The Non British Princess

By readergirl4343

1.8M 64.5K 15.2K

As future king, Prince Thomas is set to hold his selection in order to find a wife. 20 girls from the Commonw... More

Aesthetic + Note
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2

Part 51

26.7K 967 182
By readergirl4343

Returning back to the palace Thomas immediately called a meeting with the final 7 selected girls.

We were gathered in one of the sitting rooms and Thomas stood before us, looking away from the girls as he gathered his thoughts.
Beside me on the massive couch was Hadley, a comfortable amount of room for all of us as that is sofa could fit up to 10 people easily.

I had removed my gloves and hat, sitting comfortably as I gazed out the curtain draped windows into the gardens.
Hadley and Harriet were chatting away with Olive. Lexi was even commenting here and there, she seemed to be really friendly recently after her date with the prince.

Over the other side of the couch were Natasha and Daisy, who were chatting about different nail patterns they had done in the salon today.

Thomas didn't look at any of us girls directly, turning to face us and clearing his throat to gain our attention.
"Ladies, as you know all the dates have finished up, and we have our Christmas Eve ball tomorrow." He began and glanced along the row of us watching him intently, "As this competition is coming to an end I don't want to lead anyone on. So I'm going to narrow it down to the final 3."

There was a few gasps and Hadley took my hand nervously, giving me an unsure glance.

I was also nervous myself, extremely, but I didn't want to show it. I ducked my head as I waited for him to continue.

"But." Thomas said again, adjusting the collar of his sleeve nervously, "You will all be able to stay for Christmas Day at the palace even if you are not still in the selection." He finished.

"If I call your name, you are one of the remaining 3 girls in the selection." The prince paused and I could tell he was finding this difficult, having 7 girls before him that all were after the same thing.


Daisy gave a happy gasp and thanked the prince briefly and politely. He then asked her to leave the room so she stood and sent me a cheerful glance before exiting the room.


Harriet jumped from her seat and wrapped the prince in a loving hug, smothering him with her affection. She thanked him and he whispered something back quietly, Harriet beaming happily.

Harriet didn't look back at us other's kindly like Daisy, but more with sympathy, as she headed out the door.

Prince Thomas took a breath before looking back at us remaining for girls.
"And Isabelle."

I sighed with relief and Hadley gave my hand a squeeze, looking over at me with a sad smile.

I stood, my hands still shaky, and went to the prince, taking his hand in mine. "Thank you, Tom." I say and he gives me a loving smile.

"Anytime Bells." He replies in a whisper and gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

I nod and look to the girls still on the couch, a variety of upset expressions across their faces, then leave the room quickly.
I hear Thomas vaguely on my way out start saying, "Thank you for coming and I appreciate all of you in different ways, but you should understand this is for the best."

I didn't hear anything once I was out of the room and I came to the corridor where Daisy and Harriet were waiting.

"Isabelle I knew you'd make it." Daisy swept me up in a friendly hug and smiled brightly and truely.
Harriet gave me a hug too and shot me a smile, fussing with her hair so it looked perfect.

"Congratulations to you guys too." I say and they look at me happily.
Daisy seems so joyful, rocking on the balls of her feet excitedly and fiddling with her silver necklace.

Harriet seemed rather relieved to be in the final three. She stays by my side and we make brief conversation as we wait for Thomas to exit with the others.

After a few moments Prince Thomas comes out of the room, "Congratulations Ladies." He spoke quickly before moving past us and making hast down the corridor. Thomas seemed to hold a sad expression as he walked away, probably finding it tough to remove so many more girls from the selection so suddenly.

The awkwardness drifts into the room like a thick smog when the other girls enter, heads hanging low.

Hadley is the only one to approach me, or any of the other girls, and pulls me into an abrupt hug.
She whispers in my ear quietly, "Good luck Izzy, I know you got this." She says and gives me a firm pat on the back before pulling away.

Hadley eyes are full of sadness despite her smile, and she puts on a brave face as she leaves with the others.

I hang back and wait patiently while the others leave, then I slowly make my way out into the corridor. The halls are empty, but well lit and decorated excessively with furniture and paintings on the walls.

A large clock on the wall tells me it's just past 8 pm so I sit on a cushioned bench beside one wall and close my eyes.

My head leans back till it's against the wall and I calm my breathing.

I'm in the top 3. I might actually marry a prince.

No. I shouldn't get my hopes up. He might just as easily marry Harriet or Daisy and I'll return to my normal life back in Melbourne.

Why did my heart hurt so much at that thought? I wanted to go home, didn't I?

Of course, I want to see my family. Isla and her bright smile and cheery sense of fun in the early mornings.
Elizabeth and her wise older sister knowledge.

I also miss my parents, but I knew they would want me to be happy in the end.

But happy endings only exist in fairytales.

Pulling myself from my thoughts I jolt back into reality and pull myself to stand. The corridor is darker and I peak out a window to see night is falling.

I slowly make my way back down the corridor when a maid rounds the corner.

She is carrying piles of laundry in baskets and is juggling 3 in total.

I startled her and she drops one of the baskets of laundry.

"I'm so sorry." I say, leaning down and gathering the clothes back neatly into the wicker basket where some had fallen out.

"No, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." The maid says, thankful as I take a basket and she shoots me a toothy grin.

She's young, only a little older than me with cropped blonde hair and a royal staff uniform in black and white.

"Let me help you." I offer and she gives me an appreciative glance.

"Would you? Thank you so much. I should have gotten some staff to help but I'm in a rush. I have to get all this laundry to the forth floor." She begins down the corridor to the elevator and I follow behind her, "What's your name miss?"

"Just call me Isabelle." I say and she presses for the royal floor.

"Ah, I've heard that name around. One of the front runners if I'm correct. You must be doing well since I've only just started here and know who you are." The maid gives me a nervous smile as we head up the elevator, "I'm still finding my way around, perhaps you might even know better than me."

I nod, "I'm glad to be of help if I can, although I have hardly been here long myself."

"The selection feels like it's been going on forever for us staff. Extra work for us all." She says.

"I can imagine it's quite the change."

"That's for certain. Here we are." The maid says as the elevator opens and we walk out.

"That's weird how you know me but I don't know you." I say and she turns back to me with a smirk.

"I'm Stacy. Current palace maid. See? Now you know me." She says cheerfully and looks around the corridor confused, "Which door was it?"

"Who are we delivering this too?" I ask looking around the corridor.

"Prince Thomas mostly, the others are just some sheets."

I nod, "His room is over here." I point to the door I knew was his and she looks at me curiously.

"Seems your pretty familiar with our prince then." Stacy shoots me a smirk before moving to the door and knocking a few times.

No answer.

"He might not be in there." She says and pushes her infinity pin to the lock which clicks it open.
A breath of air puffs back at us as the door swings open to Thomas's room, not a prince in sight.

I wonder where he was.

Stacy leads the way and we take the baskets to his closet.

"You can go now if you want. Thank you for the help."

"Do you want me to help put things away? Speed up the process?"

"Don't feel obligated. It's my job not yours."

"I don't have much else to do. Let me help you and we can get it all done quicker."

Stacy smiles at me, seeming surprised and rather pleased.

"If you insist."

I place my basket down and began taking out some of the whites. Stacy directs me to where they go and I fold the pillowcases and bedspreads neatly.

I pick up another sheet but see a familiar dress underneath it,
My winter festival dress.

I pick it up and smile.

"That yours?" Stacy asks with a wondering glance as she continues to fold laundry.

I nod, "Yeah, I left it the last time I was here." I hug it to my chest, glad I hadn't lost it like I originally thought.

Stacy makes a mocking sound knowingly and I look at her, "I didn't take it off in front of him if that's what you're thinking."

"No, I'm just curious. It was with his laundry." The maid says with a shrug, teasing me and digging for information.

"I'm in his selection. Is it really so taboo to see his bedroom?"

Stacy grinned, "I'm not judging you. I've interacted with the prince and he's a sensible type. It's just interesting to know you have such a strong relationship."

"Well..I do like him a lot." I say, turning to hide my blush and folding the last of the sheets.

"Sure." Stacy collected up the empty baskets and thanked me for all my help.

We left Thomas's room and Stacy left to continue with her job and I thought I could go visit Charlotte.

"Excuse me."

I stop as I hear a voice, turning to see a guard approaching me.

"Your not allowed up here miss." The officer said and I gave him a do I look like I care look. I don't think he was phased. Yet this was so annoying I wasn't allowed to be here.

I try to keep walking but he puts a hand firmly on my shoulder to stop me from getting away. I try to wriggle away but the guard is persistent in preventing me from moving.

"No need to manhandle me, Officer." I say but doesn't take that kindly and grabs my upper arm with his other hand, pulling me back towards the elevator.

"Time to go." He says gruffly.

"Let go of her Officer."

The hand was released from me and I smiled when Prince Thomas came to my rescue. It was so nice to see him and just in time to stop me from getting kicked out.

He sent a less than friendly look to the guard.

"Officer...Reynolds, it is improper to handle anyone like that against their will. Next time be more friendly or I will remove your title. Is that clear?" Thomas said and I was happy he was dealing with it.

"Yes your highness." Officer Reynolds said stiffly and obediently before he went back to his post.

The prince looks at me concerned and I say to him, "Thomas, it's ok, he didn't hurt me."

The prince puts a hand gently on my shoulder and smiles, "But he made you feel uncomfortable and that's not ok with me." I love how he knows me so well.

This is the kind of protection I like to see from him. Helping when I need it.

"Thank you Tom." I say with a smile and he grins back.

"Why were you up here anyway? Was there something you needed?" Thomas asked and I shook my head no.

Maybe I should just go to bed. I can see Charlotte in the morning.

"No, I'm probably just going to go to bed." I say and he nods.

"Alright. Goodnight Bells." The prince says and goes to leave before thinking better of it and leaning forward, softly kissing my hair. He then retreats to his room and leaves me to go back downstairs.

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