Temporal Reversion - Dragon S...

بواسطة CoreyNorthfield

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What happens after the end of the Series Finale? What if an Old God takes interest in Jon & Daenerys? Time-Tr... المزيد

God of Dragons
The Dragon Queen Lives Again!
The Announcement
Dragon Bond
A Trial & An Engagement
Two Dragons Become One
The Battle of Winterfell, Part 1 AKA The Dragons Meet the Dead
The Secret in the Crypts
Arrival of New Dragons
If We Burn, then You Burn With Us

The Battle of Winterfell, Part 2 AKA The Prince who Brings the Dawn

376 17 4
بواسطة CoreyNorthfield

Sansa glances at the blade that Arya had used to kill the White Walker. She could of sworn that Daenerys had that blade before the battle began.

"Arya, how did you get that blade? Didn't Daenerys have it before?" Sansa confusingly asks Arya, who merely has a smirk upon her face.

"Well..." Arya starts to tell Sansa.

Before the Battle of Winterfell Began...

Arya is standing on the battlements of Winterfell, gazing out upon the landscape, hoping not for the last time. It's the approaching footsteps that snap her out of it. She turns around to see a pleasant surprise.

"Daenerys. I thought you would be with Jon, getting ready?" Arya asked while curious about why Daenerys was there.

"Arya, I want to give you something to help protect both yourself and others during the battle." Daenerys reached on her belt, unstraps the Valyrian Steel dagger and hands it to Arya.

Arya merely looks down at the dagger in her hands. No words are needed as she looks back, locks eyes with Daenerys and nods. Daenerys smiles and nods in return before turning around to join Jon.

Back in the Present Battle...

As Jon finishes the third loop around Winterfell, his eyes find the Night King. Merely searching out the largest swirl of snow and ice used to cloud him from attack. Jon guides Rhaegal down, without having Rhaegal show his vulnerable sides to prevent a repeat of Viserion's death. His eyes met the Night King's and did not leave, even while he dismounts from Rhaegal. Go help and protect your mother. This is my fight. Rhaegal gave a low growl showing that he agreed but was reluctant to leave his rider's side. Jon gave a pat upon Rhaegal's nose. Only then did Rhaegal take off. Yet, as Jon drew Longclaw, a burst of flame nearly startled the Night King. Rhaegal did not want Jon to be attacked from behind.

Jon grips Longclaw in both hands as he hears Rhaegal's flapping wings fade away. The Night King smirks before forming an ice spear in his hands.

"I know you can understand me. Make this a fair fight. If you even think of summoning even one wight to help you, then you are nothing but a coward who has to summon a skeleton to win a fight for you," Jon both asks yet taunts the Night King. Jon knew his words took the desired effect when the smirk left the demon's face. Snow and ice roaring around them in the wind, the Night King's ice spear visibly changed, shortening till it forms an ice longsword. Barely a split second passes before the monster charges. Jon takes a deep breath before his sword met the swinging ice.


Jon met the Night King's swings while the Night King easily met each of Jon's. Ice clashing against steel, the dragonwolf twirling Longclaw in his wrists as he parries the furious slashes. While struggling to keep up to the sheer speed at the demon's assaults, Jon notices that the Night King was getting cocky. Overconfident, moves not at all at the skill he knew the Night King was capable of - relying too much on speed and inhuman strength. Jon decides to try a feint. He starts swinging his sword towards the Night King's waist and watches as the ice sword moves to block. Jon quickly shifts his sword to his other hand in a quickness that would surprise even the Night King before swiping towards the Night King's head. The Night King, surprised by this move, leans back to avoid the move. Longclaw makes a deep cut into the Night King's cheek, forcing the demon back.

The Night King reaches up to his cheek, feeling the deep gash. A look of anger comes over his face. The Night King throws his sword at Jon, who intercepted the throw with Longclaw, causing the ice blade to shatter. As Jon prepared to move in, the Night King raised his hands and encased Jon in a block of solid ice. The Night King smirked as he tapped on the ice, almost as if taunting Jon. The Night King then began calmly walking towards the walls of Winterfell.

As the Night King laid his hands on the walls, he formed frost along with the stones. With a strong punch, he blasts a hole a large enough for him to walk through. A shout grabbed his attention.

"HEY! You frozen fuck!" Theon screamed at the Night King, watching as three White Walkers joined behind him. Before Theon could charge at the Night King, Bran spoke from behind him.

"Die with honor, Theon. You have re-earned it." Bran emotionlessly tells him.

With a cry, Theon charged at the Night King who merely dodged around each of Theon's attempts to strike him. Theon removes his hidden dragonglass dagger from the small of his back, jamming it into the Night King's shoulder. The Night King back slaps Theon several feet. The Night King begins to approach Theon while removing the dagger and tossing it away. As Theon gets to his knees, the Night King puts his hands on either side of his head twisting it hard to the right, cracking his neck.

So ends the life of the Northern Kraken.

The Night King closes the distance to Bran. And so we meet again, Raven.

"Killing me won't win you the war," Bran replies.

True, but it'll make it easier. He reaches down and is about to grab him when another voice gets his attention.

"We are not done yet you fuck." Jon breathlessly said, still shivering from the ice. As the Night King turns around, Jon bats aside the longsword, spins Longclaw to double back, and thrusts it straight through where his heart would have been. Jon feels a slight sting on his right side but the adrenaline is pushing him to see it through. He begins to twist his sword in the Night King's chest.

"GO TO HELLS! AND TAKE YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU!" Jon screams as the Night King shatters like glass. The three White Walkers behind them follow suit.

A few moments earlier...

Rhaegal! I need you! Dracarys!

With a burst of hot breath, pleasant and not scorching to Jon, Rhaegal arrives above and quickly melts the ice block encasing his rider. When Rhaegal cut off his flame, Jon was using Longclaw to remain standing. Jon looks up to Rhaegal and nods. A light flame this time if you would. I need to warm up and stop this bastard. Rhaegal approaches Jon and once again keeps a flame lit in his throat but only allowing its heat to escape his mouth. This quickly dries and warms Jon up enough to allow him to move. With a quick pat on the nose, Jon sends Rhaegal back to Daenerys.

Here we go, for the final time. Jon thought as he climbed in through the hole in the east wall.


Daenerys and Drogon are killing thousands with fire while weaving to avoid the ice spears being thrown by the seven White Walkers that were commanding the dead attacking the front. As a spear was about to impact her shoulder, a burst of flame destroys it. She turns to see Rhaegal without Jon next to her. She was about to start worrying when a calm feeling came over her, telling her that Jon was fine.

She and her sons continue strafing the dead's reserves. That is until she notices that Rhaegal peels off to head back to the east side of Winterfell. She knew then that Jon must be summoning him. The passing minutes were a blur. Attack run after attack run, Dany trying with all her might to stem the tide of corpses throwing themselves at the walls. Swarming the defenders of Winterfell, Daenerys' gouts of dragonfire seeming like she is bailing out a massive ship with a bucket.

After what seems to be hours the sound of shattering gets her attention. She looks down to see the White Walkers breaking apart, wights simply collapsing into twisted piles of rotting flesh and bone. She smiles in joy realize that the Night King had been killed. A sharp pain hits her heart. When she feels no blood or puncture, her mind jumps to the one other cause. JON!

Back in the Godswood...

As the dead began to collapse, Jon felt a warm trickling from his side. Jon looks down to see the longsword of the Night King embedded deep into his flesh. Blood beginning to run down his side to his leg. He looks up to Bran and can only say one thing.

"Shit." Dany is gonna be pissed. Jon collapses to the ground. Bran says nothing as he glances his eyes upwards.

"JON!" Drogon and Rhaegal land in the Godswood, while Daenerys quickly dismounts to rush over to Jon. She kneels, pulling Jon's body on her lap.

"Don't you dare die on me, Jon! We lost each once before, not again!" Daenerys yelled while tears ran down her face. Jon weakly smiles at her.

"We will always be together, Dany. I consider this my penance for what I did to you." As Jon spoke, Dany merely holds him stronger and closer to her.

"Yes, we will." Dany leans down to place a kiss upon Jon's lips. I will never let you go.

As Jon takes his final breath, Daenerys refused to release him. Suddenly, a bright light burst out from Jon's wound. It startles Daenerys to lean back to see what was happening. However, she did not release him.

After a few moments, the light begins to fade. A look of shock covers Daenerys' face. She could see that the wound on Jon's side had miraculously healed. When the light had completely faded, Jon began breathing again. After a few breaths, Jon begins to open his eyes to see Dany's tear covered face. He reaches a hand up to wipe the tears off her face.

"It looks like the bond from our wedding is kicking in," Jon says with a slight smile while Dany smiles in return, wonder written on her expression.

A happy laugh escaped her, hand placed on the wound. Feeling a deep heat. Blood of the dragon. "I love you, Jon."

"I love you, Dany." Their lips met just as the cheers rang out from inside Winterfell. Sunlight poking out unobstructed from the distant hills for the first time since winter began.

The sound of clapping causing the duo to break their kiss to see the cause of the interruption. Jon immediately pulls himself and Dany to their feet.

It was a familiar face... at least for the King. "Congratulations are in order, my dragons. The Night King and the Army of the Dead have been defeated, for the final time." Draco says while walking towards them.

Jon inclines his head in respect, while Dany was confused for a moment. "Is that?" When he squeezes her hand, Dany bows as well. The being that saved her life... brought them a new future.

"It is an honor to meet you, Daenerys Stormborn," the divine being says, taking her hand in his to place a kiss atop it. "What will you two do next?" It seemed like an innocent question from Draco yet they were getting the impression that their answer would mean everything. Jon looks at Dany, silently indicating that she should answer, he would follow her lead.

"Since I got my memories back, I have been thinking long and hard on this. I know I do not want to repeat my previous mistakes. With Jon by my side, I will not burn King's Landing again. I let me grief and anger consume me." Daenerys explains in a morose tone while gripping hard on Jon's hand. "The wheel must be broken, even if I must break part of myself." Draco smiles in response, happy to see that Daenerys has learned her lesson.

"I am happy to hear that, Daenerys." Draco gestures at them to follow him. He turns around and begins walking outside of Winterfell. Draco approaches a massive corpse. As they get closer, Jon and Daenerys realize that it is actually Viserion. The Queen nearly stops in shock, only Jon's silent tugging on her hand has her keep moving closer. Instinctively, she moves closer to him. Seeking out the warmth of her beloved husband. In seeing her child... it was sorely needed.

"Why are we here?" Daenerys asks Draco while also trying to hold back her tears.

He smiles, patting the scales of the long dead dragon. "I can tell you are serious, Daenerys Stormborn. Your words sincere and your heart pure, the battle within yourself won. There will be pain, times that try you, but of this, I am certain." Pressing his hand against the smooth cream scales, a happy laugh leaves his lips. "For you learning from your past and changing the future for the better, I would like to grant you a reward. I am here to resurrect Viserion." Draco explains to a shocked Daenerys and Jon. Daenerys tries to open her mouth multiple times but is unable to speak.

Draco walks the Viserion's head, barely hanging onto the rest of his body due to his neck being severed by Rhaegal. Draco moves his hand in front of his mount, like he was about to cough in it, but instead breathes a deep green fog in to his hand. Draco takes a few steps, kneels down and pours the fog into Viserion's mouth. Draco takes a few steps back as the green fog begins to cover Viserion's body.

First, the bones begin to heal and the broken neck comes back together. The flesh begins to reverse the process of rotting. The holes in the wings begin to close as the color changes from gray to gold. The missing scales from his body grew back in, covering the newly regrown flesh. "Enjoy this gift, and ensure that the lessons learned were not in vain."

Jon and Daenerys could do nothing but stand there as Viserion's body regained its vitality. When the process completed, Viserion looks like he was sleeping. Draco smiles at Jon and Daenerys as he approaches Viserion's head. He lays his hand upon his snout. A wave of golden magic ripples over Viserion's body. A gust of air comes out of Viserion's nose. Daenerys could no longer hold back the tears running down her face. Draco steps back to allow Daenerys to take her son back in. With a glance towards Jon, Draco smiles as he vanishes before Jon's eyes.

Daenerys lays her hand down upon Viserion's snout, feeling the returning heat of a dragon.

"Viserion" Daenerys whispers to Viserion, causing his eyes to open. A brilliant gold.

AN: There we go! The Battle of Winterfell is over! I know these 2 chapters were smaller in comparison to Chapter 6 but I wanted to take my time and make sure they fit, regardless of length. The next chapter will be up next month.

AN 2: I put in two references in this chapter: One for GoT Season 7 and one for The Mummy Returns (with Brendan Fraiser). 

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