AwaKENing || Dancers

By StarAce11

2.3K 88 33

"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born." ā€• Antoi... More

Characters: Six
Kenneth: Showcase
Kenneth: First Day
Kenneth: One or the other
Kenneth: Texting
Kenneth: Friday Night Jam
Kenneth: Dance
Bailey: New Classes, Same School
Bailey: Inspiration
Bailey: Nervous
Bailey: Lunch
Bailey: Smile
Josh: Late
Josh: Teasing
Josh: Finally
Josh: Dance 2
Kaycee: New Kid
Kaycee: Youth
Kaycee: Asking
Kaycee: Duos
Kaycee: Just Do It
Kaycee: Words
Kaycee: Competition
Kaycee: Dance 3

Josh: Skip

42 2 0
By StarAce11

A few weeks later

After school

"So, Josh has missed a couple of days each week for the past three weeks now can we be concerned?" Bailey said

"Yeah I just thought he was being lazy or sleeping in but a month of not showing up everyday something must be up," Sean said

"What should we do? We've asked him but he wouldn't tell us" Kenneth said "But his teachers don't seem fazed by him not being there at least not anymore"

"So, let's just ask his teachers, we each have a class with him," Sean said

"Sounds good, let's go now, I'll even ask his core class teachers since we have the same core teachers," Charlize said as they all agreed

Dance class

"Hey Matt," Kenneth said

"Hey, Kenny! What brings you by after school I'm just about to leave" Matt Steffanina said

"Just wondering why Josh hasn't been in class a lot recently," Kenneth said

"Hmm... Well this class is more about the midterm and final and Josh seems good enough to handle anything that may be thrown at him as long as he doesn't get rusty" Matt said

"Thanks," Kenneth said leaving the room "So it seems he can skip dance if he wants but he usually doesn't want to so what could make him not want to be here"

Music class

"No Sean not granted permission to tell you why Josh Price hasn't been in class as much"

"Permission? So, there is a reason so he's not just skipping" Sean said

"... Good night Sean" the teacher said knowing they said too much

"I think I know now," Sean said

Choreography class

"No, his choreography is top-notch so he isn't lacking in this class despite the missed days"

"So, if he isn't losing points then him not attending maybe because he's bored... but he likes his actual classes..." Bailey said to herself trying to figure it out

Core1 room

"Oh Charlize! come in how may I help you?" Teacher said

"Hi Miss I have a quick question," Charlize said

"Sure, go ahead"

"Do you know why Josh Price hasn't been coming to school every day?"

"Joshua Price at the request of his mother has been taking supplement classes outside of school that is all I know, the finer details are with the Price family and the principal," the teacher said

"...Okay, thank you!" Charlize said

Price House

"Oh, Charlize long time no see!" Mrs. Price said

"Hi Mrs. Price"

"Sean is already here he and Josh are in his room playing video games"

"Sean's already here?" Charlize said to herself "Thank you"

Charlize wandered to Josh's room and before knocking on the door she overhears Sean and Josh talking

"So, having trouble with the core classes," Sean said as the two played a video game together

"Yeah..." Josh admitted "You know I never liked that each school subject was only like 30 minutes"

Core 1 and Core 2 were a total of four subjects of traditional school subjects one core being and half math and half science the other core being half English and half history

Therefore, each subject was only taught for about 30 minutes

This method had gotten some criticism before but because of how talented the students were they all seemed to manage with the condensed schedule as the teachers would only usually teach the topics, they needed to know to pass standardized tests and such

"Yeah if you don't understand something one day you fall behind," Sean said "Everyone has had that moment at least once eventually"

"So my mom wanted me to get a tutor but to have one that can help me so she looked outside the school so a private tutor comes here every once in a while to tutor me in subjects I'm struggling in and so far I'm ahead of where you guys are right now granted I'm getting tutored longer than the class periods," Josh said

"If you're ahead why not stop and resume as normal" Sean said "Everyone misses you especially Char Char"

"Lies" Charlize whispered to herself

"Well mom saw how well I was doing and decided to keep it for the rest of the semester plus she saves money with the semester deal," Josh said "And you know my mom she supports me 100% but school comes first"

"Which is why you've missed the other classes that you enjoy to satisfy your mom," Sean said understanding "I understand"

"Oh yeah your mom gave you a lot of tutors and teachers growing up," Josh said remembering that detail Sean shared a long time ago "A real tiger mom"

"I still don't see that but yeah she wanted to make me as advanced as possible which is why despite my passion for dancing, I can sing, play a couple of instruments, photography the list goes on," Sean said

"How the hell did you forget cooking!?" Josh said

"Shh! If Bailey or Ken find out they'll make me cook for them" Sean said

"What's wrong with that?!" Josh said, "Your food is good!"

"Because you and Char each time begged me to cook for you every chance you could get," Sean said

"Hey you loved it don't deny it," Josh said

"Whatever man I just know I'm only will start doing that if a special someone requests it," Sean said

"Me?" Josh joked as Sean laughed

Charlize seeing, she got her answer and decided to let boys be boys opted on leaving the house


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