AwaKENing || Dancers

By StarAce11

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"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born." ā€• Antoi... More

Characters: Six
Kenneth: Showcase
Kenneth: First Day
Kenneth: One or the other
Kenneth: Texting
Kenneth: Friday Night Jam
Kenneth: Dance
Bailey: New Classes, Same School
Bailey: Inspiration
Bailey: Nervous
Bailey: Lunch
Bailey: Smile
Josh: Late
Josh: Skip
Josh: Teasing
Josh: Finally
Josh: Dance 2
Kaycee: New Kid
Kaycee: Youth
Kaycee: Asking
Kaycee: Duos
Kaycee: Just Do It
Kaycee: Words
Kaycee: Dance 3

Kaycee: Competition

52 2 0
By StarAce11

Movement Lifestyle High

"It's Friday! Friday got to get down on Friday!" Josh playfully sings

"Why are you in such a good mood?" Kenneth asks Josh

"Because there's no pressure on me today!" Josh said

"What are you talking about you're competing, twice," Sean said referring to the showcase and the freestyle battle

"He means no one is counting on him to win it all" Charlize said as she rolls her eyes "Which isn't true"

"I mean think about it, freestyling there's Julian and Manny so even if I lose they got it covered," Josh said

"Manny is really good that was a good last second find by Jules" Bailey commented

"And since they're only placing the top 3 one will probably go to someone from the other school," Josh said "And we have the super talented duo in Sean and Kaycee to win it all no problem!"

Then they heard a rapid tapping of the foot and all their eyes were on Kaycee looking really nervous and scared with her shaking foot

Sean smacked Josh over the back of his head as Kenneth threw in an elbow

"Kaycee there's no issue the whole school isn't counting on us to win," Sean said as Kaycee nodded "Just Josh, and frankly I rather drop out just to spite him"

"Please don't!" Josh said as everyone laughed

"Thanks, Sean!" Kaycee said "I'm not really nervous about the dancing part, after the Friday night jam I think I'm good with my nerves thanks to the tricks you taught me" as she threw in a wink

"Tricks?!" Kenneth said while wiggling his eyebrows as Sean elbowed him "Yeah deserved that one"

"I'm more nervous about my old classmates and who knows I may not even run into them," Kaycee said saying her best-case scenario

"There's that optimism!" Charlize said, "Now can we get to class?"

"I guess"

"Alright see you all again at lunch," Charlize said as she and Kenneth went one way and the other four went another

"Wait Josh do you not think I can win it?" Bailey said, "You seemed like you put all your eggs in the seaycee basket!"

"Seaycee?" Sean said

"Yous twos couple name," Bailey said "I was thinking something more clever as when you write it out it makes no sense based on how your names are spelled but not every couple name can be as well thought out like-"

"BaiKen," Josh said as Kaycee laughed as this was the first time she heard Bailey and Kens ship name

"I don't like that one" Bailey said

"You don't call us seaycee or whatever you said and we won't call you Baiken anymore," Sean said

"Deal!" Bailey said as they shook on it "How about you Kayc?"

"Oh I don't mind," Kaycee said not phased by the ship name

"Really? It usually annoys people that aren't together" Bailey said

"I think it depends on the person," Kaycee said as Bailey looked suspicious "I mean look at you you're actually with Kenneth and you don't like yours"

"Because Josh ran it into the ground," Bailey said.

"Why did you do that?" Sean asked

"Because it's the only thing I ship," Josh said with a laugh as Bailey rolled her eyes then smirked

"What about you and Char?" Bailey said

"Wait is there something going between you and Char Char?" Sean said still oblivious to the Josh and Charlize stuff

"Oh Lewser you're hopeless, come on and let's hurry to class," Kaycee said shaking her head as she grabs Sean by the arm and leads him to class

"How am I hopeless?" Sean said

"Maybe I should say helpless," Kaycee said with a laugh

"What's the difference?" Sean said

"What about those two?" Bailey said to Josh

"They have about a good of a chance as you and me," Josh said

"Josh..." Bailey said knowing he forgot

"Yeah?" Josh said

"We dated! Are you saying a good chance or a bad chance?!" Bailey said

"I thought it was obvious," Josh said


With Charlize and Kenneth

"So Charlize..."

"Don't so Charlize me just say what you have to say" Charlize said

"Who are you going to the dance with?" Kenneth asked

"Sorry Kenny I'm taken I'm sure you can ask Bailey" Charlize joked

"No, I mean... Is it someone serious?" Kenneth said

"Why are you asking me this?" Charlize said "And no its a mutual friend, a friend of mine had a guy friend that didn't want to go to the dance solo so she said for him to ask me so I agreed, the plan is to just go through the beginning process and then when we're actually here he'll go hang with his friends and I'll hang with mine"

"Oh okay, so no attraction?" Kenneth said

"I mean he's not bad looking but yeah no attraction," Charlize said "Why?"

"How would you feel if the person you like goes to the dance with their ex?" Kenneth said

"Explain," Charlize said


"So many people backstage, I know it's two schools but I didn't think so many dancers we're apart of his" Kaycee said

"Yeah I'm surprised too but a lot of acting students have dance experience so I wouldn't be surprised if some acting kids we're mixed in the group performances," Sean said

"Where's Bailey, Josh, and Charlize?" Kaycee asked as everyone knew Kenneth was in the audience

"Well, Charlize is-

"-Is that Kaycee Rice?!" a voice was heard

"Oh no," Kaycee said as she forced a smile and turned to the voice "Hey Gabe"

"It is you! Nice seeing you again as Gabe hugged her which was not reciprocated

"So you are competing in this" Kaycee said

"You know it! Couldn't miss this chance!" Gabe said "I mean had to redeem.myself based on his bad last year went with you almost tripping me up"

"Hi I'm Sean" Sean interjected "If you don't mind me and my partner need to focus"

"Partner?..." Gabe said putting the pieces together "Ok... Hope you get third place!" as he ran off

"What a jerk," Sean said, "Kaycee you okay?"

"...actually," Kaycee said "Yeah" with a confident smile on her face

"Good, " Sean said

"To start off well have the 3 on 3 freestyle battle"

"Oh this should be fun, I've never seen Josh freestyle seriously!" Kaycee said grabbing Sean by the hand and leading him on the stage to back Josh Julian and Manny

"Yeah... Should be fun" Sean said staring at the fact she was holding his hand

"That was amazing! And based on the scores well have to give the first-ever freestyle battle trophy to... Movement lifestyle High!"


As the three held the trophy and took pictures and such the rest made their way back backstage

"Not gonna lie when Julian lost to that Gabe guy I was nervous," Sean said

"I thought it was rigged in all honesty," Kaycee said "but Josh and that kid Manny pulled it off"

"Yeah but now Josh is going to brag that he won something in dance and I didn't now," Sean said as Kaycee laughed

"Now the first act will be RADIX Dance team"

"That's Charlize group we should watch," Sean said

As the acts went it was getting awfully close to Kaycee and Seans time slot

"I'm nervous," Kaycee said

"No need, I mean what's the worse that could happen?" Sean asked

"Literally the worst thing you can say," Kaycee said

"I mean if we lose we lose it's not the end of the world or anything," Sean said

"I mean a loss compared to the end of the world doesn't seem so bad," Kaycee remarked

"Charlize already finished her contemporary group and Josh's group is up next, it's just me, you, Bailey's solo, and your old partner," Sean said

"...We got this"

"No Bystanders choreographed by Josh Price and Julian Deguzman"

"Haha he gave in and asked for help," Sean said as Josh was having trouble choreographing by himself

"I helped you," Kaycee said

"Yeah... Not the same" Sean said as Kaycee rolled her eyes as at the hypocrisy

"Alright next up is Bailey Sok with her solo named Flawless"

"She's so good," Kaycee said as she and Sean watched Bailey from the sides

"Next is Gabe and Leanne"

"We're up next," Sean said as Kaycee nodded her head trying to shake off nerves "Remember my trick"

"From your Friday Night Jam?" Kaycee said as Sean nodded "I remember"

"And... also find a friend in the crowd," Sean said pointing to where Kenneth Charlize and Josh were sitting "There they are"

"Ok... you're right I feel less nervous," Kaycee said not looking at her other friends but looking at Sean

"Next up is a duo, Sean and Kaycee with their dance Brother"

"Its time for the awards!" the host said

"No matter what happens we did our best and nothing can take that away from us" Kaycee whispered to Sean who was shocked she was the one to give the advice

"Yeah thanks," Sean said

"First we would like to have a round of applause for all the dancers from both schools that participated here today," the host said as claps were heard all around "Now for third place"

"Oh boy," Kaycee said as she unconsciously grabbed Sean's hand in anticipation

"3rd Place is No Bystanders choreographed by Josh Price and Julian Deguzman"

"Didn't see that coming" Josh said as he and his crew got on stage"

"Let's go!" Sean said as Kaycee clapped louder for their friend

"At least one of us placed," Kaycee said

"Now for second and first place," the host said "2nd place is... Sean and Kaycee!"

"Wow!" Sean said as he and Kaycee did a quick hug and rushed on stage to hold their trophy

" I can't believe we won something!" Kaycee said so excitedly as she holds the trophy

"Good job you guys," Josh said hugging the two of them real quick and going back to his crew as they were still on stage

"No bragging rights now Josh!" Sean said

"I would never..." Josh said with a nervous laugh making Sean and Kaycee laugh

"So does that mean..." Sean said glancing at the 1st place trophy and then at Gabe and Leanne"

"I mean I hate to admit he was one of the best acts," Kaycee said

"If he does just smile and nod no need to give him the satisfaction," Sean said as Kaycee agreed

"And now it's time for the big winner! 1st Place will go to...
Bailey Sok!"

"Oh My God!!!" Bailey exclaimed

"Screw what I said," Sean said as they were all extremely happy for Bailey

Bailey immediately hugged Kenneth first then Charlize next to her, she ran on stage, hugged Josh, and couldn't help but almost cry as she got close to the trophy as Sean and Kaycee could only help push her to grab it

"I'm so satisfied!" Kaycee said as she sees the look of shock on Gabe's face out the corner of her eye

"See I was right!" Sean said

"Everyone gets one," Kaycee said with a playful eye roll but was still smiling as Sean laughed


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