Run-Away Little Sister: Hurti...

Von michaelaloveswriting

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Anastasia Smith, a sad, depressed, shy, lonely teenage girl going through what could be considered hell on ea... Mehr

Author Note One:
Character Description: Part One
Chapter One: Death
Chapter Two: Attempted
Chapter Three: Leaving
Character Descriptions: Part Two
Chapter Four: Gone, Gone, Gone
Chapter Five: Conversation
Chapter Six: Childhood
Chapter Seven: Regret
Chapter Eight: Happier
Chapter Nine: Grief
Chapter Ten: Surprise
Chapter Eleven: Changes
Chapter Twelve: Hope
Chapter Thirteen: Ambush
Chapter Fourteen: Heartfelt
Chapter Fifteen: Fight
Chapter Sixteen: Believe
Chapter Seventeen: Mental
Chapter Eighteen: Threat
Chapter Nineteen: Dying Walrus on Chalkboard
Chapter Twenty- Confessions and Dinner
Chapter Twenty-One: Revelations
Chapter Twenty-Two: Truths and Lies
Chapter Twenty-Three: Issues
Chapter Twenty-Four: Speechless
Chapter Twenty-Five: Obsessive
Chapter Twenty-Six: Skeptical
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Kidnap
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Failed
Author Note Two:
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Twisted
Chapter Thirty: Rescue
Chapter Thirty-Two: Kill
Chapter Thirty-Three: Bonus Chapter One: Future
Final Author's Note:

Chapter Thirty-One: Attack

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Von michaelaloveswriting

Two Weeks Later - Wednesday, June 29th. 2016 - 10:00 AM



Taking aggressive actions against a place or enemy forces with weapons or armed forces, typically in a battle or war.


It had been two weeks since I was able to rescue Courtney and Dylan, and Hunter left the country with his two young children. We haven't any direct contact with him, but we do have people watching him at all times until Casher is six feet under.

Things have changed quite a bit, we've taken a "vacation" from school and I shut down the businesses I run. All employees were given paid leave until we have them come back. I had also moved everyone to the emergency bunker. Nobody really left unless it was to do something like grab groceries. The group and I had been stragetically planning on how we were going to attack Casher and the rest of his small, injured army.

Tonight is the night that we'll be attacking Casher.

Casher needs to be gone, and today is as good as any other day to attack. With tonights mission, we're hoping that we'll be able to get the rest of Casher's captive's out of the prison he created, while killing the rest of his gang that he assembled. With Casher himself, I'm going to be the one to kill him. He was the one to make my life hell the most. He was the person, the true person, that was behind making my life hell.

He constantly went after me, no matter where I was or who I was with.

I was destined for this life. I was destined to take over my parents legacy, he was not. And he just didn't understand that. Ever since I was born the plan was always that I was going to take over 'The White Wolves'. It was the way my grandparents planned my life to go. I don't know, and I will never know what would have happened had my parents not died, yet I wouldn't change the life I have now for anything.

My life isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn close.

I've had my own downfalls, but I've also had some of the best experiences of my life because of everything that I've been through in my short sixteen year life.

And I can't let anyone take away the joy I've recieved over the past couple years.

If I let them take my joy, my name wouldn't be Anastasia Marie Smith-Wolp...

A Few Hours Later- Mid-Afternoon - 2:15 PM 

"Everyone listen up!" I yelled to my inner circle and brothers, who were all in my office, arguing with each other.

They all stopped what they were doing and looked towards me.

"What?" Nathan asked innocently.

I glared at him.

"I know you guys want to help out, I understand that." I told my brothers, "You all, however will be more of a help here."

"What would we even be doing here that could help?" Jackson asked angrily.

"Yeah," Mason added, "We want to help you and be able to protect you."

"I need somebody to watch Courtney and Dylan. That's where you both come in, Mason, Jackson. You both know how important they are to me." I told them, "And I know you won't let anything happen to either of them."

Mason and Jackson's eyes lit up with pride. I was entrusting them with two of the humans I cared most about in the world. They know how much I love the little twins, and I knew they'd be perfect for the task.

"Okay, we won't let you down." Jackson said for the both of them, while Mason nodded his head at Jackson's words.

They both had small smiles written on their faces. They knew I trusted them to protect two of the people who mean the most to me. And this was another step in the right direction to reparing out broken relationship.

"What about us?" Matthew asked.

James, Matthew, and Nathan still needed a task to do that would keep them out of the mainstream section of fighting.

I could have Nathan and James protecting the gang members children. That would keep them both busy and out of harms way. Nathan would also stop James from starting any problems with the children.

Matthew could try the medical field side of things. Being a teacher, Matthew has to know basic medical things. I think he'd fit in well in that field for now.

Realizing that everybody was staring at me, and I had been lost in thought for a few minutes, I spoke up, "Nathan, James you both will be paired together. I'll have you watching my members children. You won't be in the main fighting, but if anything happens you'll be there to help and protect the children."

Nathan and James both nodded their heads in agreement, though James seemed to be slightly hesitant in helping.

"What about me?" Matthew asked.

"You, Matthew, get to help our doctors organize their medical equipment they'll need and set up for an emergency triage, in case we need it."

"Got it." Matthew nodded.

One Hour Later - 3:15 PM 

Standing on a stage in front of all the ranks of my gang members, I looked out at the sea of people. All the faces were familiar to me, and I couldn't help but sigh. By the end of the night many of these people might die. They were willing to give their lives up to this cause, to make sure Casher never hurts another person again.

I took a moment to gather my composure before I boomed out, "Alright everyone. Quiet!"

The talking ceased and everyone looked to me.

"You all have spent months training and preparing for this day. You all are willing to lay down your lives to stop Casher and I couldn't be prouder of you people standing in front of me today. Whether people see you as heros or villians, today you've willingly made an honorable sacrafice that makes it possible to rid the world of a tiny bit more evil."

Everyone watched me as I spoke.

I took a small breath in before continuing, "You all understand the plan. You've learned to live and breathe this plan. Today you will put the plan into action to the best of your abilities. However, if you face any hesitations of following through with this plan now is the time to speak up. We can only have the most dedicated people coming with on this mission, as its importance is too great for minor mistakes or setbacks. If you believe you are not capable please speak up now, you will not be penalized."

Silence rang out through the large room.

I smiled and clapped my hands, "Alright then. Let's get suited up, people. Good luck."

As I jumped off the stage, people began moving out of the room.

This was it. The adreniline was running through my veins and I couldn't help but feel excited for what was going to come. Tonight would be Casher's last night on earth, and then he would never be able to hurt another person's soul.

The adreniline was rushing through me and I knew in that moment that I was made for this type of a life. Now that I had a taste, I'd never be able to give up the rush of adreniline I feel everytime I jump head first into a mission.

The rush. The adreniline. The tension in the air. This is what helps make me who I am.


That Night, Minutes Before the Attack Takes Place - 8:25 PM

It was minutes before Anastasia and her team were set to venture out to Casher's warehouses. Before she left, she knew she needed to say her goodbyes to her brothers in case of the unthinkable.

Anastasia wasn't that close to James. They mostly bumped heads, but at one point Anastasia had loved James with everything in her. At one point he had been a good brother, and her heart ached at the prospect of never being able to try and make things better with James.

Nathan, Matthew, Jackson, and Mason, were well on their way to being as close as they were when they were kids. They didn't deserve to be going through this. And to ease the burden (if she died) Anastasia knew she needed to say her goodbyes, even if they weren't going to end up as her goodbyes.

Yes, Anastasia was telling herself that she'd make it back, but truly, it was uncertain. Life always was, which is why she tried to live life with no regrets. But would Anastasia tell her brothers that she thought that she may not come home alive? The answer was no, she didn't want them to think they had to protect her, or that she was incapable.

However, life was unpredictable and there was no telling how tonight would go. No matter how much planning was involved, there was always a chance for things to mess up.

A loaded gun could move a lot faster than a person. Though Ana is wearing protective coverings. Anastasia is wearing a light weight bullet proof tactical helmet that fully covers her head, a bullet proof vest that was worn from her chest down. It separated into two pieces for her thighs, before ending at the end of her thighs. Anastasia also had her large multitude of weapons on her, ready to go for the upcoming battle.

Ana had two guns strapped to her right thigh, while she had her multiple daggers attached to the left thigh. Ana had two more guns resting inside her waistband, one on each side waiting for her to pull them out and shoot them off. Anastasia also had extra bullets and a silencer on the inside of her coat, which was made of bullet proof material as well.

Ana was covered from head to toe, she had a good chance of being able to come home safely. Still, Anastasia Marie Smith-Wolp made sure she said goodbye to her brothers and children, just in case anything happened.

"You guys need to be careful." Anastasia said to her brothers.

Her eyes scanned each of her brothers as they stayed quiet. Anastasia was just watching them, remembering them, burning them into her memories.


After Anastasia finished her somewhat emotional conversation with her brothers that consisted of James being an ass, Nathan, Matthew, Jackson, and Mason all correcting him, and a small heart-to-heart moment, Ana moved on to saying her goodbyes to Courtney and Dylan.

They somehow seemed to know exactly what was going on. The person who had took on the role of mother for them was going away to fight a war. She was going to fight the bad guys to save the day, just to protect everyone she loves.

Courtney and Dylan both gave Ana goodbye kisses, but were still expecting Ana to return safely home, so she would kiss them goodnight, as well as feed them dinner. It was a tradition, one that nobody wanted to give up. 

It was the small moments that Anastasia knew would forever be engraved in her brain. They were the moments she would never forget.

And she could only hope that she would have time to make new memories with everyone.


Parking their cars two blocks away from where Casher's location was currently placed, Anastasia stepped out of the car she had driven.

Lucas, Max, Kayla, and Jamie all pulled up in their cars moments later and stepped out of their cars, as well. Wyatt and Layla were currently back at base. Wyatt was doing his job on the computers and Layla was doing her job jumping from place to place. Layla moved from checking on the children, setting up an emergency triage, and checking in on Wyatt.

Courtney, Dylan, James, Nathan, and the children of my gang members were all in the safe/panic rooms of the main warehouse. It was a precaution that was taken in case of anything going wrong on such a high scale mission.


Anastasia, Lucas, Max, Kayla, and Jamie all walked the two blocks carefully. The gang members had taken to driving and walking other routes to meet the leader and inner circle of the gang. This made the people look less suspisious around Casher's warehouse that had been set up in the middle of a low income neighborhood.

When they all reached the meeting point they would divide and conquer, exactly as it had been planned.

Lucas and Max would be taking a group of twenty-five people with them through the back of the building. Kayla would take eleven people through the front of the building with her. Jamie would take seven people, going through the left side of the building, while Anastasia would take the remaining seven people and go through the right side of the building. Fifty-five people would be searching throughout the building and carrying out the attack.

There was only one rule for this mission. None of the gang members were supposed to kill Casher, they were only supposed to distract him or detain him. Anastasia was the one who would get the pleasure of killing Casher. She had never wanted to kill a person more than she wanted to kill Casher.

If Ana wasn't able to kill Casher, for whatever reason, then Max, Lucas, Jamie, Kayla, Wyatt, or Layla would get to kill him. Casher hadn't only ruined Anastasia's life nor had he only ordered a hit out on her parents. He had also ordered the kills of Max, Lucas, Wyatt, Kayla, Jamie, and Layla's fathers. Casher killed people just to kill people.

The evil Casher held inside his body told every single person he had ever made contact with that he didn't hold a single ounce of remorse for any of his actions. There was no saving Casher Smith. He wasn't the man he had once been, Courtney Smith dying had changed Casher in a way nobody seemed to understand.


Everyone began moving into their own positions, waiting for the signal to begin their attack. They were waiting for the right moment to begin freeing all the captives that were currently being held there.

After everything was over, Anastasia couldn't wait to be able to cry and grieve for everything that she had ever lost and never had the chance to grieve for. She would also begin the long journey of healing herself and her relationships that were damaged due to her parents dying. Then, Anastasia Marie Smith-Wolp would be going on a long overdue vacation.

"Ana, are you ready?" Anastasia heard Wyatt's voice coming from her ear piece.

She carefully looked into the window, not wanting to be spotted by any of the guards Casher had stationed, before taking a deep breath, "Yeah, we're ready. Completely ready."

This was it. This had been what Anastasia's waiting for. From the moment her parents deaths happened, even if she didn't know it yet, she was finally going to get the justice her parents deserved and were ultimitely refused.

"Everyone, you're clear." Wyatt's voice was heard through everyone's ear piece, "Begin phase one."

Without a second thought, Anastasia pushed the window open, that a girl named Jamacia had already picked and unlocked for her. Crawling through the fairly large window with ease, Ana quickily moved out of the way so the rest of the team she was with could get through.

It only took a minute for all eight people in the team to get into the room. The room was already clear of any people from Casher's gang. Still, every member pulled their guns out. Ana slid her silencer onto her gun. The only sound that would be heard from Ana would be her victims bodies as they slumped to the floor as they were killed.

After everyone from Ana's team moved from the room they had entered through the window. Ana thought for a second. Her team was supposed to head to where the children were being held captive. The blueprints showed that Ana and her team needed to go to the first level of the basement.

Jamie, on the other hand, was supposed to take her team of eight people (including herself) and get them all down to the second level of the basement. That was where the adult captives were located.

Kayla and her eleven member team (twelve members including her) were searching for as many remaining members of Casher's gang as they could find. They were starting from the front and moving back, hoping to meet up with Max and Lucas.

Lucas and Max were taking their team of twenty-five people and searching for remaining members of Casher's gang, as well. They were starting from the back and moving forward, hoping to meet up with Kayla.

When all the remaining members of Casher's gang are no longer around, Kayla, Lucas, Max, and all their team members would be coming downstairs to help aid in the freeing of all the captured children and adults.

They would load up any captives they could in the cars that had been brought with and together they would bring the injured and captive to their own personal medical area. This way they could control the enviornment and nothing would be able to get out of control. The victims would be treated and checked for free, while not needing to explain what happened to themselves. It was the perfect solution. 


The plan had gone according to plan with almost no casualties to 'The White Wolves'. Two men and a woman were injured and had to be taken to their emergency triage center, but for the most part everyone was safe.

All of Casher's remaining guards were murdered, only leaving Casher to be taken care of. They hadn't been able to find him. However, Lucas, Max, and Kayla knew that they wouldn't be able to find Casher in the upper levels of his warehouse. He wasn't there. They also knew that they needed to begin getting people out of Casher's warehouse.

They had been able to get all the children captives out of the warehouse and into different cars. They were brought to the emergency triage center that had been set up. Those who only had scraps and large cuts were cleaned up easily. Others, who ended up needing surgery were taken care of by surgeons that Anastasia had been able to hire.

"Okay, all the children captives are taken care of. Now what do we need to do?" Kayla asked Anastasia.

"You guys go and help Doc," Ana told Kayla and Max, "You know they're short staffed, especially when days like today happen. I'll go help Jamie and Luke with the adult captives."

Luke and Jamie were downstairs working on all the adults. There was still no word from or on Casher yet, so it was easily assumed that he would be in the adult downstairs cellar area. Still, no one had reached the area he was in yet. Anastasia was currently having Wyatt run a digital search on the warehouse to see if they could find him on his security cameras.

Wyatt was unable to get to security cameras all the way down there, because there were less the farther you went, and eventually there were none to go off. For the most part, people were going down there blind. That meant the process of getting all the adult captives out was taking much longer than the children captives took. There also seemed to be at least double the amount of adult captives that there were children captives.

Still, Anastasia was hopeful.

There was no way for Casher to get out of this alive. This was his end, he wouldn't be leaving this warehouse alive.

And for some sick, twisted, reason that thought made Anastasia Marie Smith-Wolp smile happily. He would never be able to hurt another person ever again, and she would get to make sure of it... 


Author's Note -

Here's chapter thirty-one completed and republished.

Most of Casher's hostages have been successfully saved and released. Casher will be dying within the next few chapters. I'll leave that for the story to decide. 

Let me know what you think about this chapter. And make sure you all comment, vote (by clicking the star), and share this story with those who might like it.

Thanks for reading!


Original Version Published: Feburary 1st. 2020

Edited Version Published: January 10th. 2023


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