who lives in New York. For the last eight years he's been protecting the co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 49

2.1K 30 3
By STUD247

Spider-Man was swinging through the city for the first time in seemingly forever. He was wearing the white spider outfit that Octavius made for him and was on crime patrol.

Mera had gone off to Atlantis to handle some important business with Arthur and her father. And since Peter didn't have work this specific day, he thought it would be a great time to pull out the spandex suit and patrol. Crime just wasn't going to disappear, as much as he would personally enjoy it.

After hearing and seeing nothing for almost an hour, he decided to rest upon one of the pillars on the abandoned building. "This is the life." he said to himself as he gaze out upon the sun setting on the horizon. And then his cell phone inside of his mask began to rang. He smiled as he read who it was on the other line.

"Yuri! You're back! How's your mom?" Spider-Man asked.

"Very well. Right back to complaining about not having grand children." Yuri responded. "How's your Atlantean girlfriend?" she asked.

"Oh, she's still as amazing as ever. Even now with Atlantis being discovered, she hardly ever wears a frown these days." Spider-Man said, smirking under the mask.

"Come on, you and I both know that's not true." Yuri said laughing on the other line. Spider-Man released a chuckle and shook his head.

" planning on taking that vacation?" Spider-Man asked.

"Are you kidding?! There's no time for that!" Yuri said. "The apocalypse didn't happen which means we have a city full of loose ends to clean up."

"Sounds like a big job. But we're up for it." Spider-Man with extreme confidence. He was finally starting to feel like himself again after all this time.

"Not you." Yuri said, confusing the hero. "For a job this tough, we need......Spider-Cop."

Spider-Man had to laugh. Yuri absolutely hated it when he referenced himself as that to her. So to hear her call him that now was absolutely mind-blowing.

"You said it! You even did the voice!" Spider-Man said.

"Okay, don't make it weird." Yuri said, though Spider-Man could hear the smile in her voice.

"You like me! You really like me!" Spider-Man shouted in glee.

"You made it weird." Yuri commented. "Better get ready, we've got a lot of work to do."

"I can't wait." Spider-Man said. And then he spoke in his Spider-Cop voice. "Spider-Cop surveys the city. Placid, but seething with turmoil just beneath its calm surface."

Yuri groaned on the other line. "What have I done?" she said, before she hung up.

Spider-Man chuckled as the line went dead. As he was about to swing away from the area, a loud splash was heard on the other side of the building.

'What was that?' Spider-Man thought to himself as he jumped onto the building and crawled to see what it was that made that noise. There seemed to be no construction workers around that would sometimes drop things into the water for projects involving the sea. There also weren't any ships around that would make a splash when the anchor would drop.

So what could have made that splashing sound?

Spider-Man observed the area, but found absolutely nothing. He stood there dumbstruck for a moment, before a he was met instantly with a small stream of water rapidly rising from the ocean and splashing him in his face.

"Hey!" he called out, but still there was no one around. However, Spider-Man now knew what made that splash and swung over by a pole over on the ocean. "Playing games with me now huh?!" he called out, surveying the ocean around him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another stream of water come out at him. This time though, he dodged it effortlessly. "Two can play at that game Mera." he said to himself as he shot a trip mine web to the bottom of the pole that he was on and waited.

He didn't have to wait long to see bubbles flowing from the area that the trip web was, rising up to the surface. He smirked as he saw red hair emerge from the blue, followed by the beautiful face of Mera, which was currently set in a glare. But even from this distance, Spider-Man could tell she was fighting to keep the smirk off of her face.

"Aw, look at that frown." Spider-Man said in a teasing gesture. "You know I was just talking to someone about that-"

The rest of his sentence was cut off when Mera blasted a jet of water right into his face. As he recovered, Mera used her powers to propel herself out of the water and towards Spider-Man.

Spider-Man however, recovered just in time to leap to another pole. Mera caught herself on a cyclone and looked back at Spider-Man, with the smirk now finally coming through.

"You're gonna have to do better than that." Spider-Man teased once again.

"Fine then, I will." Mera said, charging at Spider-Man with unimaginable speed. The web-head was surprised at her speed and could not react in time as Mera rammed right into him, sending them both into the ocean.

Once in the ocean, Mera used her powers to move both of them to the bottom of the hole of the abandoned building. It was then that Spider-Man took off his mask to smile at Mera. Much to his delight, she was smiling right back.

"Now there's that smile that I love." Peter said, walking to Mera to give her a hug. Mera pulled away from the hug to stare at him with a quirked brow.

"Still think I frown a bunch of times?" she asked. Peter put on a knowing look.

"You heard my talk with Yuri." he said, remembering the paired communicator he gave her.

"Correct, Spider-Cop." Mera replied with a large smile.

"I really am rubbing off on you." Peter said, his own smile still evident on his face. Mera leaned in for a kiss, but Peter pulled away and turned from her with a frown on his face.

"Peter?" Mera asked in confusion.

"I'm mad at you right now." Peter said, still turning away from her. When she tried getting closer to him, he moved to the other side of the building.

"Why are you mad?" Mera asked, sounding hopelessly confused. Peter put on a mischievous smirk, knowing she couldn't see his face right now. After that powerful blast of water to his face, he was in the mood to have her almost beg for a kiss.

"For that blast to the face." Peter said with as much anger as he possibly could. Mera couldn't believe it.

"Seriously? That's why you're mad? I forgave you for webbing me to the pole! Webbing didn't last long, especially underwater, but still!" she said.

"It hurt though." Peter said, turning back around with a frown on his face. However the end of his right lip was quivering as he was trying not to smile. Mera noticed this and her shocked and some-what angry face morphed into a knowing smile.

"Aw, is the little spider afraid of water?" Mera teased.

"No, I am not." Peter said, the smile becoming even harder to hold back. Mera then began to sing as she backed away towards the hole in the floor.

"The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout. Down came the girlfriend who splashed the spider's ass." she sang, just before her eyes glowed blue. A big blast of water came up from the hole and hit Peter right in the face.

"Dammit Mera!" Peter said, wiping the water from his face. Now he really was mad at her.

Mera was too busy laughing like a hyena to notice Peter fire yet another trip mine web to the wall behind her. Once the blue beam from the web made contact with her, she was suddenly pulled straight to it.

"What the-" Mera asked in confusion before a giant web held her in place. She then glared at Peter,  who held a victorious smile on his face. "Very funny." she commented in a flat tone of voice.

"Yes, I know." Peter said smugly as Mera started to tear through the webbing.

"To think this all started because I wanted a kiss." Mera pouted.

"If you apologize for that last blast, I just may consider giving you one." Peter said.

"Oh would you?" Mera asked, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, I seriously would." Peter said, stepping closer to her with sincerity in his eyes. Mera thought for a moment and glanced down at his lips. As irritating as he is, she did so desperately want a kiss after being away from him for a couple of days.

"Fine.....I'm sorry for blasting water in the face." Mera said with an apologetic look on her face.

"And I'm sorry for webbing you to the wall......and the pole." Peter said, opening his arms. Mera wasted little time and pounced into his waiting arms and planted a kiss upon his lips.

Even though it had only been a couple of days, they both were longing for each other's company every second when they were apart. And now that they were, they both poured as much passion into their kiss as possible.

"I'm so glad you're back." Peter whispered to Mera once he pulled away. Mera beamed in his direction as she pecked his lips again.

"So am I." she whispered back.


Spider-Man and Mera were both sitting on top of the Empire State building, looking out at the city in the now nighttime environment. It was completely silent between the two as they stared out at the city, until Spider-Man decided to speak up.

"You wanna know something?" he asked.

"What?" Mera asked, turning to face him. Spider-Man couldn't help but notice the golden crown on her head shimmer from the moonlight above. And it just made her seem even more beautiful.

"I only hoped a few months ago that this would be possible. You and me." Spider-Man said. Mera looked down and smiled at his words.

"Well in that same time span, I was trying to convince myself to not allow this to happen." she shook her head a little. "I can't believe how much of an idiot I was then. To think that this wouldn't work out, and that I wouldn't be happy."

"It's all in the past now." Spider-Man said, placing a hand on her shoulder and lifting his mask up to show his face. "I never regretted bumping into you back in Italy. In fact I'm very grateful that I did."

Mera chuckled at the memory of how they first met. "As am I." she admitted with glee. Then Peter smirked as an idea came to his mind.

"It had been a crazy few months. But through all the turmoil and adversity, the future looked bright for the Princess and the Spider-Man......despite the fact it's night now." he said in his Spider-Cop voice.

Mera burst into laughter. "The Princess and the Spider-Man huh?" she asked.

"Yep." Peter said, sticking his chest out a little. Mera chuckled as she shook her her head at her boyfriend's silliness. "And Mera......your mom would be proud of what you've done." he added.

Mera's eyes watered a little as she glanced at Peter. "And so would your aunt and uncle." she responded. The two then closed the distance between each other and shared a tender, yet passionate kiss with each other.

"I love you Peter." Mera said with a large smile.

"I love you Mera." Peter responded, before reconnecting their lips once more. Then the phone inside of his mask rang once again.

"All units, this just in. A robbery has occurred near Times Square. All officers nearby, please respond." a police officer's voice came through.

The couple separated, and heard the sirens below them. The flashing red and blue lights stood out in the night-sky. Peter and Mera then turned back towards each other.

"That's our cue." Peter said, lowering his mask once again.

"Right." Mera said with a confident and determined grin.

The two stood up from their sitting spots and dove off into the air. Mera then created her water cyclone as Spider-Man started to swing through the city.

It was once thought that humans and Atlanteans could never coexist with each other, let alone fall in love. It was thought to be impossible. But those doubts have now been proven wrong.

Thanks to the Princess and the Spider-Man.

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