Spider man into the fandom ve...


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In hopes of saving his mentor, Tony Stark, Peter Parker decided to build a machine that could open up differe... Еще

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven (hehe eleven)
Chapter twelve

Chapter one

1K 28 34

Date: August 21, 2023
Universe: Marvel
Place: Stark's old lab, New York

When Peter had almost been sucked into a portal to another dimension, he never expected to have found the blueprints to make the machine that created the incident. But he did, and he managed to stay in his world, never getting to meet the other Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Penny Parker, Noir Spider, Gwen Stacy, or Peter Parker.

So now he had the blueprints to a machine that held multiple realities!

But that was five years ago. Before he went to space. Before Thanos had collected all five infinity stones. Before Thanos snapped his fingers on Wakanda and wiped out half the universe. Before he had been blown to dust.

He remembered when he popped back into existence. Doctor Strange didn't explain why Nebula and Tony we're gone, just said that they had to go, opening his portals and flushing Peter and the Guardians of the galaxy down to Earth and on Wakanda. He had no idea he was gone for five years, he didn't know what happened.

Tony Hugged him, for the first time since he had been taken to Germany or Switzerland and Tony tried to open the door for Peter. Next thing he knew, Thanos and his army were destroying everything, wherever they were that is. He held the infinity gauntlet and handed it to some strong looking lady who he'd never met in his life.

And then...

And then he watched the great Tony Stark die.

It was for the greater good, Peter knew that. But it still hurt. He watched his idol, his hero, pass on before his very eyes.

He never really moved on from that.

So when he re-found the blueprints to that machine that had access to the multiverse, he couldn't help but think of possibly bringing Tony back.

His plan was clear. Open the portal, go inside, find Tony and bring him back. He knew there would be consequences, but he was so desperate to see him again and to say goodbye the right way.


Peter now stood before the strange contraption he had built inside of Starks old lab. It looked strange, and it was a lot smaller than the original. He added a few parts seeing how flawed the previous one was, from whoever had originally built this contraption. He added a window to the side to see exactly which universe he was going to. Everything was working perfectly.

But yet he hesitated to pull the lever.

He feared something he didn't know was there. But fear was only him proving himself wrong. He was no coward, he was Spider-Man!

Peter places his hand on the lever and slowly pulled it down. The machine whirred to life with a low purr, and the window flashed on with blinding light.

There were no words to describe Peter's fear right now. Because it was none other than terrified. He opened his eyes which he had previously squeezed shut and saw it was functioning perfectly.

The window flickered a few times before settling a few seconds on a vision of Scarlet Witch... as a man? Then it changed quickly to the war in Wakanda which seemed to be on fire. Changing again it was of New York 2011, with aliens grotesquely consuming the avengers.

"Great..." Peter was excited it was working. He lifted the keypad which hovered in the air transparently before him. "Tony Stark," he said as he typed in the words. The window then flashed to a blonde version of Tony. Peter smirked. It changed again to an image of Stark tower in a high tech manner, then again as an old fashioned one. 

Peter felt his eyes water, it seemed like ages. In some of the images, he saw others from the war against Thanos, who hadn't made it. Of course, he didn't know all of them. He only had heard of Vision but never met him in real life. The image-focused itself on Tony wearing his usual armor except for the fact it was painted blue and green. Otherwise, it looked exactly like the normal Tony.

"Stay there!" Peter said to the voice recognition system. He typed in a few codes to open the machine, not intending to go in more than five minutes. "FRIDAY open the.. um... portal thing."

"Of course Peter. The AI said in a monotone voice, activating the recognition system. Color full bubbles rose from the launch pad of the machine as Peter climbed to the center. Reds and golds, along with electric blue. The bubbles formed into clouds which began to thicken. 

Peter looked at the image once more. "I'm coming Mr. Stark." He said as the colorful clouds covered his entire body.

"ERROR ERROR ERROR!" FRIDAY started chanting as red lights flashed in a chilling alarming manner. 

"FRIDAY shut it down!" Peter yelled in panic. His throat felt raw and heavy. He frantically hurried off of the pad. 

"Action incomplete. Portal opening." FRIDAY continued. 

"Wait for what?! FRIDAY shut it down!" Peter screeched in fright. 

"Action incomplete. The portal has been opened." 

"Are you even listening to me!?" Peter felt his feet raise off the ground. He patted his pockets in hurry to find his web-shooters. Remembering he left them in his backpack, he frantically began waving his arms to gain momentum in escaping the portal. Its black pit like jaws swirled widely with tentacles grabbing at his legs.  "SHUT! IT! DOWN!" Peter screamed at the top of his lungs.

Enough smoke had cleared for him to see the image pad. It was no longer a picture of Tony Stark. What he saw horrified him. Colorful demons were clawing at each other in the moving picture. Their tongues like snakes, short pointed horns sprouted from their foreheads, with yellow and pink bloodshot eyes. They were killing each other. 

"FRIDAY what is happening?!" Peter was officially terrified.

"Relocating to your chosen realm. I am only fixing your problem, momentarily." FRIDAY spoke in her usual repetitive voice

"Do it faster I'm about to be sent to a Demon fight or something!" Peter tongued.

"Look again, I am still searching." She continued. Peter looked back at the images. The pastel demons were now visions of Dragons battling Vikings. Huts were up in flames, and armed warriors shot arrows at the sky, or battled the beasts on the ground.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but... THAT'S NOT NEW YORK!"

"I know, Peter. I am still searching." She said as the image changed again. It was of a peaceful looking cottage with gorgeous fairies and hummingbirds fluttering about the garden and lawn. "I have found America. We are close Peter." She said.

"I've never seen that place in my life and also, I'm about to be taken in so if you could please-"

"Hurry? Yes, I know Peter. That realm is not ours, relocating." She interrupted. The picture was now of a camp like War town. And by camp, I mean like some summer camp deal. And by War town I mean they were having sword fights and exploding things. Also, there was a lava wall. 

Peter was about to speak but the image changed again. It was an old magical castle looming in the darkness of night over a glistening lake. It seemed silent, and seepy, except for the owls carrying packages in a large tower. 

The imaged flickered to a small looking town. "Where's that?" Peter asked, hoping it was somehow in New York.

"Hawkins Indiana."

"FRIDAY! Type in New York and work from there!"

The image changed again but this time it showed the Eiffel tower. 

"FRIDAY! That's not America! That's Paris!" Peter was able to grab the floor, attempting to crawl away from the ever-growing portal.

"I am sorry Peter. I have lost all control. I have set coordinates to take you home. Don't fret, you won't be in for long.

"I don't speak French!"

"Goodbye, Peter." She said as the portal closed itself around the boy. 

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