I met the love of my life at...

By lsmiley05

103K 4K 251

Hanna Smith was a 22 year old single mom with a normal life but what happen when she goes to the club and mee... More

New year
I thought i'd never see him again
New job
My new life
What are we
Japan business trip
I dont think this is working
Our first date
Luke meets kayla
One year anniversary part 1
One year anniversary part 2
I love you too
Meet the parents
Move in with me
Merry christmas
The news
Gender reveal
Mom problems
Chapter 22
Baby shower
The babys coming
Everyone meets the baby
The past
Wedding planning
The perfect wedding dress
The wedding
Authors note
Leilanis first birthday
Cast members
Two years later
doctors apointment
Baby shower
Chapter 40
Baby shopping
Liam and kyle
Back home
Book 2

Kaylas room

2.2K 95 4
By lsmiley05

Hannas pov. Sunday. 9am
I woke up early because I had to throw up. I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to make luke and Kayla breakfast. Well buy them breakfast since I can't cook. I ordered the breakfast for delivery and it would be here in 20 minutes. I tried to be as quiet as I could so I wouldn't wake them up setting the island for breakfast. I poured orange juice in cups and put napkins and silverware on the table. After setting the table I went outside to wait for the food to come because I didn't want the doorbell to ring and wake them up. "Here you go" a man said before handing me a bag. "Thank you" I said before taking the bag. "Have a nice day" the man said. "You too" I said before walking back into the house. I sat the food on the table then went upstairs to wake up kayla. "Kayla wake up sweetie" I said rubbing her back. She opened her eyes and sat up. "There's breakfast downstairs. Do you want to go wake luke up and eat" I asked her. She nodded her head yes. We walked to me and Luke's room and Luke was still sleep. She hopped on the bed and started yelling wake up. Luke sat up and picked up Kayla. "I'm up I'm up" luke said shaking Kayla and she giggled and smiled. "How's my favorite girl doing today" luke asked. "Good" she said as he put her down. "I bought breakfast it's all set up downstairs" I said. "Ok I'll be down in a few minutes" luke said. "Kayla go wash your hands" I said. "Ok" she said before leaving the room. "Did you sleep well" I asked walking closer to him. "I did I haven't slept this late in years" luke said putting his hands on my waist. "It's only 10 am" I said. "I know I usually wake up around 6" he said. "That's why I turned your alarm off last night you don't need to wake up that early on the weekends if you don't have too" I said. "Well thank you because that's the best I've had in a while" he said. "Your welcome" I said before I kissed him. "Now hurry up the foods going to get cold" I said. "I will" luke said. I went in the bathroom to make sure kayla washed her hands and she was drying them when I walked in. We went downstairs and started eating. "So what's the plan today" luke asked. "I was thinking going shopping for Kayla's room and Christmas decorations" I said. "Are you going to make a list" luke asked. "Probably" I said. We all got dressed and got in Luke's car. "Where off to first" luke asked pulling out the drive way. "Home goods" I said. Luke parked in a parking spot and Luke opened the door for me. I grabbed a cart and put kayla in it. We went to the kids section and looked around. Luke wanted her to have nice luxury things since he was paying for it even though I was going to pay for it. Most of the things we bought were pink since it was her favorite color. We got everything we needed for Kayla's room at two stores. While we were at the store we looked for Christmas decorations. "We need a tree and ornaments for sure" I said. "We can get a big tree since the ceiling's are high" luke said. We bought a tree and other Christmas decorations for the living room. After we left the store we went out to eat for lunch and Kayla sat by Luke. While we waited for our food luke was playing tic tac toe with Kayla and she kept winning. "Here you go enjoy" the waitress said after she handed us our food. I started eating my food when I felt like I had to throw up. I went to the bathroom and threw up and washed my hands. I decided not to eat anymore of my food and just take it home. When the waitress came back I asked her for the check and boxes. I paid for the bill and we left to go home. I let kayla take a nap and told her when she wakes up we would put the tree up. Luke was in his office working and I was in the living room watching Netflix. I made an appointment for the doctor because I've been feeling sick and throwing up a lot. My best friend Emily called me we haven't talked in a while because we've both been busy. "Hello" I said. "Hey girl what's up" Emily asked. "Nothing much just watching tv what about you" I asked. "Waiting for David to pick me up so we can go on a date" Emily said. "Oh how's he doing" I asked. David's Emilys husband they've been together since middle school. "Good. How's you and your man" Emily asked. "We're good I just moved in with him" I said. "We should do a double date one day" Emily said. "Yeah that'd be cool" I said. "You sound sick" Emily said. "I've been feeling nauseous for weeks" I said. "Are you pregnant" Emily asked. "Oh no I couldn't be I'm on the pill" I said. "Have you been throwing up a lot and your stomach feels weird" Emily asked. "Yes" I said. Emily's a nurse so she likes to give her advice when people don't feel well. "Maybe you should take a pregnancy test because it sounds like you are to me" Emily said. "Well I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to find out what's wrong" I said. "Ok girl we need talk more and find a day for that double date" Emily said. "I'll see when were free for that double date and I'll try to call you at least once a day" I said. "You better I gotta go David's pulling up" Emily said. "Ok bye" I said. "Bye" she said before she hung up. I went upstairs and woke kayla up so we could decorate the tree. Then I went to Luke's office and told him we were about to decorate the tree. We played Christmas music while decorating.

Kayla was watching tv in the living room while me and Luke were upstairs building Kayla's new room. Me and Luke went downstairs to show kayla her new room. I put an eye mask on kayla then luke picked her up and we went upstairs. Luke put her down and took the eye mask off. It took a few hours but was all worth it when I saw the look on Kayla's face. She was so happy and excited. "Do you like it" I asked. "Yes. Thank you mommy and Luke" she said smiling. "Your welcome sweetie" luke said. "Your welcome" I said. I was standing next to luke with his arms around me as we watched kayla look at her new room. "Man I love that little girl" luke said. "You know that I think of kayla as your daughter too right" I said. "Yea I treat her as if she's my own daughter" luke said. "Good because we both love you" I said. "And I love both of you" he said before he kissed me on the forehead. "We'll be downstairs if you need us" I told kayla. We were downstairs in the kitchen. "So what's for dinner" I asked. "Spaghetti" luke asked. "Yea that's fine" I said. "Oh I'm going to work late tomorrow I made an appointment for the doctor" I said. "What's wrong" luke asked. "I haven't been feeling well for weeks" I said. "Oh well I hope you figure out what's wrong" luke said. "Yea I do too" I said.

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