
By deep_bluezzzz

39.4K 924 117

The Salvatore School is a safe place for kids and teenagers that are supernatural. Together they have four sp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
New Characters
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

1.1K 35 2
By deep_bluezzzz

Arin's POV

Early morning. I woke up at 6 and untangled myself from my sister then, head to my room to change. I really need to get over the fact that I can't have a day in peace. Anyways, once I'm changed, I walked to Alaric's office to see him drinking in the morning.

"Having a bad morning, are we Al?", I leaned on the door and he turned to face me. "Something like that. My best friend punched in the face for kissing his girlfriend while being slug drunk or not. I can't really remember that night well. Oh and we found Rafael out in the front gate. I just wish there's a day with no drama", he explained and sighed. I shook my head and walked in.

I pour myself a drink and he looked at me weirdly. "What? You always drink with my dad and now I get to be your drinking buddy. I've been alive for more than a century and haven't tasted alcohol since Mia", I defended my self and he tossed me the bottle.

We continued on drinking and talking until Hope came in and I was half drunk. "Dr Saltzman", she greeted and saw me with a stupid grin on my face. "Oh, Hope. What's wrong?", Alaric asked and I continued grinning. "We need to get to Rafael and are you drunk?", she walked up to me and opened my eyes wide to see my eyes.

I moved her hands away from my face. "I'm not drunk, Hope. Calm down, I know how to handle alcohol", I told her and waved my arms around. "Come on, let's go see Rafael. I'm bringing Arin since she knows more about wolves", Alaric stood up from his seat and I poured my last shot then, chugged it down before we go to Rafael's room.

Once we reached his dorm room, he was ready freaking out. I took a chair and sat in front of him as Emma was behind me and Hope was standing next to her. "What's going on?", I asked him and he looked confused and dazed off. "I can't control my wolf, Arin. I black out and I can't remember then. I find myself hurting someone after I blacked out. I'm scared", he confessed and I nod.

"Emma?", I turn to the councilor. "I can't come to a conclusion without seeing it happening", she admitted and I nod, turning back to Rafael. "You trust me, right?", I asked him and he nods at me. I smiled at him and proceed to put my hands on his head. I used my magic to looked through his mind and found that his wolf wants to take over.

I let go of my hands and stood up, putting my chair aside and let his wolf take over. "He's in a lunar psychosis. I can't read his mind clearly. It's all a blur", I whispered to Alaric and Emma. They both looked back at Rafael who was struggling to keep calm. "Stay back", I told them and they listened.

"Raf, use the techniques I taught you. Remember who you are", I told him as I kneeled down to face him. "No, stop talking. Stop making noise", he warned and out of the blue, he stood up, growling at me and his eyes glowed golden amber. I stood up and held him down while Emma helped me calm his heart.

"What did you do to him?!", Hope asked. "Calm down, Hope. Emma cast a spell to slow down his heart", I answered then, let go of Rafael as he got back to his old self. "W-What's wrong with me? I keep losing time", he stuttered and fear was heard clearly in his voice. "You'll be okay, Raf. It's just your wolf", I told him and pat his back. "Arin predicted it's lunar psychosis. Its a thing. It means you mind is in flux, trapped between your wolf and human States making it harder to bridge the gap and access you memories like you normally would", Emma explained.

"It's very rare, Raf. It only happens after a premature reversion", I added. "So, something cause your body to shift back before the full moon was over, leaving you like this. Usually trauma. Something really bad happened", Hope concluded. I moved to her side and hugged her side. "We're not sure, stay calm, alright?", I told her but she shook her head.

"Three of them left, and only one came back. Something bad happened", she repeats. "Arin, why don't you take Hope outside and check on the other wolves", Emma suggested but Hope protests. "No, I'm worried about him more", she said. "Hope, come on", I whispered to her. She looked at Emma and then, Alaric. He signalled her to walk out and so she stormed out.

I caught up with her and saw her struggling to breathe. "Hope, Hope, hey, hey, hey, I'm here. I'm here. Nothing bad happened. They're okay, Landon's gonna be okay", I cooed in her ear as I hugged her tight. She grabbed on my shirt and cried. "Take a deep breath. I'm right here. Hop on, I'll bring you to your room", I told her and she did as told.

I carried her to her room and once her breathing was steady, I tucked her in. I kissed her forehead and let her get some sleep. I sighed then wrote a note, telling her to hang with Stefanie for a while so I could help Rafael and that I love her.

I walked out of her room quietly and head back to Rafael's room. When I came in, Alaric was apologising for being a Headmaster and whatnot. "What did I miss?", I asked. "While Kaleb, the girls and I were on our trip to kill a mummy, the three boys decided to go to Maryland. How did this happen without you looking?", he asked me.

"I was busy with Maia and Stefanie, Al. Don't get mad at me or yourself. It was a simple mistake. Plus, it was springbreak. Everyone was out and I thought they were having a fun trivia day", I defended myself and backed up a little. "Stop, stop! It wasn't her fault. Landon wanted to reunite MG with his father, that's all", Rafael shouted to make us stop arguing with each other.

"Rafael is right. We need to know what happened last night", Emma agreed and we looked at each other. Alaric nods at me and I nod back. We focus back on Rafael. Emma cast a spell on Rafael to recall his memories without raging out. "I need to take care of something. You stay here with Emma and gather as much information as you can", as soon as he instructed me that, Hope stormed into the room.

"Great. Okay, Hope you stay with Raf and Emma. Arin, you come with me, okay?", he retold everyone and walk out of the room. I kissed Hope's forehead and told her goodluck before jogging up to catch up with Al. As soon as I caught up with him, we stood in front of Kaleb's room.

"What are we doing, Al?", I asked him. "Kaleb's the closest to MG so, maybe he can help us", he explains and I nod as he knocks on Kaleb's door. The door opens and we saw Kaleb in his sleeping attire. I hid a laugh in me and just kept my composure. "Sup?", Kaleb greets. He looks at the direction Al was looking at look back at his attire. "What?", he questioned.

"Uh...", Al stuttered. "Did you find my boy or not?", he asked and Alaric said no. "I thought you said and I quote, 'everything will be fine. I'll handle it'", he requotes Alaric's words. "Okay, that's why we're here for, Kaleb. We need your help and so does MG", I cut their conversation and got his attention. "Alright, let me get dressed then", he said.

"We'll be outside", I told hi mand he closes the door back. I saw Maia and Stefanie together laughing as they pass by in the hallway. "So, your niece and your sister, huh?", Alaric spoke up and I nudged him. "Shut up. It's not my business. Maria's technically my niece but we have no blood relation. She's a Royal but I hope the Quileutes can take her in if they agree", I sighed and he pattsnmy shoulder.

"Maia's a hell hound", I admitted, making Alaric stand up straight and face me fully. "What? As in Demon Dog, he'll hound?", he questioned and I nod. "She told me her eyes turn golden orange when she phases into her wolf. She's one of a kind too. She's the last of her species", I informed and awed as I continued to look at my sister and Maia together.

"Stefanie balances Maia's anger and Maia helps Stafanie with her thirst . I can see that. They belong with one another but each needs more time working on themselves", I added and told him. He hums, agreeing with me. Not long after, Kaleb opens his door and he's all dressed up.

"Where are we going, Dr Saltzman?", he asked. "MG's old house", he said and walked off first. We followed behind and got into the car and drove to Maryland. Alaric parked outside the house and we got out. "Wow, MG's dad is running for Mayor", I pointed out the sign. "When you said MG going home would be catastrophic, I expected a Chenobyl not Wisteria Lane", Kaleb commented but Alaric says otherwise.

He then said that we should let him do the talking so, I hang back like I always do. Alaric rings the doorbell and it opened to a woman that kinda looks like MG. "Dr Saltzman", she grumbles. "Veronica", he greets back. "Uh, hi, I'm Kaleb", Kaleb spoke up to make himself known. "The girl at the back is Arin Salvatore", Kaleb introduced me and I gave a small wave.

"Salvatore as in the school?", she pointed out. "Yes ma'am", I tipped my imaginary cowboy hat to her and used the Salvatore charm on her. I saw a small smile as I did that. "I've heard of your father. He used to be a council man", she commented. "He's still in the Mystic Fall Council, Ma'am due to him being one of the founding families there. I see your husband is running for office", I decided to step forward and start a conversation.

"If you don't mind, Veronica. We'd like to have a word about your son", Alaric spoke up and she carefully looked at us but crossed her arms. "Listen, Mrs Greasley, we're not here to disturb your peaceful day but MG hasn't returned to the school and we're worried that it might have something to do with seeing his father yesterday", I cut to the point and hit her full attention.

"I don't know anything that happened and no, he didn't see his father. My husband clearly didn't want to see him and Milton would never disobey such things. Maybe it's those two boys that was with him. We had an arrangement, Alaric. He stays in school", she slammed the door into our face and I looked at Alaric, shaking my head. He didn't tell me the agreement about MG's family and MG.

"An arrangement, huh?", Kaleb tried to clear the tension. I grabbed Alaric's collar and pushed him to the wall. "You were supposed to tell me everything about the students. Everything, every secret and Every arrangement that you make to keep the peace with students and their families!", I growled at him. "Woah, woah, woah, take it easy, Arin", Kaleb steps in.

"I didn't have a choice, Arin. It supposed to be only between me and them. You keep your promises, why can't I?", Alaric argues. I growled but kept my breath steady to calm myself down. "You know what? Forget it, let's just find the boys already. Call Hope and check on them", I told Alaric and he gladly does it.

Kaleb stood in between us to make sure I don't do anything harsh. We waited for him to finish the call and told us what was happening. I really hope Hope knows what she's doing. "Let's get to the church before MG does", Alaric says and we nod to him, agreeing.

When we reached there, I rolled my eyes. "I hate churches", I grumbled under my breath. Kaleb scoffed and agreed. Alaric rolled his eyes and told us to stay outside. I decided to call Hope and see what's new.

(Arin, Hope)

Hope? You got anything new?
Arin hey, turns out. They did see MG's dad and couldn't make it back on time so, Landon and Raf decided to transition in the woods. The monster did something to them, I know it
Hope, Hope, listen to me. For the sake of Rafael's insanity, let it go and let us handle it. I know Landon's your boyfriend and you're afraid that he might be hurt but you need to calm down. Don't let me come down there and pull you away from all this. I should have never took my eyes off the boys. It's my fault, not yours, understand?
Hope Andrea Mikaelson, do you understand me?
Yeah, yeah, I got it. I'll stay clear of it
Good, I'll see you soon
I'll see you too
I love you, Hope

She hangs up on me and I punched the door to the van. "Hey, hey, hey, chill out", Kaleb commented. "Don't tell me to chill out, Kaleb. I should have never trusted him or taken my eyes off him. Now, here we are trying to track him down", I state and angrily paced around. I held my pendants close to my chest and took deep breaths. Alaric came back and shook his head, telling us that it was empty.

"I need to go for a run or something. Its too much, Al. I'll meet you guys in the woods", I told them. "Do what you need too", was all Alaric said before I ran off and shift into my wolf.

I ran and I ran and tried to keep my mind off things. I can't take it. Its my fault and I can't take it. My wolf growled loudly and I'm pretty sure some wolves heard my frustration. Once, I felt like I've calmed down, I was met with a black wolf with golden Amber and a little red specks in its eyes. That must be Maia. I moved closer to her and she pounce on me, licking my face.

I shook her off me and barked. We both shift back and I noticed that my sister was hiding behind the trees with a bag. "That's for you", Stefanie spoke up and I took it, then got changed using my vampire speed. "What are you two doing here?", I scolded. "Hope knew that you were upset so, she told us to find you and gave you that, in case you lost control", Stefanie explained and I nod.

"Thanks. I didn't want you guys to be involved in this. Go back to class", I told them and walk away from them. "You don't get to do that!!", I heard Stefanie yell and I look back at them. "Stef, I don't want you to get involved. There are monsters that we don't know what they are capable of out there. I don't want my sister and my niece to be caught dead so please, go back to school. For your own sake of safety", I instructed strictly but she was stubborn and crossed her arms.

"DAMN IT, STEFANIE!! Listen to me", I growled and I could tell fear overcame their faces. My eyes must've changed. "Go, Maia if she doesn't listen, you would. Get her out of here", I strictly told Maia and she nods to me. Before she could even take her hand, Stefanie ran off first. "Take care of yourself. I'll handle her", Maia assured me and I nod to her. She ran off, chasing my sister.

I saw the sky and it was already turning dark. I need to find Alaric and Kaleb quick. I used my Supernatural hearing and tried to listen to any heartbeat around. Once I heard two heartbeats, I rushed to them and got caught up with Alaric and Kaleb. "Hey, look at that. You made it", Kaleb sarcastically said and I shook my head.

"Hope called. She said the boys camped out here last night", Alaric caught me up to date. "Landon and MG can't be far now", I said and they both nod. "Do you guys smell that?", Kaleb question and I started to sniff. Yup, that's blood alright. "What is it this time?", Alaric huffs in frustration. "No, Al. It's blood", I pointed out and he flashed the flashlight at the tracks to see if MG was there.

We walked a few footsteps and called out his name up until Kaleb spotted him behind the bush. We ran to him and saw him crying and curling into a ball. "Hey, hey, it's alright. Take it easy now", Alaric comforts him. I sniff the blood in his shirt and recognised it. "Stay away from me, Dr Saltzman. I can't control it", MG says through gritted teeth. "Al, you need to back up, the blood on his shirt is Landon's", I told him and they both looked surprised.

MG turned to a ripper. Al didn't move and comfort him more. "What happened, MG?", Kaleb asked him next. "There were demons around me. Beasts horns and devil's tongues", he answered. "What the hell is wrong with him?", Kaleb asked Alaric. "He's delusional which means only one thing. He's been bitten. Arin, I need your blood", Al explained and I quickly but into my wrist.

"He's a vampire, we don't do biting and why are you giving him blood?", Kaleb questions more. "He's been bitten by a werewolf, you dofus. Rafael must've bitten him when there were together. MG must've done something to Landon which cause Raf to be protective", I explained further.

I kneeled down, in front of MG and give my hand out. "MG, you have to drink this. Come on, buddy", I put out my wrist a little more and he grabbed it, roughly. He drinks the blood in my veins but didn't stop. He's drinking harder now. "Okay, MG. That's enough. COME ON!", I ripped my wrist away from his mouth.

I fell backwards and saw him fainting too. "Okay, what the hell?", Kaleb said again. "We need to call Hope, now, Al!", I told him and he tried to call by the school phone. "What about your phone?", Alaric asked me and I reached into my pocket with my other hand as the right is healing.

I gave him my phone and he called Hope. "Hope?! Hope, yeah. It's Dr Saltzman. I think we know what happened", Alaric told her on the phone. They talked more and then, Alaric slammed my phone to a tree. "Al?! That's the third phone you broke that's mine", I pointed out and stood back up. I flick my wrist to see if its healed and thankfully it is.

A few seconds later, MG gasped and sat, back up. I pushed Alaric to the back of me in a protective stance. "MG, MG, it's me, Kaleb. I need you to breath then, explain what happened after you went to see you dad, okay?", Kaleb talked down on him and soothed him.

When MG settled down, Alaric shoves me aside and sat next to MG. "What happened, MG?", he asked once more. MG starts explaining how his father didn't approve of him being alive and how he thought MG was a demon instead of his son. Kaleb pats his back told him that he's better off. MG then said how he can't control his thirst and refused to go back to school.

Alaric looked at me and I nod. "MG, listen to me, okay? I've been through it. It's not easy but I know you have more good than evil. You're far from that. When we get back, I'll help you every step of the way, got it?", I tried to soothed him but he shook his head.

"No, no. Its not because of that. Its because of what I did to Landon", he stated and I sta down on front of him. "I'm a killer, Arin. I can't go back", MG pleaded to me and I shook my head. Just in time, Hope came along with Rafael. "What's going on?", Hope asked. "Rafael bit him. I cured him. He did something to Landon", I summerised and got a slap from Kaleb.

I saw Rafael trying to calm himself and that's when I stood up in front of him. "Raf, whatever it is, you can't kill him. We need to know what happened, alright?", I told him strictly. MG started apologising to him but Kaleb didnt stand for it. I flashed him my golden with red specks wolf eyes as a sign for him to back off. Kaleb took a few steps back and raised his hands.

Rafael started wobbling around and Hope got more worried. "Raf, what's going on? Tell me", Hope asked him and he looked around in panic. "I remember now. The elixir, his face, being back here. I remember who the monster was", Rafael took a few steps forward to MG. He started explaining last night events. How Landon pushed him to find his father and it didn't go so well, so he blamed him and attacked me.

When MG punched Landon, the blood on his wrist triggered his ripper side. They tried to help him out but it got worse. Oh my god, MG killed him. "MG killed him", I muttered under my breath but everyone heard me. Hope soon started sobbing and speed to her, holding her close to me. "Hope, Hope it's okay", I whispered to her. "Come on, take deep breaths",I tried to cooed her but she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Where's his body?", I asked Rafael and MG. They look at each other and I got impatient. "WHERE'S HIS BODY, GODDAMMIT!!", I growled louder only to scare the boys. "We can conclude later. Let's just find his body so she can have some peace with him. Raf", I told the boys and they nod.

Rafael turn and faced the other direction, trying to keep his wolf in control. I let go of Hope and let her down easy. MG was still in a traumatic phase, both of them are. "Arin?", Kaleb motioned his head to Hope. "Give her a minute", I told him and he nods, backing off my case. "MG, MG, I need you to listen to me, okay? I'm going to do something to you and you need to calm down. If not, it'll be more painful, got it?", I instructed MG and he looked at me, nodding while taking deep breaths.

Alaric and Kaleb watched me closely. "obliviscatur", I cast a speel on him and he fainted backwards to Kaleb. "I erased his memory for a while. When he wakes up, we can help him with his ripper side. As of right now, we need to find Landon's body. Kaleb, bring MG back to school", I told him and the rest.

Hope soon got up but was clearly shaking. I walked towards her and held her side. I cached Rafael's scent and speed us there. When we got there, Rafael was already in, tears, holding Landon's body. I stood behind and let the two have their moment with him. It was heartbreaking to see Hope crying again. This wasn't like any other, this was heartbreak. It was all because of a boy.

Alaric soon came by and pat me. "Let them have their moment", I told Alaric and he nods at me. MG and Kaleb then, came back to help us and Rafael looked distressed. MG must've woken up sooner than I thought. Rafael stood up, I saw his eyes ready to attack MG. That's when I stepped in. "Raf, look at me! He wouldn't want you to do this. He wanted you to be better so, give him that respect", I talked him down. "I'm not talking as your alpha. I'm talking as a friend. Just leave him be", I told him and he nods to me.

Rafael then hugs me and Hope joins in. "It's okay, we all will get this through together", I cooed them and rub their backs as they sobbed into my jacket. "Uh, am I still delusional or do yall see this?", MG asked and we all turn to Landon's body which is smoking. "D-Do something, Hope", Rafael told her but it didn't work.

I've heard of this before. That's when Landon's body came up in flames by itself. "Guys, guys, I think I know what supernatural creature he is", I told the rest but Hope held onto me tight. "Think about it. He dies, comes up in flames and turns to Ash - What is it!!", Rafael cuts me.

"He's a phoenix", I conclude just in time for Landon to break out of his shell, good as new. Hope gasped and went to hug him right away. "W-What's going on?", Landon asked. "Well, tell you on the way back home. Let's get going, we've had a long day", I suggested and tehy all agreed. Hope couldn't let go of Landon and I don't blame her. Rafael was still in shock and MG still had a guilty face on him.

The ride home was silent but we all got to bed at peace. Alaric and I decided to talk about how to handle all of this again. "We finally know Landon can't be killed", I pointe dot and he let's out a chuckle. He took out the bourbon he hides and pours for us two. "You know, your pack is coming to town tomorrow. What's gonna happen?", Alaric asked.

"I told them they could stay in my house. If there's not much space, I do have another cabin in the woods. We might have some new students too", I informed and he smiled at me. "I wonder if they would know you're an alpha", Alaric says out loud and I wondered too. Maybe but it's too soon, right now.

After out talk, I ended up sleeping on my own room. I checked on Stefanie first but I found her cuddling with Maia. Those two are definitely gonna date soon. I'm pretty sure Hope is with Landon. Anyways, I hope tomorrow is problem free.

A/N: Hey guys. Wow, finally I post a new chapter. I apologise for being so late but it has been a busy 2020 for me. I have Common Test tomorrow so wish me luck. Oh and, I hope you like this chapter. Apologies for grammatical errors

All loves💕💙

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