Dark mind

By Ali_Adair

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It was like we were playing a sick game of chess, trying to guess each others movement's and at the same time... More

Author's note
Dear Diary
Dear Diary Part. 2
I Hate Her, I Hate Him
Point Break
Not So Dark After All
Blast From The Past
The Past
The Truth
Just Another Normal Day
Theres No Escaping The Dark
True Intentions
A Happy Distraction
Getting Answers
He's a keeper
Falling Apart
Four Month's
Nothing but Trouble
The Encounter
'Crazy' Run's In The Family
Secret's Of The Past
Mommy Issues
His Orders
Hidden Within Pages
Twisted Reality
Time's Up
Envelope with a Letter
Where I Belong
Never Alone
A Bittersweet Ending
What You Left Behind
Broken and Missunderstood
Desperation and Hope
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Thank You/// Acknowledgments


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By Ali_Adair

Juniper POV

"MAKE IT STOP!" I screamed at the same time Juni started shrieking.

"Juniper, Juni!" Henry went from her to me, shaking us.

Suddenly, an image started rushing to my brain.

"I want you to know something." JJ told me while we sat on the porch watching the sun set. I turned my attention towards him.

"Whatever happens, no matter what, promise me you will never forget how much I love you." He told me, not looking at me.

"Why does it sounds like you're saying goodbye?" My lip wobbled slightly as tears started to form in my eyes.

He now glanced at me and opened his arms wide. My little body crawled towards him and wrapped myself around him.

"JJ, promise me you won't leave me." I held onto him tightly as if he were to disappear any minute.

I heard him sigh and felt him press a kiss to my hair. "I can't promise you that honey. Eventually at some point I'll have to. Its a part of life."

I started crying and he started to rub my back. "But I'll stay with you as long as I can, okay? Even when you don't know I'm there." He said, trying to cheer me up.

"Don't spy on me, that's wrude." My six year old self said lightly, which made him chuckle. He started rocking me lightly and singing in my ear.
"And I'm so used to letting go, but I don't want to be alone... you were good to me....you were good to me..."

With a gasp I sat up straight. Amy, Henry and Juni were looking at me with worried gazes. Then I noticed Amy's face silently breaking, and Henry suddenly looked like smoke.

"Wha- What-" Before I could finish my sentence, an angry shout interrupted me and my brother's manor started cracking, as if the walls would come undone any minute now.

"This is it, we're in the endgame." Amy said as her face kept breaking, lines decorating her face. Instead of looking scared, she looked serene. She even smiled at me. Somehow, in the back of my head, I understood what was happening. Jason had lost control, and now the world he created for himself, his followers and to torture me was disappearing.

And so were the people in it.

"This is it, this is goodbye." Henry said as he kept disappearing slowly before my eyes.

I shook my head repeatedly as the tears began to fall.
"No, no there has to be something I can do to help. Le'ts just find Jason, I'll give him his peace and bring you back with me to the real world. You're part of my disorder, you-"

Henry placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Girly, we are part of Jason's disorder. We always have been. He created us so he could feel less lonely, and so we could torment you along with the rest of the shadows and voices. And for a while, we did just that. But you changed us, you saved us when we did nothing but harm you. You were willing to give you're life for us, for me. And that's something I'll never forget." He placed his small hand on my heart.
"I will always be right here. You're heart is the only place where I will forever reside." He said softly with a smile.

I took him in my arms one last time.
"I'll never forget you, my little Henry. I love you so so much." I cried as I held him tightly against me.

He pulled away from me and went towards Juni, pulling her into a long hug as her shoulders shook.

With tears in my eyes, I crawled over to Amy and hugged her tight, she did too.
"Don't forget me, okay?" She softly and I nodded repeatedly with my eyes shut tight as a sob escaped me. She pulled back and looked at my face, giving me a breathtaking smile.

"Pretty girl, I wish for you nothing but happiness in you're life. May you continue to carry you're amazing strengh, you're compassion and may you're beautiful heart never change. Juniper Thompson, you are a gem beyond compare." She told me sweetly. She then went towards Juni who wasted no time in throwing her arms around Amy.

"Take care of our girl, okay? And take care of yourself. Find the happiness you deserve, my little Juni."

Then, she pulled away and grabbed Henry's hand. Toguether, they walked away from us and into the black smoke that kept coming.

"Amy?!" I called one last time as I kneeled and put my arms around Juni.

She turned around and Henry looked back.
"We love you guys. Thank you, for everything" I simply stated.

They both smiled and waved.
"Goodbye." They said in unison. Juni and I watched as they walked into the black fog, where Henry disappeared and Amy disassembled into pieces.

I turned to Juni and met her knowing gaze.
"I'm getting my memories back, which means you don't have long until you disappear too." I said to her.

"I won't leave you until we I lead you to him." She said and squeezed my hand.

I stood up straight, wiping my face with my hand. "Come on, let's find Jason."
Tyler POV

Madeline had met with Dr. Glass and I in record time. Her mom left her with us in the front while she went to the house and grabbed a hoodie for her and Maddy. Madeline said hi to Dr. Glass and barely glanced my way. She also sat as far away from me as she could. I coudint say I didn't deserve it.

"I remember the first time we met, he had said that if I did not help him, he feered he would hurt his sister."

"That sounds about right." I said grimly and Madeline hummed in agreement.

"Children, there are two sides to every story. Even the wicked, the dark, cruel and evil have reasons to be as they are. Haven't you thought of what could have had happen to make Jason so hateful and vengeful? Have you ever stopped to think that he was once a happy boy in spite of all the struggles, the lack of support and love he experienced?" Dr. Glass said, suddenly very defensive and slightly angry.

I dropped my gaze to the floor and neither of us said anything for a while.

Maddy cleared her throat. "You are absolutely right. We cannot judge someone without knowing there reasons to act and be as they are. It is unfair and inhuman. We are sorry." Madelane spoke for the both of us.

Dr. Glass gave her a tight smile, almost grateful, and then continued speaking.

"Out of all the members of the Thompson Family, it was Jason who came the most, willingly. We always met in secret, and the first time he paid me cash to buy my secrecy. I told him it wasn't necessary, that I would not tell a soul and he believed me. So, I started treating him, and he talked to me about his problems."

"What problems?" Madelane asked.

Dr. Glass sighed. "Jason spent his life feeling isolated. He tried to not care about it, but it was rather difficult for him. He wasn't really close with his family, apart from his dad and his aunt Gloria. But his mother, Claire, forbidded him to have any contact whatsoever with her."

"Because Claire was jealous of how close Jordan and Gloria were, the tight bond they shared." I guessed, remembering that Juniper had commented about it to me.

Dr. Glass nodded his head. "And Jason obeyed, trying to seek his mothers aproval and love. He knew his mom felt hate towards him, his birth was the reason she got disowned and shamed by her family. So he considered Jordan, his father, as the only person that gave him love."

"But that wasn't his fault. If Claire wasn't prepared for a child, why the hell did she have sex without protection?" I objected, suddenly feeling empathy towards Jason.

"This is what Jason had told me. But he also said he would be lying if he said it didn't hurt. As I was saying, Jordan was the only person that he loved. Until Juniper was born. Jason told me he loved her the moment he laid eyes on her. She was everything to him. He would always be with her, holding her, feeding her, talking to her and making her laugh. He lived to see her happy, and she made him feel less lonely." Dr. Glass smiled slightly at the memory.

This didn't sound like the Jason we knew. Something didn't add up.

"But things changed?" Madelane asked before I could.

Dr. Glass sobered and nodded his head.
"Everything was tolerable until Juniper was diagnosed with ODD and started to rebel. Jason described it as she was too needy. She would cry if no one payed attention to her, stomp her feet and yell until she got what she wanted. Its common for kids her age to act that way, even more so wen they have this disorder, I had told him. He said he understood, and he would never stop loving his sister, he would die before he did anything that hurt her.. And for a while, he was understanding. But then he started getting bullied in school."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Some teenagers kept teasing him, for no reason in particular. But they were ruthless, inhumanly cruel to him. It got to the point where they would leave notes saying he should hang himself ." Dr. Glass said, looking very sad.

Madeline gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

"That sounds horrible." Maddy said softly and from where I was sitting, I saw her eyes glass over.

"Indeed it is, young Madelane. And to make things worse, his father no longer payed any attention to him. In fact, no one ever did."

"Because they were focused on J." I said, the puzzle starting to put itself toguether. "She was getting worse and worse as the days passed."

He nodded. "He always talked about himself, how it was not fair, how he deserved more, how something was wrong with him. He had trouble with his emotions, and had I not known his family so closely I would not have understood how he felt."

"Wait a minute. Those are borderline traits, Claire has it and the disorder itself is hereditary, so that means..." I trailed off.

Dr. Glass nodded in agreement.
"You are correct, young Tyler. Although his mother has it, he did not get it from her. He developed it. It is logical, and when you look at his situation at school and in his home, it makes sense."

"But doctor, you said that he loved J and even though he wasn't happy with the situation, he would never hurt his sister. So why is he trying to kill her?" Maddy asked.

Dr. Glass sighed once more and I braced myself for what was to come.

"Jason... started creating his own friends. Since he didn't have any at school, and no support in his home, he decided to make his own little world. He talked to me about his wife, who he named Amy. They had a son, named Henry. He says that even though they were too young to have him, they were content. And finally, he created a perfect sister, Juni. When I asked him what were the differences between Juni and Juniper, he told me that Juni was perfect in every way. She didn't need that much attention, she never cried, she never has tantrums. She was the total opposite of Juniper, a quieter, more still and tranquil version of her, one that he could control, one that didn't outshine him, or take his spotlight."

"The moment he created Juni in his mind, something changed within him. He started wishing that his Juni was his real life sister. That made him change his perspective on his needy real sister, Juniper. " He said and from the corner of my eyes I saw Madelane go chalk white.

"He started developing hate." Madelane whispered.

"A part of him started hating Juniper." Dr. Glass corrected. "But he fought with it, all the time especially when he was around Juniper. At times he coudint control himself and lashed out at her, but then he would regain control over the sane part of him and would apologize. As he kept rejecting the feeling, that hate grew stronger and stronger each day. He tried everything, getting into fights at school on purpose, going savage and awol, but nothing worked. His hunger would only satiate once his sister was out of the equasion, and replaced with the imaginary one. He wasn't letting that happen, and one way or another the hate ended manifesting itself, in the worst way possible."

Maddy and I gasped as the realization hit us like a cold bucket of water. "A second personality." We said in unison.

Dr. Glass nodded. "His hate was so strong, it became another concious, another person inside his mind. He would see him in his dreams, where his second personality fought him for dominance over his body. He was ruthless, emotionless, with no humanity. He called him 'Dark Jason', and compared him to be as wicked as Friday the thirteenth Jason."

If it were another time, I would have laughed. But his words cause the hairs on my arms to stand. I knew he was telling the truth, because I knew for a fact he was ruthless.

"He spent months fighting it, keeping at bay. He could go for a week without his personality taking over, but then he would black out and end up in places he did not remember getting too. Jordan and Claire never noticed. He lied to them, and they believed him. Jordan knew there was something going on, but never said anything. Maybe if he had, his son would be alive." Dr. Glass said in a low voice.

"Did he ever receive treatment? I mean, as a therapist, you had to do something. No matter if Jason wanted it or not, it was for his own safety as well as the family." Madelane piped up.

Dr. Glass sighed in defeat. "I did. He spent a week at the institution you and Juniper were admitted. His personality took over the whole entire time he was hospitilized, played all the doctors, the nurses and social worker that he was fine, better. When he came back to me after that week, he told me Dark Jason did not like that and should I ever try it again I would die by his hands. Jason was mortified, disgusted in himself and the person he was being forced to transform into."

I felt bile rise in my throat.
"This is all too much, it makes me sick." I said as a dizziness took over me.

"The last time I saw him was the day the family left to the cabin. I hadn't seen him for over two weeks after he was discharged from the institution for troubled teens. I asked him why. He said the last thing he remembered was going to sleep in his room, and he woke up three days later in the woods covered in mud. Neither Claire or Jordan noticed he was gone, but Juniper did. When she asked where he was, he was surprised at how calm he felt, there was no need to lash out , there was no anger. It was just him, Juniper's Jason." Dr. Glass slumped his shoulders.

"He was so happy. He thought that since his other personality took over for such a long period of time and the fact that he felt no hate in him, he woudint hear from him anytime soon." A single tear fell from the old man's eyes, the pain in his demeanor clearly visible.

"'You're the best Dr. G! I'll come by when I get back and I'll bring Juniper. She just turned six, you'll love her so much.' He had told me, even hugged me, and went on his way. That was the last time I saw Jason Thompson. Three days later, I heard about his passing and was truly devastated. Jason... I held him very close to my heart, nobody knew that boy as much as I knew him. Then four months later, Jordan overdosed. I felt so sorry for little Juniper. The psychologist who saw her told me she would most likely suffer all her life, with all the trauma and her background, her home... I tried reaching out once she turned 15, so I could tell her everything. But Claire never allowed it."

Madelane was crying silently, and I was just shocked. He loved her, more than anyone ever will. He tried so hard and in the end he failed. The thought broke my heart.

"Jason never believed in the curse, until he turned into it. My guess is that, as he tried to fight the wave that sought to pull him under, his personality took over. And he died, as Other Jason, filled with hate and vowing vengeance upon the Thompsons and everyone they loved. Jordan was easy, Claire doomed herself, but Juniper always fought back. This is his final try, and if he succeeds, you're friend will forever suffer. Even after the doctors disconnect her from the machines, he will never free her mind. "

Maddy's head snapped up. "Wait. He's in her head?"


Madelane suddenly stood up, so quickly and with so much force she stumbled and I was beside her in an instant, steading her and she let me.

"We have it all wrong. All this time, how could I have not known?" She mumbled to herself as she lay her head on my chest.

"I have matters to attend to, I apologize but I must get going."  He saluted us formally.

"Farewell, if you ever need of me come by my office at the hospital. I wish you the best of luck. " and with that he walked away.

"Madelane." I said turning my attention to the weeping girl in my arms.

"We need to go to Junipers room. Now, before its too late."
Juniper POV

"How do you know he's up here?" I asked her as we climbed the stairs up to the west wing of the manor. This place was enourmous, something out of Game of Thrones or Beauty and The Beast. It was nice, I'll give Jason that.

We came to a stop infront of a large hallway, a big oak door at the end of it.

"He always told us if anything were to happen, this would be the safest place for us."
Juni turned towards me and I crouched down to her level as another wave of pain hit me. More images rushed into my head and I winced.

"This is as far as I go, you no longer need me." She told me, brushing the hair that stuck to her forehead.

At first I didn't say anything. I just looked at her, soaking in her features, her bravery, her kindness and acceptance. I brought her to my chest, where she curled up.

"I think I'll always need you. I'll never be complete without you." I whispered as my tears mixed with my blood, so scarlet drops fell from my chin to my dress.

"Its okay. I'll never leave you, we'll stay together forever." She assured me. I didn't have to look at her to see she was fading away.

"I- I love you, so so much. What happened when you were young, it was never you're fault and im so sorry I blamed you for it. Promise to n-never leave me?" I gasped out as the tears kept coming.

"I promise, and I love you too, so so much." Her distant voice echoed, and her body disappeared. I hugged my chest and fell to my knee's. I sobbed, the emptiness within me killing me. Here I was, alone, empty.

"Please, please.... I- I don't wan-want to be a-alone." I said between whispered cry's.

Juniper? Juniper I dont know if you can hear me but I need you too listen.

My head went up as I recognized the distance echo.

"Madelane?" I whispered.

I'm here, im right here girl. You are not alone, never ever.

Her words made me cry happy tears, and I could hear her crying as well. Were such sentimental bitches.

Listen to me. The Jason that's with you right now is you're brothers second personality who he called Dark Jason, the one he tried to fight all those times he lashed out at you, all those times he insulted or treated you bad. He was born due to the strong, persistent anger and hate Jason could not help but feel towards you. You have to kill his personality so that Jason can truly be free and in peace. You're in control, he's always been in you're mind. So go, show him who's the boss and save Jason's soul. You're his only hope. No matter what, Jason loves you more than anyone will ever love you in you're lifetime June. You need to kill Other Jason, so the good Jason, you're Jason can move on.

Come back to us J, the world is an awfully boring place without you. I heard Tyler's voice say. I didn't have time to react when a ball of bright light appeared infront of me. I stood up and took a step back, the ball staying still. I looked closely at it and saw different versions of myself. I saw Jason, my Jason. I saw my dad, I saw Claire. I heard laughter, Juni's laughter and I instantly took the step towards it, holding my hand out to grab it.

The weirdest thing happened so I'll try to describe it as best as I can.

I took it in my hands. It weight nothing, it was like holding air that you could see. I brought the glowing ball close to me, pressing it to my chest right where my heart should be. It literally went into, like, through my chest and literally into my heart. I gasped as the familiar pain burst through my skull. Millions, tons of memory's flooded my head so fast I could not focus on one.

The puzzle is complete, you have all you're knowledge, and all the power. Finish this.

A few minutes passed and my head stopped spinning, thankfully. I only had a few minutes to recover when I heard rumbling. I looked behind me to see the rest of the manor, all the floors below, the east wing, where I had come from, everything was disintegrating into black dust. I picked up my dress and started running as fast as I could, ignoring the terrible pain in my body as everything behind me fell apart. I ran and ran, and I was almost there wen the floor collapsed right in front of me. I had no time, if I stopped I would fall into the abyss. So in that split second, I made a choice.

Nearing the edge, I jumped.
Madelane POV

Against my permision, the tears kept falling. I silently kept crying as I sat on the sofa with my head in my hands. All this time, the answer was right in front of us. We should have known, I should have known that he was in her mind, not the other way around. God, I was such an idiot.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up. Upon sensing this, the person retracted.

"We need to talk."

I raised my head and looked at him incredulously. "We have nothing to talk about." I said in a clipped tone.

Tyler went to wipe away my tears but I turned away from him.

"Maddy, please. You know I didn't mean what I said." He pleaded with me and I scoffed.

"Actually, I don't. I don't know who you are anymore, Tyler." I told him as I wiped my face as best as I could and went towards the door. He caught my wrist and pulled me back.
"Madelane-" he started but I did not let him finish.

I didn't even know I slapped him until I heard the deafening sound and his head twisted to the side.

"The only reason I'm here is because my best friend will either wake up or die in the next few hours. I want nothing to do with you." I spat and left the room, slamming the door on my way out.

I walked outside, to the parking lot, where I sat on the curve and tried to control my breathing.

I was gasping for air wen I felt someone sit beside me and wrap there arms around my shoulder. I looked and was met with those brown orbs that had me hooked. He had a bruise on his left cheek and he looked tired.

"Sebastian-" I gasped out.
"Shhhh. Its okay, its alright." He said and hugged me tight. I cocooned my body into his, trying to get the world to stop spinning. He whisperd sweet nothings in my ear and squeezed me tight but I could barely hear him as my surroundings got muffled and blurry. I felt him shake me lightly.

"Look at me. Flower, look at me." He said and I did, sitting up a bit but staying very close to him.

"Focus on me, on the sound of my voice, breath in through the nose...and out through the mouth slowly... there's no rush." He said as he inhaled and exhaled with me, while rubbing my back. After a few minutes of me breathing in and out, the dizziness dissolved and the high pitch ring in my ear disappeared.

"Thank you." I said in a small voice as I looked at him. He just smiled and scooted away from me to give me space. I instantly missed the heat of his body so I wrapped my arms around myself. We were quiet for a moment.

"I was drugged." He whispered suddenly.

My head perked up and I looked at him with wide red eyes. "Wh-What?"

"The night of the dance, I was getting ready to go and meet you. Then Mackenzie showed up. I told her to leave, and she said she meant no harm. She just wanted to apologize for everything she did to me while we were dating, all the cheating and lies, and she wished me the best in my new relationship . She poured some whiskey for the both of us and I stupidly drank. I remember it tasted funny, and when I told her she just smiled. Then I started to feel dizzy and fell on the couch, the last thing I remember was her getting on top of me and..." he trailed off, a look of disgust crossing his face and I felt like throwing up.

I was stayed silent, not knowing what to say, and not knowing if to believe him or not.

"You said you wanted nothing to do with me, that it would always be her. You also said that you never wanted to be with me, that under my confident exterior I was insecure. You basically said that insecurity was a turn off for you." I said, trying to make my voice emotionless.

"When I was talking with Ryan, I was confused. I thought I was with you and Mackenzie was the one waiting for me at the dance. But that's no excuse. Either way, I shouldint have said what I said. I was an ass, and I hurt you regardless of what they did to me."

"They?" I asked, my voice very small.

"I found out Ryan helped her. She would get me, he would get you. It was a win-win. I know because I went to the bar last night and he was there, all high and drunk. He spilled the beans to me and I kicked his ass for it. You were right, he was never a good influence for me. Maybe if I had known sooner I... shit I don't know." He raked his hand through his hair, a look of frustration on his brown eyes.

I had never seen Sebastian so... vulnerable, so distraught and broken. He was the strongest, most carefree person I knew. And seeing this side of him, it made my heart beg my mind to accept his apology and comfort him. But my mind was swimming in thoughts.

What if he's lying? What if he just wants to get a good laugh out of all this? What if he's just messing with me? What if...

As if reading my thoughts, he said "I don't expect you to believe me, or say anything. I just though you should know, I owed you an explanation, shit I owe you more than that. I promised I would never, never hurt you and I did it, in the shittiest way possible. I'm so fucking sorry." He came close to me once more and my breathing hitched.

He tucked a stray hair behind my ear and looked at me as if I was a diamond he coudint afford. He pressed our foreheads together and I closed my eyes, letting out a shaky breath as the tears escaped.

"You were good to me, Madelane. More than good, the best I could ever have. You brought happiness and love into my life when I thought neither of those could ever exist in a person. And I love you for it, I love you for you're struggles, how beautifully imperfect you are, how goofy and silly you tend to be. My flower, so soft" his fingertips touched my skin lightly, from my neck to my cheek where he rested his hand, his thumb caressing my cheekbone. "so beautiful inside and out, with one of the purest hearts... dammit." He cursed and I opened my eyes to see his pained expression.

"I was so worried about you. All this time, since I found you on you're bathroom floor. I thought... shit I thought I would never see you again. When I saw you the day of J's accident, alive, I was beyond happy. Even if you didn't talk to me, you were okay. I never, ever want to feel like that again Maddy, like you might slip away from this world. So please, don't hurt yourself anymore, and if you feel the need to, talk to someone about it. I can manage you being mad at me and not wanting anything to do with my entire being, but I cannot handle being in a world where you don't exist." He said as he pulled me impossibly closer.

I shivered, not because I was cold, but because of how he was making me feel, how he always made me feel. Could it be possible for me to have my happily ever after with him? Our relationship was far from the ones in fairy tales, but it was something stronger, fiercer than that. Somehow, we always managed to find each other again.

"You have no idea how bad I want to let this go." I whispered at him as I felt his breath on my lips. "I was so heartbroken because of what happened, but now I'm willing to let that all go just for a chance to be happy with you. At least, that is what the weak side of me says."

He chuckled. "You are everything but weak, Madelane Stacy. You have this desperation to be this strong, unflinching person who does not get affected by anything, who always makes the right choice and everyone loves her for it. But it cannot always be like that and you know it. Deep down, you're scared of it." he looked into my eyes with a knowing gaze. "There is nothing to fear about the fact that you are not perfect. Because nobody is, flower. And Juniper, Linda, Lady G, Tyler and I, we understand that and love you the most for it. And it will always be that way. We won't ever judge you for being human and for being yourself, flower. And no matter what you say, do or how many times you think of this, I will always care for you and be here for you to remind you that you are amazing just the way you are."

I looked into his eyes and only saw honesty. There was no hint of malice, sarcasm or joke. It was just Sebastian, the guy I loved desperately but never allowed myself to say it.

Feeling bold, I grabbed his chin and pulled his face towards mine, pressing his soft, warm lips to mine. It had been a while since we kissed, and to be honest-and a little corny- I have no idea how I survived without it.

"Stay with me, please." I mumbled once we pulled away.

"Always." He said with a twinkle in his eye and then he dipped down, and captured my lips once more.

Dangling from the edge, I hoisted myself up, and got as far away from the edge as posible. Breathing in a sigh of relief, I got up and pushed the grand door open. I stepped inside and took in my surroundings. Torches dimly lit up the room, which seemed to be made out of cobblestone. It was circle like, and had nothing in it. I took a step forward and the door shut closed with a loud bang. I swirled around and, to my suprise, there was no door.

I turned around again and saw a figure standing in front of me. He still carried himself with that arrogant pride, that cruel demeanor. The one thing that stood out was his ruby, red eyes that seemed to glow menacingly.

"Looks like the cat is out of the bag, eh sis?" He said with a smirk.

"I am not you're sister." I said between gritted teeth.

"Ohh, you're not? I'm hurt. Ever since you were born I've loved you. I am, indeed, you're brother, sweet darling Krissy." He taunted as he took a step towards me. From the corner of my eye, I saw something shine in his hand.

"You're not my brother, you're the guy who made his life a living hell." I shot back, silently proud my voice came out strong and bounced off the walls.

"And you're the little bitch who killed us." His deteriorated voice said and in a blink of an eye, he had me against the wall with the blade of the familiar dagger against my neck. I buried my fear and faced him with my head high as I pushed against him.

"Jordan was so easy to manipulate, even when we were alive I could easily slip away from Jason and control you're fathers mind. His background proved to be rather useful for me." He hissed in my face. He sounded like he was possessed.

"Claire practically did all the work for me. She was always pathetic, weak, a waste of space. But you, you were like neither of them. You're strong, I'll give you that. But not strong enough." He said as he pushed the blade while I pushed back with all my strengh, looking into his coal black eyes.

"There's still a way." Henry told me as I felt the cold on my bare skin from the snowy forest that surrounded us.

"You die, you lay low, fool him into thinking you have accepted you're fate, collect information and when you have it, you kill him with it. You use his powers against him and kill father, without harming you're brother. You do it in a way he won't see it coming, and in a way where Jason's spirit will be forever free while fathers spirit will be condemned and destroyed . Lure him out and save you're brother, and succeed, or die trying. " Henry had whispered and the single thought of me dying and being tortured had me shaking.

"No! We can't! Its too risky!" I had almost screamed in utter terror.

"Its the only way!"

How the hell was I supposed to do this? I have my knoledge, but I don't have my-


And just like that, the light bulb turned itself on in my brain.

I looked at my brothers second personality square in the eye. "I am stronger than you will ever be, Jason." Right before me, I watched as his blacl eyes got tinted with specks of blue.

Like I had just punched him, he stumbled back and let out a scream. A crack was heard and the room started breaking, its walls creaking and groaning. When a stone fell dangerously close to where my body was, practically glued to the wall, I knew that this was the end.

"My brother would never hurt me, his will, and his heart is stronger and brighter than yours will ever be. And I'm going to make sure you get that through you're thin, fucking skull, you twisted sick psycopath." I warned, my eyes shurely growing dark with anger. I saw him become pale, the confidence he had was stripped away, replaced by unmistakable fear. And once more, I saw the blue fighting with the black before the it disappeared again.

Which meant my brother was trying to break free. So I kept on taunting his second personality, buying my Jason some time.

"Madelane was right on one thing, I do have the power and yes, you're in my head. But all of this, everything I'm seeing, the shadows and the people I have met, the voices, there yours. There a part of you're disorder, not mine. They don't belong with me!" I yelled as it kept raining, pieces of stone falling everywhere.

"Foolish girl, you won't get away with this." His creepy double voice sounded weak and strained as he walked towards me, the dagger in his hand raised high.

"What happened was not my fault and you know it! You have to understand that, just like my brother understands it! I don't hate you, after all the torture, the pain and torment you put me through. I forgive you, I don't hate you!" I said in a strong voice as he flinched back. I saw his eyes change from black to blue. He screamed as he fought with my Jason for control, the dagger falling out of his hands. I went to pick it up but a stone fell on my shoulder. I yelped in pain and fell to my knees.

"You took everything away from me! I was never loved, never cared for! All because they were too busy handling YOU! And I hate you for it!" He yelled at me as he tried to stand up. But the ground kept shaking uncontrollably and he was weak, making it impossible for him.

"No! You don't hate me, you love me more than my father did, more than anyone ever will! All this time, you have fought to keep me safe! Now, I'm asking you to fight one last time, for the both of us. So fight him, fight it Jason!" I screamed as I cried bloody tears.

A horrible shriek came out of his mouth as his skin rippled as he fell down once more, his eyes now permanently stuck red and blue.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD JASON! YOU WONT WIN!" His horrible voice said.

"I WONT LET YOU HURT MY SISTER!" A plain, ordinary, familiar voice came out of his mouth and my heart skipped a beat as I recognized the owner.

I opened my mouth to call out his name when the remaining shadows came at me, clawing and ripping my skin. The covered my mouth as I tried to speak, tried to scream. Paranoid, I thrashed around as my brother fought with his second personality, his body jerking, his screams going from deteriorated, to Jason's voice, to Dark Jason's voice.

A light blinded me, and I looked down to see the dagger, it's blade gleaming, just within my reach. I pushed myself forward as the shadows pushed me back, both of us falling to the ground. I reached, extending my arm as long as it went as the shadows pushed me back, they're screams of agony making me go insane. When my hand touched the hilt, I grabbed it in a tight hold and swung the blade back, cutting the smoke that held me. They withered and fell to the ground where they disintegrated.

"JUNIPER!" Jason screamed at me, and my eyes found his worried blue ones. I quiklyy cut the hand that wrapped itself around my neck and mouth, knowing that Jason could not fight with his evil self much longer.

"JASON!" I screamed as I reached for his extended hand.

Pain shot through my whole body, sickening shrieks, screams and high pitched sounds echoed around us. My surroundings were covered in white as everything around me exploded.


Next chapter will be the last one before we hit the epilogue. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share.

Love you all.


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