
By kaydeymichelle

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Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 14

6.2K 128 19
By kaydeymichelle

The hot beast is back!
~~Later that night
~~Mateos POV
Rue was in the process of setting the table and I was in the process of trying to convince Luca to clean his toys up. And let me just tell you. I was definitely failing.

"Luca, if you don't clean up your toys I'm gonna leave." I say sternly as I begin to stand up.

"Wait! Don't leave!" He said quickly as he stopped playing and started cleaning up. I smiled in victory and helped him a little bit.

"Come on let's go wash up." I said as I reached my hand down for him to grab.

"Race you!" He smiled as he took off down the hall. For a little boy he is pretty fast. I smiled as I took off after him.

"I win!" He jumped as he touched the door.

"That you did." I patted his head and opened the door. I helped him wash his hands and dry his hands. "Okay, lets go take a seat." I helped him off the stool.

"Okay." He walked towards the kitchen. "Hi mommy!" He smiled as he took a seat.

"Hi baby." She kissed his cheek as she put a plate of food in front of him.

"Thanks for dinner Rue." I sat by Luca and she sat a plate in front of me.

"Yep." She quietly answered as she put a plate on the other side of the table and sat down.

"So uhh, I wanted to tell you two something." I spoke out nervously.

"Okay." Rue said as she put a napkin in her lap.

"What is it?" Luca asked as he sat up on his knees and looked at me.

"I have been thinking about this for a long time and I have finally decided that.." I took a long pause.

"Decided what?" Luca asked excitedly.

"I'm moving here. To Italy!" I said as I looked at Luca looking for his reaction.

"Really?!" He almost jumped out of his seat as he smiled widely.

"You are?" Rue asked almost on disbelief.

"Yes, I just bought a house in a neighborhood not to far from here." I smiled at her. She stared back at me with disbelief written all over her face.

"Yay!" Luca jumped in my arms and hugged me. I hugged him back and smiled into his hair.

The rest of the dinner was quiet other then Luca talking about all the things he was convinced we would be doing in my new house. Rue was silent the whole time. Never looking up from her plate and never speaking.

~~after dinner
"Come on Luca. Let's get you ready for bed." Rue said as she grabbed his hand.

"But I want daddy to put me to bed!" He crises out as he pulled against Rue.

"Listen to your mom Luca." I said sternly as I crossed my arms.

"No! I want you!" He started to cry.

"Get dressed then I'll come tuck you in." I told him.

"O-okay" he sniffled out as he allowed Rue to take him to his room.

After a few minutes I walked down the hallway but stopped at Lucas door when I heard Rue singing.

"Chiudi gli occhi
Non avere paura
Il mostro è sparito
È in fuga e la tua mamma è qui
Bello, bello, bello
Bel ragazzo
Bello, bello, bello
Bel ragazzo" I heard her quietly singing. I peaked over the door and I saw her sitting on the edge of Lucas bed and was rubbing his forehead. (translation: Close your eyes
Have no fear
The monster's gone
He's on the run and your mommy's here
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy)

I leaned against the door frame and I watched her as she continued singing as Luca started to slowly close his eyes.

"Fuori sull'oceano navigando via
faccio fatica ad aspettare
Per vederti diventare maggiorenne
Ma credo che dovremo solo essere pazienti
Perché è una lunga strada da percorrere
Una dura fila per zappare
Sì, è una lunga strada da percorrere
Ma nel frattempo
Prima di attraversare la strada
Prendimi la mano
La vita è ciò che ti accade mentre sei impegnato a fare altri piani" She stoped singing when Luca was fully asleep. She bent over and kissed the top of Lucas head.
(Translation: Out on the ocean sailing away
I struggle to wait
To see you come of age
But I think we'll just have to be patient
Because it is a long way to go
A hard line to hoe
Yes, it is a long way to go
But in the meantime
Before crossing the street
Take my hand
Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans)

She stood up and faced me. She made eye contact with me then looked down and walked out of the room turning his light off on her way out. I turn my head and watch her walk down the hall with a eyebrow raised. I quickly but quietly close Lucas bedroom door then walk down the hall towards Rue who is cleaning up dinner. 

 "Okay, what is wrong with you?" I ask her as I cross my arms over my chest and stare at her. 

 "Nothing." She responds as she starts doing the dishes. 

 "Don't give me that crap. What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask her raising my voice a little. 

 She slams her hands down on the edge of the sink and throws the rag she was using into the sink. She spins on her heels and glares at me. "You wanna know what is wrong with me?!" She yells at me. I stare at her in disbelief at her sudden outburst. "I'll tell you what the hell is wrong with me." 

 "Okay tell me." I lean against the wall and stare at her waiting for a answer. 

She glares at me for a moment then she throws her hands to her side and starts pacing the kitchen. "You wanna know my problem huh?" She scoffs before she continues, "My problem is YOU Mateo!" She yells at me as she pokes my chest. "You, you are my problem!" She lets out a heavy sigh as she walks away and starts pacing the kitchen again taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down. 

*~*Nobodys POV

Im changing POVs cause I think this part will be better in nobodys POV

"Mateo pushes himself off the wall and stares at Rue, "Me? How am I your problem!" He raised his voice at Rue in frustration. "I have nothing to you, or Luca since I have got her. What have I done that is making you so mad?" He asked. "Nothing! That's what I have done!" He yells at her as he watches her scoff and turn towards him quickly. 

 "Exactly! You have you have done nothing! Nothing at all, nothing since you have been here." She mumbled the last part. Rue let out a deep breath as she hoisted herself on top of the counter and ran her hands over her face. She looked up and made eye contacted with Mateo. 

 "I have tried so damn hard to forgive you. To forget about the past, to focus on the future. You don't even understand how hard I've tried. Luca needs his father and I want to be able to give him that. But answer this for me, How can I be for sure you won't go back to acting like you use to?" She asked him as she searched his eyes. 

 Mateo took a step towards her, "I ca-" Rue put her hand up to signal for him to stop. 

"Don't. You can't promise me that you won't. A-and I can't trust that you won't. It would be different if I felt like you wouldn't do what you use to do to me to Luca." Tears started to form in her eyes at this point. Mateo was looking at her with guilt and regret written all in his eyes. Rue jumped off the counter and looked at Mateo. She ran a hand through her hair and started to speak again. "I really do want to trust you. L-let Luca have a father. Let Luca grow up in a stable home. But it is so, so damn hard to forget all the pain and misery you put me through." She wiped a tear away as she started again. "Sell the house you bought. Do anything but move here. Everytime I see you, all I can think about is the past. Not the present, not the future. Only the past. And no matter how many times I tell myself that Luca needs you, or how many times I tell myself you have changed.. my heart tells me otherwise." She stared at Mateo for a second before looking away. Mateo couldn't speak, he didnt know what to say.

 The love of his life is standing here right infront of him but yet she is so far away. 

 "Rue please don't say that. I have changed! I will change more!" Mateo had tears forming in his eyes as he took a step forward which Rue returned with a step back. "Rue please." He pleaded as he searched her face. 

 "Go Mateo. Go back to the states. Leave Italy. Leave me.. leave Luca." She looked up at Mateo. 

 "No! I will not leave the son I just got back! I will not leave you." He choked out the last part through his tears. 

 "Mateo don't you dare do this. You, YOU are the one who put me through pain. For years Mateo. Years. I did nothing to deserve all the things you said, and did to me. I was nothing but good to you." She choked out as she took a step toward him. "So, don't stand here and say I can't do this. Cause I'm not doing anything. You did this. You did this the first time you raised your fist at me." She sobbed out as she tried to control her tears. 

 "Don't say that! I did nothing to deserve you taking away MY son, OUR son!" He yelled at her as he took a step forward. "I said I will change. I said I was sorry. What do I have to do to to prove to you that what I say I mean?" He asked her as he stared at her with teary eyes. 

 "There is nothing you can do Mateo. This is my final discussion. I can't forgive you. We can't start over. And Luca doesn't need you in his life. He has me. He has Ava. He doesn't need a jerk as a father who doesn't care about anything or anyone but his self and his needs." She yelled that last part through gritted teeth. 

 "Forget Ava! He needs a father!" Mateo yelled as he threw his hands up into the air. "Rue, please don't stand here and take my son away. I only want my son. And I will fight for him. I be with my son." He stared at her through glossy eyes. The stare wasn't full of hatred, it didn't show him mad, it showed him as hurt. 

 Rue snapped her head up at Mateo. "You will not take my son!" She walked to him and poked him in his chest hard, "You," She starts crying and beating on his chest, "You can't take my son!" She stopped beating his chest and fell to her knees crying. "Please don't take my son." She mumbled as she covered her face with her hands sobbing into her palms. "He is all I have." 

 "Then look at me and promise me that you will give me a chance" He squatted in front of her and took her hands away from her face. He grabbed her chin lightly and made her look up at him ", a fair chance." He pushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Try to forget about the past. Focus on the now. I don't want to take your son from you. I want to be with you. I want to live in a house with you, with Luca. Get married to you, have more children, watch them all grow up, live a happy life.. with you Rue. I want to do it all with you. Nobody else. There is nobody else for me.It's you or nobody for me. So please, try, not for me, for Luca, for yourself. Rue I want to be with you. Please forgive me." Mateo searched her eyes for a response but couldn't find anything. 

 Mateo pulled away from her and stood up. Rue watched his every move. 
 "I'll be leaving now then." He said with a voice full of hurt and sadness. "Please think about it Rue." He gave her a small kiss on her forehead before he grabbed his coat and left leaving Rue confused on the kitchen floor feeling feelings she didn't know what to do with. 


Word Count: 2136

Authors Note: Well, thanks for reading the longest chapter I have ever written. It's a mess I know. Sorry. But all this crap that is happening is leading up to something insane that is gonna happen! I'll see you in the next chapter!:)

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