The Game of Love and Losers

By jayjay33

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There are winners and their are losers in the world, both in life and love. So what happens when two losers... More



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By jayjay33

In the end, Dave decided to take up Mick's offer for the job. 

After speaking to Mikey on the phone a few days later, after Micks visit, he realised he couldn't just let all that had happened ruin his chances of getting to see his son again. His dark thoughts of ending it all, and imagining how Mikey would grow up being affected by such a decision, had made Dave grudgingly realise that was not what he wanted.

Mick had offered him this chance to make another go of it, and there weren't many other options, so Dave got in contact with his old friend at the end of the week, and told him he had a new barman. The small one-bedroom apartment above the pub would do him fine, at least he wouldn't have to worry about rent any more it came with a small kitchenette and a bathroom with a shower.

At least the area was just a little bit more upmarket than the grotty council estate he had been living in.

Emily, Micks wife, was delighted that he had accepted the job offer, she had very fond memories of Dave, and how he had helped her and Mick get together, so she always was grateful to him for that, and she had been as concerned as Mick when she had learned Dave had been having a rough time.

They had both helped him move his belongings into the apartment, then Emily insisted on cooking him a special meal to celebrate, were they sat around the table catching up on what had happened over the last three years or so. Dave was more interested in Mick and Emily's story, his own was too much full of doom and gloom.

But for the first time in a long while, he almost felt contented, and that life was worth living again. He could not believe how the turn of events had happened, just when he had been about to give up on everything. He was still feeling a little sad about his son being so far out of his reach, but with the opening of Mick and Emily's gastropub soon, and helping them get ready for it, kept his mind occupied enough, that he wasn't constantly dwelling on his own problems.

He had helped out by going around the town handing out flyers to the public on the streets, which advertised the opening, as well as helping Mick with getting the bar up and running and ready for the big day.

Much to their delight, when it opened that following weekend, they were pretty busy with customers. Despite his earlier reservations, Dave found himself caught up in his friends' enthusiasm, so that had lifted his recent depression a little. Suddenly life didn't seem so bad after all. Even if the pay wasn't great, the environment around him and the company of his old friends, had given him a sense of purpose and belonging again, which was enough for him to get by day by day for now.


Emily, Mick's wife was occupied one morning in the small office behind the bar, doing inventory and the books, before they opened up for the afternoon, she was about to check with one of her chefs about future menu's when she heard a knock on the business entrance door that made her stop in her tracks to go to investigate who it was.

She found a young dark haired woman standing there dressed in a dark knee length coat looking rather anxious, "Er, hello I just noticed in your window the sign saying you have an apartment to let, I was just wondering if it is still available I-I could pay up to three months in advance if need be" she hurriedly offered

"Oh, my goodness, is that sign still up? I thought my husband had taken it down, he must have forgot in all the rush of getting the place opened" she realised in dismay.

The young woman's offer to pay three months in advance had sounded very generous, but they had let Dave move into the apartment they had once planned to let, to bring a little extra income in. They had decided Daves needs were more important, so had sacrificed that plan.

"I am so sorry," she then apologised profusely to the young woman, "I am afraid the apartment is taken now, and is no longer available, I didn't realise the sign was still up, I will take it down today"

"I see," The young woman looked deflated, "Its ok, but I don't suppose you know of any other cheap apartments going around?" she then queried hopefully

"Uh, no, not of the top of my head," Emily replied regretfully after thinking for a few moments, "I am so sorry" she then apologised again, feeling awful for the young woman who was coming across a little desperate

"It's alright, I am sure I will find something" The young woman said with force optimism. She was about to walk away, Emily was unaware that Dave had just come up behind her, after coming up from the cellar, and his eyes caught sight of the woman Emily was talking to, making him stop dead, frowning

"Miss Harrington?"

The young woman stopped and turned, catching sight of him over Emily's shoulder. 

"Dave?" she returned, her expression brightening up a little at the sight of him

Emily looked from one to the other, "You two know each other?" she couldn't keep the surprise out of her voice. 

"Kindda," Dave replied not elaborating any further much to Emily's annoyance

Well, ah, Miss Harrington here, was looking to rent the apartment; even offered to pay us three months in advance, but I was just explaining to her, that we just forgot to take the sign down from the window, and it's no longer available" Emily informed him. 

"I see" Dave replied automatically, without taking his eyes of Amanda Harrington, who suddenly looked very uncomfortable. There was something very different about her, she didn't look expensively dressed or made up as he remembered. Her brown hair was just tied back in a pony tail and not styled in its usual fashion. He almost didn't recognise her at first, which was why he had said her name to make sure.

Now his brain was catching up with what Emily just told him. Why was Amanda Harrington of all people, looking to rent his small apartment above the bar? It didn't make any sense either.

"It doesn't matter anyway, I should just go, thanks for your time" Amanda addressed Emily just wanting to get away from Dave's questioning look. She was glad to see how he seemed ok, and looked much improved from the last time she set eyes on him, which give her some comfort. But still this was very awkward, in her new situation, which she preferred he knew nothing about

She started to walk away again only heard Dave's voice shouting, "wait," she inwardly winced, not really wanting to stop, and just to pretend she hadn't heard him.

But in the end, she slowed down and reluctantly turned around to face him. 

Dave spoke some quick words to the woman standing at the door, who just shrugged then disappeared into the building again. Now he walked towards Amanda with that same bewildered frown.  Face to face with her, and up close, he noticed how her minimalist make up didn't hide the dark shadows under her eyes, or her paleness.

"What is going on? Why would you be looking to rent a place around here? It's not in your most upmarket area after all" he queried in genuine puzzlement, then watched her face now flush scarlet, as she had trouble looking him in the eye.

"Well perhaps my situation has changed from the last time we met; but you really don't have to concern yourself about it" she went on to assure him, "so I will be on my way"

"Hey, not so fast," he laid a hand lightly on her arm as she was about to walk away again, his expression now changing to concern, "You can't just walk away like this, tell me what happened?"

Amanda huffed a sigh, realising he was not going to give up so easily. She now forced herself to smile. "I suppose you could say I am an independent woman now, making my own way in the world" she tried to make it sound positive, but there was a brittleness in her tone that didn't go un-noticed to Dave, but he still couldn't prevent the slight scoffing laugh that came out, "You are having me on, aren't you?"

Her humourless expression told him a different story, and he sobered up again, suddenly feeling guilty for laughing at her, "I'm sorry I didn't mean-" he then started to apologise

"-It's alright" she interrupted him, sounding almost dismissive, "if I was you, I would probably laugh too"

"I still don't understand what is going on though," He then said, "Why did you feel the need to become an, er, independent woman, as you call it?"

"Well, I was left with very little choice, it was either that, or marry Graham, and as I refused to do the latter my father cut me off, and disowned me" Amanda informed him stiffly, not meeting him in the eye again

"What?! Dave exclaimed in shocked disbelief, "Are you saying your father disowned you for not marrying that asshole? why the hell would he do that?"

"it's complicated, and a very long story. I would prefer not to go into now," Amanda replied honestly, "Just that, after what Graham did to you, when I left your place that day, I told him it was over between us," she then explained, "I knew I could never marry him, or spend the rest of my life with him."

"I see." Dave replied shifting uncomfortably, suddenly feeling uneasy he was in some way responsible, in truth he had never really given her a second thought after she left his flat that day, too busy wallowing in his own misery. But he had never imagined she would end up like this.

"My father was not happy about my decision and that's then he delivered the ultimatum. Anyway, that's why I am looking for a place in this area." Amanda went on, "Up until now, I have managed by selling my own personal belongings, my car, jewellery, clothes. I was staying with a friend for a little while, but she only let me stay, thinking I would change my mind and go back to my father. When I didn't, she kept hinting she couldn't let me stay any longer, so these last few weeks I have been staying in a bed and breakfast not far from here. But I can't really afford it, any longer. I need to find somewhere of my own, I have enough to pay for a few month's rent at least, until I try and get myself sorted out properly. But I won't even have that, if I stay on at the bed and breakfast for much longer, and its not really the most suitable accommodation either"

She knew she was babbling, rushing to get it all out. But she wanted him to understand the urgency of her situation, and why she couldn't stand around like this, talking to him, explaining everything.

Dave was now trying to grasp the details of her tale, sensing the distressed urgency in her tone

"So that's why you were looking for the apartment?" he now realised with some dismay, feeling even worse, that he was living in the place rent free.

"Yes, when I saw the sign and the price of the rent, it seemed perfect. But I guess I will have to try and look elsewhere now. So, as you see I don't have much time, I need to keep looking and hope I find somewhere soon, before my money runs out, so I really must be on my way" she finished just wanting to escape.

"Wait," he told her again looking thoughtful as an idea quickly formed in his head, though it sounded a little crazy, "I think I might have the solution to your problem; just come with me, I need to talk with Mick and Emily first"

Now it was her turn to look bewildered and uncertain. She hadn't told him her situation because she expected he could come up with a solution to help her, that had not been her intention.

"Just come with me and hear me out, and if you think it's not suitable, you can go on your way, and do as you like" he then told her, still not revealing what his solution was.

So now, at the point of getting desperate for any kind of help, to get her out of the looming crisis, Amanda found herself somewhat reluctantly following Dave back into the pub in search of Mick and Emily, still unsure what he had planned or was going to do.  After all she had nothing left to lose....

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