Dance of Magic - The Books of...

By starsandspells

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It's been a few months since the books of beginning were destroyed and the Wibberly siblings were reunited wi... More

1. Unfulfilling Normalcy
2. Chocolate and Concern
3. Dead But Not Gone
4. The Fabric of Life and Death
5. The Attack And The Escape
6. A Long Story
7. The Lovers Reunited
8. The Wizard's Departure
9. A Forest Dark And Deep
11. Abigail
12. The Prisoners
13. Good Actors
14. Wilamena, Representative Of The Magical Council
15. Torture
16. Bedtime Stories
17. Complicated Magic
18. Daring Escapades
19. The Battle Of The Mansion
20. Unconscious
21. Magic Unleashed
22. Together Once More
23. Never The End
24. Halfway Around The World
25. A Reluctant Helper
26. The Secretary's Demise
27. The Violin's Love Song
28. Candle Lighting
29. Parents
30. Parting Ways
31. Into The Fold
32. Loris
33. Gathering Forces
34. Army Of Ghosts
35. Henrietta's Shield
36. No Surrender
37. Whatever You Want
38. The March Begins
39. Side By Side
40. Here There Be Dragons
41. Deja Vu
42. Student and Teacher
43. Fear
44. Pym's Distraction
45. The Strength Of Family
46. Once A Monster
47. Heart Of Gold
48. Tides Turn
49. Joined Souls
50. Oh, How The Mighty Fall
51. Three Young Heroes
52. No Place Like Home
53. An Odd Group, For Sure
54. Emma The Warrior
55. Loose Ends
56. My Everything
57. A Wibberly Beginning
Epilogue: What Comes Next
Sequel: Time's Tragedies

10. A New York Safe-House

126 6 17
By starsandspells

Michael stared at the book but didn't take any of the words in. How could he when his sister had been taken? He had thought that reading would calm him down, but even the comfort of the book on his lap did nothing in the way of soothing him. Though, he had to admit, he was coping better than Emma, who was obsessively pacing, and Rafe, who looked angry enough to viciously murder someone if he discovered they put Kate in danger.

Gabriel had reached Dr. Pym, who had sent a magical letter with detailed instructions. Trust the old and ghostly wizard to have a contingency plan in case Cambridge Falls was no longer safe.

Gabriel had told them to pack while he did a final perimeter scout. But things were all happening so fast. It had only been three days and already Michael and Emma had lost their parents and sister, and were now being moved for the second time. 

"We really should gather our things you know," he said to Emma pointedly.

She rolled her eyes at him, "then stop reading that book and gather our things."

Ever since the discovery of Kate's disappearance, Emma had been short tempered and miserable. And since the only person who truly knew how to calm her was gone, Michael and Gabriel were just trying to be patient and give her the space she needed. But this couldn't go on forever.

"Emma, I know your upset and with good reason too. But you need to realize we're on the same side here. And that it is gonna be ok. We've been separated from Kate before, remember? And she made it back to us," Michael said, trying to keep his own fear from his voice.

"Yeah, shot and dead!" Emma snapped, "the only reason she made it at all was because of-"

She turned and shot a glare at Rafe, then gave a huff of anger and began helping Michael repack his trusty bag, though with more force than necessary.

After a long silence, she finally looked up at Michael, "this safe house Dr. Pym is recommending and Gabriel is taking us to - who runs it and where is it?"

"I don't know who runs it," Michael said, "Pym's letter doesn't say."

"Always so reliable with his letters, that one," Emma grumbled sarcastically.

Michael ignored this and continued, "but the safe house itself is in the magical quarter of New York."

From the other end of the room, a sharp gasp came from Rafe at the mention of his own home. Magical NYC was where he grew up, where he knew Henrietta Burke and those many wonderful, troublesome children. It was where he had come to know and lose Kate.

Needless to say, the place came with a lot of emotions.

"Dr. Pym said he would come see us once we were there, but he's very immersed in the search for both answers and our parents. He said he had some leads, which is good," Michael added, desperate for a positive, "and the magical council has agreed to send another official to stick with us and help."

"We're getting another person involved?" Emma scoffed.

Michael shrugged, "I know we usually tend to work alone, but it might be someone helpful, like King Robbie. Look on the bright side Emma."

"Why?" Emma asked, "Kate's gone and we're in danger. Why bother searching for the good?"

"Because it's the only way we keep above all the bad," Michael said solemnly.

Surprisingly, this struck a chord with Emma. She fell silent, deep in thought, and stayed that way until Gabriel returned to tell them it was time to leave. 

"Pym has convinced the magical council to send us a portal so you children don't have to exert yourself creating one," Gabriel informed them, opening the door to reveal the magical gateway to a city street illuminated by the dim glow of a burnt our street light.

"Well, here we go then," Michael said, "I'll go first." Indeed, he felt like it was his responsibility to do so. He was the eldest Wibberly available at the moment, after all.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and reminded himself he had to be brave. For his parents. For Kate and Emma.

Then he stepped through the portal and into his he New York Street, the chill of the middle of the night seeping through his coat. He heard Emma following behind him, and the quiet swoosh of Gabriel and Rafe gliding after her. Then came the snap as the portal closed, leaving them in the city for good.

The four of them fell in line, and Michael noticed the apprehensive look on Rafe's face. He tentatively - he still didn't fully trust Rafe after all - asked, "are you alright?"

Rafe nodded tightly, "just a lot of memories, that's all."

Together they all began making their way down the dark street. It was late at night, and surprisingly quiet, though they spotted a few pedestrians roaming around. It was also all rather old fashioned, with brick apartment buildings and old architecture. There were no cars and a few clotheslines hung from windows.

Emma frowned, "I thought this was the big city. Why does it feel so old timey here?"

"The magical world has not embraced technology and innovation much, since it tends to be incompatible with magic at times. This is the magical quarter of New York, so things are similar to as they were during the separation over a century ago," Rafe answered.

"That's really interesting," Michael said, taking it all in.

Rafe murmured his agreement but wasn't really paying attention. Instead he was thinking about when he had walked these streets with Kate, danced with her in them. He wished she were here with them now.

"Hey..." Michael said awkwardly, "um, you don't have to answer, but you just looked very sad and I just wanted to ask; are you sure you're ok?"

Rafe sighed, "I was just thinking of, well-"

"Kate," Michael guessed.

"Yeah," Rafe said.

Michael looked over at the taller, black haired boy, and realized something. Rafe was suffering too. He had missed that, since all he had been seeing was the Dire Magnus. But Rafe was not the Dire Magnus any more, and Michael vowed to try and separate the two, see them each for who they were, before forming his final opinion on Rafe. 

But he said none of this out loud, of course. What he said, was, "you're really worried about her too, huh?"

"I am," Rafe admitted, "and I know she's one of the most competent and persevering people on this planet, but I know what horrors could be awaiting her sand I'm afraid. No one should have to face that, especially not her."

"I hear you," Michael said, and meant it, "I suppose she's not alone though. She has Robert there too."

Rafe made a face, "I think she would rather take her chances alone."

Michael laughed, "that's... so true, honestly."

Rafe cracked a small smile and Michael smiled back, a new comfortableness growing between them, not quiet friendship yet but not the hate and mistrust of before.

Emma just glared as they laughed, still hating Rafe for all he had done, and wondering what her brother was thinking, laughing with him at a time like this.

Finally, they reached the house Dr. Pym had sent them to, the safe place. It was medium size, old but a nice two story townhouse decorated in an old fashioned style. 

"Is this the safe house?" Emma asked Gabriel.

The warrior confirmed, "yes, this is it. Now, Rafe and I are going to turn invisible for a moment. We are not sure how much this lady knows about ghosts."

"But we're sure we can trust her?" Michael worried.

Gabriel replied, "she has been a longtime ally, and more importantly, there is no one more committed to protecting magical children in need. She will keep you safe. Now, go on."

He and Rafe faded out of sight using their ghostly abilities, and Michael and Emma exchanged glances as they walked up the front step. Emma took a deep breath, "well, it's now or never."

She rapped sharply on the door. Almost immediately a very elderly but energetic looking woman answered. She leaned on a walker, her face was lined with deep wrinkles, and her silvery hair was pulled into a wispy braid. A pair of reading glasses perched on her nose. But something in her gaze and her expression made Michael and Emma realize that this woman was both a witch, and a leader. She was clearly a survivor, and probably far more capable than she initially appeared.

The elderly woman glanced over them and sighed, "Pym was supposed to have you all here almost ten minutes ago. I was getting worried. Oh, no matter, do come in children. Just wipe your feet on the mat."

The children did as she said, and then Michael began the introductions awkwardly, "um hi.. thank you so much for.. er.. thank you. I'm Michael Wibberly, and this is my little sister Emma."

"Right, right, Pym said," the woman nodded absentmindedly. Then her eyes snapped open with startling clarity, "oh, where are my manners? My name is Abigail."

A/N: New York, the beginnings of Michael and Rafe's friendship, and Abigail, because Abigail is amazing.

Also, I'm sure you've noticed I have been putting out a LOT of TBOB content very quickly. Well, this is because of planning. I actually took the time to plan this entire story out, and having this organization is making the writing go a lot faster, which is why so many chapters are being posted. So you have planning to thank for that.

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