
By 227bomba

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Where Natalie and David come up with a new concept called "Date-alie", as a way of getting their minds off of... More

New Book!!


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By 227bomba

Nat's POV:

I woke up to the sounds of light snoring which I recognised as David's but I was confused because I was supposed to be in my house and him in his. I then head faint talking from outside the room but it was no one in my family. My eyes started to open slightly and slowly I recognised where I was but not how I got there. This was the room were David and I had spent so many endless afternoons and nights as kids and teenagers but I hadn't been back since. Everything about waking up in this room felt familiar. I shifted slightly in the bed and realised that I couldn't fully turn around because there was the source of the light snores, David, under the blankets. Unconsciously, a smile crept up on my face. The feeling of waking up next to David was so fulfilling, it made me want to do it everyday.

I started to wonder what I was doing at David's when I started to remember the events of last night. I had fallen asleep in the cab and we had gotten to David's. He woke me up with a kiss on my cheek which I will cherish forever and then practically carried me to his room where I fell asleep once again. However, I didn't know why he hadn't taken me to my house. I thought that is what we had agreed on last night. I wasn't disappointed on waking up next to David, much the opposite actually, but I was confused.

I reached my hand out for under the covers and placed it on his shoulder where I gently shook him until he hummed to show that he was awake. I called his name "Dave" and he answered something along the lines of "Mhmhn" which I took as a 'what?'.

"David" I called once again and this time he turned still with his eyes closed. As he did so, I noticed a sudden coldness on my legs where his legs had been intertwined with his. I hadn't realised until now but it felt good. We really had started to show physical attraction and I liked it. He was now facing me and I said "Dave, what am I doing in your bed in Vernon Hills? I thought I was going home?"

He started to open his eyes and looked in to mine. He had a smile just as big as mine plastered on his face. "Yeah, I thought so too, but you were too tired and wouldn't wake up when we got to your house and the cab driver was getting impatient so I decided to take you to mi house so I would have more time to wake you up. Although, it wasn't much help because you literals didn't move until..." he suddenly stopped dead win his tracks but I knew exactly just what he was going to say so I continued for him "you kissed my cheek". We both blushed and he said "Um,... yea... sorry about that"

I didn't understand why he was sorry, I felt like a princess being woken up but the kiss of a prince. "hey, don't end worry about it. If it's the only thing that woke me up then I guess you had to do what you had to do. Thanks by the way".

"So, have you told anyone that I'm here or... Are we waiting for them to barge in and think that there is something going on?" I asked and he laughed back

"Well, no. No one knows you're here because we got in so late last night but I think you should text you're mom that you are here and you are ok because she will want to kill me if not."

"Right" I said while reaching for my phone to text her

"Um... do you want to get up or do you want to go back to sleep? Or maybe food?"

"Ugh, I want food but I also want to just stay in bed and you know...." I said while blushing "cuddle maybe?" I instantly regretted being so forward.

"Come here" he said while opening his arms. I closed the already small gap between the two of us and he wrapped his arms around me and I rested on his chest.

"This seems a little familiar" I said referring to last night

"Yeah" he just responded in content. "Hey, I'll get my mom to cook us something and bring it up. She'll be so excited to see you". I knew this would be true because his mother treated me like a second daughter so I was comfortable enough to agree to this. I nodded in agreement and he took his phone to text his mom. Not even 3 seconds later she was knocking on the door and walked straight in not even caring about the fact that we were cuddled up. "Natalie!" she shouted and I immediately removed myself from in between David's arms and sat up to hug her. David just looked at me with a face of 'I told you so' because his mother had greeted me before her own son. She then proceeded to hug David and I laid back down on the bed. We retrieved our original position but she was too excited to notice.

"Hey, would you mind making us some toast or cereal or something, we're starving" David said and she immediately nodded and left.

A minute later a small blond head spread at the door and said "Did I hear that Natalie was here?"

"Toby!!!" I said and he jumped on the bed taking my arms away from David's

"Hey!!" he complained and we turned to him and both Toby and I included him in our hug. Sooner than later he was out of the room and David and I were back to cuddling and enjoying our time alone.

David's mom appeared at the door with out breakfast and we thanked her and she left. We sat up on the bed, still next to each other and we immediately dug in. We were finished before we realised and I said "Hey, I think I should be heading home because my family will want to see me"

"Yeah, of course" he said "But at least let me take you"

"Sure, thanks" I had really enjoyed all this time alone and it had allowed us to realise our true feelings but I was sort of bummed because we hadn't talked about it and I think that we really need to talk to make sure that we are both on the same page. I changed in to a comfier outfit and so did David. I went downstairs, followed by him carrying by bag which I thought was very gentleman like.

He borrowed his dad's car which he had bought him and we left. I didn't live too far away so it only took a couple of minutes. As he was parking the car I said "Hey, why don't you come in and say hi"

"Yeah sure"

we walked in, him still carrying my luggage and I noticed him grab my hand which I accepted without hesitation. My mom opened the door and engulfed the both of us in massive hugs. We walked in and sat down to talk for a little while. She asked what had happened last night and David told her that I had fallen asleep and there was no way of waking me up which only made me blush. We talked for a little while longer until David said he had to leave because he had agreed to meet up with Ilya. I also had to leave because I had told Reggie that I would meet up with him.

"Where are you and Reggie going?" He asked

"Uhh, I think he said his house and maybe shopping but we didn't have much planned"

"Well, if you guys want to join us later on, I think we agreed to to the sports center, the one we used to go as kids."

"Yeah sure, I'll tell Reggie."

"Okey, great"


I was not at Reggie's and we were up in his room like usual and he was doing my hair and make up while we gossiped. I don't know how we don't ever run out of things to talk about even if we talk every day. But today in particular, I had a lot to update him on.

"So..., I heard there's a lot to tell since you last talked to me 24 hours ago. Spill!!" he said and we both laughed.

"Ughhh. Well.... I sort of fell asleep on him on the plane as he edited and he wrapped his arms around me. Then, the same happened in the cab because ti was so late and I was so tired. The only difference is that I didn't wake up when we got to my place so he decided to take me to his and woke me up with a kiss on the cheek. We both slept on his bed which isn't weird but the facts that we intertwined legs is. But a good weird. Then, we cuddles a little more like that same position from the plane but on his bed in the morning. And the last thing was that we held hands as we walked up to my house this morning" I said that at such a fast pace because of how nervous I was that I don't even know if he understood. He was definitely taking his sweet time to process everything though. As soon as every bit of information had gone through his mind the only thing he was capable of saying was "Ahhhhhh!". and I couldn't help myself but blush.

"Bitch, if you still don't believe that there is something there I will literally kill you. You must atleast believe me now" He said

"Okey, so maybe you are right and he is starting to like me as more that just best friends"

"Finally!!!" he said

"But I'm just too nervous to say anything. I think I'm gonna wait for him to want to talk to me."

"Okey, that sounds reasonable but make sure that it doesn't take too long. Otherwise, you go talk to him."

"Fine" I said while rolling my eyes to the back of my head. "Oh, and by the way, he invited the both of us to go to the sports centre that we used to go as kids with ilya and a few others if you want to come."

"So he had you all of last night and he still wants to see you more?" he said sarcastically "He can't get enough of you"

"Stoppp!!" I said and we both laughed.


David's POV:

David seemed distracted today like something was on his mind but I didn't know what. We were going to play a game of basketball which he was usually good at but it was like his head was just not in the game. He didn't end know where to position himself on the court.

"hey man, what's up with you?" he asked me

"What do you mean?" I asked him back not knowing what he was referring to.

"well, you've been distracted the whole game and that is so unlike you."

"Uhh... yeah sure... just give me one sec" I said brushing him off and not really listening to what he was saying. I left he court and got out my phone to see a notification from Natalie. Suddenly my face turned in to a smile and of course, Ilya took notice. He peered at my screen and realised that I was talking to Nat so he decided not to bring it up until the timing was perfect. I read her text and she told me that her and Reggie would be over in half and hour which motivated me to finish the game as soon as possible. From that point on, my mind was fullly invested in the game and we ended up winning. Around the same time Nat and Regg waked in and I approached them. I greeted Reggie with a huge because I hadn't seen him in a while. Nat then said "How about we so to the soccer bit and borrow a ball?"

"Sure" I agreed and we all turned to leave. I turned back for a sec and hollered Ilya's name so he would know to come with us. We had spent the rest of the afternoon there and as it was getting late an we were hungry, I suggested that we go somewhere to eat with he bigger group of friends which they all agreed to.

At the restaurant, we were seated in a long table for 10 people and Nat an I chose to sit by one another at one end. We felt sort of excluded from their conversation. So we decided to have our own. We started to talk about how our day had been for the couple of hours that we had been apart. At the end natalie said "Hey, do you think that we should maybe talk sometime more private about us?". She sounded so serious and I was sort of reluctant but I knew that it was the right thing for us to be not he same page.

"Yeah, okey"


The next few days we're completely chilled where we would hang out with each other or our friends but it didn't have the craziness that LA did. To fulfil our promise about the date things, I knew that i would have to take her out while in Chicago but in light of recent events, I wanted to plan this one out properly and make it slightly fancier. I just wanted to treat her because she deserves it. I wasn't really one to dress up or to surprise with this sort of thing so I decided to tell her because normally she would be the one that I go to for dressing advice. She told me that she would come over and help em pick and outfit which she did. I ended up wearing my signature all black but I had a more dressed up turtleneck and dress pants accompanied by some boots. We then wen to her house for her to get ready and when she came downstairs, my jaw dropped immediately. She slowly approached me and put my jaw back up. She really did look stunning. It was moments like these where I wish she was mine. Ilya had texted me earlier though the group chat and asked if I wanted to meet up which I would normally have said yes to but I reluctantly declined. They all were curious to know why not so I sort of explained the Date-alie concept to them highlighting the part that it was mainly to distract myself from work. At which comment Ilya made fun of me by saying that the distraction was Natalie. I knew that in the bottom of my heart that was true but for some reason I didn't believe it. However, when they were done mocking me, they all told me to go get her which really instilled confidence in me and raised my mood.

This night had been one of the best nights of my life. It had been back in our hometown, very chilled and yet formal, our conversation flowed and I was sitting at a table with the most beautiful woman in the world. The date could not have gone any better if we tried. 

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