Bởi nathanielpoirrier

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(FINISHED WRITING, BEING REVISED!) An only child, by the name of Nathaniel, has a very unfortunate life. Unpo... Xem Thêm

Chapter 0 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - The Project
Chapter 2 - Blackout
Chapter 3 - Happy Eighteenth
Chapter 4 - Encountered
Chapter 5 - Clashing
Chapter 6 - The Date
Chapter 7 - Misdemeanor
Chapter 8 - Lizzie
Chapter 9 - Nathaniel
Chapter 10 - Zsen
Chapter 11 - First Day
Chapter 12 - Preperation
Chapter 13 - The Show Must Go On
Chapter 14 - Last Night
Chapter 15 - Settling In
Chapter 16 - Reputation
Chapter 17 - Demons
Chapter 18 - One Sided
Chapter 19 - Identity Thief
Chapter 20 - Zander
Chapter 21 - Publicity
Chapter 22 - Fenge
Chapter 23 - Standoff
Chapter 24 - Bonds
Chapter 25 - Complications
Chapter 26 - Lost Hope
Chapter 27 - Alive
Chapter 29 - Who Are You
Chapter 30 - Legend Of Carter Jones
Chapter 31 - Ardent
Chapter 32 - Upheaval
Chapter 33 - Get Up
Cha¶tër ¾ ~ Icarus
Chapter 35 - Insight
Chapter 36 - Moralities
Chapter 37 - Misrule
Chapter 38 - Family
Chapter 39 - Compromise
Chapter 40 - The Monster I've Become (Lizzie 2)
Chapter 41 - Atone
Chapter 42 - Nieghborly
Chapter 43 - Blood Money
Chapter 44 - A Champion Is Born (Pt 1/2)
Chapter 44 - A Champion Is Born (Pt 2/2)
Chapter 45 - Surrealism
Chapter 46 - Reformed
Chapter 47 - No Mans Land
Chapter 48 - As Days Go By
Chapter 49 - Query
Chapter 50 - Left For Dead
Chapter 51 - Conspiracy
Chapter 52 - Uneasy
Chapter 53 - New Faces
Chapter 54 - Warriors Of Generation Zenith
Chapter 55 - Conclusion
Patient ~ Lizzie Zaeva
Patient ~ Cornelius Hale

Chapter 28 - Management

31 6 3
Bởi nathanielpoirrier

I squeeze the knife into my head...

"Arghh! Fuck!"


"You're so interesting."


How... How the fuck am I still alive?!

"No! Why? I can't fucking take it! I- huh?"

I feel arms slowly wrap around my shoulders and hug me... It's a girl? I slowly turn around.


She's smiling even though I'm mostly Corrupted. She grabs my knife handle on the left side of my head and she pulls it out.

I don't feel a thing... Not at all. I can't look away from her and her oddly beautiful smile.

"W-Why are you here?"

"It's my job to take care of and evaluate you. You didn't like Zander touching Lizzie, did you?"

"I... I-I don't know what happened to me... I... I don't like this."

"Hmm... You mean you don't like being examined... Especially right now because you need emotional support."

I just look at her. How does she understand me so well? She sits down in the mud next to me, looking off in the distance.

"Well, I understand this whole situation is shit... What's the problem right now at this very moment?"

"Well, I guess it's just that... I just feel so alone... I feel so unwanted."


"Y'know... Nobody wants you gone, Nathaniel."

"What do you mean?"

"You have to understand each and every single one of them has had past experiences with the Corrupted. When Corruption takes someone, we have built an instict to detach ourselves. To them... To nearly everyone, Nathaniel is dead. When you lose someone close... It feels like everything is taken away by Corruption. Nobody understands this situation because they have all lost to the Corrupted... And they feel like you're gone too."


"I haven't thought about it like that. But... nobody even liked me beforehand."

"Hmm. You should know that's not true. Rosalin told Lizzie that she finally has accepted her love for you. You've clearly been on her mind before for some amount of time. Zander seemed to defend you quite a bit. And if my information is right, from the mission he risked going back for you when you jumped down carelessly for Holly and... He even chose to get you when you were Corrupted... When Claw got you. I reviewed everyone's interview about their side on this whole situation with you. Corn and Holly seemed to just be worried."

"What interview?"

"While you were contained, General had interviews with everyone separately on what happened, detail to detail. He also asked how they felt through it and how their feelings changed in order for him to decide new partners and for me to help me analyze you."

"How... How can I continue like this? I have no control over when it happens."

"To me, you seem to be controlling it quite adequately by the looks of it."

I realize I haven't heard the voices as frequently as I have before. I also haven't felt so affected by the Corruption.

"But... I feel like it's just going numb. I didn't feel the knife after a while."

"Hmm... Maybe the Corruption has mostly taken over you. You're also a Steliac and I'm positive you possess helaing abilities. So maybe you're dead. Maybe the pain is making the Corruption weaker so it's easier to control. You're mentally here which is good. It's allowing you to heal and slowly take back your body."

"Uhm... Yeah, I don't know about that."

"Well, I need to keep coming up with theories. Look, Nathaniel. You have people who care. You are wanted and, hell, I believe we need you. You are fascinating and literally revolutionary. Nothing like this has ever happened on record. As long as you stay human and don't kill anyone, I guarantee you that you'll live. I will back you up if I have too."

"Really? You'd do that?"

"Well duh! You are my test subject, and don't take that the wrong way. You're important. I never have been able to show my full potential because my dad has always held me back as just a service nurse to hand him things and move things; I never get to do any of the real stuff I could do. Every once in a while I got to do small little projects to practice analysis. Once General told me I'd get to do this special job by myself... Well, I'm very lucky to have you, Nathaniel."

"W-Wow... Thanks, Pamela. I... I wanna go back... Shit, Zander! Is he okay?"

"Oh, I uhh... I don't really know."

"We have to hurry!"

"Nathaniel... You're human again!"

"Huh? Oh!"

"Here... Wear this coat. It'll cover enough of you up."


We rushed back to the barracks. As we walked in, Zander is laid out on the couch and everyone was yelling at each other until we walked in. They all stared...

"I-is Zander okay?"

"Man, what the fuck do you care, Nathaniel?"

"Yeah, get the fuck out, you damn monster!"

"How is Zander?"
Pamela demands.

"He... He's fine. Just a couple of broken bones and cuts. He's just resting now."

"Thank you, Lizzie. I'm going to need help getting him back into his room so I can evaluate him. Marcus, Nathaniel, lift him up and bring him to his bed. Everyone else, leave us be."

"Hell nah, Nathaniel just tried to kill him. No way am I letting Zander be in there with him alone. I'm coming."

"Vadice is right. We all should stick together for protection. Nathaniel needs to be contained and reported right now."


A few of them say in sync.

"I'm tired of you all acting like children... We were given orders. All of y'alls bickering and whining isn't doing us any good. Whether you agree with the General or not, it's not your choice."

Zander has been acting really strange. He gets up and limps to his room and slams the door. Everyone stays silent and looks at each other.

"Lizzie, I need to go examine him."

"Just leave him alone, Pamela. He's clearly not in the mood."

"I'm not asking, Lizzie. I need to check him in case Nathaniel Corrupted him. I need you to come with me."

Lizzie takes a deep breath and heads toward Zander's room with Pamela. Everyone else looks at me.


Vadice, Marcus, Joceline, and Rosalin all leave to their rooms. Lyra and Corn approach me...

"Nathaniel? H-How do you feel?"
Lyra nervously says.

"Ugh... Fucking miserable. Are... Are y'all scared of me?"

"Erm... Well... Uh."



"What? He could be a Corrupted. Or wait... He is a Corrupted? I don't know, but, I do know Corruption is involved somehow."

"Nathaniel, we aren't scared of you-"
"Uh, I sure am-"
"Shut up, Corn! Look, we aren't scared of you. We are scared of what's in you; your, uh, Corruption. I think that everyone will be uneasy around you until we understand what's going on. No one wants to die."

"Yeah, I get it... But still, I don't like this whole situation. I just feel so alone."

"Don't you hear voices?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"How can you feel alone?"

Lyra hits Corn in the back of the head.

"Ow! What, it's a serious question... I know if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't last like that. Voices in my head all the time... Gives me anxiety just thinking about it."

Suddenly we hear an angry scream from down the hallway. We rush into the room we heard it in.

"Rosalin, yo, calm down!"
Vadice demands.

"What's going on?"

They all turn toward us.

Rosalin says demonically.

She throws a glass bottle at me and just barely misses... Woah, wait! She's sprinting at me with her Signature Melee!

I quickly dodge her to the left. She turns and lunges at me.

Marcus and Joceline grab her and hold her back.

"Why are y'all holding her back? Let her take it out on this Corrupted piece of shit."
Vadice asks.

"You've ruined everything!"
Rosalin screams.

Lyra starts crying...

Marcus and Joceline start yelling...

Vadice starts laughing and antagonizing...

Rosalin pulls and screams in pain...

I just try to calm her down while avoiding every strike Rosalin pulls off.

"Everyone chill the hell out!"


Everyone stops in their tracks...

Did Corn just yell?

"Can we, the people of America, the protectors of the world, the representatives of the secret military hidden from the world, the men and women of the new generations, the culturally diverse and free of religious beliefs, the... People of America... Yes! Can we not just get along? Can we not just go day-to-day without trying to rip each other's heads off? We have a huge responsibility as not only soldiers... But as the Warriors! We must be focused on fighting the enemies and not each other. We must rise together. We must fight, not as many, but as one! We are the future! We are the present! We are the past! So come on; who's with me?"

Corn thrusts his fist into the air...

Everyone stares at Corn, not only confused with where that was all going but just in a blank slate...

"W... What?"
Marcus says confused.

Corn hesitates to look at everyone...

"Can we, the people of America-"
We all yell.

Although very stupid, what Corn did actually settled everyone down. I think everyone just feels a little stupid acting how we were. Rosalin lays in her bed. Vadice sits at the edge of her bed. Marcus and Joceline just sit on the floor up against the wall. Holly is missing and Corn stands at the door seemingly disappointed in everyone's reaction. I lean against the wall...

"This is ridiculous."

"What do you mean, Marcus?"
Joceline asks...

"I mean, Corn is right. Why the fuck is we acting like this?"

"Because of that asshole over there!"

"Rosalin, chill out. It ain't his fault."
Joceline replies.

"Bitch, whatchu on, Joceline. He's Corrupted! She right to be this way. He doin nothing but fuck shit up here. Ruined Zander's relationship with Liz and Rosalin's friendship with Liz, he's cost the lives of our fucking friends, and he is putting us all at risk of Corruption. My girl ain't doin nothing but getting the blunt end of all this."

"Vadice... That's fucked. Nathaniel never did anything intentionally. You-"
"He wants y'all to think that. Lizzie hated his ass until he started hanging out with her forcefully. He acts stupid like it was just coincidence but he fully aware of what's up. Nobody knows what he's been whisperin in her ear. Now he got her all on his dick and we stuck watching."

"Vadice! Enough!"
Marcus demands.


Lyra came in pissed. Her makeup is all ruined from tears.

"Hey, little bitch, done crying?"

"Fuck you! You're nothing but an asshole to everyone. Nathaniel has been nothing but nice and giving. He's doing his best and everyone has only given him shit for it. Now, because of his unfortunate luck of meeting us, he's stuck in a horrible situation. He should be dead because of us! But, with all of that bad shit in his life, he's been fortunate enough to live. Now, if you all just see him as a monster, then it's only reflective of you! To me, this is a second chance to make up for the pain and misery we've put him in."

"How the hell have we made him suffer?"

"Vadice, how fucking dare you! Everyone here knows he is already crippled. For him to be stuck with Lizzie just makes it ten times harder for him. He gets a shitty rep after everyone finds out he's weak and his first fucking mission is against high tier Corrupted. His first fucking experience is fighting Claw face-to-face and now he's injured! And guess what. No matter how much training or privilege he got with us with that amount of time, we might as well have killed him ourselves. He needed build-up, not to just be thrown in the shit and wished good luck. Nobody could be ready with that. He's been through so much shit and the only thing people see is the good."

"Oh, he's so lucky to have Lizzie as a partner! Oh, he just gets to be with the Warriors after I have to work this hard only to get this rank! He gets to live even though he's a fucking Corrupted, which he clearly isn't a completely mindless creature roaming around murdering us all! He clearly is special and we've done nothing but use him and abuse him. He should've been treated just like everyone else, not thrown in with us!"


"We... We are horrible fucking people!"

Lyra leaves and slams the door after that last statement and everyone is in shock and guilt. Everyone remains silent.

Lyra screaming like that, was something I don't think anyone expected or seen coming from her. I feel somewhat warmed by her standing up for me.

I walked out of the room past Corn who still had his fist raised, waiting for someone to do it back.

I make my way towards Lyra's room. I open the door and there she is sitting on her bed with her face rested on her hands.

"Hey... Lyra?"

She sighs.

"I'm so sorry, Nathaniel... Everyone here is just young and stupid. With the few of us left... It makes no sense that we are Warriors. There are far more experienced and far more mature soldiers out there, who'd all make fantastic Warriors compared to us. We are pathetic. We are too emotional and young to be here."

She does make a very fair point. The only one of us that's old or older was Marcus and Narissa. The rest of us are fresh eighteen and others are in their early twenties. Why did the General choose us to be Warriors?

I sit down next to her and put my arm around her...


"For what, Nathaniel?"

"For helping me that first day. If you never did that whole date night... Well, things would be very different. Lizzie and I wouldn't be a thing and she'd probably still be used by Zander."

She smiles...

"Yeah... Things would've been very different had you been any wiser."

She laughs...

"What is that supposed to mean, Lyra?"

"It's just generally known that my job isn't to guide you. If you didn't personally ask me... things would be very different. You're really silly. But, you are one of the nicest people I've ever met. You never put yourself first... After the incident, all anyone can look at is the bad; who all died. You saved my life... and everyone has overlooked that. You didn't kill anyone."

"I... I didn't really do much."

"I heard the whole story, Nathaniel. Had you not jumped down off of that heli, nobody had any intent on saving me... That's a heroic act. That's why I know this Corruption won't control you. You're pure good, no amount of evil will prevail against that. Everyone here just gives up to the sight of it and nobody understands that this is something we must fight."

"You... You've really thought about this, huh?"

"Of course. We are the Warriors. Nobody realizes what that means. They don't try. Charlette isn't the reason I give up, rather the reason I fight. She's the reason I won't give up on you. To everyone else, they lose someone and their mindset is that once you're hit, you're gone. I don't know, maybe I'm just rambling."

"No, I understand, Lyra. Giving up shouldn't be our first response to Corruption. While I was out there that's how everyone was. Once someone was grabbed or scratched or whatever it was, Corrupted or not... They were as good as dead to everyone. I was the only exception... and I don't even know why."


"I remember everyone who've brought me here and I keep them in my heart for motivation. They are all the people who've made me who I am today. They give me the strength to carry on through this depressing shit. The reason I keep going."

Lyra leans in further, getting comfortable in my arms.

The door suddenly opens. Lizzie walks in.

Why does she look pissed all of the... Oh, shit!

"Lizzie, It-"
She grabs me and throws me outside of her room, slamming the door in my face!

Faintly you can hear yelling from the room. I try opening the door, but it's locked. Corn, Vadice, and Joceline rush towards me.

"Whatcha do now?"

"I was just trying to comfort Holly! Lizzie is misunderstanding the situation."

("You get off of him you fucking bitch! He isn't yours just cause y'all went on one little fucking playdate, bitch! You ain't shit, why'd he want your ugly ass, you fucking skank ass whore! Don't even think of going near him again; don't even glance his way you slut!")

The door suddenly opens and everyone backs up. She puts on a smile and grabs my hand.

"We have a few things we need to go do today. Hurry up and get dressed, kay?"
She says calmly.

"Y-Yeah, of course."

She walks toward our room while pulling me with her... I look into Lyra's room and see her shaking in a corner sitting on the floor. She's holding her knees. What the hell did Lizzie do to her?


When we arrive in our room, Lizzie quickly rushes into the restroom. I guess I should get ready before she gets mad.


Lizzie comes out of the restroom looking more casual than usual. She's still looks stunning as always. She has a grey sweater that is styled by being laced up with a small ribbon, bottom to top, up to the front of her shoulder, on the left side. The collar is a round neck collar and it looks to be very soft. She wears a short black and gold-colored embroidered coat over it. She wears these grey leggings with long black boots and has makeup elegantly and delicately put on her face. For her to do that in that amount of time, she has to be really good at it. Finally, her long black hair is beautifully waved and down.

"Alright. Nathaniel, you ready?"

"Uhm, I guess... I erm... You."

"You alright?"

"You're so beautiful."

She gets a little surprised and blushes.

"Be quiet you... Stupid!"

I laugh.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see."

"Are you gonna do this every time we go anywhere?"


She giggles and pulls my arm and takes me out.

"Here we go again."

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