Just Another Bad Boy || Book 1

By Danielle__Fish

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"Bad boys- They're cocky, arrogant, and distracting... but maybe that's just what I need." Jess is your not-s... More

Ch 1: New Trimester, New Bad Boy
Ch 2: A Bad Boy Truth
Ch 3: Meeting A Bad Boy
Ch 5: Stuck With A Bad Boy
Ch 6: Dealing With A Bad Boy
Ch 7: Running From A Bad Boy
Ch 8: Finally Away From The Bad Boy
Ch 9 : Dinner With A Bad Boy
Ch 10: I Wish He Was The Bad Boy
Ch 11: Back To Being A Bad Boy

Ch 4: Science, Lunch, Bad Boy

53K 1.3K 264
By Danielle__Fish

Chapter 4

Science, Lunch, Bad Boy

Class came to an end and I happily went to take off my uniform. I saw some girls opting for a shower. As much as I needed one, I only really had a few minutes before my next class. I used a light spray of perfume and caked on a layer of deodorant, hoping it would last me the rest of the day. Morning gym classes sucked. I walked out of the girls locker room and immediately rammed right into someone. I looked up to find Adam. "Stalker much?" I ask pushing past him.

"Hmm just a bit, listen, just wanted to let you know," He said leaning close to my ear.

"Watch your back, 'cause I'll get payback for that volleyball and you hitting me on the head. One way or another" then he began singing, and I put my head down, pretending I didn't know this loon.  "I'm gonna find you! I'm gunna getcha getcha!" He shook my shoulders as he sang. "Done yet?" I ask, too embarrassed to see who was around us. He nods. I laughed as I began to walk off to English. He trailed behind me once again, stepping on my heel and causing my foot to come out of the back of my shoe.. I kept walking after fixing it and shooting him a glare.

He stepped on my heels again and again. I turned around, irritated and punched him in the chest after checking there were no teachers in sight.  "What was that for?"

"For being a dick head, dickhead!" I exclaim, fixing my shoe that now had come off of my heel.  He gasped as he put his hand over his heart. "That.... that hurts.... like, a lot!"

"Good." I stuck my tongue out at him, knowing he was completely fine. I dipped into my English class without saying goodbye, and saw him scurry off, probably to his own class. Or to skip. Both were likely candidates. 


I exited the class thinking about our assigned reading. Shakespeare's : A Mid-Summer Night's Dream. I had to complete reading the first scene. I huffed, realizing the first day was not going to be a breeze like usual. It seemed the teachers had collectively decided not to spend a class period reading the syllabus over, as per usual. The assignment was to make a modern day dialogue with a partner (Not of our choosing) and present it next Monday. Whoopie.  As luck would have it, there was an odd number in our class, so I had to present it alone. I didn't mind doing the work alone. I preferred it, honestly. It was the presenting part I wasn't took keen on.

I headed over to the Science wing, taking a short cut through the library.   I got in just before the bell rang and took my seat. "Welcome, to Physics Second Trimester!" Our goofy Physics teacher said as she walked into the classroom, also late.

She was a crazy woman with beautiful black curls (sort of like mine, but they made perfect ringlets) she was supermodel tall, but normal person skinny. She wore a strapless white flowy top, and blue skinny jeans. She was my favorite teacher, but I just don't understand how she could be wearing a strapless in the middle of winter! Like I said, a little goofy. 

Everyone cheered, obviously sharing my sentiment. She was the only teacher I'd come across in a long time that made learning fun. I didn't even like science as a subject, and Physics was probably the least interesting o them all. Yet somehow I was always excited to be in her class. "And for our first assignment, I need your parents to sign these sheets for safety stuff. Along with our first field project permission slip!"

Everyone cheered. Field projects were another word for a field trip in this class. I smiled as she handed the sheets out. I wonder where we were going this time?

I looked at the sheet that we were  going to be going to the carnival once the snow melted. To apply theories of physics, of course. Everyone's energy rose as they also read through the sheet. I couldn't stop smiling, the first time today I'd really felt at ease and happy. 


She let us out early for lunch (and if the teachers asked, we were from Mr. Fancy's class) so I had time to scope out Mar Mar and get a good table. We picked the round ones by the window. We would've gone outside but, snow and all. The tables along the far side, facing the large bay window were a host to the more well known members of our school. Me and Mar took to calling them all 'Plastics' after being obsessed with Mean Girls last summer. This did include the guys as well, and of course never called them that to their faces. 

Andy was sitting with them, facing me. All that separated us was a single, unused table.  He kept staring at me. Like how the kids in first hour were staring at me, without the gaping mouths, of course.  He had confused, pouty puppy dog eyes. I ignored him, but Mar on the other hand...  "Wow. Andy's staring at you again. Are you sure you don't want to... ya know... Go talk to him?" Mar Mar asked. I gave a weird noise of disapproval, "No." while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Come on! You guys never fight. At least acknowledge that he is right in front of you!"

I shook my head. "Fine be stubborn. Anyways, so you don't like him anymore? That was quick."

"Yeah. This morning kind of just... did it in for me. But I've been trying to get over him for a while. My mind just wanted me to be around him badly, I mistook it for something else. I did like him, yes. But now, I'm just incredibly mad at him. I swear, he did this on purpose! He- he- he-" I was so steamed that I could barely talk. "Wanna talk about something else?"

"Yes!" I nod, feeling the day wearing on me.  "Ok. You should listen to Adam's advice when he gives it to you. I mean, he's always telling you to wear your hair down. But do you? No!"

"Where did this come from? And what if I like my hair up? And what kind of conversation change is this anyways?"

"You told me to change the subject so I did. And I know that hairdo is comfortable for you. But you've gotta try something new every once in a while."

I groaned and laid my head in the table." Technically, you asked if we should change the subject. But whatever." I just have to get through next hour, I told myself.  Just next hour and then the walk home. "I like myself the way I am and I'm not going to change for some guy. Especially not Adam."

"Ok. That's not what I was getting at, but I can respect where you're coming from so I'll let it go. For now." She said with a sigh. I looked up at the time. "Hey, text you in math. I got to go " She nodded, also taking a peek at the clock."M'kay." I stand up and dump my tray, turning around and giving Mar a wave goodbye. I walked up the stairs (carefully) to the second floor into the math wing.

Like my other classes, our teacher breezed through the syllabus and then handed us a test, to "warm us up." I sigh as I begin on it. I finish and flip the test over, leaning back in my seat and waiting for everyone else to be done. I felt the presence of someone close which kind of freaked me out, but I ignored it. I figured I was being paranoid or they had moved their desk closer to see the board or something. 

I felt someone breathing on my neck after a few more minutes.  "Fall down anymore stairs?" the person behind me chuckled.


things changed in this chapter (9.2.21) : small changes like Andy isn't sitting outside because its the middle of winter lol (think I forgot about that because it was definitely summer when I wrote this). This was the only slight change besides grammar/ spelling and adding details.

(01.11.23) Thank you for the patience as I re-publish this series

love u guys!

thanks for reading! 


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