AwaKENing || Dancers

By StarAce11

2.3K 88 33

"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born." ā€• Antoi... More

Characters: Six
Kenneth: Showcase
Kenneth: First Day
Kenneth: One or the other
Kenneth: Texting
Kenneth: Friday Night Jam
Kenneth: Dance
Bailey: New Classes, Same School
Bailey: Inspiration
Bailey: Nervous
Bailey: Lunch
Bailey: Smile
Josh: Late
Josh: Skip
Josh: Teasing
Josh: Finally
Josh: Dance 2
Kaycee: New Kid
Kaycee: Youth
Kaycee: Duos
Kaycee: Just Do It
Kaycee: Words
Kaycee: Competition
Kaycee: Dance 3

Kaycee: Asking

157 7 5
By StarAce11

Weeks later

Morning before class

By Bailey's Locker

"So, Char Char wants Joshy!" Bailey said still teasing her even after so much time later

"Can we mention something that isn't me, Josh, Sean, or Kaycee?" Charlize said

"...I think Kenneth might break up with me" Bailey said

"I meant good something, I meant good something" Charlize muttered to herself

"I just feel like he doesn't like me anymore," Bailey said "Like we don't even text each other every day anymore"

"So, it's been a few days without constant texting it's not-"

"-three months," Bailey said "There was even a week stretch where he never texted me"

"Well... that's because you two have been together for a while" Charlize said

"So, you're saying the sparks died and he doesn't want to be with me anymore and is only staying with me out of obligation," Bailey said

"No! How did you get that from what I said?" Charlize said, "Look, I can't really say anything from Kenneth's side since honestly, I thought you two were fine but do you still want to be with Kenneth?"

"I uh," Bailey said

"You should ask yourself that first before you start accusing Kenny," Charlize said "Who knows maybe he's being more distant because he sees you're not that into him anymore"

"Thanks, Char," Bailey said

"Anytime sis," Charlize said, "So nothing good?"

"Char likes Josh!" Bailey said continuing her teasing

"There's no stopping you," Charlize said

School Dance Studio #4

Like recording studios, the school had small studios for students to rent/schedule use of. They were nothing special just a small room with a mirror wall and in some rooms already placed speakers. It could also be used for other purposes, like acting practice or singers to have more acoustic singing as the rooms were almost soundproof and had a good level of privacy

"My partner choreography sucks! I can't find the right person, Sean said

"Hurtful" Josh said who has been subbing in as Sean's partner through his choreographing process

"Sorry dude not you personally"

"I know, but why are you obsessed with partner choreography? You've never even really danced with a girl?"

"Yeah, I have I danced with-"

"Charlize doesn't count, Josh said

"I was going to say-"

"Bailey too" Josh added

"... Shut up" Sean said "I just think there are more possibilities with two than with one"

"Why not ask Bailey or Charlize?"

"Bailey is partners with Ken remember besides even if that wasn't the case she dances better with you than with me because you two have sort of similar styles," Sean said

"Maybe but then what about Charlize?"

"Last time I danced with her she yelled at me for hours so no" Sean said

"Well... We do have one other female friend that is a pretty good dancer" Josh said "In my opinion"

"You want me to ask Kaycee?" Sean said as Josh nodded "I can't do that"

"I guess it's hard to ask your crush to be your partner," Josh said

"Crush?" Sean said

"Is she not?"

"..." Sean failed to deny

"Cool then Imma ask her," Josh said dashing out the room


"Haha catch me Lewser!" Josh said gaining distance on Sean


"How do you navigate this school so easily?" Kaycee said still getting a little lost as she has to find the office

"Trust me it took a while for me too," Kenneth said showing her around a little more "Anyways any plans?"

"For?" Kaycee questioned

"Well the Friday Night Jams for one, most new kids kinda have to do one at least, it isn't required but sort of expected," Kenneth said

"Don't know yet probably eventually?" Kaycee said not against it but not in any rush to do it

"There's also the dance, we have a dance in the semester to have fun, has anyone asked you yet?" Kenneth said

"No, I don't draw that many heads, no ones in a rush to ask me to do anything," Kaycee said

"KAYCEE!" Josh called out

"Hmm," Kenneth said as the timing was funny

"What's up, Josh?" Kaycee said confused why this boy was running through the halls screaming her name

"Go with me to the dance!" Josh said catching his breath

"You and me? What about... Charlize why not ask her?" Kaycee said not wanting to say Sean instead

"Charlize usually goes with Sean since they're best friends," Josh said as Kenneth nodded as that was mostly true

"Oh ok! Then sure I'll be your date to the dance" Kaycee accepted as it would be fine going with a friend versus a stranger or by herself

"JOSH!!" Sean yelled finally catching up to him

"Hey, buddy!" Josh said smiling knowing his plan is working

"You run fast for a fat man," Sean said catching his breath

"I told you I gained a few pounds but I'm not fat," Josh said offended

"Did you ask her already?" Sean said

"Ask her what already?" Kenneth said as he and Kaycee were still present and still confused

"Kaycee will you be my dance partner?" Sean asked thinking that response meant Josh didn't ask her

"Oh sure why not," Kaycee said flashing him a smile

"Yes!" Sean said "Ha!" He yelled in Josh's face

"Good for you bro," Josh said patting his back then walking off "Oh Kaycee you can pick the color we wear for the dance"

"Ok!" Kaycee responded back

"What?" Sean said confused

"Josh asked her to the dance," Kenneth said

"Oh, Oh... Oh!" Sean realizing what happened "He makes me so mad!"

"One day you're not going to have a date and I will and you will be super jealous," Josh said

"Doubt it," Sean said
Flashback End

"I can't stand him!" Sean said to himself

"What's wrong?" Kaycee said.

"... Nothing" Sean said as the bell rings "Let's get to class"

Hallway before lunch

"Kaycee!" Bailey said

"Oh hey Bailey what's up?" Kaycee said as they walked to lunch

"Is it true you're going to the dance with Josh?" Bailey asked

"Yeah, he asked me this morning why? Oh wait is it awkward because you two used to-" Kaycee said remembering Bailey and Josh used to date

"Oh no that's not what I meant," Bailey said, "I meant why not wait until Sean asks you?"

"Josh was saying how Sean and Charlize usually go together to the dance so I figured why not go as friends as well," Kaycee said

"... Wow you've never noticed" Bailey said to herself "Charlize likes Sean"

"Really!?" Kaycee said not seeing that coming

"I mean her crush on him has been on and off lately but yeah she's crushing on him," Bailey said as the two sit down noticing the others weren't there yet "She always used the dance to get close to Sean as it's usually early in the school year where Sean wouldn't have found somebody to ask and she knows him so well that of course, he'll go with his childhood friend"

"...But they're not together" Kaycee said absorbing that information "Meaning she hasn't been succeeding"

"Freshman year she was still coming to terms on her crush, our sophomore year she had a crush but then she sorta liked this other guy we're close to as well and also dated another guy briefly, but now she's back to fully crushing on Sean," Bailey said not going into full detail on Josh and Julian


"I have to go to my guidance counselor since I'm a new student they want to check in to see if I'm transitioning okay," Kaycee said

"Wish I had that my first year" Kenneth commented

"Okay I guess we'll see you tomorrow then," Josh said

"Okay see you!" Kaycee said walking her way to the office

"Alright I'm going home, you taking me home Sean?" Charlize said

"Oh... um... I need to stay after a little bit" Sean said "Josh is staying with me"

"I am?" Josh said as Sean kicked him "OH yeah I am!"

"Okay Bailey I guess I'm third-wheeling you and Kenny," Charlize said

"I knew being one of the two having a car was a mistake," Kenneth said as he and Sean have cars despite them all having licenses

"Shut up you love us," Charlize said

"Bye guys!" Bailey said as the three walked off

"Why am I staying?" Josh asked as it was just them two now

"I want to take Kaycee to the dance," Sean said as Josh smirked, "And you knew that..."

"Dude, of course, I know that I only did that to motivate you more in the future," Josh said "Plus I do need a date"

"So I can ask Kaycee to the dance?" Sean said trying to get the ok

"...fine, I have to go another year struggling to find a date," Josh said joking but was serious as he does need to find someone else now "Well that's assuming you actually get the courage to ask her"

"I can ask out a girl," Sean said

"Can you ask out a Kaycee?" Josh said

"...Come with me and I'll show you" Sean said

School Office

"Okay Ms. Rice your guidance counselor will be done in about 15 minutes," the secretary said

"Thank you," Kaycee said taking a seat in the waiting area pulling out her phone, she wouldn't admit but she as looking forward to the dance she didn't go to one at her old school and now she has someone to go with even if it's Josh and not Sean "I guess I could look at dress options or maybe I should wear a suit!" she said giggling to herself

Sean and Josh walk into the office, and in the corner of their eye they see Kaycee sitting there

"Wow she is weird" Josh commented as he and Sean catch Kaycee giggling to herself

"Shut up it's cute," Sean said

"Well go and make your move" Josh whispered as Kaycee still hasn't noticed them yet

"I- Well- What do I do?!" Sean whispered back

Josh pushes Sean towards Kaycee "TALK. TO. HER!" Josh said in a hushed tone

"...Um Hey, Kaycee!" Sean said

"WAHH!" Kaycee squeaked from the student surprise making her drop her phone "Oh my gosh Sean where did you come from!"

"I'm sorry," Sean said going to pick up her phone

"No it's my fault I should have been paying more attention to my surroundings," Kaycee said going to pick up her phone

"NO it's..." Sean started as they accidentally touched hands while trying to pick up the phone "I'm sorry" he said getting up and giving her her phone

"No no," Kaycee said

The two got caught up looking at each other then quickly shied away from each other gazes by looking at the ground

"So what are you doing here after-"

"Go with me to the dance," Sean said "Sorry I interrupted you"

"No no no," Kaycee said as it wasn't a problem being cut off

"No to going with me to the dance or..." Sean said

"No I mean yes I mean... I would love to go to the dance with you Sean" Kaycee said calming down

"Really!" Sean said surprised she said yes

"Yeah!" Kaycee said

"I'll call you later then," Sean said walking off

"O-Okay!" Kaycee said with a nervous giggle "Bye Sean!"

"Bye Kaycee" Sean said leaving the office with Josh already nowhere to be seen

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Kaycee celebrated to herself as the secretary just laughed to herself from the teenager interaction


"See that wasn't so hard, girls aren't that hard to talk to," Josh said

"I guess you're right," Sean said

"Kind of upset I didn't even cross her mind, I mean I did ask her first! But oh well" Josh joked as Sean laughed as they completely forgot about him

(inspired by:)

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