Simply Sam-Book Two in Montan...

By Heatherdeane83

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This is Book Two of my series Montana Moments. Book one is called Her two marines. Sam is a marine first and... More

Chapter 1-Let the fun begin.
Chapter 2- Boundaries?
Chapter 3- Accepting her fate.
Chapter 4- Sam's home
Chapter 5- Living in the moment.
Chapter 6- All or Nothing.
Chapter 7-Adults have toys too
Chapter 8-Edens question.
Chapter 9-Shower Time.
Chapter 10-First time for everything.
Chapter 11-Kisses change things.
Chapter 12-A Little Bit Of Harmony.
Chapter 13-One of his girls.
Chapter 14-Dinner
Chapter 15-Excuse me people
Chapter 16- Mom and Dad?
Chapter 17- Beach Babes
Chapter 18-Aloha Aku No, Aloha Mai No
Chapter 19-Dreams and Desires
Chapter 20-Last night in Eden
Chapter 21-Montana Bound
Chapter 22-Plans for the V thing
Chapter 23-He comes, he goes
Chapter 24-Almost gone
Chapter 25- Feisty is fun
Chapter 26-Bull's Home
Chapter 27- Edens forgiveness.
Chapter 28-Demon's Don't Discriminate
Chapter 30-Memories and Madness
Chapter 31-Doubts and dog house
Chapter 32-Three sides of Bull
Chapter 33-I'm just that into her
Chapter 34- Accidents happen
Chapter 35-Paradise is not Paradise
Chapter 36-Taking her time
Chapter 38- Grant's back
Chapter 38-Theirs
Officially 3, wait 4

Chapter 29-Apart is best

672 50 1
By Heatherdeane83

"So what brings you here?" Melody asked.

"Will do you want to tell her. I don't remember really" Grant said honestly. It scared her a lot to not know.

"The night before last Eden, our girlfriend woke me up to tell me that there was something wrong with Sam, She was sitting in a rocker and just sorta spacing off. She did not respond to Eden but did to me after five times of saying her name. She was sorta like out of it. Looking threw me not at me. I got her into a shower with Eden and I and got her medications and had her eat something. She then slept till about five. Then last night I was woke up by our friend Fabio who fell asleep in our bed. Sam had punched him in the face and nailed him in the balls and was yelling and thrashing. He held her hand and I was able to pull her out of it after a good twenty minutes. She calmed down and fell asleep. I doubt she remembers it. Again she was like out of it." Bull told Melody.

"Wait what? I hit Fabio? Really? Omg I'm sooo sorry. I did not mean it. I love him. He is my best friend. Were sorta like gay pals. I feel so dumb. I'm sorry Will" Grant said putting her head into her hands and started crying.

"Don't be babe. You did not mean to do it. He is not mad. He loves you. He knows your having some sort of issue." Bull told her stroking her face.

"OK I'm confused. You said Eden is your girlfriend. Who is Fabio and what relationship do you two have?" Melody asked totally confused.

"OK Fabio is gay, he is Will's business partner and my best friend well next to Harmony. She is my main bitch, Eden Is William and I's Girlfriend. William is my man, Edens man too. The three of us, as in Eden, Will and I are a trio or throuple. Were in a three way relationship.
Fabio fell asleep with us last night because he is harmless and I adore him. Every woman needs a gay bestie. He is mine." Grant told her. Not giving a shit if she was OK with it. If not she was going to get up and leave.

"OK I get that. I need to ask you some questions. Some of them may be personal. So its up to you if Will stays or not"

"He stays. I hide nothing. That's the only way the three of us can work if were honest with each other." Grant said proudly.

"OK I notice on your paperwork you checked yes for being in the military, can you explain"

"Yes mam. At eighteen I joined the Marine Corp. I was sent to basic training a week later. I had done rotc is high school so I got to bypass certain things. After basic I wanted to work my way up to sniper school but I was informed that because I have breasts and a vagina that I was not allowed to. Go figured having boobs made me not able to pull a trigger. What a crock of bull shit. Honestly I was a woman in a mans world at least that's how I felt when I heard the news. After that I did the next best thing. What I am not at liberty to say. I can say I did six tours in the middle east. I have seen war. I have been in combat zones. I have seen my brothers blood spilled."

"I understand. Tell me about the recent event that put you in the hospital"

Grant looked down and Bull. She started playing with his hair but it was making her lean forward so bull grabbed a foot stool and sat on that.

"You don't mind do you? My chest is starting to feel pressure" Grant asked the doctor. She needed him close to her.

"Now pressure do you mean from your injury or from something else. Is your heart racing? Do you feel like the world is suddenly small."

"yeah, sorta."

"OK, Get comfortable. In this office nothing you say or do with in reason is a problem. I like his hair too. So I imagine its a comfort thing"

Grant started to talk. " So we were taking turns keeping an eye out for Eden's crazy ex. He showed up but I did not know. She did not even recognize him. When I realized something was off I went into the room and he shot me in the chest. I went down and don't remember much after that. He shot her twice before her brother exploded his head like a watermelon. She is OK sorta. I'm alive"

"Are you glad he is dead?" Melody asked.

"Honestly yeah. He killed her baby and tried to kill us both. I'm just mad I was not able to be the one to pull the trigger" sam said honestly.

"I think that's a normal reaction. He sounds like he was a bad person. Not someone who should be walking the streets. Tell me about your childhood."

"It was great. I was born in Hawaii. Then my mom moved me to California where I spent the first eight years of my life. Then she moved back to Hawaii. I have a home there. My grandfather on my dads side left it to me. He said it should go to me because he always wanted me to have a place to go when the island called me.
My dad died before I was born. Was killed surfing. Him and my mom were never married. His older Brother Danny was and is my Dad. He went to everything. Was there when I was born and will be there when I get married and when I have kids of my own."

"He sounds like a good man. You wrote here that you were a lesbian then a question mark"

"yeah I always knew I was gay. That was until Will and I met  Eden. One night I asked him to kiss me. He did and now were something. Him and I are affectionate but if any other man tried to kiss me they would be lacking testicles. Its just him. Never another man. Never will be.
Eden, man is she beautiful. She is tiny and sweet. Sassy and funny. Her body. Her smile. Her everything. I'm in love with her.
Will, well he is strong and takes care of me. He is sweet and kind and loving and takes things slow with me. He is so perfect. Everything I need in a man but never knew I wanted. Honestly he has been the best gift. I always knew I wanted kids someday. Never thought I would get the chance. Now I do because of him."

"Sounds like you have two wonderful people to love and who love you. I'm going to say words. I want you to say the first word that comes to mind. No matter how silly it is."


"pussy" Sam told her blushing. 


"marines" Sam told her puffing up a bit. Head held high.


"home" this time a whistful look came across. 


"blood" Sam said holding up her hands as if they were covered in it


"love" Sam said stroking his cheek.


"Dad" Sam just smiled.


"Bitch" Sam licked her lips.


"Comfort" Sigh.


"scary" Sam back up a little af if trying to get away.


"orgasm" Her knees pushed together.


"Trio" Sam played with her ring. Twisting it on her finger.

"Well those were interesting. Montana? Bitch. I have to ask" Melody asked tilting her head.

"My friend Harmony. We call each other Bitch. Were close. I love her" Sam told her with pride. She would die for that woman or either of her men. They were her family my choice or fate rather.

"ohh that's good. Its great to have friends. So I have a few more questions. When you deployed were you involved in anything that you would think the normal person would have night mares about?"

"I suppose so but mam I'm not normal. I'm a marine. I was trained to deal with things." Sam said shrugging her shoulders. She grabbed her chest. Fuck cant even move. Asshole.

"Your right you were but when your asleep your brain is not trained. Your brain can go places you can't help. With out delving further into things today I think your having night terrors or nightmares. I am not ruling out ptsd either."

"So what do I do? I cant hit people and wake them up all the damn time. Will and Eden have to sleep. If I hit Eden I could hurt her. Badly. She is a little thing." Grant explained as she held out her hands to show Eden waist. 

"Well this kind of thing could be a singular thing or something that can last a bit longer. It does not surprise me that your having them. You just had a major life event happen plus you left the military not long ago changing your patterns. I don't normally prescribe anything but I am going to because you thrashing around could hurt you. I also think your having anxiety. Not a surprise to me either. It sounds like some things you have seen are coming up due to the recent event. You may take it every day or only when you feel like you did here. They may make you a little tired but short term I think that is the plan. The last thing is that I would like to meet with you twice a week. For the next month. I think I can teach you some coping mechanisms that the Corp did not teach. What do you think?" Melody asked. Hoping she could help this woman. She seemed like a genuine person. Like her other half.

"I think that I wont be sleeping with Eden or Will till they stop. I cant take the chance in hurting them."

"I don't think that's the right course of action but I cant stop you. I'm a little concerned about you hurting yourself with your chest being so newly wired so you sleeping by yourself is an issue. Just in case."

"Glad I have a gay bestie then and William has extra rooms. Do you have any advice for him to help me threw it? Or any website to visit? I want to get threw this but I cant take a chance is hurting either
Eden or Will. Fabio was a medic or at least trained in the field. He can deal with it."

"Sure, ill print out some stuff and write down some sites that I recommend. You relaxing if going to be a big one. No alcohol. Baths, sex, walking. What ever it is that you can to do to get your mind away. Avoid stress. Bottom line its the biggest trigger."

"How do I help her? I cant sleep with out her next to me. She is part of us." Bull asked the woman. He was scared. Was this going to take her away from him.

"You let her sleep in a separate bed. In a different room if she need. Its hard on you and going to be on Eden but you have to understand if Samantha is worried and stressed about hurting either of you the terrors are likely to happen. Give her space. They happen more at night, not really during the day. So snuggle with her then. Get ready for bed together. Brush your teeth, walk her to her bed. Tuck her in, kiss her then go to your bed. Its going to be hard but its for her. Its what she needs. Therapy is going to help but for now she needs space at night. Time to figure it out. Listen to her. Make up for the connection that you loose at night. After a few nights try moving the bed into your room. Then next to your bed. She has to be stress free. Once there gone they may never come back but they could. I have a feeling the more we talk there more I'm going to find out about the demons she has in her mind. We will slay them. Together Samantha. We will get there. Don't think your not strong. Most adults get them from being strong for far too long."

"Yes Mam. Will do. Its all about Samantha and her getting better." Bull tells her.

They stood up and made there way to the car. Grant asked him to take her to the store. She wanted to get somethings. Once there Sam picked up what she needed then he drove her back to the house. 

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