
By 227bomba

42.1K 533 67

Where Natalie and David come up with a new concept called "Date-alie", as a way of getting their minds off of... More

New Book!!


1.6K 19 0
By 227bomba

part 4:

next week 

Natalie's POV:

I was laying on the cloud couch, my head against the backrest nearest to the corner and the rest of my body was laying across the couch facing the TV. I had my laptop on my lap from looking at emails this morning but after going through most of them, I took up my phone and got distracted. Dave was also on the couch but he was taking a nap. He had been editing until early hours of the morning and now he was laying on another of the sides of the couch, his feet almost touching mine. His head was nearest to the TV wrapped like a burrito in a cushion. He also laid under the weighted blanket and looked so peaceful. My neck was throbbing from the position I was in for the past hour and my stomach was rumbling. I got out instagram stories and took a video of David sleeping, making these very cute sound as he exhaled. His mouth was open a little and you could just see his tongue coming out of his mouth, that is the most David thing I thought. As I zoomed in on the video, I realized that there was the tiniest bit of drool coming out of the corner of him mouth and I smiled to myself thinking how cute this was. 

Not even two minutes later, I heard shuffling coming from David's side of the couch and him stirring around. I lifted my gaze to look in his direction and saw that his eyes were slowly opening. Just as I was about to say 'hey', my stomach did me a favor and made the loudest rumbling noise to indicate to David that I was starving. David's confused stare turned in to one of amusement and a small cackle came out of his mouth. I couldn't help myself and giggled along. In his comedic fashion, he said "I guess that means lunch?" which resulted in me laughing on my own a little too much. As I realised, I felt my cheeks flare up immediately throwing my hands on top of them to attempt to hide them but with no luck. It seemed as though the sudden action of my hands had only brought more attention to my bright red face and only made me more embarrassed. This is something I never seize to understand, how we've been best friends for so long and yet, this last year, I seem to embarrass myself in front of David at least 5 times a day. Since I because aware of my feelings for him, even if they were insignificant because of how small they were, I couldn't help but notice me making a fool of myself in front of him. As my hands still covered my cheeks, I looked at David with the most pathetic look on my face and all he did was give me a small smile that made my heart jump, twist and twirl in the span of 1 second. How was it that even when I was doing such dumb things, he could still be the cutest person in the world and make my hairs stand up like nails on a chalkboard. I replied "Yeah I guess".

David propped himself up on the couch so he was now sitting normally, or as normal as his posture could seem and said "So, where to?"

This caught me off guard as we usually just ordered in and most days it was Chipotle "What?" I asked

"You know? Date- alie, its been a week and we said that we would have one a week to keep sane".

"Ohh" I must have seemed like the stupidest person on earth. Once again, uncomfortable in this situation in front of the person I feel most comfortable with, I felt the need to sit up.

"Yeah, I was thinking this time we actually go in to the restaurant", this made me let out a giggle once again. "What about Chipotle because its already late and we are starving-"

"Evidently" I cut him off and said. With the most obvious looking expression which made him let out a small laugh. This always made me feel warm inside, when I managed to  make him laugh. It felt like the best thing in the world.

"Okey, I'll get shoes and meet you out by the car" he said getting up from the sofa while turning towards his room.

"Yeah, okey". I remained sitting in my dumbfounded state for a couple more seconds, my ming replaying davids laugh. Until I finally snapped out of it and came back to reality. I got up and went to fetch my shoes by the front door.

I got in the Tesla and as I was closing the door, I saw David come out of the house and send a smile in my direction. This boy wanted to kill me. I was certain. He came in to the car and turned it on. I was excited that we would be spending time alone again and he could tell. "Wow, you really are excited even for a person who didn't remember about the deal 2 seconds ago" and he smiled at his remark. I just responded completely ignoring his statement and said "I'm gonna put my music on" and he laughed at the fact that I had ignored him. I reached over to the touch screen and selected my phone to connect to bluetooth. I went on Spotify and he glanced over and said "Hey that's my shower playlist!"

"I know" I responded followed by a cheeky grin. "It's also my shower playlist"

I continued to search until I found my playlist. I put on one of our friends Jackson Guthy's playlist on and let it shuffle. As soon as the song started to play he recognized it and soon we were both screaming at the top of our lungs to the lyrics of the song. Of course, the camera was rested on the dashboard recording us and I knew that at least two seconds of this would land in the video but I didn't care because I was doing it together with him. All through the short car ride, we went song by song, barely leaving time for us to catch out breaths in between songs. When we arrived, I stoped the music and just smiled, slightly out of breath and turned to look at David who showed the same amount of exhaustion in his own face.

We were now sitting in Chipotle waiting for out burrito bowls. David had showed me his order a few months back and since then, I always order it. Because this was the deal, he had left his camera in his car to leave work for an hour and really be invested in our conversation. I began talking about the time back in highschool were he and I would go to a sports center near our house with a couple of our friends every day after school. He and I would just take a soccer ball and would start passing either with our feet, forehead or any other way. Eventually, we would be so tired and state messing around and not care about correctly passing the ball. We often became competitive and started to show off our skills to the other. Sometimes we would also get in the goal and practice shooting. Honestly, we were the best out of all of our friends.

"Wait, that wouldn't be a bad idea!" He suddenly shouted

"David! what are you talking about?"I asked while laughing at his sudden outburst.

"What if we made a vlog squad soccer match. you know, have two teams and play a match and then the loser has some sort of consequence. "

"I actually think that's a great idea. But, if I'm not wrong, you just broke the rules by thinking about work."

"Nat!" He screamed in amusement

"David stop shouting!" I said shouting and we both laughed.

"I mean we are quite a big group, although I doubt most of the girls will want to" I said

"I know" he said half disappointed.

"Anyways, lets think more about that later"

"Okey" he said with a happy tone.

Soon we were back in the car and on our way home. The time does go by fast when you're having fun.

"remember, don't tell anyone."

"Right" I said along with one nod.

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