Old Enough To Know (ON HOLD)

By love__of__dark

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Book One in the "Old Enough" Series Juniper didn't want pity, she just wanted a normal life, but normal wasn'... More

Saving Grace


216 9 5
By love__of__dark

Chapter Six; For You I Will



I stare at the fire place as I sip on my fifth glass of scotch. My body is buzzing with the feeling of being tispy, and my mind is swimming with thoughts of Juniper. Maybe I shouldn't have left her standing in the kitchen, but I didn't know what to say to her. That was hours ago, and I honestly don't know where she is, but I know she's protected.

A knock comes to the door and I mumble an incoherent "come in." Seconds later Sammie is standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

"Waddling in your self pity isn't going to prepare her for anything Alpha." He states as he kneels before me. I look up at him, and he bows his head in respect before continuing. "She's asked us what the other option is, and we told her." His statement angers me to no end. How dare they speak on the matter without me present?

"Why would you do that!?" I shout abruptly as I shoot to my feet. Sammie stands and squares his shoulders.

"Would you have us lie to our Queen?" He questions and I can't say a word. It is their duty to answer and be truthful with her.

"I won't do it."

"It's the only way Alpha Reese. We can train her day in and day out for months, but even if she fought an omega, you and I know, she'd be killed within minutes. Queen Juniper deserves a chance at this, and you changing her is the only way."

I deflate immediately and fall back into my recliner. Juniper is the love of my life and she knows that now. She knows what she means to me, and I can't loose her.

The law forbidding my kind from changing humans was lifted six years ago after I took the King title. I lifted it for this very reason. I also know that the chances of her surviving are slim to none. But her fighting a werewolf has the same rate of success.

"I can't live without her." I croak letting my emotions have free reign.

"And you will not. We can prep her for the shift, get her body ready for the change it will endure. Reese, we can do this." Sammie says as he places a hand on my knee. I give him a slight nod and he stands.

"Will you bring her to me?"

"Yes Alpha." My best friend says with a bow of his head before leaving the room. Minutes pass before I hear the door creak open. The smell of her wraps around my body and I shudder from the undeniable peace it brings me. When the door closes, she doesn't move any closer and I don't blame her. I just threw her into this world days ago, and after she finds out that she'll have to fight to stay, I abandon her.

"Are you mad with me?" I ask softly as I stare at the dying fire. A beat of silence follows my question before I hear her take a deep breath.

"Yes." Juniper whispers out. Her soft footsteps tell me she's coming closer. My head tilts back and my eyes flutter shut when she places both her hands on each of my shoulders before wraping her arms around me. Juniper places her face in the crook of my neck, and I can't help but tilt my head to the side giving her more access. She places a soft kiss under my jaw causing the corner of my lips to lift slightly.

"Seven years I survived without you Juni." I whisper out as I open my eyes to look at the fire once again. "Seven years of not knowing if you were okay. If he was good to you. Seven years baby."

"So why didn't you come sooner?"

"If I'm honest, I never planned on coming back. Every Friday Maddy would call and give me an update on you and when she told me that he was halfway decent to you, I let you go. She failed to tell me so much, but in the end, it was Maddy who brought me back to you." I let out a heavy sigh as I lean my head on my fist, while Juniper rubs my chest soothingly. "You are all I ever wanted Juniper, and now you are wanting me to do something that will ensure your death. No human has been changed by a werewolf. Yes, Vampires are able to do it with ease, and after a few days of torment, the person they changed is fine, but that's no the case with this baby. This isn't a fairytale. Me changing you, will be torment on your body. I'm literally shifting your DNA. If you do survive the first few days, then the shift will surely kill you." I hate to be so pessimistic about the situation, but it's the truth.

"Have I not proven to you my endurance Reese?" Juniper finally speaks as she walks around me, while trailing her beautiful hand around my neck. I stare in awe at the beauty of her. Her once pinned up long hair is flowing down her shoulders, and her body is covered in one of my button ups with enough buttons undone for me to see the swell of her breast.

Gods have fucking mercy this woman is an angel.

Juniper places herself on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. "You saw how I endured everything in my life, and came out stronger on the other side. This will be no different. I can't die on you baby. I can't die before I ever know what it feels like to be with you. Only you." I stare into Juniper's eyes as she speaks and she gazes into mine.

"I've been talking with Sammie, and he said I can be prepped for the change in as little as two days." She continues. "So, I'm giving you two days to decide if you will bite me or if he will."

"Like hell he will! No mark shall lay on your throat by mine!" I seethe as my hand wraps around Juniper's throat. Her eyes widen in shock, and her jaw drops, but the sound that escapes lets me know that she likes it.

"Then say yes, Reese. Tell me you'll give me a chance to be with you always. A chance at a new life with you." I stare up at Juniper, and I don't register that I'm crying until her hands cup my face and her thumbs wipe away the hot tears. Removing my hand from her throat, I sit back in the chair.

"Why are you crying Reese?"

"Because I love you. I've loved you since I was five years old, and my parents decided to live in the mortal realm. I've loved you since you tricked me into eating a slice of mud pie." Juniper giggles and I can't help but smile. "Woman I've loved you my whole entire life, and now you're asking me to risk it all. Do you understand that if you do not make it through, you're blood is on my hands? I would be the one that had to live knowing I killed my one true mate. But that's the thing Juni, if you go, I go."

"Don't say that Reese."

"It's the truth!" I shout as I loose my temper. Juniper jumps from my lap only to fall backwards. She scrambles away from me and my heart breaks. "Fuck, Juni...I'm sorry."

"I-It's okay." She mumbles out.

"No, it's not okay. I should never have yelled at you like that. Come here." I offer my hand and she takes it. Pulling her back into my lap, Juniper buries her head in the crook of my neck and I breath her in.

If I have learned anything about Juniper Dickson, it the simple fact that once she sets her mind to something, there is not changing it. Either I will change her or Sammie will.

"Okay, I'll do it." I croak as I kiss the top of Junipers delicate head. "I'll do anything for you."

*Where are you guys from?*

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